The God Of Power

Chapter 94 - 94

Chapter 94: Chapter 94

"God Flash" Hikari heard from behind as he suddenly felt the impact of the damage, his body convulsing as an attack pierced through him from behind like a white-hot beam of energy. Blood erupted from the wound as Hikari staggered backward, his celestial aura flickering with instability.

He looked to see the Noboru he deceived just a few seconds ago, flicker out and his sense picked up Noboru behind him. He slowly turned his head to see Noboru, standing tall amidst the chaos, as he gazed upon Hikari with a mocking smile playing on his lips. "Oh dear Hikari," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "it seems you forgot my eyes. The Gensogan can detect all illusions, solid or not. You played your hand trying to deceive me with my own element, and In return, I played you."

With a graceful motion, Noboru extended his hand, conjuring another surge of energy in the form of another God Flash, a beam of scorching white flame. The blast tore through the air, striking Hikari square in the chest and sending him crashing to the ground, his body smoldering with the remnants of the attack.

As Hikari lay sprawled on the battlefield, Noboru approached him with an air of superiority, a polite yet condescending demeanor. "You see, Hikari," he continued, "illusion or not, your feeble attempts to deceive me were in vain. Perhaps next time you'll think twice before underestimating my abilities."

"Damn You, Abomination, you have humiliated me for the last time," Hikari yelled as he stumbled to his legs and slowly reached for his third of seven limiters. He ripped his third limiter. As he did that the celestial omni-energy which was restrained flooded into his veins, healing and empowering him beyond the realms of comprehension.

"This power" I've missed it!" he yelled as he felt an unprecedented surge of power. The Boundless Battlescape Level 2, a realm beyond the concept of being beyond infinity, beyond dimensionality, beyond size, beyond scope, beyond measurement. Beyond everything and understanding in general, started to quake under the sheer force of his awakening.

"You think you are strong Abomination. Watch in terror and fear as you are surpassed and defeated. You are nothing but a stepping stone for me to earn my father's love to earn being his favorite. Then I will take that bitch who thought she was superior to me, Uriel, as mine. To show her perfect body who's better and owns her" Hikari yells.

Noboru, watching this, felt a chill run down his spine. Sweat beaded on his forehead, not just from the heat emanating from Hikari's body but from the raw instinct of witnessing such power. "Hikari, this... So this is your power!" he stammered, his voice barely a whisper against the cacophony of crumbling realities.

Hikari's eyes blazed with a rage that seemed to outshine the very essence of the Battlescape. "This realm," he spoke, his voice echoing through the infinite layers, "might not last but the Dimensium you have will create another place for to continue our little spat." With every word, the energy around him intensified, causing the very fabric of the Boundless Battlescape level 2 to warp and tear.

The ground beneath their feet, if one could even call it ground, buckled and shattered. The sky, a vast expanse beyond the concepts of beyond infinities and beyond dimensions canvas of swirling, ineffable colors, darkened as if mourning the impending doom. The primal energy that once pulsed with the essence of creation and destruction now screamed in agony, reacting violently to Hikari's unleashed power.

Each layer of the Boundless Battlescape level 2, a testament to the limitless potential of transcending even the concept of being beyond infinity and dimensionality existence, began to crumble. A place where the base layer was beyond the very concept of dimensionality, size, scope, and infinity both sets, cardinals and inaccessible cardinals lost meaning as the destruction escalated. What was once like a hyper-dimensional expanse, transcending all concepts of being beyond limits and dimensions, now seemed to fold onto itself, collapsing under the weight of Hikari's fury.

Noboru, his eyes wide with disbelief as he comprehends the scale of the destruction. The realm that stood as a monument to the boundless potential of power and a place for them to fight was now disintegrating before him. "Hikari, so this is our power! You're tearing apart the fabric of a place that transcends the concept of beyond infinite concepts like sets, inaccessible cardinals and even mahlo cardinals which is what the baseline boundless battlescape would be itself! Let's see the true extent of your power" he said, calming down near the end.

Hikari, his form now barely distinguishable amidst the chaos, stood as the epicenter of the unraveling reality. "This is my power Abomination," he declared, his voice booming across the collapsing layers, each bigger surpassing the boundless battlescape level 1 the base of the battlescape level 2, "And Now you will die."

As the last remnants of Boundless Battlescape Level 2 gave way, the realm that was once infinite layers expanse with each layer being bigger than a realm that transcends the concept of being beyond the concepts of beyond infinity, size, and limits ceased to exist. In its place, a void remained, waiting to be filled by the new realities that Hikari would create. Noboru, standing amidst the nothingness, waiting for the Dimensium relic he held to fix the battlescape and create a place where they can continue the fight.

Dimensium, sensing the destruction of Boundless Battlescape Level 2, started to absorb the energy of the destroyed Boundless Battlescape Level 2, Noboru, and Hikari, and the very essence of the cataclysm that had unfolded. In the aftermath of such unparalleled devastation, this Relic, the architect of realities beyond comprehension, contemplated the void left by the annihilation of its creation. It was a void that screamed for a new existence, a new challenge, a new boundless realm that would transcend even the inconceivable vastness of its predecessor.

In response to this cosmic demand, Dimensium conceived Boundless Battlescape Level 3. This new realm was not merely an extension of what had come before but a reinvention of the concept of being beyond infinity and dimensionality itself. If Boundless Battlescape Level 1 was a realm of such vastness that it rendered the concepts of size and scope meaningless, served merely as the foundational layer for what was to come. This foundation was a realm where the very idea of a 'Mahlo cardinal' size—a plane of existence that transcends the lower realms—seemed like a quaint notion. Within it, there were an infinite amount cracks each different size leading to smaller, lesser realms outside of the Boundless Battlescape Level 1 that transcend realms on the level of an 'inaccessible cardinal' suggesting a hierarchy of infinite infinities that defied comprehension.

The cracks create during the Noboru and Hikari's battle in the Boundless Battlescape Level 1 leads to the lower realms outside the Boundless Battlescape serve as gateways to realms of incomprehensible complexity, akin to inaccessible cardinals in mathematics. No matter the mathematical operations applied to these cracks—such as unions or power sets—they fail to even approach the vastness of Boundless Battlescape Level 1. These lower realms defy conventional understanding and transcend mathematical logic, remaining beyond the reach of any operation or set manipulation.

Yet, for all its unfathomable vastness, Boundless Battlescape Level 1 was but the base upon which Boundless Battlescape Level 2 was built. Boundless Battlescape Level 2 was akin to the idea of an Ethereal Cardinal. Boundless Battlescape Level 2 was what you got when you got Boundless Battlescape Level 1 a place and added infinite layers where each layer saw the one below it as fiction.

And now, Dimensium sought to eclipse even this monumental creation. Boundless Battlescape Level 3 would use Boundless Battlescape Level 2 as its foundation, incorporating infinite layers, each infinitely more vast and complex than the last. In this new schema, every layer viewed the one beneath it not as a lesser realm but as mere fiction, a myth scarcely worthy of consideration.

This hierarchy of infinities, each layer transcending the last in a perpetual escalation of complexity and scale, defied all known mathematics and logic. The operators and sets, no matter how complex—from aleph-0, aleph-1, aleph-2, and beyond—applied to the lower realms that the cracks of Boundless Battlescape Level 1 led to that were either akin to the inaccessible cardinal or even lower like infinite sets realms, could never begin to scratch the surface of Boundless Battlescape Level 1.

Like how no matter what operators you did to Boundless Battlescape level 1 you will never reach Boundless Battlescape level 2.

Likewise, Boundless Battlescape Level 3 was untouchable or unachievable no matter what you applied to Boundless Battlescape Level 2, Boundless Battlescape Level 3 was to be an order of magnitude beyond even Boundles Battlecape Level 2, a realm where the infinite layers based on the foundational Boundless Battlescape Level 1 were seen as the mere beginning—a base Layer.

As Dimensium wove the fabric of this new realm, the energy absorbed from the destruction of Boundless Battlescape Level 2, along with the essence of Noboru, Hikari, and the primal forces unleashed, became the seed from which Boundless Battlescape Level 3 would born.

"You will pay for everything Noboru." Hikari yells, his form a beacon of raw, celestial omni-energy, his eyes ablaze with a vengeful light. "Celestial Wrath!" he roared, unleashing a devastating wave of energy that tore through the layers, aiming to obliterate Noboru with the force of 3 million of this Battlescape Level 3's infinite layers.

Noboru knew how to stop this quickly; he countered with a calm yet decisive action. "Omni Energy Shield!" he declared, erecting a barrier of Omni Energy that absorbed and nullified the celestial onslaught, turning Hikari's devastating attack into a mere whisper against the infinite expanse of the Boundless Battlescape Level 3.

'It worked. It seems that Hikari's Omni Energy isn't pure Omni Energy but he's converting it to the branch power like magic or chakra but in his case, It's Celestial Light Energy,' Noboru thought. What Hikari was doing was embedding Celestial Light into his Omni Energy which Hikari might think was strong but Noboru knew Omni Energy was stronger untouched all Hikari was doing was weakening Omni Energy as it wasn't pure but diluted. 'This means since my Omni Energy is True untouched Omni Energy mine can negate Hikaris Celestial Omni Energy without trouble as it's a lower form, a diluted power. I wonder if that's what this so-called father does to stifle his kid's potential by teaching them wrong.'

Not deterred, Hikari charged forward, his body a conduit for the unbridled power of the cosmos. "Meteor Strike!" he bellowed, summoning a barrage of energy-infused meteorites, each one aimed directly at Noboru with the intent to crush him under the weight of the an Layer of the Boundless Battlescape Level 3.

With a flicker of his Gensōgan, Noboru deftly turned the bombardment of meteors he could see into nothing. "Spatial Rend," he whispered, slicing through the fabric of reality itself to create rifts that swallowed the meteorites which were the size of Boundless Battlescpe Level 1. He missed or never saw the whole, effectively turning Hikari's attack against him by redirecting the projectiles back towards Hikari by opening the other end of the rift on top Hikari.

Hikari, caught off guard by the unexpected counter, barely managed to erect a barrier of celestial energy. "Eclipse Barrier!" he shouted, protecting himself from his own redirected attack, the force of the impact sending shockwaves throughout the surrounding realms.

Seeing an opening, Noboru launched his counterattack, his voice calm yet imbued with power. "Let;'s see you take this! Causality Blade!," he yells, summoning a sword of his own pure Omni Energy that could cut through the threads of cause and effect themselves. With a swift motion, he aimed a strike at Hikari, intending to disrupt the flow of energy within his opponent and momentarily weaken him.

"That's nothing Abomination." Hikari replied sensing the imminent threat letting out a primal scream, "Don't underestimate me! Galactic Burst!" Unleashing a nova of energy from his core, he not only deflected Noboru's Causality Blade but also sent a shockwave of force that threatened to destabilize the very place they stood upon.

Noboru, realizing the escalating danger, decided to shift tactics. "True Warp!" he announced, teleporting both himself and Hikari to a different layer of the Boundless Battlescape, one that could withstand their monumental power without risking the collapse of the entire realm. True Warp was a technique designed to allow Noboru to teleport to and from where even the concepts of infinity were too small like a Mahlo Cardinal and Ethereal Cardinals were to this place.

In this new arena, a void lit by the remnants of shattered realities, Hikari lunged at Noboru with renewed fury. "Celestial Lance!" he screamed, forming a spear of pure energy and hurling it with all his might towards Noboru.

"Cosmic Veil," Noboru calmly countered, weaving a tapestry of cosmic energy that diffused the lance, transforming it into a harmless light show. "It's time to end this, Hikari. Your rage blinds you, while my resolve sharpens my focus."

"You dare stand in front of me as an equal." Hikari yells out, channeling his celestial omni-energy into a singular, devastating blow, roaring with triumphant fury, "Celestial Comet Strike!" His form blazed across the void like a meteor, aimed directly at Noboru with the intent to obliterate. The air around them, though a concept barely applicable in this boundless realm, crackled with the raw power of his attack.

Noboru, momentarily caught off guard by the ferocity and magnitude of Hikari's onslaught, struggled to counter. His mind raced, calculating the myriad possibilities of escape or defense. With no time to spare, he shouted, "Omni Energy Barrier!" and conjured a shield of nothingness, an attempt to absorb and negate the impact of Hikari's strike.

The collision of Hikari's Celestial Comet Strike against Noboru's Omni Energy Barrier shook the very foundations of Boundless Battlescape Level 3, causing reality itself to ripple and warp under the strain. The barrier held, but at a great cost. Noboru's energy reserves were significantly drained, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Hikari.

Sensing his opponent's weakness, Hikari laughed, a sound that echoed ominously through the realm. "Is this the extent of your power, Noboru? Pathetic!" Without giving Noboru a moment to recover, he followed up with a series of attacks, each named and more devastating than the last. "Starfire Barrage!" he cried, unleashing a hail of energy blasts, each one capable of incinerating the very Layers they were in.

Noboru, weaving through the blasts with desperate agility, countered with his own named attack in a bid to turn the tide. "Temporal Rewind!" he shouted, attempting to manipulate the flow of time to dodge the incoming assault. For a moment, it seemed as if he would succeed, but Hikari, anticipating this move, had imbued his Starfire Barrage with time-resistant properties. "Did you think such a simple trick would work against me? I've learned from The best, Abomination!"

Cornered and with his options dwindling, Noboru called upon one of his most strategic abilities yet. "Reality Shift!" he announced, attempting to alter the very fabric of the battleground to disorient Hikari and create an opening for a counterattack.

He did this by blinding him and turning everything into a blinding light source which when coupled with Hikari's advanced senses disorientated him momentarily.

"I am beyond such petty manipulations, Noboru! You cannot escape me!" Hikari declared, closing in for the kill. With a final, monumental effort, he gathered all his celestial omni-energy, preparing to end the battle once and for all. "This ends now! Celestial Obliteration Wave!"

Noboru, realizing the imminent threat, knew he had one last card to play. "Gensōgan: Ultimate Illusion!" With every ounce of his remaining strength, he activated his clan's most profound illusion technique, aiming to create a perfect replica of himself as a decoy to take the hit.

As Hikari's Celestial Obliteration Wave crashed down, the illusion was shattered, revealing Noboru's gambit. However, the sheer force of the attack was too vast, too encompassing, and Noboru found himself caught in the fringes of its destruction.

Severely weakened, Noboru lay amidst the remnants of his shattered defenses, looking up at Hikari, who loomed over him with a victor's gaze. "Any last words, Noboru?" Hikari sneered, his energy crackling with the anticipation of victory.

Noboru, breathing heavily, managed a defiant smile. "You... haven't won yet," he whispered,


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