The Golden Throne

Chapter 67 - Dream

Liu Feng took a deep breath, and went to sleep. He slowly drifted into a dream…

"Liu Feng, come out. You need to eat. Sister Margaret will get mad if you waste more time in the library."


"Yes, coming.", a young twelve year old boy came out. He looked different from Liu Feng right now. He had scuff marks and was dirty. His clothes were nowhere near good quality, and they were riddled with holes. He followed the girl back to what seemed like a church. Many other children who were there greeted Liu Feng, and Liu Feng responded in kind. He went to the front of the hall, where a lady was serving food.

'There you are. I was looking for you. Do you not have the common sense to eat? You are one of the older kids in the orphanage. You have to set a good image as a big brother. Instead, you are spending all your time in the church library. You'd think that by now, you must have finished all the books there. Forget it. Come, eat."

Liu Feng took the food to eat, as he was eating, his figure distorted, and the entire scene changed. Liu Feng was a bit older now. He was a twenty something man in front of a panel.

The premier most of them said,

"You have been selected to have a job with us at Happle. We are delighted to have a genius working at our corporation Liu Feng. We are expecting very great things from you."

Liu Feng nodded, and he went forward to a desk.

The scene changed again, and Liu Feng was in an office now.

"So you are the genius that everyone is talking about? I heard that you got our company a huge client in Techgene? Well, good job. They are one of the premier companies for hiring and getting hired. Well, I like you. I heard that you came from an orphanage? Well, I want you to take over the company as CEO. I am growing old, and I can't do it anymore. Do what you want, but just run by me what you want to do."

Liu Feng nodded at the old man in the chair.

"Yes sir. I will do my best not to disappoint you." And then, the scene changed for the last time.

"Sir! I cannot work for you anymore. You are laundering the company's money. This is a public company. You are not allowed to do it. I will lose my reputation if I allow this to happen on my watch."

"Well, aren't you the righteous one? I can't believe that I had to play this card so early."

The old man clapped his hands, and a huge man came in dragging a woman in his hands. She had cuffs, and had a cloth around her mouth, stopping her from speaking. She was resisting, but he held her firmly.

Liu Feng fell on the ground in shock. "Ah'Li? What are you doing with her? Unhand her. I will report you to the police! What do you think you are doing? This is a crime. Stop now before it goes too far."

The old man laughed, and he nodded at the huge man. The huge man, took out a gun from his pocket and aimed it at her leg. "Boom", a loud noise came. Even with the cloth around her mouth, her pain could be heard.

"Please, I'll do anything, don't do anything to her.", Liu Feng wailed.

"Thank you for the commitment Liu Feng, but I do not trust you. I will be keeping this lady here company, so please see the door out. As long as you do not disappoint me, the both of you will live."

"Aagh!", Liu Feng suddenly screamed.

Liu Feng woke up with a cold sweat running behind his back. He felt like he relived his past life again, and he tried his best to come out of it. He regretted almost every instance of it, and it felt like someone was punishing him by making him go through that experience again.

He looked around. It was early morning, so Liu Feng tried to get up. He did feel some discomfort near his ribs, but his legs were mostly fine. He could walk slowly, but that was all. He couldn't run.

'Well, at least I can walk without a lot of pain. I thought that I would be bedridden for a month when I got hit.", Liu Feng thought to himself.

He got up and started walking around. After he got a little comfortable, he opened the door and left the room. He went through the hallway and to the main entrance of the hospital. A receptionist was sleeping at the counter, just in case an emergency occurs. Liu Feng stepped out side and took a breath of fresh air. He looked outside, and started walking down the roads.

He went to the dorms. No one was awake during this time, so Liu Feng went to the restrooms uninterrupted. He quickly freshened up, and went to his dorm room. He wanted to avoid the hassle, but then remembered, "be friendly". He opened the door to his room, and got dressed. Alderan woke up to the noise.

"Who is it at this hour? Wait what? Liu Feng!" He shouted all of a sudden, walking up Tesarion and Filden.

"Who? I heard Liu Feng's name. Wait, why is Liu Feng here?"

Liu Feng smiled at them all. "Well, I felt fine today so I came out, and got ready. After all, I don't want to miss the classes. This week in self defence I have the greatsword and I really like it."

'Are you a monster? The nurses said that you had broken a few ribs. That would take at least a few weeks to heal even with magic supplements.", Alderan looked at Liu Feng's body and inspected it.

"Well, I woke up today like this. So, I am going back to class. Why don't you guys go back to sleep, I don't want to disturb your sleep.", Liu Feng left the room.

"Was I dreaming or did Liu Feng just be nice to us?", Filden suddenly said.

Tesarion pinched Filden. Filden shouted out in pain.

"Yup. Definitely real. What the hell happened to him. Maybe almost dying knocked some sense into him. Well, since he is here, we don't need to go tomorrow."

All of them discussed what had happened, but it was so early in the morning, and they slowly crept back to sleep.

Liu Feng went back to the nurse's office. He didn't want to create a panic by just disappearing, and wanted to inform the office before leaving. He went to the receptionist where an old lady was sleeping on the counter. Liu Feng knocked on the counter, and she came awake.

"What do you want?", she said, grumbling. She was clearly not happy that her sleep was disturbed by some kid who did not even have a visible injury.

"Liu Feng smiled. "Sorry for disturbing you. I just wanted to check out and I couldn't find anyone else."

"Well, you could have waited till the morning. Fine, here, fill out the details, and sign. Then you can leave. Next time, have the decency to wait till morning to complete these stupid formalities.", the lady grumbled.

Liu Feng smiled and just filled out the form. He left the form and he left. The old lady took the form to check it. Then, her eyes widened.

"Liu Feng? He has two broken ribs right! Why is he leaving right now? He also looked fine right now. Must be a stupid prank.", the old lady thought to herself, and she just put the paper on a pile to her right.

A few hours later, the sun rose, and the new day started.

Panic spread in the nurse's office. Liu Feng severely underestimated his recovery speed, and it was causing a chaotic storm in the hospital. Having been in a fight with a now missing prince, Liu Feng was in a very precarious position to begin with, and now he went missing. So everyone thought that he was kidnapped. The main entrance was crowded with people talking and discussing about what to do. Then, the receptionist woke up to the commotion. She joined the discussion.

"In odd hours, a boy gave me a check out form filled for Liu Feng. I have it somewhere here, yes found it. Here you go Sir.", she gave the paper to the person in charge.

"Impossible. What he has would take weeks to completely recover. It might be a prank, but I cannot take the chances. I have come here with an order not to let a single child come in harm's way. Go to the classroom. He might have a sudden pain reduction, but he could be in severe trouble."

"Yes sir.", a few nurses responded, and split up, looking for Liu Feng. A few minutes later, one of the nurses found Liu Feng on a bench reading a book.

'You fool! You caused all of us to almost get a heart attack. Why would you leave like that? Come to the nurse's office. We need to get you checked up. Here let me help you up. What were you even thinki-"

Liu Feng got up and looked at the nurse. "I do not understand the problem. I submitted the required check out form because I am fine. Please inform the doctor, I mean your superiors that I will go to the nurse's office if I feel some difficulty, but I am fine as of now."

The nurse wanted to rebuke, but she left it and went back to the office to report.

"That fool. Well, he will learn that it is no joke, and he won't die on my watch. Let him do what he wants. He will face the consequences."

Meanwhile in the class,

Liu Feng entered the class, and the bustling class slid to a halt. All of the students looked at Liu Feng as if they saw a ghost. By now Liu Feng figured out that he had a far too quick recovery.

"Hello class, don't mind me. The rumors were far fetched. I am fine as you all can see. Please continue in your work, I do not wish to be a hindrance.", he announced. It was a far cry from what happened, and a very unconvincing explanation, but it just served as another topic for a hot debate.

The class started discussing Liu Feng's sudden recovery and his u turn in attitude.

"Well, I heard that he almost died. I hear that it changes people."

"Idiot, didn't you just hear, he did not have a life threatening incident."

"Do you really believe that? I think that they used some treasure to save him, so that he will tell the principal what had really happened that day. Do you know that the other person, the prince of Glade, is still missing?"

As the class was stuck in this paradox, Cordelia entered. She saw Liu Feng in the class and was shocked.

She calmed herself and asked, "Liu Feng, aren't you supposed to be in the nurse's office? Why are you in class? You should take a rest."

Then, Arad burst into the room. He saw Liu Feng in the room and heaved. He immediately apologized for his actions, and went near Liu Feng.

"Cousin, what are you doing here? I thought you were in the nurse's office? You still have to recuperate from your injuries. It is not safe."

Liu Feng then repeated, "As I have said before Arad, I have recovered. Please leave it. The injuries were not as serious as the rumors say." He gestured towards Arad and told him to sit down.

Then he spoke in a tone that only they could hear,

"It's okay. I woke up and found that I have recovered mostly. Did you drop the package as intended?"

Arad nodded. Liu Feng looked at the board now. Cordelia had started the class, so Liu Feng looked towards the front.


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