The Golem Mage

Chapter 7: The Shock That Alec Brought To The Younger Generations

Chapter 7: The Shock That Alec Brought To The Younger Generations

The next day, Alec woke up feeling incredibly refreshed, more than he had ever felt before.

As he looked down, he was surprised to see himself still in a meditative position, He must have fallen asleep while practicing his double mana circulation techniques, and it seemed to have a positive effect on him.

Stretching his body and letting out a big yawn, he noticed that the golem he had created the day before was still standing in a defensive position, ready to protect him from any potential danger.

Alec admired the intelligence of his newly crafted golem, impressed by its ability to stay vigilant even without his command.

With a nod of approval, he stood up and began making his way towards the Gordon family training ground.

He had heard that all the younger generations of the family were going to be taught basic combat techniques, regardless of their interest in the Mage path they decided to follow.

The Gordon clan believed in giving everyone a chance to protect themselves, especially with the top academy recruitment approaching.

Noticing the golem following him without any instruction, Alec turned back and said

"Wait for me here."

To his surprise, the golem actually obeyed and stayed in place.

Smirking at this detail, he gestured for it to follow him, and continued on his way to the training ground.

As Alec and his golem passed they attracted attention from everyone they passed, people couldn't help but be amazed.

Seeing Alec with a golem by his side was surprising enough, but the constant release of aura from his body, indicating his recent breakthrough to becoming a tier 1 mage, and this left people in awe.

"Isn't that the grandson of the patriarch?"

"Yes, it is. It seems he has finally been promoted to the tier 1 mage realm."

"What were you expecting?, Becoming the family heir is no easy task."

"Absolutely, Our young master is a true genius."

Various comments and discussion erupted as others talked about Alec's excellence.

Despite having been scorned in the past, being seen as illegitimate by many, Alec knew that strength was what truly mattered.

His two high affinities and being the first among the younger generations to break through to the tier 1 mage realm only served to highlight his remarkable talents even more.

As Alec entered the training hall, he noticed that many Gordon family members had already begun their training.

He blamed himself for meditating so late, resulting in him waking up later than usual.

However, he wasn't bothered by it, Even if the situation were to repeat itself, he would still choose to prioritize training over sleep.

His excitement and thirst to learn more about mana had led him to meditate overnight and conduct numerous experiments with golems.

The exhaustion from depleting his mana only to start meditating again was the reason he had fallen asleep in a meditative position.

Alec had been an amateur in golem-making just last night, but now after a lot of trials and error he could be said to have progressed to the level of a beginner golem master.

As he entered the training ground, all eyes turned to him, wide with surprise and disbelief at the aura he was emitting.

The sheer amount of energy waves he was releasing made it evident to everyone present that he had become a tier 1 mage.

And with the golem standing behind him, exuding the same aura, it only solidified their belief that he had truly entered the realm of mages.

It was common knowledge that one could not maintain a summoned golem for long without a tier 1 mage's mana pool.

This display of power further cemented Alec's newfound status.

"How did he become a tier 1 mage overnight?!" exclaimed one onlooker.

"See? Only the strongest among the younger generations can be the leader," remarked another.

"I knew it. The moment he was chosen, I could tell he was special," added someone else.

"I feel like that golem could crush me, It looks much sturdier than the golem a first-timer should be able to craft " one of the children from the younger generation voiced their thoughts.

Even Arthur, who had initially claimed that he would protect Alec before he could obtain a powerful golem, was taken aback when he saw the golem standing behind Alec.

He laughed at his past self for underestimating Alec's abilities, looking at Alec's golem, he was certain that he wouldn't stand a chance against that massive mound of clay.

Even the golem's intimidating red eyes sent shivers down Arthur's spine.

Arthur walked up to Alec and placed a hand on his shoulder and The golem raised it's mace in a threatening position, ready to strike at any moment.

But Alec simply waved his hand, and the golem seemed to understand his intentions, It lowered its mace back down.

Arthur's lips trembled and he felt cold shivers running down his neck, all this was a testament to the fear he felt when the bulky yet sturdy golem raised its hand.

He felt helpless against the impending strike, even before the strike was made.

"Wow, you've gotten much stronger, brother.

You have to take care of me in the future," Arthur mumbled, while comically clinging onto Alec's legs.

The golem scratched its head, finding Arthur's behavior rather peculiar, despite its intelligence.

Meanwhile, the seven enforcers from the Gordon family, responsible for combat training, were astounded by Alec's first golem.

"Hmm, I believe that golem is of uncommon rank, What a genuis!, To be able to craft an uncommon rank golem so fast, this boy must be a golem genius,"

one of the elders remarked to himself, unaware of his mistake, if he had known that it was the same rank as the patriarch's boss golems.

he might have referred to Alec as a monster rather than a genius.

The entire younger generation gathered around Alec, accepting him as one of their own.

They bombarded him with questions about cultivation, recognizing his knowledge and expertise.

Inside, Alec grinned, knowing that this was what his grandfather had always wanted for him – to connect with the younger generations at an early stage.

After all, if he was going to lead them in the future, it was better to establish a friendship now while they were still young.

Alec did his best to answer every question thrown at him, despite considering himself a novice in cultivation.


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