The Golem Mage

Chapter 21 Assimilation of shield mastery

21  Assimilation of shield mastery

" kerrrae...rkkkk " the (peak) tier one zombie shriek as its eyes turned red showing his enraged status as it dashed towards Legion

" The fuck !!! " Alec Exclaimed the moment the zombie dashed towards Legion , it was at this moment Alec realised he had been playing with his life when he thought he could be safe when attacked by a tier one zombie

Because he just realised how foolish he was when he thought he could at least survive an attack from a peak tier one but he could not even keep up with the movements of the peak tier one speed demon zombie but Legion still seems unfazed as it placed its circular shield his front and the spear by the side

Waiting patiently for the zombie to collide against its spear and shield but things don't always go the same way we predict as the zombie quickly changed his movement mid run and attacked from the side instead

" this fu*cker is too intelligent for my liking how the fu*k is a monster like that left for us kids to take care of it , it's clear its almost in the tier 2 realm " Arthur said to Alec as he could feel his scalp tingling Just watching Legion and the zombie clash for the first time,

Legion effortlessly blocked the sneak attack the zombie aimed at his waist as it swung his spear to clash with the claws of the zombie Knocking it back

" yes bro , trash that bitchy zombie ass " Arthur said while pumping his fist ,with a very rare child like expression on his face as he cheered for Legion the moment he noticed Legion was winning with a strength advantage it had over the speed demon zombie

Which helped Arthur in shaking of his fear of the zombie a little

" wack "

"Ouch , who did that ? " Arthur asked as he turned back only to find Alec looking at him with evil eyes again

"Boss what ever I have done forgive me in advance " Arthur quickly apologised as he felt he already had enough on his plate

" don't call my golem your bro ,before you start putting ideas into the head of the other clansmen " Arthur said as he looked back at the fight, he really wanted to ask Titan to join in on the fight but

Titan was not fast enough to catch up to the speed of the zombie who was in the verge of breaking through, " Fuck what am I supposed to do in a time like this " Alec kept thinking before Legion robotic voice sounded

" is .... is... that all .... you ..... have .... g....ot , if yes I would be really ..... dis... appo ..... inted " Legion said

" The fuck "

" I am sure now that I am in a dream , I fucking need to wake up "

Both Arthur and that girl from the lanzt family pratically Exclaimed at the same time

" am I the only one or did that Golem just speak " Arthur asked Alec while looking at him in shock

" we don't have time to speak about that at the moment , right now we have to focus on this fight, because if Legion is not able to defeat the zombie then we can be sure if one thing "

" what's that Boss ? " Arthur asked back

" we would all be wipe out by that zombie cause am sure not even one of us can catch up to it's speed " Alec explained

" ohh !, wait how can you name you Golem Legion what kinda bad naming sense were you born with boss , please leave all the naming of all your super cool Golems to me " Arthur said

" wack "

" shut up and focus on the fight " Alec said as he knocked Arthur's head again

The zombie seemed more enraged at Legion's taunting and dashed towards him this time more faster than before that it almost seems like a blur to Alec and the rest of the Gordon's gang

they could no longer keep up with the zombie's speed as it left after faint after images just by runing towards Legion, he tried to confused Legion with the multiple after images as it circle around Legion trying to use his multiple afterimages

to confuse Legion's senses as it strike at Legion every time it saw an opening, but Legion was always quick to block each attack with it's shield

And it seems with each blocking he did , he got more confident and left less weak spots to be attack, " I see, Legion is assimilating much better with Titan's block mastery and that's why he seems to be getting better at using the shield more to cover up his mistakes " Alec thought when he realised that Legion was using the zombie to grind his skills

" Alec I think your Golem might need some help " Agnes said after she found out all Legion has been doing is blocking the zombie attack for a while without counter attacking back

" no its perfectly fine in the contrary I think you all need to take note of things more I say at the least five minutes from now and my golem would start its attacking " Alec said with a confident expression on his face

After all he already figured out what his golem was trying to do and even if he could stop it by sending a mind message or a normal command he felt no reason to absolutely do so as he wanted to see what this his new intelligent golems mission was after all

Everything it has showed up till now can testify that it was much stronger and more intelligent than Titan , so Alec was intrigued to find out more of what his golem could do

" How can you be so sure of that ? " Agnes questioned with an angry expression already on her face as she held her hand in fist shape ready to knock Alec back to sense since he never listened of took any of her suggestions seriously

But she felt a hand on her shoulder and when she looked back she saw Knight shaking his head to her silenty, " if you watch closely you would find out that it has been defening since without moving from that spot it stood on one spot since which required a strength much more greater than the one "

"Delivering the attacks, I don't know why it is getting it self hit by that zombie but it is clear that the zombie is not a match for the golem " Knight explained to Agnes

[ Blocking mastery leveled up ]

[ Blocking mastery lvl 5 ]

{■ : to upgrade the blocking mastery to lvl six block 20 attacks from tier 2 lifeforms while still being a tier 1 mage }



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