The Golden Throne

Chapter 264: Weeding out the traitors

Chapter 264: Weeding out the traitors

Liu Feng looked at everyone in the room. There were many within the throne room, and every single throne was filled, except for the two beneath Liu Feng. There was no queen for now, and the queen mother was not told to come here. Liu Feng had no intention of asking his mother to step into the political sphere. He was afraid that she would be reminded of his father, and the last thing that he wanted right now was a nostalgic and tearful mother.

“Now that everyone is here, I am sure that everyone has heard of the incidents that have occurred over the past day. I have given the order to rescind the ban on the study of the sciences, and the high priest had opposed it. I personally requested him to reconsider, but he still went against my words, and my authority, and he incited huge crowds to go against my orders, and this has significantly hampered the orders that I have given. And as for the words of God himself, I am not going to take so much time to detail what is going to happen. We will just rehaul the whole church, and make sure that every single corrupt official. All of the church’s assets will be accounted of, and I shall see what we will do with all of this money. So then, there must be a reason why all of you have been called here, is there not? I am sure that everyone here is in shock as to what is happening, and why this is so. But I have no need to do any of this. All that you have to do is to show that you have no allegiance to this corrupt church, and you will be allowed to leave this room alive. If I find that any of you is even remotely connected to all of this, then we will need to have a very long conversation.” Liu Feng said.

All of the people in the room, especially the ones on the thrones, had a very terrified face. Of course they were not ready for something like this. Who in their right mind would ever expect a behemoth that was the church, to collapse in just one day? And the way that this happened was also truly shocking and mind boggling. But now, with literally just a few hours since the incident occurring, they did not have any idea what they needed to do.

“The ministers of Finance, agriculture, Urban areas are allowed to leave for this. All of the onlookers will also need to leave for this. I have never ordered any of the other officials to arrive, and I do not know what they thought for them to be here. Anyways, I want everyone except those who I did not call out, to leave the room right now.” Liu Feng announced.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty! But is there a reason that you have excused these people? There is no reason for you to suspect us. We are all your servants, and have been loyal to only the throne for as long as we lived.” Ostwald Harrison, the minister of the sea, asked as he stood up.

“They are people that I trust, Minister of the sea. That is why I have already conducted a very thorough review of them. In fact, there is no other reason that they have been excused other than the fact that I have allowed them to be excused. And that is all that you need to do. Take a seat, and just wait for your turn. We shall wait for everyone in this room to leave.” Liu Feng said.

The people that he had excused were people on the list that his father had given him. These were people that his father guaranteed were going to be trustworthy to Liu Feng, and although Liu Feng had his suspicions, there was no need to immediately dismiss the list.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Ostwald begrudgingly sat down.

“Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty. You can rest assured that my life will be dedicated to the throne, and that I shall see no other as my liege. I shall take my leave now.” Gerald said. He then left the room and the other two people who were named quickly followed him out. The people on the sidelines also did not dare go against the words of the king, and they all left the throne room. Soon, only the people who were not called out were alone in the room with Liu Feng.

Liu Feng looked at the four people who remained in the room.

“Ministers. I am sure that all of you must be worried because all of you have been singled out. Well, I am not an idiot. I know that not all of you are actually traitors, and I am not even sure that I want to take any action on you. And there are always ways to evade all of my detection. So I am not going to waste my time playing this cat and mouse game forever. You know the risks that were taken, and you probably took then for a reward. I just want this to be a warning for all of you. You may have crossed my father, but you shall not do the can be with me.” Liu Feng said coldly. 

He then got up and looked at the four people coldly.

” I take it that you understand what I am talking about. This shall serve as a warning for all of you, and I hope that you will never do something like this again. If you don’t think that I know what you are doing behind my back, just remember that the high priest is in the dungeons and he fears death as much as we all do.” Liu Feng said.

“Yes, you majesty! We understand what you are saying. Please forgive us for our insolence.” Another man stepped forward.

“The minister of magic. The notorious Rosh Kishman. It is comforting that you are able to adapt so easily. I hope that you will teach the same to your friends add well. Then, I will be going back because I have a lot of work. Tomorrow, we will open the throne to the problems of the public. Let them know that their king is still their king.” Liu Feng said.

Saying this, Liu Feng left the throne room. He did not wait for a response. That was for good reason. For something like this, the best effect would come only if Liu Feng showed that he was in a position of complete dominance.

He left a sigh of relief after he left.

“Thank god they understood that they were being excused. A civil war is the last thing I want in my hands right now.” Liu Feng thought to himself. 

He then walked through the palace hallways. It was still not as crowded as it was in the morning, and the effects of whatever Liu Zhen along with the high priest did was obviously still prevalent on the palace itself. With many guards outside on the walls patrolling to make sure that nothing like we gay happened now will would repeat again, the hallsnwere practically empty.

Of course, there were a few servants here and there, and the halls were not completely unmonitored. All of them bowed as Liu Feng passed by them. He slightly nodded towards them, and continued his walk towards the dining hall. After a very exhausting series of events, he needed some energy to keep him going.

He saw that the dining table was not empty like last time. There were three people already on the table, and Liu Feng recongnized only two of them.

He knew his mother (obviously) and Liu Zhen, but the other one was foreign to him.

They were talking about Liu Feng from what he could glean, and he assumed that it was about what happened before.

“Mother? Grandfather! What is this about? What happened?” Liu Feng asked, disturbing the discussion immediately.

“Dear! What are you doing here? We were just talking about you. What happened there? There were many people telling many different versions and I just couldn’t understand what happened. What was so important that father in law asked me to come here almost immediately?” Bai daiyu asked.

“Think of it as God giving me a mission, mother. He took me that I had to take care of every single false church in this kingdom, of which I presume are many. To please God, I shall make sure that there will be sufficient replacements. These will properly give the right implementations, and only then will the book of God truly connect to the people. I wonder what you were talking about though?” Liu Feng asked.


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