The Great Demon System

Chapter 421 - A Betting Man

Chapter 421 - A Betting Man

The Arena where the final match was going to occur was still relatively empty.

Only a few people arrived to take an early seat, most of whom were VIPs with explicit permission.

Among these few people who had already arrived, six of them stood outstanding in a secluded canopy along the top. Usually, there would be some late arrivals, but considering the excitement brimming from each of their faces and the fact that it was the final match, none would dare be late.

"Oh, man! Today's been a long day, hasn't it?" Vilhelm Ortiz, the ashen-haired leader of the Hunters guild stretched and looked over towards his fellow judges.

"Agreed, it was quite long but I barely even felt any of it! This year's fighters are truly something!" The Flameseeker's leader responded cheerfully.

"I suppose that is the case… Yes… They will certainly make for good soldiers for me in the future…" Yuria Dark, the mistress of the Sellsword guild chuckled, rubbing her cherry lips and parting her deep red hair covering her right eye.

"Is this not the standard of power each year? This seems very close to when I was their age..." Grey Osborne, the young leader of the Hawk guild uttered.

"Ah, I suppose that this is your first time spectating such a tournament." The supreme general interjected. "But, I can assure you what they speak is the truth. Last you entered this tournament, it had been the most competitive lineup of fighters in many years. This is the equivalent of that. No, maybe even beyond!"

"I see…" Grey stroked his chin, his perplexity slowly becoming into a smile. "I guess I'm lucky to be able to have this as the first tournament I properly spectate."

"Yes! Miss Rayna Davis has done an excellent job managing and teaching this year! This is all due to her hard work and dedication!" The supreme general cheered, and suddenly, all eyes were placed upon her, catching her greatly off guard.

"Oh no! Please, you give me too much credit! These kids are the true people you should be congratulating! They are the special ones here!" She blushed, scratching the back of her head.

"Oh! Don't be too modest principal Rayna! Certainly, these kids played a big part, but it was all you who made it happen! Don't think I didn't catch notice to all those extra hours you would put in every day!" The supreme general laughed heartily.

"Miss Rayna, may I ask you a question?" Vilhelm Ortiz leant in closer.

"Yes, you may. What's on your mind?"

"Well, I've been wondering… By far, out of all of us, you spent the most time with these kids. Gave them tests and exams and watched them train in class… Has the results of today so far surprised you in any way?"

"Hmmm… Now that's a hard question to answer… But, to be completely honest… No… Give or take a few surprises and upsets, this is exactly the result I expected."

"Even the match between Adam Walker and Kai Fatebringer?" Grey asked.

"Oh no! Not even I could do that!" She chuckled.

"Hmmmm, I'm curious... that does assume that you predicted that the final match would be Adam Walker against Moby Kane." Yuria Dark smirked, narrowing her dull green eyes.

"Yes, you were right to assume so miss Yuria…"

"Ho-ho! So you truly had that much faith in that boy?" She bit her lip and lent back into her seat in amusement.

"Well of course! He's been the most promising student I've seen my entire life!" She puffed her chest forward, almost as though out of deep pride.

"Your entire life?" Vilhelm questioned. "That's quite the claim miss Rayna! Are you saying even more so than Adam Walker?"

"Perhaps…" She grinned.

"So, out of these two finalists, who do you see as winning?" He leant in closer to his seat to ask and suddenly, the atmosphere was drowned by his words, becoming abnormally anxious, yet that tense nature did not seem to affect the gleaming Rayna nor her judgement as she immediately responded.

"I think it will be incredibly close, yet I believe Moby Kane will definitely come out on top."

"Ah— You can't be serious right?" Vilhelm responded, with hints of sweat on his face.

"I'm dead serious! Why would I be joking at a time like this?" Her grin widened.

"Indeed! You must be jesting miss Rayna! My grandson had never lost a match in his life! This is all but guaranteed to be on his side! What do you all think!" The supreme general asked.

"Of course Adam! There's no doubt in my mind!" Vilhelm immediately answered.

"I think Moby Kane will win!" Ashley Orbec grinned a grin not too dissimilar from that of Rayna.

"What?! Now, why would you think that!?" Vilhelm nearly jumped out of his seat.

"Principle Rayna predicted it, so why would I not believe her? After all, she does know them the best doesn't she? And besides, anything can happen, just look at Kai Fatebringer!"

"Ash! You're just being a bias Fire ability user as always! Besides, Fatebringer still lost! The same will probably happen here!"

"Think what you'd like. Our bickerings won't change the outcome. All we can do is wait and see…" She shrugged, disregarding his words.

*Argh* He shook his head. "Grey, Yuria. Who do you think will win?" He turned around and asked.

"First of all, who gave you permission to call me by my first name." Yuria scowled with a sigh. "But, if you must ask, I strongly believe Adam Walker will win. Although, if Kane does win, I wouldn't mind nor be too surprised… That boy is always full of surprises…" She giggled.

A slight smirk grew upon Vilhelm's face. "Hahaha! At least someone else here knows how to be a proper judge!"

"You're acting immature Vilhelm… And here I thought I was the most childish one here…" She shook her head, yet Vilhelm seemed to pay her no heed as he gazed over towards Grey who was the only man who had yet to answer.

He crossed his arms and legs leaning back onto his seat with his brows furrowed, clearly deep in thought. And after several seconds, the humming and groaning exiting his mouth abruptly halted as he took a deep breath and gave his answer.

"Moby Kane,"

"WHAT! But why!?" Vilhelm stood up, nearly falling out of his seat.

"I don't know… Call it a gut instinct I guess," He innocently smiled, scratching the back of his head.

Vilhelm's face shook. The sheer shock and surprise on his expression could not help but insight sudden laughter from the smug Ashley Orbec sat next to him.

"Hahahaha! See! Now sit down and watch like a good boy! Let's all see what's gonna happen!"

*Argh* He grimaced. "Fine! We'll see!" He sat back down on his seat, a scowl on his face and his teeth anxiously gritted.

"Come on people! There's no need to get so passionate about this… All I said was my own opinion. I had no intention of starting a war…" Rayna tried her best to help.

"Too late for that now. Don't worry, it's not your fault, but peace is no longer an option." Ashley laughed.

"Damn right it's too late!!" Vilhelm interjected, a small smile slowly growing on his face. "How bout this! We'll make a bet!"

"Oh! I didn't know you were a betting man Vilhelm!" She smirked.

"Well! You thought wrong!" He returned the sentiment.

"Okay, guess I did… So, what you got in mind?"

"Hmph! Let's bet our guild weapons!"

As soon as those words exited his mouth, the air enveloping the space suddenly took a drastic turn with a single thought shared through all of their minds.

"Our guild weapons over something so petty!? You can't be serious right?" Ashley's face widened.

"I'm in agreement here with miss Orbec. That's far too valuable. The greatest treasure a guild possesses over a simple squabble?" Yuria added.

"I'm dead serious! I'm going all in! What are you scared? You realize your idiocy now!" He laughed heartily, a small vein appearing upon Ashley's face as she abruptly interrupted.

"Fine! Guild weapon it is! I accept! There! You happy now!"


"M-miss Ashley. Are you sure about this? You could have just declined… No one would have blamed you…" Grey leaned in and whispered in her ears.

"And let this idiot have the last laugh!? In his dreams! Besides, the principal, Rayna Davis herself said that Kane is gonna win did she not!? So, there's nothing to worry about! I have full faith in her!"

"B-but! Miss Ashley—" Rayna tried to speak.

"Shhhh!! I have full faith in you! No need to doubt yourself now! This is all on me, if things don't go right I don't blame you at all!"

"Ah… Alright."

"Children these days…" Yuria deeply shook her head. "Sir, what do you make of all of this?" She asked her superior.

"I say let them enjoy themselves! Who am I to stop them! Although, I do believe that miss Orbec just made the rashest mistake in her life and that Vilhelm made one of his best. It's more than clear that my grandson will be the victor. I feel bad, I'll most likely reimburse her for her loss after this is all over…"

"I appreciate your kindness supreme general sir but… I have no need for your pity! I am ready to take accountability for all my words and actions when this is all over! That is, in the case that I am wrong that is…" Her eyes sparkled, and her smirk gleamed as she turned around to meet the face of her superior. Those were not the eyes of a desperate gambler betting against the ods, but the eyes of a shark certain of the choice she had made.

"Indeed… We shall see soon enough who is right or wrong…"


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