The Great Demon System

Chapter 400 - Down The River Of Memories

Chapter 400: Down The River Of Memories

It had been well over an hour since this "party", and now was as good a time as any for it to come to an end— they had more than discussed all they needed, and it was the first-ever time that all of Moby's new subjects had met eye-to-eye.

And as they stored all of their belongings, their attentions were drawn towards the mammon who aimlessly walked to the edge of the room, pulling out a certain book off a bookshelf. And suddenly, the entire shelf itself began to move, shift and turn, removing itself to reveal a secret passageway underground.

'Wait what? How did you do that!?' Regrit was beyond stunned, his mouth unconsciously wide open as he viewed a scene as though it were straight out of a movie.

'It's a secret path towards my lair, it's specially designed with teleportation in mind.' He explained, almost bragging.

'Yes, but why is it here!? And how?'

'Well, I do own this hotel. It's only natural, he smirked, only to impress Regrit even more. 'Rupert, go there for the day while I go off with our lord. Are you able to remove that watch of yours to give to me?'

'Certainly,' Rupert nodded, snapping his fingers to create a blue dome around his wrist before casually removing the watch that felt like it was super-glued upon their flesh before giving it to the mammon who immediately wore it.

Everyone witnessing what happened looked rather stunned, rightfully so. Yet, what they did not know was that Rupert used a greater demon exclusive spell to freeze the item in time, allowing there to be no alarm triggered while he removed it off his wrists.

'Great! I'll send a clone with you to vouch for your identity as mammon, and to explain to you precisely what to do!' He brought his hands out, and his flesh began to swirl into an identical figure of himself, escorting Rupert away.

'Farewell for now your majesty!' He spoke, before the passage removed itself, and the environment returned to precisely how it was before.

?? ?? ??

Altogether, they left the hotel and began to walk back towards the school. It was one hour until curfew and none of them wanted to be out so late.

All except for Moby who lagged behind the group, he and his green-eyed black cat that was never too far away.

"Are you coming?" Regrit called out.

"You guys go without me! I'm gonna go on a walk with the cat!"

"Huh? Okay! You do you I guess! Not my fault if you're out past curfew now is it?" Regrit was the only one to say his farewell out loud, while the others, like ordered, did it in their minds.

"Did he say he's walking with the cat or walking the cat?" Regrit mumbled before he faded away out of Moby's ears.

With his black cat walking near his legs, they strolled towards a park.

An area of vast grass overrun by a sea of flowers for as far as the eye could see. Trees from all over the world and some from even foreign planets on full display. Rivers ran through the center like dividing lines, with a single bridge connecting them both. Wild-life of all kinds flourished, the noise of the bustling city was feint, replaced by the sound of birds, crickets, and running water.

'So, what did you wanna talk to me here about?' Avilia spoke, casually walking on the ledge of the bridge overlooking the vast river.

'That message… I've never gotten an anonymous message before… Someone's definitely out to get me right?' He spoke calmly, his hands resting on the gray, rocky ledge as he stared at the leaves slowly falling down towards the river.

'That's hard to say, maybe it's just a troll, or maybe it's real. Who knows right? But if it's making you more cautious then it's a good idea for things like this…'

'Yeah… I hope it's a troll, but I'll be sure to watch out…' He sighed. 'Anyways, it's been months now, and the supreme general has yet to call me to discuss about my parents. Do you think I should contact a teacher?'

'I would say not,' She purred, licking her paws. 'I think he has much on his hands to bother with you, war on the horizon and all.'

'I guess so,' He sighed once more. 'It's just odd, why is the information about my parents kept so secret? What's up with that? Do you think the military did something to them?'

'I thought that should have been obvious by now. The military has never been a trustworthy environment. Now especially after Elizabeth told us about that Angel worshiping cult.'

'Yeah, that's why I keep my guard up … … Hey, you think that there might be a demon worshiping cult somewhere out there?' Moby mused

'Well, on earth, I doubt it other than maybe a select few… But in the beyond, there certainly are a whole lot more. Take that shalker we took on last year. He worshiped the ground I walked on and was convinced he could rip me out of you to become the new demon lord. At least in the shalker ranks, there are demon worshipers.'

'That's very true!' Moby's eyes lit up above his smirk. 'Maybe those shalkers under Rupert can do something with them, who knows.'

'Yeah, and I'm still very curious about that stone he talked about, the one the lit up upon my arrival… Do you think it's a place similar to what these humans found in those Mayan temples?'

'Possibly… Arrrggghh! There's so much I want to know about!'

'Now you know how I feel all the time! Congratulations!' She laughed in classic Avilia fashion. 'You know, now that I think about it!I think I know of a certain group of demon worshipers still on earth…'

'Wait! Really!? Where!'

'They're the people that are still giving you XP to this day! The XP share still works from this distance, and they were the ones that allowed you to even get to level 100, you just never noticed because you have those notifications disabled!'

'Wait, you mean…'

'Yep! They see you as the next demon lord! So they're definitely demon worshipers, right? Abby Reid, the flame princess, Jayden Griffith, the problem child, Ray Gwane, the boy genius, and Nags Axel, the calm juggernaut.'

Moby's face immediately brightened hearing their names, and his eyes fell down towards the reflective surface of the river imagining their faces. His heart felt unsteady, and his mind felt like it had its own heartbeat thinking about how his corruption that was now no longer there would affect the way he acts towards them when they meet again.

'You know, it's only been a few months since I last saw them or even heard their names, yet in my mind, it felt like years… I wonder what they've been up to without me… I actually wonder that almost every day...' He smiled to himself, before suddenly hearing a ruffling faintly entering his ears, and his mind went alert under his casual poker face.

And as he activated his energy sense, he witnessed something extremely far away exit his range, only managing to catch a small glimpse as he took a deep breath, leaning even further on the rocky ledge, returning the smile on his face even wider than before.


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