The Great Demon System

Chapter 412 - Victory (2)

Chapter 412: Victory (2)

The cloud of dust subsided, and the gleaming golden light of the heavens above pierced down upon the face of the victor who, almost out of instinct, lifted his head to block his keen ocean blue eyes.

His golden hair that was tied behind his head was now dishevelled, lacking the elegance it once had, his clothes were in similar condition, burn marks clearly visible and slight cracks upon his weapon.

The crowd sat unmoving as that man removed his hand from his face that now fully embraced the light… It was a blank canvas, yet most people saw it as confidence, indifference, or even disappointment as he gazed down towards his unconscious foe.

"It's… IT'S OVER!! Ahhh… My heart… I don't think I could have taken any longer… I can't believe it was only a preliminary match… But now it's all over… After a hard-fought battle the likes we've never before seen, we finally have ourselves a victor! The favourite to win! ADAM WALKER!!"

As the announcer cheered, the masses did not reciprocate, at least not many. Most were still dumbfounded trying to internalize what they had just witnessed. And only when they got past that initial shock did they explode into cheers.

"Adam! Our victor! that must have been a very interesting battle for you I bet! Do you have anything to tell the world after such a stunning victory!" The announce asked, yet there was once again no response.

Sweat began to pour down from his face like a waterfall, and his entire body suddenly became stiff, but none of that compared to when Adam finally moved his head, turning towards him with dark, empty, nightmarish eyes that turned his stomach inside out, almost like he was in sleep paralysis.

Only when Adam averted his gaze and began to walk back towards the tunnel in which he came did the announcer regain control over his body and his energy to speak.

"Ah— hahaha! I see! As expected! Well, there you have it folks! That is your winner! Adam Walker will be going on to the official tournament! I am excited to see what other battles he has in store for us today, but part of me doubts we would ever see a display of strength such as this!"


"H-hey… Artorias… How did Walker just win… Kai is even knocked out completely, I didn't even think that was possible…"




"Ah— I don't know Regrit… I most certainly don't… But... This can't be real… In all my life— By... By a mere mort— … No, he can't be…"

"Artorias? Are you okay?


"HAHAHAH!! Why were we even worried! I already knew he'd win!"

"It was very close though, who knew the Fatebringer family's son was so strong…"

"Damn right! He's strong! But Walker is still a good amount stronger! Look at him! He's not even shaken in the slightest!"

"Very true…"

For the most part, the crowd all had similar opinions, and the amount they spoke, cheered, and laughed was something never seen before. There was an overall air of joy that encompassed the arena, all except for certain areas.

"Hahaha! That's my boy!! He really showed him, didn't he!" The supreme general snorted and rolled back up to his seat with a wide grin from ear to ear.

"Congratulations on your victory general," Ashley Orbec of the Flameseeker guild sighed.

"Don't misunderstand miss Orbec, that boy was indeed powerful, but he never stood a chance to begin with!"

"Oh… Is that so…" Her voice was unnaturally monotone, a total contrast to her usual expressive, almost cheery self— she was like a completely different person.

"Don't worry sir, I'm not mad… Just perplexed…"

"How so?"

"If I might be so blunt, you've been acting really odd sir… You're not the completely calm and charismatic man I thought you were. You claim to have never been worried but that worry was marked all over your face. You were sweating, and your entire body was jittering." She sighed once more, standing up from her seat before glancing towards her superior once more before her sight shifted towards his closed fist. "If it hadn't been for us being in VR I bet that still clenched and jittering hand of yours would have popped by now…" She walked away from the canopy, leaving the still stunned general alone. Suddenly, his gaze also fell down towards his still clenched hand, now abruptly opening it. And with many thoughts running through his mind that he shook away immediately with a deep breath, he continued to spectate his grandson's victory.


Adam walked into the dark tunnel from which he came, storing his weapon away, not even batting an eye as the gates closed on him and the light of yellow torches rekindled the previously drab space.

Ever since he had awoken to the light, his vision was an unclear blur, almost like a badly drawn water painting. The sounds of what he could only assume were the cheering crowds were a muffled mess, almost as though he had been swimming underwater.

But even with such vision, the light of the yellow and orange torches could not escape his eyes…? As he steadied his gaze upon its light, he felt a flash within his mind of something more ferocious, and he leant against the nearest wall clenching his head from the pain before shaking himself off with a heavy gasp.

He continued his way down the hallway. The horizon ahead felt endless, yet he continued on to the muffled sound of his steps until suddenly…

"Adam Walker. That is your name correct?"

His eyes went wide. For the first time in seemingly forever, the shape of the horizon changed, and he heard a voice clear as day, one of a soft, yet powerful female voice.

And as he lifted his head, he met the face of a shorter girl, or was it a grown woman? Her face was unclear, and other than her being female, even the simplest feature to identify her from was out of his reach. Although his vision was steadily getting better, the shape of the horizon was still far from crystal.

"Who… Who are you… And how did you get here? Are you paparazzi? If so, then I have no interest in conversing…"

"My name is no great concern. And no, you can rest assured I am no paparazzi. Though, I have come here to ask you a few questions…"

Adam felt a tingle down his spine, one that was an odd feeling that he had never once experienced before. But that was when he heard Nago speak from his shoulders, and those thoughts were whisked away.

"Womannn... He said no... Nooowwwww... Ge-"

"Silence spirit..." Although her voice was low, it shook the very ground. "Unless I ask you directly or you have something important to say, don't even utter a word..."

"Uh... Un— Unnderrrstoood..."

'W-what... I've never seen Nago act like this in my entire life... Not even to grandfather... What... What is this? Is he afraid? Even if she somehow kills us now we are in VR. Death means nothing here... So why... Who... Who is this woman...'

"Who... Who are you..."

"Nevermind that now, I'm certain those answers would reveal themselves in due time. So, Adam Walker, I will ask you this once more. Can you answer these simple questions for me?"


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