The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 16: Saying one thing but meaning another, even the tsundere!

Chapter 16: Saying one thing but meaning another, even the tsundere!

As soon as Qi Yun entered, he saw Lian Qingxue lying on a bed, with a lady in white using a device on her face. It seemed to be a machine that magnified the skin pores on the face. Qi Yun was lying on another bed nearby.

Perhaps to alleviate the boredom, the lady attending to Lian Qingxue asked, Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?

Who, who is his girlfriend Lian Qingxue denied hurriedly upon hearing this, although she seemed to lack confidence.

Qi Yun saw her expression clearly in the mirror across from him. He noticed Lian Qingxue sneak glances at him, looking a bit guilty and trying to hide the obvious.

Really? You two look like a good match! The lady said with a tone that seemed to see through everything.

Where Lian Qingxue replied, but she couldnt suppress the smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

Girl, your expression, its giving you away!

After a while, the lady attending to Qi Yun suddenly exclaimed, Young man, your skin is amazing! Even under a high magnification lens, I cant find any flaws!

Really? This young lady is also very good!

The lady checking Lian Qingxue leaned over to look at Qi Yuns face, Indeed! Im so envious!

The two women began to eagerly study Qi Yuns face. Sometimes, they even touched his face. After more than ten minutes, they finished their examination reluctantly.

Before Qi Yun could sit up, he felt a weight pressing on him. It was Lian Qingxue, looking angry, half-kneeling on him, examining his face.

After scrutinizing him for a while, she stretched out her hand, pinching Qi Yuns cheeks.

Squish, squish, squish!

So fun to touch!

Dont you know the difference between men and women?

Youre not shy at all!

Lian Qingxue kept muttering to herself.

Qi Yun couldnt help but laugh.

Laugh! You still laugh!

They are professionals, just curious about good skin!

And you didnt avoid it! Just let them touch you!

Youre controlling me? Were not a couple Qi Yun said, smiling.

Eh! Lian Qingxues eyes darted around, not knowing what to say.

What authority do you have to control me?

I Im controlling you on behalf of Auntie! Im afraid youll be taken advantage of by the female hooligans in society!


Oh what oh! I just control you, so what! Lian Qingxue made a stubborn face.

Got it, Ill only let you touch!

Thats right But I dont want to touch!

Lian Qingxue stiffly turned her neck and walked out of the room.

Lian Qingxues skin condition was very good. She probably just hadnt had proper nutrition for many years, making her hair dry and her skin a little dehydrated. She only needed simple care.

Qi Yun felt a little disappointed when he heard this result. After all, simplicity meant cheapness. And Qi Yun liked expensive things.

Indeed, when it came to paying, including hair and face, it only cost a few hundred yuan. Far less than Qi Yun expected.

After paying, Lian Qingxue went upstairs.

Qi Yun sat outside and chatted with the lady who had examined him, so he wasnt bored.

After a while

Qi Yun?

Lian Qingxues voice came from the stairs.

Qi Yun looked up to see a sight he would never forget.

Lian Qingxues formerly thick bangs had been thinned out to airy bangs. Her previously dry hair was now smooth and draped over her shoulders, no longer able to hide her stunning beauty that had been concealed.

Qi Yun looked at Lian Qingxue, entranced for a long time. He knew Lian Qingxue was beautiful, but he didnt realize that at eighteen, Lian Qingxue was even more beautiful than he had imagined.

This version of Lian Qingxue, he had never seen in his previous life. Maybe even Lian Qingxue herself had never seen it.

In his previous life, Lian Qingxue at eighteen was still facing the hardships of life. Perhaps she was enduring poverty, inferiority, or even hunger.

Even though she would eventually find success, wealth, and everything she never had, she could never go back to being eighteen and save her humbler self.

She could only forever miss the best years of her life.

And all of this was changed and witnessed by Qi Yun.

Do I look good? Lian Qingxue asked with a hint of unease in her eyes.

Qi Yun smiled, Lian Qingxue, I can tell you, the luckiest thing in my life is to see your beauty.

At this moment, the systems prompt sounded again.

Congratulations, host, on completing the achievement Metamorphosis.

Congratulations, host, on receiving the reward Investment Target Reminder Card: When there is an excellent investment opportunity around the host, it will remind the host. Usable times: Once!


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