The Great Demon System

Chapter 437: Requirement (2)

Chapter 437: Requirement (2)

"Elizabeth, for you, I shall give you the position of lord within my guild, and the ability to lead your very own battalion as you see fit. That is all." Moby spoke as the final one, unusually confident, unlike every other time.

Now that all the offers had been given, it was now finally time for Elizabeth to decide. Her face softened as she parted her silky pink hair and stood in silence as though contemplating her answer. That was until suddenly, her eyes narrowed to a precise place within the crowds, and she let out an audible sigh perceived by all as she opened her mouth and gave her response.

"I have a duty to my family. I had already promised my father that I would aid him in his business once I graduated… And… Until a few minutes prior, that was what I would have done… One of the guild leaders swayed me, and I decided to take fate into my own hands. And the answer could not be clearer now…" She took a small pause to gaze upon the canopy of judges with a deep breath, seeing each of them smile and lean closer in anticipation.

But that was when her eyes abruptly shifted down and landed upon the ground level where she stood.

"Moby Kane, it would be an honour to join you and your guild of blissful demons." She bowed respectfully and gave her final answer.

There was silence as all formulated what they had heard, only for madness to ensue. Through it all, Elizabeth kept her head lowered ignoring it all.

Of course, what she spoke was a mere lie in order to make her master's guild sound more appealing, her mind had been long set and was never swayed, she would never dare reject. Yet, there still lied a hint of truth from that lie. More than ever, she was certain the future lied within his hands, and going against his will would be nothing but foolish. She had to learn that fact and learn it well.

Her father's wishes were no longer of concern to her. Shivers ran down her spine thinking of what was to come from Moby Kane and his brain, yet oddly enough, she could not help but smile with anticipation and excitement through it all.

As the recruitment process continued, so did Moby's streak of rejections— for the students, rejecting all offers and staying to support their family or choosing one of the original judges seemed to be the only option, and the disdain, jealousy, or even embarrassment to join Moby continued.

The only people who had joined him were those who were guaranteed, his fellow demons, and each one who joined incited an upset considering they were one of the most promising students in the entire tournament. Many began to rethink their rash thinking and mockery— They began to see Moby as a true threat…

That was until it was time for the top three competitors…

Regrit Oswald, a man known for his overly boisterous nature was abnormally silent. Unlike the others, he did not even look beyond his own two feet. It was certainly most obscure for him, none knew what he thought, yet embarrassment was certainly not the answer.

"Regrit Oswald correct? Your showing was not half bad! You got some power in you and a burning determination for strength! For a rank such as yours, I offer you a position of General with a close possibility of promotion to high general!" The supreme general smiled, only to be suddenly interrupted.

"Apologies supreme general, but what do you see in such a man? His power is indeed somewhat impressive relative to everyone else, yet there lies the problem with his temper and manners. He seems merely a worse version of his elder sibling. He should have been up here, not him, as such I will pass, he's not my type." Yuria Dark yawned and waved him off with a flick of her wrist, the first person she had ever rejected within the top eight.

"Yuria! You're being too hard on the kid! Sure, he's not perfect! But we all had our phases right!? Give him a chance! I sense great potential! So, Regrit Oswald, I will give you the rank of apprentice war god! You certainly got the firepower! Now I wanna see how you lead!" Ashley Orbec smiled brimming with joy as she extended her arms out to the unresponsive man below.

"You sure you're not just being a bias fire user Ash? Sure he's strong, but is he really worth the trouble?" Vilhelm Ortiz raised an eyebrow. "I will pass on him. I seek no barbarians; my guild has a reputation to uphold. I agree with mistress Dark, his brother is just a far better version. I'll be sure to offer him an invitation as soon as possible."

"Mhm," Gray Osborne nodded to himself. "I feel greatly apologetic to admit I share that sentiment. Truly, that boy is powerful, and his future may be bright once he relinquishes his rage and pride. But in his current state, I shall not accept him, maybe in the future."

The crowd knew that the judges had many thoughts on Regrit Oswald, yet they did not expect so many to pass up on a powerful foe such as he. None expected him to stand a chance against Adam Walker, and he managed to beat everyone up until that point; he had an incredible showing.

"They're passing up on him like they're playing hot potato," one spectator could not help but laugh.

"I guess that's what happens when you're a reject born in the boonies!"

"Wait is he really!?"

The ears of a demon were very potent, and Regrit could hear and perceive every sound within the ocean of voices. Yet still, he forced himself not to hear them. He already knew what they spoke of after all.

But that was one a voice entered his ears, one that he fully forsaw and could not escape from.

"Regrit Oswald, old friend. I know how you truly feel and what is your true potential.

Don't pay attention to the blabbering of these old geezers." Moby shrugged.

"Ooo… A feisty boy… I like it…" Yuria smirked and licked her lips with the eyes of a predator. And, Gray Osborne who sat at her side could not help but gaze in shock before that shock turned into smiling keeness.

"Who're you calling an old geezer! I'll have you know I'm still young in my thirties!" Vilhelm shot up out of his seat with his fists clenched.

"Your eyes must be waning if you don't see the power of what you had passed upon. As such, that makes you an old geezer. Mistress Orbec and our Supreme General were smart enough to see it, yet you did not."

"I made a rational decision with all my years of expertise! Don't be arrogant, boy! What do you know that I don't! My fellow judges have their own tastes and I have mine! If you want to take him so badly, then you take him!" Vilhelm shouted.

"Take him? Indeed I shall. And I shall give him the highest rank in my guild! That of Sin!" Moby shook his head smirking. "Mark my words, in a few months, you will see how ignorant you truly are for underestimating me…"

"Hey! Who do you think you're taking! He there's still my offer and that of the supreme general!" Ashley interrupted with finesse. "So, Regrit Oswald! Who will it be?"

The stage was set, and all eyes were on the still ever silent Regrit… For several seconds, silence overcame all who gazed. But that was when he moved. His hands once clenched opened wide, and with a deep breath, he raised his head revealing a formidable gaze of steel that landed upon Moby Kane.

"Thanks… I guess I'll have to just accept your offer…" Upon saying those words, he closed his eyes, only for them to suddenly open mere moments later by a tight grasp choking him from the neck.

"Now that's what I've been waiting for! Welcome aboard sin of pride!" Moby wrapped his arms around that of Regrit.

"Sin of pride? I always saw myself as the sin of envy or even greed." He smiled, Jittery as it may be, it was one not noticeable by many, but ever so small it still remained there.


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