The Great Demon System

Chapter 362 - Team Drama (2)

Chapter 362: Team Drama (2)

"Hey guys, everything went so fast that I didn't have any time to say hello. Hope everything is going well," Moby waved and smiled brightly at the two talking figures ahead, making them turn around to face him.

"Oh hey! I was just gonna go and say hi too! But, then HE came to talk to you and I suddenly lost the urge to do so when I saw who approached you…" Elizabeth was the one to speak, smiling brightly before her expression turned into complete disgust.

It was quite odd for Moby, he did not expect to be treated in such a way. It completely shattered any previous expectations.

"Oh, that's nice of you to do. But, I thought you two had made up and apologized."

"Well, yeah… I mean, it was only words but I'll try to put up with him for the sake of the mission…"

"I see… That's good to hear. So… I've seen you two talking pretty often ever since we were paired up. Why is that?"

"Oh yeah, you're an orphan so I guess you don't understand," She lightly chuckled, leading to a slight change of expression from Moby.

"Oh no! It's not like that! That came out wrong!" She panicked, slightly flustered. "We're old family friends, that's how most prestigious people meet nowadays… But, in all my times visiting the Fatebringer estate, I've never once heard of, seen, or met Regrit Oswald… I'm not sure how Kai could put up with such a brother every day…"

"Oh, he's not that bad once you get to know him. I think he has a lot bottled up and is pretty misunderstood,"

"I agree with Kane here… Don't think bad of him yet, he's a very capable person when it comes down to it…" Kai finally spoke, agreeing to Moby's words.

"I Well, I'll take note of that…" Elizabeth inwardly nodded, deep in thought. "Well, if you don't mind, now it's my turn to ask questions. "Kane, I know you don't truly try in class. I've heard that you were able to stand up to a shalker commander! Even the most powerful soldiers could only dream of such a thing! Is that really true?"

"Well, yeah. But, it was all due to my inner spirit granting me extra power."

"Ahhh, I see! So, how strong are you now?"

"Weaker, but still pretty strong. I'm a fair amount stronger than Kai over there. We fought on the first few days of school and I pretty easily beat him…" Moby smiled and panned a look over at Kai.

"Wait, Kai, is that true?" Elizabeth jumped onto Moby's words and left Kai sweating and struggling for something to say.

"Ummm… Well, yes… He did beat me… BUT! That was before my secret training! It should be a much different story now!" He seemed genuinely annoyed, but he still managed to find a way to gloat.

"Ooo! Such claims! But, if I could bet money I'd bet on Kane to win! I would love to see you two settle your differences. But, there is no such time for quarrel during this exam."

"Yeah, hope there's no hard feelings between us Kai," Moby smiled and went for a handshake, which Kai accepted not too long after.

"After we're done with this, I don't mind a rematch…" He smiled, tightly gripping Moby's hands.

"Challenge accepted!" Moby's smirk grew wider, that along with his iron grip that caught Kai off guard.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go meditate in the corner once again. Hope I didn't interrupt too much of your time," He casually let go of Kai's beating red hands and waved them off.

"Goodbye Kane! It's been really nice talking to you!" Elizabeth waved him off as well, her face was unusually bright and cheery, but Moby's gaze focused not on her, but at the blank-faced man behind her.

He was glad he went there to talk. Of course, it was completely possible that the girl was putting on an act to deceive the examiners, the same could be said about Kai. However, Moby was confident in his ability to draw out their true selves, and he felt like he had done so very effectively.

His grin grew even wider as he walked towards another couch to train, that along with a subtle chuckle.

With his eyes closed, he sat down and began to meditate, detaching his focus from the reality that surrounded him as he concentrated on his energy within.

But, that feeling was not very long-lasted as he was suddenly jolted and snapped back to reality by an aggressive shake on his shoulder.

"So, how did it go? Did you make up with him?" He opened his eyes only to be met by a curious-faced Regrit.

"Yeah, it went fairly well,"

"So, you guys friends now or something?"

"Not exactly…"

"So, what are you then?"

"Can you please just leave me alone for a bit? Can't you see that I'm in the middle of training?"

"Fine! Be that way!"



"Kane… Kane…."

"Kane… Kane… Kane…"

Moby suddenly heard a voice creep up in his subconscious, getting ever so clearer like a spider slowly creeping up to his face until it suddenly bit down directly in front of his eyes.


"Wow, yeah yeah! I'm awake! What is it!?" He suddenly opened his eyes only to witness his fully armoured teammates who bore weapons in hand, that along with a mixture of seriousness and distress.

"Hey… What's going on…" Moby slowly stretched his body and rubbed his eyes.

"We're here! You've been asleep for nearly three days…" He heard a female voice from a source unknown.

"Huh… wait… REALLY!?" Moby's previously dull eyes expanded as he shot out of his seat.

"It is indeed as miss Elizabeth spoke, we're approximately going to land in a few minutes, you have yet to consume a single thing for days. I suggest you take this time to feed yourself… I hope your training was fruitful, we will certainly be needing you at your best during this mission." Artorias spoke softly as though he was comforting a sleeping child.

Moby indeed had not eaten in a very long time, yet he felt no hunger due to his demonic body. However, in order to appear human, eating was something he had to do, but it was something he did very quickly as he rushed over towards the kitchen and came out fully armoured and prepared not too long after, his katana hung around his waist.

"Alright, now I'm ready… Artorias? Are you there?" Moby looked at his blank visage with a hint of confusion.

"Huh, oh! Oh yes! I'm happy to hear! We had just landed a few seconds ago," He finally spoke.

'Wait really!?' Moby inwardly thought to himself. He did not feel anything, it was exactly as if he were on solid ground the entire time. He had never once been on a spaceship before, but never did he imagine that landing would be so smooth and unnoticeable.

It was to the point where Moby was prepared to call his bluff, but when he peered over towards the glass panel that once showed a view of the deep expanses of space, it was now revealing a contrasting colour of pure white, swirling and dancing in the air as though it was fog, a glimpse of what there was to come.

That was when suddenly, a robotic, female voice filled their ears, coming out of every wall of the room omnidirectionally.

[ Landing successful. Welcome to planet Koban, your mission will now commence. Near the exit of the ship, you will find two items. One will be an item for each of you to wear, it is a translator you will strap around your waist to interpret the Koban Language. The second will be a storage ring that houses all of the equipment needed to set up a teleportation plate to planet earth along with detailed instructions on how to do so. We hope you have had a safe journey thus far and we wish for your success and safe return. ]

Abruptly the voice arrived, and such did it disappear.

The group did not hesitate to do as they were instructed.

All of the items they required were subsequently revealed through an expanding wall adjacent to the door, and everyone grabbed what they needed, Artorias grabbing the ring that housed all of the teleporter instructions before he shifted his head towards the large, visible red button to open the door.

And, as head of the group, he took the lead, not before looking back towards his eager teammates as he pressed the button and revealed the location of their new home for the foreseeable future, and where their mission will lie.


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