The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 14 Dilip 2.0

He even made a pleading face as if begging for forgiveness.

Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect, increasing the number of attacks. After a minute, Rishi, Dev, and Ajit stopped and looked at Dilip's sorry state, but no one felt sorry for him.

"I gave it to Dilip; I found it from the corpse of a level 2 Black Serpent magic beast I killed," Rishi said, pointing to the fangs on Dev's hand.

"Thank you; I don't know how I can thank you," Dev said solemnly.

"Dev, you are my friend I honesty don't need anything from you, as I have previously told you I want to form a guild of my own," Rishi stated. "You all know of my situation. I have little to offer you guys right now, but I promise I will help you all in any way possible after I regain my authority."

"I need reliable people to assist me. Will you be joining my guild? I promise to provide you with everything you require. Together we can all achieve our goals" He stopped briefly before continuing.

"Will you guys join me?" Rishi asked as he looked at the three of them.

"Oh, I had the same idea, I also wanted to form a guild, but I never had the money for it, which suppressed my dream," Dev admitted.

"We are friends, Rishi; you don't need to bring money into it and ruin it," said Ajit.

"I can join your guild, but because I am an ambitious person, I would prefer to be a vice leader if I cannot be a leader," Dev responded and then looked at Rishi.

"It's decided then, you will be the vice leader; I may also make you leader later," Rishi said without even thinking, then extended his hand towards Dev for a handshake, and they shook hands.

"I apologize for interrupting, I have decided to join your guild, but can you please let me become the manager? I'm not forcing you; if I don't perform well, you can replace me any day," said Ajit.

"I always wanted to become the manager of a popular guild; It has always been my dream. I never liked fighting," he continued.

Ajit knew he was asking for too much, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He knew he'd be sorry if he passed up this opportunity.

Even Dev was taken aback by Ajit's request; he then turned to Rishi, who surprised them with his response.

"OK, you're the manager of our guild then," Rishi said as he shook hands with Ajit.

Ajit rejoiced; he was finally taking the first step toward completing his dream.

They all turned to look at Dilip, who was dusting off his clothes.

He smiled at Rishi arrogantly, "I will join your shabby guild if you make me the leader."

"We already have a leader," Rishi said as he, Dev, and Ajit began to walk away toward the setting sun; the area around them was very open compared to the other places in the forest.

Dilip was taken aback; he thought he was already giving him some face by not rejecting his request. He took it on his ego and yelled from behind them, "I just realized I am more suited to be a vice leader; how about it?"

They ignored Dilip and kept walking as if they hadn't heard anything.

"I'm giving you one last chance," Dilip said as he followed them.

"Make me the guild's manager, and we've got a deal," Dilip said.

"We already have a manager; there is no need for another," Rishi replied flatly.

Dilip wanted to cover his face in shame because he had never felled this ashamed before and was in a bad mood. He clenched his knuckles, and his whole body shook.

He stomped on the ground, filling all his strength and creating a large hole beneath his right foot. He emitted a terrifying aura, causing Rishi to pause and look back.

Dilip was about to lose control when he closed his eyes to calm himself down for a few seconds and then opened them again. He appeared to be a completely different person now.

"I will be General," he said solemnly and with a commanding tone this time.

Rishi was shocked; Dilip appeared a lately different person this time.

Dilip gazed down at Rishi, making even a former demon like Rishi feel uneasy. For the first time, Rishi noticed him be ever serious.

Rishi saw Ajit and Dev's fearful expressions as they looked at Dilip; Rishi knew this guy wasn't joking this time, and he knew 'No' was not an answer.

Dev suggested, "Rishi, listen to him for now; he rarely changes, but whenever his personality changes, he behaves and acts differently."

Rishi didn't want to risk his life by fighting a psycho like him. So he just smiled and politely said, "Welcome." Rishi couldn't believe what he had said.

Dilip didn't seem to notice Rishi. He looked towards the tree 20 meters behind Rishi and said. "Come out,"

Rishi followed Dilip's gaze and tried to detect anything, but he detected nothing, even with his three times more powerful senses than the average Beast Tamer. He initially assumed Dilip had made a mistake.

However, he soon noticed a shadow emerge from the tree and transform into a human-shaped figure: "You are quite sharp, Kid; now give me those fangs to me, or else all of you will perish today." the Adventurer chuckled.

"Do you know that fly?" Dilip asked Rishi.

Rishi was at a loss for words, but this high-level Adventurer challengingfficult to deal with.

"No," he replied Dilip.

When Ajit and Dev saw the Assasin, they didn't react; a mocking smirk on their face confused Rishi.

Dilip turned to face the Adventurer and took out what appeared to be the best spear Rishi had ever seen.

Then he threw the spear at the assassin, who laughed, transformed into a shadow again, and vanished.

A second later, a scream could be heard just a few meters away from the tree. "AHH."

Rishi looked at Dilip who merely smirked as if he'd just killed a fly rather than a human.

Dilip's whole body shook, after which he slowly opened his eyes again and noticed Rishi staring at him.

He jumped back, hid behind Dev, and said, "Dev, save me; I had no idea Rishi was into boys."

Rishi thanked God for sending that demon away and decided never to let anyone make Dilip angry.

Rishi had no idea what it was, but he did know this: 'He was also Dilip, not a possession or an evil spirit, and he was at least an advanced stage.'


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