The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 128: The Massacre Begins

Chapter 128: The Massacre Begins

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Didn’t I tell all of you to cover your eyes when the football game ends?” Zhang Lisheng casually remarked before muttering to himself, “It turns out it’s the winners who dig their eyes out. In other words, this also means that only the winners are qualified enough to dedicate themselves to God. Such devout believers, it’s no wonder that they don’t have any negative emotions when they died by my hands. I believe they must have taken the Island Dragon’s slash as a test of the God receiving its sacrifices. They’re not madmen but religious fanatics instead. Now, this is getting troublesome...”

“Lisheng, how did you know that they’re going to do such a terrifying act after the game is over? Stop keeping everything to yourself! You’re not alone here anyway! Just tell us if there’s anything, alright? Perhaps we might be able to help you out! It’s too horrifying knowing nothing at all! Please, Lisheng...” When the girl was begging the young man, the nine indigenous midgets who won the game had already dug their eyes out.

At this time, their compatriots began to carefully step into the sacred football field covered in blood that was surrounded by the vine. As they lifted the four limbs and head of the nine blind midgets who were purposely howling out loud, they went in front of the three stone pillars at the shore and tied them up upside down on the stone pillars.

After finishing everything, the leader of the aborigines carried the 18 smashed eyeballs in both of his hands before walking towards the sailors and passengers of the Elizabeth Holiday that were standing in front of the giant wheel.

As his footsteps approached, Fjodna, who realized what the midget was trying to do, turned horrified right away. The first officer beside him stammered, “S-Sir, t-that aborigine... D-Don’t tell me that he w-wants us to...”

“He has regarded the ship as their God so to them, those who came down from the ship are naturally the messengers of God. I think the last action of the sacrificial offering is for us to eat those eyes. Don’t panic everybody! Leave everything to me and let me handle it,” Fjodna raised his voice and shouted loudly. At this time, the aborigines’ leader had already come to stand in front of him, holding onto the watery eyeballs that kept on wobbling.

With a solemn expression, the old captain resisted his urge of throwing up and pinched a slippery and slightly warm eyeball from the aborigines’ leader’s hand and turned around to place it on the first step of the Elizabeth Holiday’s steel suspension ladder.

Then, he began to imitate the tone the indigenous midgets yelled when they kneeled on the ground. “Activate the pulley and pull this suspension ladder up!”

The sailor that remained on the ship quickly started the motor and puller the suspension ladder up.

After waiting for a while, Fjodna yelled out loud again, “Take that disgusting eyeball away and wipe the traces clean. Put the ladder down and say a few words into the broadcast using my current tone. Security, be prepared to shoot at any time. If these aborigines attack us, the sailors holding the axes will be on the first line with me. The first officer will be responsible for guiding the passengers back to the ship!”

“Sir, I’m stronger so let me remain behind instead...”

“Harry, I’m the captain of the Elizabeth Holiday. My words are the law when we’re in a shipwreck. Stop going against my words!” Fjodna interrupted as he waved his hand awe-inspiringly.

With a motor roaring “Vroom vroom...”, the suspension ladder of the Elizabeth Holiday was gradually lowered once more. At the same time, an announcement with a strange loud tone erupted from the ship’s broadcast. “I’m the third mate Collin Constance of the Elizabeth Holiday. Under the captain’s order, I’d like all passengers standing near the suspension ladder to stay away immediately. Sailor on-duty Rachel Priscilla and Maxine Nikita, you’re immediately prepared to come to the passengers’ aid who may evacuate at the entry point of the suspension ladder.”

“What a clever young man.” Upon hearing the broadcast of the ship, Fjodna was stunned for a moment before nodding his head in approval. He turned around and walked towards the aborigines’ leader before clapping his hands and opened them wide with a smile. “Accepted. The big ship has accepted your offering!”

The aborigines’ leader burst into a smile of joy, the folds of his face opened horrifyingly as he held the remaining eyeballs up, asking the captain to take them again.

Upon seeing the friendliness shown by the midget, Fjodna breathed a sigh of relief in secret. Reaching out a hand, he slowly took the tattered eyeballs from the aborigines’ leader’s hand one by one before putting them on the suspension ladder. “Retract the suspension ladder and put a piece of cream cake on it when you lower it back down.”

When Zhang Lisheng heard Fjodna make such an order in a near sing-song tone below the ship, he was astonished. “Just like the saying goes, the older ones are always wiser. If it was me just now, I’d most likely choose to kill all of these midgets rather than swallowing the eyeballs raw. Still, isn’t the cream cake a little redundant... The hell?! That midget with that feather stuck on his head actually likes such a ludicrous reward. Looks like deception is much more useful than violence in dealing with these cavemen who lack wisdom...”

As the young man muttered to himself, the aborigines’ leader danced with joy as he took a piece of the 9-inch chocolate cream cake sent down from the suspension ladder from Fjodna, his nose attracted by the sweet smell twitched continuously.

“Food! This is a sacred and delicious food! It’s a gift from the big ship. It’s edible, edible...” When Fjodna saw the aborigines’ leader’s expression, he pointed to his own mouth and put on an expression of enjoying while chewing.

The aborigines’ leader put his long thin red snake-like tongue out and licked the cake on his hand with hesitation. His eyes lit up as amazement appeared in them. Then, he no longer continued to savor the cake by himself but carried it using that hands of his, which were covered with sticky blood of the midgets’ footballers who won the game back to the aborigines, before sharing the deliciousness gifted by the God with everyone else.

A 9-inch cream cake was lined up by hundreds of people as they peculiarly took turns to lick it. Counting the time and realizing that they had wasted a long time already, the captain who felt that they had reached a good understanding with the island’s aborigines finally ordered in a peaceful voice, “Alright! We can now go look for wood in the forest. Be careful everyone, don’t wander off by yourself and don’t get too anxious in the beginning...”

Under Fjodna’s reminder, the ship’s sailors and passengers carefully walked by the side, bypassing the group of aborigines before starting to fell wood and pick up the fallen branches.

The indigenous midgets were engrossed in the taste of the creamy chocolate and none of them cared about the sneaky behavior of the Earthlings. Instead, it was the peculiar sharp sands on the island that soon taught a small lesson to the relentless people who were picking wood.

“Ah! Shit! My hand hurts! W-Why is this branch so sharp...” The first New York young man, who strode to the edge of the forest before bending to grab a broken branch from the ground, yelled out in surprise.

He threw away the branch with all his might and looked at his palm carefully. Only then did he realize that it was not the branch that injured him, instead, it was the layer of sand stuck on the branches with the help of wind and rain. When it was being gripped tightly, it slashed multiple bloody tiny wounds on his hand. “Be careful guys, the sand in this world is very sharp! You’ll slash your fingers if you grip it even a bit tightly.”

Upon hearing the shouts from the injured young man, the captain took a pinch of sand from the ground and clenched it. With a frown, he shouted out loud, “The sands on the ground are indeed sharp. It’s better if everybody takes their sweaters off to wrap around their hands before picking the wood up. Harry, tell everybody on the ship to rip the tablecloth into strips that are two fingers wide and send them down to us. After we’ve gathered the wood under the stone pillars, we’ll wrap our hands first before coming back here to continue our work.”

As Fjodna made his order, the young girls who were bored on the ship began to have something to occupy their minds. They began to cut a small slit on the large piece of tablecloth using dining knives, scissors and even nail clippers before stripping the white cloth apart with all their might to become strips of cloth.

Zhang Lisheng had a blanket wrapped on his head as he sat cross-legged with Mountoad placed between his legs. Sitting with 20 to 30 other old men mixed around the girls, he stripped the cloth without moving his eyes away from the indigenous midgets who were still enjoying the food.

“Lisheng, why did the captain ask us to tear the cloth ?”

“The sand on this island are as sharp as glass powder. They would need to wrap their hands up so that they won’t injure themselves when they move the log.”

“Oh, I see. So, do you think the aborigines would suddenly turn hostile and attack us after eating our chocolate cake?”

“I don’t know. We should ask Trish about this instead. She seems to have a profound understanding of the mindset of these cavemen who believe in primitive religion,” Zhang Lisheng glanced at the red-haired young girl beside her and answered casually.

“It’s not like I have a profound understanding of the mindset of these cavemen who believe in primitive religion. It’s just that I’ve heard many stories about the Catholic missionaries when I was still a child. In those stories, no matter how good and amiable these pagan believers appear to be in the beginning, they would still reveal a ferocious side of them like the devil in the end,” Trish whispered.

“It’s not like w-we’re asking them to change their religions! We’re merely cutting a few pieces of wood in front of them...”

“And destroy their religious object as we wish! FUCK! I’ve actually forgotten about this!” Horror dawned on Zhang Lisheng. However, as his train of thought changed its course, he soon calmed down again. “Actually, it’d be good as well! The chances of us escaping danger are bigger if we have fewer people to divide the food with...”

As the young man muttered to himself, the first batch of the New York young men who carefully wrapped their hands with their jackets had already strode out and threw the wood under the gigantic stone pillars towering into the clouds that were revealed now that the tide had completely ebbed away.

Even though they only took a few pieces each, after hundreds of people accumulated them all together, a log pile that was half a meter high had accumulated on the beach that was not completely dried yet.

The instant the log pile was formed, the sailor responsible for the ignition immediately poured gasoline over it to ignite the fire. Upon seeing the fire, the people who were looking for branches under the ship began to let out yelps of excitement.

Contrary to the joyful cheering of the Elizabeth Holiday’s sailors and passengers, the midgets, who saw the raging fire under the huge pillars on the ocean in the distance, turned horrified instead.

The aborigines’ leader ran towards Fjodna yelling loudly. However, the other midgets were no longer willing to give his leader, who was fooled by the defilers, another chance to show his fidelity towards the god anymore.

With a flying kick, the strong midget behind him, who was originally full of respect just now, kicked him to the ground. It did not take too long for the poor man to be trampled into a pile of meat by hundreds of his angry compatriots.


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