The Golden Throne

Chapter 189: Taking Control

Chapter 189: Taking Control

Within a few minutes, the demon soldiers were quickly killed off. Although the elf archers did help by shooting arrows imbibed with mana, they knew that they did not help as much as they thought that they would.

Liu Feng did the grunt work, and he took every single one of the kills.

He stopped after the last demon soldier was killed and looked at the archers, the ten who had helped him.

“You have been a great help. Your work is done. You can assist the rest of the soldiers in dealing with the demon spawn and the other soldiers. I want to take a look around and make sure that none of the civilians are harmed, and that they will be willing to surrender.”, Liu Feng said.

The archers hastily nodded and bowed to show their respect.

Liu Feng nodded towards them and turned away to go towards the civilians, who were panicking very much because of the fight that was taking place.

The soldiers were having what appeared to be a jolly good time. With guns in hands, they looked like unstoppable machines. Whenever the fearsome demons approached them, they just shot once, and took care of one, or even two demon spawn at a time.

“This gun is so powerful. Imagine if I can take one of these home?”, one of the soldiers said to another as he was fending off, as in firing the gun, the demons and the guards who were approaching him.

“Do you not know? The mage tower will collect every single gun after this, and dispose of it.”, the other soldier said.

“Whatever. I love this thing. It makes me feel so powerful, like a god. Those demons stand no chance if I have this in my hand.”, the former soldier laughed. He aimed the gun at one of the demons who was approaching him, and shot.

But no mana bursts came out. He shot again, but nothing happened.

“What is happening? My gun is not working.”, the soldier shrieked with fear. The demon was almost upon him. It was about to pounce on him, when an arrow from far away struck the demon’s eye. The demon wailed with pain as it dropped onto the ground.

The soldier turned around to see who shot the arrow. It was one of the elves who was helping Liu Feng till now. He bowed down to indicate his graciousness, and the elf nodded.

“Why the hell did the gun not work?”, the soldier shouted with frustration.

“Did you not hear any of the briefings? You have to change the magic stone within the gun every few shots. That is why you shouldn’t miss any of these classes.”, the soldier next to him reprimanded him.

“How the hell do I do that? Can you do that for me? I don’t want to get into trouble now.”, the former begged the latter.

Finally, after some convincing, the latter agreed, and he showed him how to replace the magic stone of the gun.

“How extravagant! Just six bursts and I have to use another magic stone? This is way too expensive to use.”, he shouted out.

“What did you think? If that demon reached you, you would be dead right now. Come on, we have only a few people to take care of. They are almost dead. This is going really well though, so few casualties!”, the soldier exclaimed.

“Don’t jinx it.”

Liu Feng took a look at all the children and their hopeless faces. They looked truly terrified. Seeing the fight that Liu Feng was a part of, it was no wonder that they thought of Liu Feng as nothing short of the demon that he faced.

Liu Feng smiled bitterly as he kneeled next to a child who was clutching his stomach.

From nowhere, a bun appeared in his hands.

“Here, eat this.”, he said, pushing the bun onto the child’s hands.

All around him, the children, and the men looked at Liu Feng with new eyes now.

“What the hell happened here? Where is the city lord? Did he starve all of you? How long have all of you been here?”, Liu Feng asked one of the women who was using a pillar as support.

“My Lord, the lord is further into the hall. We have been here for the last two days, but all of the food that was present here was fed to the young men that made the guard because they had to protect the lords of the city.”, the woman said feebly.

“How many of you can walk back up into the city? If you do, then the granaries will be used to feed all of you, and you can stay here or go somewhere safe.”, Liu Feng declared.

“This is war, and you are the reason that we are like this. Why do you expect us to believe you? Maybe you just want us as slaves. We know what will happen to the women here. A child like you is fortunate to be a mage and a noble. Our children are better of dead than live a life under your feet.”, a voice came from the side.

Liu Feng turned to see who spoke. It was a middle aged man. He looked a little better off than those around him, but it was clear that he was also famished.

“Who told you that this was a war against all of you? This is a war against the demons. The ones that were monsters. Would you rather have Aegon rule you, or have your lives taken by those demons? Do not worry. There will be no change from your previous lives, or it will be better. This is not a war against Glade, but against the demons that had infiltrated it. That is why none of you will be touched after you leave this place. All of you will be treated well. I give my word.”, Liu Feng said.

“How do you expect us to trust the word of a child? You must be joking.”, the same man scoffed.

Liu Feng appeared in front of him in a flash. “This child just took care of the strongest demon here in a matter of minutes. This child is the only reason that you are not dead. This child is going to be the only reason why the children here won’t be sold as slaves and the women here will not be toys of the soldiers behind me. You better start showing some respect for this child.”, Liu Feng said coldly.

At this time, Liu Feng heard someone walking. He turned around. It was General George, who was coming towards him. The general kneeled in front of him first, and then rose.

“Your Highness, we have taken care of all the guards and demons. It has been a favorable fight. What do you wish to do next?”, he asked Liu Feng.

The middle aged man was taken aback. He was shocked by how the general addressed Liu Feng.

“Kill the nobles after questioning them. They are half the reason why things are like this. Get the civilians out of this hell hole and feed them. Fast. This place is just a few shudders away from collapsing. Evacuate fast. I don’t know what maniac even wanted to do something like this without the prerequisite tech- I mean, knowledge.”, Liu Feng said.

“Yes, Your Highness. It will be done.”, George nodded.

“That is good. That is good. I will be outside. Make sure that this is all done immediately. I don’t want unnecessary deaths. Get all of them here out.”, Liu Feng reminded George once again as he turned around and left. 

He headed for the door through which he had come from. The demons’ and guards’ corpses were all strewn here. He frowned.

“Clean this up. A lot of kids have to pass through here. This is not the scene that they should see.”, he shouted towards one of the soldiers who was resting.

“Who the hell is he?”, the soldier asked the one next to him.

“I don’t know. The general is listening to him, so we should too.”, the one next to him said.

Liu Feng shook his head, but did not say anything. His presence in the kingdom was negligible, and not many knew that he was the crown prince. They only knew his name and not his face.

Liu Feng climbed up the stairs, and got out of the place after a few minutes. He left the mansion and into the street to take a fresh breath of air.

All around him, there were soldiers who were walking around, discussing something. Liu Feng did not care about any of these.

“Big Brother. When did you come here?”, Liu Feng heard a sound behind him.


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