The Golem Mage

Chapter 14: Gordon talents to the rescue

Chapter 14: Gordon talents to the rescue

Alec got so lost in the fight that he started getting closer to the front line bypassing the line of protection his golems where giving him

As his face became battle crazy, even if his face held the expression of a berserker each hit and strike of his was delivered with careful

Calculations as his spears skills were becoming more fluent the more he used a spear, even if the system uploaded the skills in his head he would have to use it to become extremely good with them

" ahh kill!" Alec shouted as he charge towards the zombie instead with his spear instead of waiting for them to come into his piercing range

He took the fight to them as he swipe, cut and even used the bottom of the spear to knock back any zombies who came close to him back to give him enough space to pierce them

Even Titan joined in this massacre " don't let Alec get all the glory let's all kill a few zombies" Agnes shouted to rally up some of the younger generations morale

In hope they move and support the people on the wall who were constantly draining there stamina in the fight, she was not interested in letting Alec take all the highlights

In this battle after all they were from the same generation she was not ready to be left behind only to see the dust of someone she called her rival

She planned to at least rally the younger generations to make some notable achievements like killing zombies also like Alec

But fantasy was a different thing from reality they found out while the zombies were slower they were alot more stronger than a regular human

Even a tier one mage would be killed if he was assaulted by multiple unclassified zombies talk less of facing a tier one zombie

The younger Gordon clan's men were shocked to find out they were being pushed back, even when faced with the ordinary zombies that breached the line of defence the warriors of the clan made, some broke down with a little shriek from the zombies

As even the facial expressions of the zombies scares them silly to the extent they try not to look at there face while fighting them leading to even more mistakes

But before any zombies tries to kill any of them an arrow always found a way into there head as the archers started assisting the younger generations in the fight

Displaying better result as they used the younger generation as bait to kill the zombies

While most of the younger generations could not hold there own against the zombies there were certain exception like Arthur, Knight, Agnes and a certain short boy using a great sword molded using earth elements

He was crazyly wild in his fighting style as he never defended he only attacked, it was weird seeing a short guy like that using a weapon as tal as him

Alec turned towards the crowd of younger generations who reinforcement another position and smirked as they later join in on the fun

He was wondering why they allowed them to watch the fight, he could not put his hand on it until the clan member protecting them started losing stamina that's when he realised they were not the even elites of the Gordons family

As most of them were tier one (high stage) mage there was no peak tier one stage among them, there were even few mid tier one mage among the guys defending the wall

Alec felt it had to be a test to see if they help or just stand and watch

And from his grandfather nonchalantly attitude he felt they were just using them to bait the tier five zombie, and let them experience war with zombie first hand

After all they might not being in such a peaceful battlefield again where most of the enemies consist of tier one and unclassified zombies.

It was common knowledge that when the blood moon ended those higher ranking invaders always returned fast and when the tier one zombies loses those from the higher rank that could command them

They turn back to mindless zombies who just wanted to eat the flesh of the living so the clans and City guard always wiped out any remnant zombies after the blood moon when down

But this attack was different since a tier 5 zombie was still in command so the were more focus on retreating when the blood moon finished

And the tier 5 hiding to recover its wound and it had finally returned for revenge as it was still amount blending in waiting for the right moment to strike

" is that guy a monster, we have been assisting each other but we can't seem to meet up with his hunting speed it's like he is the bane of those zombies" Arthur said as after he just finished killing a zombie by slashing his head

" I thought you said you had no weapons" Alec questioned Arthur

" I am using my mana to keep it up its a tier one metal element spell I learnt, it consumes mana to stay on and that's why I hesitated to use it" Arthur replied

" ohhh" Alec exclaimed in suprise since he never bother reading about any metal spells so he was shocked when he heard the shining blade was a metal element spell

" I guess I still have alot to learn then, what do you think, is the tier 5 zombie going to attack or are they going to retreat we have almost wiped out most of the zombies here" Alec said while facing Arthur who was still struggling with one zombie

" you know you are actually the only one who can act so care free in a battle field like this " Arthur said as he finally finished slaying the zombie he was tackling with ah he eyed Alec secured number one guard Titan

" the situation here is almost over even if we did nothing the remaining zombies won't be able to create much waves " Agnes said as she finally stopped fighting

" It's good all of us are here together supporting each other after all we might all grow up to be the pillar of the family while supporting Alec " knight said

The short Gordon's clan man who fought with an earth great sword nodded also not saying anything

" Urgent message!!!, urgent message!!! The North Wall has been breached the city lord had asked for the elites of the Gordons clan to Move over and support the Lanzk family" a city guard came and report straight to the patriarch

" hmmm why has that old man not resolve the problem by himself" The Gordon family patriarch asked

" Well from what I heard the zombie in lead of the horde has been promoted to Tier 6 Brain Commander making most of his zombies upgrade to tier 2"

" as we are speaking now only the Zordon family already has there wall in control we are even suprised at the fast rate you guys killed the zombies since your spot had alot of amount of tier unclassified zombies "

" send a message to the City lord, I would be taking care of the zombie commander in return he would owe me a favour " Alec grandfather said with absolute confidence

" I shall relay your message to the city lord " The City guard said as he bowed in respect

" Alec, Brandon, Arthur, Agnes, and Knight I want you to go over to the North Wall at this instance and assist the lankz family in killing the unclassified and tier 1 zombies can I trust you to lead them Alec" The patriarch asked Alec

As even his statement could be interpreted as him making Alec the leader of this group

" Patriarch but we can still fight I don't think there is any reason to send the boys to take care if this me and my squad can quickly go sort things out" one of Gordon family members who fought along side Alec said

As they knew how much pressure Alec golem had to face and wished they could assist in in any way possible

" you still fight, don make me laugh" the patriarch snorted

" I will take care of it, but what about the tier 2 zombies and upper" Alec asked

" Good question well don't worry just as I am sending you now I have people already in waiting to take care of the higher rank zombies under the brain commander zombie so that they won't disturb or interfere in you fights you are free to go all out"

" so use this chance to increase your strength or even gain better battle experience" the patriarch explained

" don't worry I won't dissapoint" Alec said.


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