The Greatest Estate Designer

Chapter 38: Genuine Repentance (3)

Chapter 38: Genuine Repentance (3)

Ugh, eughh.

Lupellan, the black mage, retreated. His heart was pounding so fast. A feeling of terror surged inside. He desperately wanted to flee right now. That, however, was impossible.

Thud, thud.

Javier, the silver-haired knight, was slowly approaching before his eyes. The knights eyes were vigilant, not showing any gaps.

Right now, if I even tried to move slightly, hed definitely throw the sword at me.

That was the black mages hunch. The sword would come flying at him the moment he tried to flee. Let alone dodging or blocking the sword, he couldnt even dream of counterattacking since he had run out of mana.

The way he used to deal with the refined ghouls never crossed my mind.

He couldnt even dream of it.

The ghouls were created with all kinds of reagents and black magic. They were then given special treatment for 100 days and nights, during which they were subjected to a specifically created magic circle. As a result, the refined ghouls possessed greater power than that of the average ghouls.

Their skin was as tough as steel and could deflect axes. Their movement was as swift as the wind. Furthermore, they possessed some intelligence. The ferocity spawned by their intelligence often was also appalling to him, their master.

Simply put, the refined ghouls were his perfect and final murder weapon.

But, what the hell was going on with this silver-haired knight? What kind of creature is he, for he was able to turn 50 refined ghouls into minced meatballs with a single sword?

You! What in the world are you?! the black mage exclaimed. His blood pressure rushed to his neck.

What the hell are you doing here?! he shouted. His voice was mixed with fear, resentment, and a sense of urgency. From another perspective, it could also be seen as a cry of desperation.

His instincts told him he was about to die.

I dont want to die.

The black mage wanted to live. There was a research project he wanted to complete without fail. He had to see the study through to the end. Only then would he be able to resurrect his deceased family members and finally regain his former happy life. He was a black mage who believed in that and had endured anything for that.

In the black mages eyes, the silver-haired knight who was approaching him seemed to be the Grim Reaper himself.

Thud, thud.

Javier slowly narrowed the gap. There was no chance to escape, no room for counterattack. The knight did not say a single word, so there was no room for negotiation. This threw the black mage into panic.

Stop! Dont move! Dont move!! the black mage shouted in a hurry, but to no avail.

The silver-haired knights eyes suddenly came to life as his gleaming sword came flying, slicing the air.


. Hiik!

The black mage tightly closed his eyes.

And at that moment-

Javier, stop!

The black mage heard something unexpected. At the same time, a light breeze brushed against the nape of his neck.



Did I get decapitated?

The black mage cautiously opened his eyes. What he saw demanded his mind to process it once more. That was why he belatedly realized that the silver-haired knights longsword had come to a halt less than a centimeter from the back of his neck.


The black mages legs trembled. He was quaking in his boots and it made him feel a little weak.

At that time, the voice that sounded like his salvation could be heard once again.

Dont kill him for the time being, Javier. Ive got some business to do.

Who could it possibly be?

The black mages gaze was drawn towards the source of the voice. Soon, he spotted a man with dark hair.

Under the black mages gaze, Lloyd smirked.

I need to speak with him about something, so put away your sword first.

I understand.

Javier lowered his sword.

The black mage heavily exhaled in relief. Lloyd then approached the black mage.

Oy, you okay?


Weve been exchanging magic spells and sword blows at each other until just now, and youre asking if Im okay?

However, the black mage didnt regard Lloyd as impudent. In any case, he was the one who saved his life.

The black mage then carefully replied, Hooh, hoh. I-Im okay. Im grateful for your mercy.

Mercy? What are you talking about?

Lloyd smirked. He didnt spare him to look good. He left him alive because the black mage still had some use. It was that simple. It wasnt yet time for retribution because it was time for exploitation. Simultaneously, a feast of baiting and manipulation would take place.

While picturing his clever plans for the future, Lloyd said, Merciful, huh. Im not that sort of good person.


You kidnapped my soldiers after all. You also took all of the construction materials, right?

Umm, are you referring to the ones I brought here a few days ago?

Yeah, are they still alive?

Of course.

Every single one of them?

Thats right.

What a relief. I was going to kill you immediately if even a single one had died, Lloyd said while smiling.

The corners of the black mages eyes twitched slightly.

Yeah, umm. I apologize for that.

Youre sorry? With your words only?

Of course not. The black mage hurriedly shook his head. Ill release them right away, so can I move a little bit?

Move around as much as you like. Lloyd granted him his permission.

The black mage rose cautiously to his feet. He went to a specific area of the lab and pulled the lever.

Clink! Clack!

Sounds of metal clanking could be heard. Soon, the entire wooden wall on one side of the lab opened. The prison hidden behind it came into view.

Tsk tsk. When Lloyd saw what was inside the prison, he frowned. He couldnt help but do so. All of our children are still snoring.

Sure enough, the soldiers condition didnt look good. There were the ten people he had sent to the territory to get materials for the insulation and an additional ten that seemed to have been sent from the territory to bring the materials altogether. All 20 of them hadnt eaten a proper meal when they were locked up. Their eyes were tightly shut and their cheeks deeply sunk.

I.. Im sorry, said the black mage.

Do you even understand what youre sorry about? What would you do if they had died like that?


Now, Im starting to wonder. Perhaps, are you a pervert? It seems like you locked them up because you wanted to do something.


Why dont you be honest with me? Looks like theres a backstory to tell.


Lloyds tone was pressing, but strangely soothing.

Was it because of that manner of speaking? The black mage, who opened and closed his lips hesitantly several times, finally spoke slowly.

The truth is. Umm, I. I am researching a way to bring the dead back to life.

Bring the dead back to life? An undead? Lloyd turned to look at the reinforced ghouls that had been sliced to pieces.

Shaking his head, the black mage said, No, not that. I dont do research regarding the undead. Its different.

Different? Whats the difference?

The research Im doing is literally how to bring the dead back to life.

Dead people? Are you talking about resurrection?

Resurrection. Thats correct, its similar. The black mage quickly nodded. I want to save my family. I mean, my wife and children.

Why? Did something happen?

Thats right. For the first time, the black mages voice was tinged with sorrow. Originally, I was an ordinary wizard of a territory. I was also an ordinary breadwinner who lived together with my wife and children. I was happy. No, Im sure I wouldve been happy this whole time if it werent for that unfortunate accident.

Stop. If youre going to prattle about the accident, stop.

. A-anyway, I wanted to get back the family I lost. Thats why I did all this.

Are you studying magic spells here?

Thats right.

You dont have to sacrifice other lives to resurrect the dead, right?


My suspicion is right. Lloyds eyes narrowed. I guess youve tried it several times already, right?

. The black wizard was stunned speechless.

Lloyds voice became hoarse. Youre researching forbidden magic. At the very least, youve sacrificed dozens of people.


Shut up, please. Do you know what youve done? Lloyds voice now went beyond hoarse as it became rougher.

Resurrect the dead? Do you believe that would be possible? Think with common sense, you idiot!


Enough. Right. What if, lets say, your crazy attempt was successful? You brought your wife and children back to life. Would they be like, Wow, thank you for saving us, like that? Ah, thats possible. Like that saying, birds of a feather flock together. At least, your wife should be like that.

P-Please dont insult my wife and children.

Youre the one who made me insult them.


Why? Do you dislike that? Are you angry? But you have nothing to say to me, have you?


Now, do you have any idea what youve done? This idiotic guy. The dead are already dead. If theyre already dead, its only right to send them to where they belong so they can rest.

Perhaps, it was because Lloyd suddenly remembered his parents. He scrunched his nose while the black mage bit his lips.

Of course I I know that. But I couldnt forget the wife I love and the children whom I adore even more. They are more precious than my own life. How can I let them go so easily? I can still see traces of them every time I close or open my eyes, and I cant stand it.

Is that the reason why you cant let them go?

Its all my fault, all me. Its because of my greed and lingering feelings.

So, what are you going to do now?

. Ill try to forget them. Do I have any choice?

Suddenly, tears were streaming down the black mages face. Instead of wiping his tears away, he looked at Lloyd with his reddened eyes.

Im going to stop my research.

Are you going to quit? For real?

Thats right. Truthfully, Im tired.

Tch. You should be.

. Even if I have ten mouths, Ive nothing more to say. Instead- The black mage turned his head. At the end of his gaze, there was a huge iron box. Pointing to the box, he then said, Ill give you everything inside that box.

That one? What is inside?

All of the magic reagents and supplies Ive collected to do my research.

Hm, but thats expensive, right?

I dont need them anymore.

. You seemed to really have made up your mind.

You deserve it, dont you think so? Now, here, Ill open the box for you.

The black mage approached the box. In front of the box, he bit his index finger until it bled and then put it on the boxs keyhole. Blood seeped into the keyhole.

Its a lock made from magic. Only the blood I shed while alive could open it. If theres even a slightest external shock from outside, Ive arranged it so that whats inside the box will melt away and disappear.

The box snapped open, as if to prove what he said was the truth. Indeed, there were all kinds of magical reagents, ingredients, and items contained inside.

This is also compensation for the damage Ive dealt to your soldiers by kidnapping them. Please accept it.

If you insist, with pleasure, then, Lloyd said while smiling contentedly.

The black mage smiled as well, albeit bitterly. Only then did he raise his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes. Behind the sleeve that covered his face, his lips curled upwards.

Stupid bastard.

The black mage chuckled. He couldnt believe Lloyd trusted him just like that. It was a real relief.

Im glad this young lad likes to pretend to be smart.

Furthermore, he was also adequately greedy and kind. Thanks to this, he was able to receive forgiveness by pretending he truly reflected on his actions.

Its enough. Theyre simply magical items. I can collect them again and remake the reagents. The most important thing to do is to get out of here alive.

Whatever he needed to give, it was okay as long as he stayed alive. He could resume his research again elsewhere. He could concentrate more on his research and eventually complete his theory.

This way, I can bring them back to life. My wife and my children, well definitely see each other again.

The mere thought of it touched the black mages heart. His heart trembled with sorrow. He wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible and started his research again.

On a grander and more daring scale. Make the sacrifice of hundreds of people instead of dozens. That way, the likelihood of success will increase. What happens next? I can regain my happiness. I can get them back and have that warmth once again in my life.

Full of determination, the black mage clenched his fists.

Now that hed fooled that kiddo thoroughly, it was time to escape. Naturally, hed leave with a heartwarming and touching image.

Then. Ill be on my way now.

Where are you going?

I dont know yet. Im going to wander aimlessly and try farming wherever my feet take me.

Okay, thats not a bad idea.

Thank you. Well, then.

The black mage bowed slightly towards Lloyd. With a wistful and solemn expression, he proceeded to turn away.

No, he did try to turn around. However, at that moment-

Javier, let me ask you a question. Some chilling words went out of Lloyds mouth. Whats the punishment for serial killers according to the kingdoms law?

If the motive for the multiple killings is evident, the evidence is objective, either testimony or confession exists, and the witness is more than ten people, an immediate punishment is permitted to be made under the authority of the nobility within the kingdom. Javiers sharp answer echoed.

The black mages shoulders twitched in surprise.

W-what? What are you talking about?

The black mage got goosebumps.

What does he mean by immediate punishment? What are they talking about?

He was certain the atmosphere was warm prior to this. Why did the kiddo suddenly change his attitude?

Javier pulled the sword out of its sheath. They werent joking around.

The black mage urgently inquired, How come? Why?

He retreated in a hurry and asked Lloyd, Are you really going to kill me? Why? For what reason?

Youre asking what my reason is? Isnt it obvious?

Obvious? What do you mea-..

Didnt you hear what I just said? Youre a serial killer, yes you.


Lloyds gaze was fixed on him. The black mage could no longer find the same foolishness and warmth from before. It was replaced with an indifferent and bitter expression. He frantically racked his brain.

But, I-Ive reflected enough and admitted my wrongdoings.

So what?

And I shed tears! I even wept remorsefully for my sins!

So, If you cried, its over? If you reflect on your actions, will your sins go away?


Oy. Stop talking nonsense. Lloyd showed a strained smile at this ludicrous situation. Ive told you earlier. You said you did all of this for your family? Trying to resurrect your beloved wife and children? If that is so, then what about the people youve killed? Dont they have a family too? Dont they have a life too?


Dont forcefully try to sweep your crimes under the rug. Dont even pretend to reflect on yourself. Do you think Ill be fooled by something like that? Do you really think Ive seen a human being that acts like you only once or twice?

Lloyds voice became hoarse again. He was suddenly reminded of the Republic of Korea. He also remembered hearing the news about the heinous criminals that were reported every day. In his opinion, those creatures that kidnapped, raped, and killed people didnt deserve to be called human beings.

Very few of them were adequately punished for their crimes.

All this stemmed from the trials in South Korea. Those trials were strange. Each time, the murderers sentences were like a slap on the wrist. Whenever some people made a mistake because they were drunk or because of mental illness and weak body, or when the criminals were deemed genuinely remorseful, theyd make a lenient verdict because of these sorts of incomprehensible excuses.

Lloyd himself often wondered if the judges were truly and genuinely insane. Lloyd, who had seen this happen dozens of times, was naturally able to see through the black mages tricks. From the beginning, he acted like he was being played by the black mage.

I did it to get those magic materials.

Lloyd glanced at the box. In fact, he spared the black mage so he could obtain that. That was why he really wanted to come all the way here with Javier.

So, what now? He no longer needed the black mage because he had accomplished his purpose in coming here. No, he wanted to deal with this kind of guy as properly as possible.

Forgive him? Im not crazy. It was like that in the novel. Even if Javier forgave him once, hed still be decapitated in the end because he continued to commit crimes..

That was what happened.

So, what if Lloyd spared this guy? Clearly, he would continue his research elsewhere and slaughter hundreds of people.

To sum it up, its like this. The fact about your nature will not change no matter how hard you embellish your story and squeeze out water from your eyes that doesnt look like tears. Do you know what that is?

That, I.

Youre a serial killer.


And serial killers need to be punished accordingly. Thats the right thing to do.


Javier, follow the law.

Lloyd turned away.

The black mage begged in panic. Javier drew his sword and stepped forward.

Under the command of Lloyd Frontera, the son of my Lord, the knight Javier Asrahan will enforce the kingdoms strict laws.


The sword flashed without mercy.

Authors note: Karma: You reap what you sow.

Tl/n: You know what, cmiiw, but Lloyd seems to be more of an unreliable narrator to me. Hes not as bad as he thinks he is. Its like hes convincing himself hes doing all this for material gains, but actually hes a kind person inside and he doesnt want to acknowledge that.


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