The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 85 Angry Kajal

"Are you available tomorrow night? I am organizing a party for our win; you can join," Rishi said.

"How shameless of you to invite the runner-up to join the winners' party. Are you trying to make fun of me?" Sakshi exclaimed furiously.

"You're misunderstood. Why would I do such a cheap thing?" Rishi replied.

"How would I know? I can't bring myself to trust you again after what you did before," said Sakshi.

"Please give me another chance, Kajal; I promise not to disappoint you this time," Rishi said.

"If you are truly requesting so eagerly, it would be impolite to refuse it, but I have one condition," Sakshi explained.

"What?" "Just ask, and I will try to finish it," Rishi replied.

"You know Sakshi, my elder sister, and I am not permitted to leave the academy without her. You've been extremely rude to her; do you realize how much I admire her? An insult to her is an insult to me; apologize to her as well if you truly want me to forgive you," Sakshi said with a smile on her lips.

"As you say," Rishi replied.

"I'm running late; Bye," Sakshi said as she hung up the phone, leaving Rishi with no time to say goodbye.

"She sounded a little different right now?" he said as he walked to the training hall to hone his swordsmanship.



Kajal emerged from the restroom wearing a bathrobe and a towel over her wet hair. She then went into her room to change her clothes; She was drying her hair with a hair dryer when she noticed Sakshi with her lips curled up and staring at her.

"You arrived just in time, Sakshi; have you seen my phone?" asked Kajal; Sakshi said nothing and just stared at Kajal.

"What happened? Why are you acting strange?" Kajal asked.

"I know why you have beaten Rishab," Sakshi said.

"Oh, then share it with me as well," Kajal said as she applied cream to her face after hearing Sakshi laugh.

"White with pink stripes," Sakshi mockingly stated. Kajal's face instantly turned pale, and she flushed. "How do you know?" she asked.

"Everyone in the academy knows about it; I also heard it from some students, and when I looked into it further, I discovered that a student overheard Rishab telling his friends about it," Sakshi replied.

Kajal's face turned as red as a tomato as a result of her embarrassment, and her heart began to race. "Give me my phone," she said, clutching the cream in her hand.

Suddenly her face returned to normal, but there was no sign of joy; her Rosie face, which was always full of life, was now emotionless. Sakshi was intimidated by her and returned her phone without wasting a second; Kajal dialed Rishab's number.

Rishi, who was meditating to calm his mind, heard his phone's ringtone. He checked his phone and saw that it was a call from Kajal; he answered it and heard the most emotionless 'Hello' ever.

"Hello, Kajal, why did you call?" asked Rishi calmly.

"Do you have no idea? What exactly have you done?" The same emotionless voice spoke again but in a higher tone this time.

"How will I know if you don't properly explain the situation? Did I do something wrong?" Rishi wondered.

"You have ruined all the reputation I built," Kajal said, her eyes moist, but her voice and expression remained unchanged.

"See, Kajal; at the very least, tell me what happened. I'm confused. Why are you so upset with me? You were okay when we talked a few minutes ago?" said Rishi.

"Are you drunk?" Kajal asked. "I'm speaking to you for the first time," she added.

"How is that possible? Didn't I call you to apologize before? Check your call history if you don't believe me," Rishi suggested.

Kajal checked the call history but found no Rishab calls. "It doesn't show anything about your call. Are you telling the truth?"

"Wait, Kajal, I'm sending you a screenshot of my call history," Rishi said before opening his call history, taking a screenshot, and sending it to Kajal.

Kajal examined it and was taken aback. If Rishi was telling the truth, someone else might have picked up the call. 'Could it be Sakshi?' she thought as she remembered Sakshi asking her to pick up her phone.

She looked around, but Sakshi was nowhere present 'she could be, but I'm not sure if I can trust him completely.'

"A screenshot proves nothing; give me some proper evidence," Kajal demanded.

"Proper evidence," Rishi began to think, before recalling that all calls are automatically recorded in his phone. "Just a second, Kajal; let me send you the call recording," he said. "When you hear it, everything will become crystal clear."

Rishi sent Kajal an audio file, and after listening to it, everything became clear to her. 'How could this girl go that far?'

She calmed down and went back to being herself. "It appears to have been a misunderstanding; I apologize for bothering you," she said softly. She wanted to hang up and go look for Sakshi to teach her a lesson when she heard Rishi.

"No need to apologize; I should not have been fooled so easily."

They both remained silent for a while before Rishi said, "Kajal."

"What?" Kajal asked.

"Are you coming to the party tomorrow?" asked Rishi.

"I would not have come at any other time, but because I shouted at you for no reason, I will come as an apology," said Kajal.

'Yes,' Rishi exclaimed, before pausing to add, "Also, tell Sakshi that if she pretends to be you again, it will be bad for her."

"Tell her that if she wants something, she should ask herself rather than using other people's names," he added.

"Are you sure? Sakshi would get angry and beat you up worse than I did?" said Kajal.

"Do I appear to be someone who will be intimidated by her or someone who will be merciful to her because she is a girl? If I were against her, I would have eliminated her instantly," Rishi replied.

"How about a duel today to see what you're capable of?" said Kajal in Sakshi's voice; when Rishi heard Sakshi's voice, his heart leaped out of his chest.

"I was only joking, Sakshi. You should prioritize defeating that arrogant Dilip. I'll cheer you on in that battle, don't let me your attention divert away from your true goal."

When she saw Rihsi's shamelessness, Kajal could not control laughing. Rishi sighed as well when he heard Kajal laugh, He was already aware that she was impersonating Sakshi, but he decided to play along.

They were both so engrossed in their conversations that they didn't realize how much time had passed. Rishi's alarm went off, reminding him it was time for the guild meeting.

"I have an important meeting right now, Kajal. I'll call you later," Rishi said.

"Do you think I don't have other things to do? Don't bother me," Kajal said as she hung up the phone.

"Have I done something stupid again?" Rishi wondered.


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