The God Of Power

Chapter 91 - 91

Chapter 91: Chapter 91

"Now, Hikari, allow me to show you the power I have gained," Noboru's voice, calm yet suffused with a storm of emotions, cut through the eerie stillness of the boundless Battlescape realm. The vast expanse, a domain where the very concept of existence was stretched to its incomprehensible limits, awaited the unleashing of a force it had never before witnessed.

Hikari, his expression a mask of disdain and arrogance, couldn't suppress a flicker of curiosity. "Show me, then. Let's see if your newfound strength can actually impress me," he sneered, his confidence unshaken despite the ominous energy simmering within Noboru.

Noboru's gaze hardened, memories of his city, its people, and the destruction wrought by Hikari flooding his mind. A surge of rage, a tempest of sorrow and resolve, swirled within him. His heart, a beacon of his will, throbbed with the desire to protect, to avenge, and to assert his existence against the celestial decree that deemed him an abomination.

The ground beneath Noboru's feet, a canvas of swirling vortexes and colors beyond the spectrum of ordinary reality, began to pulse in sync with his rising emotions. The air around him vibrated, the primal energy of the realm responding to the imminent release of his omni energy.

"I have traversed worlds, faced gods, and defied fate itself. I carry within me the hopes of those who believe in me, the spirits of worlds that have embraced me as their champion. Hikari, you stand before not just a man, but someone who has transcended the very concepts of infinity, dimensions, size and measurement," Noboru declared, his voice resonating through the infinite expanse, stirring the very essence of the realm.

With a deep inhale, Noboru tapped into the core of his being, where his Omni Energy, a power that transcended the laws of the universe. A power that is everything and nothing, that started everything but ends everything a power the predates such notions but also exceeds. A power that is beyond comprehension that it can do anything even if it contradicts itself and others.

In Noboru He saw many flashes llke the city Chikyuu city entrusted to him, its beauty and its destruction it endured, His friends Sky, Layla, Yumeko, Fire Genral Kai, Emiko and Celestia, He too saw the destruction of his Kingdom the Dragon Kingdom. But the 2 flashes that pushed the camels back was seening Old Man Fenrir and his grandpa Haruki's death.

"I won't lose ever again." He roared out channeling his emotions into a focal point of incalculable power.

The release was instantaneous, a cataclysmic explosion of light and energy that tore through the Boundless Battlescape like a supernova. The primal energy, the fabric of existence itself, recoiled and trembled as Noboru's Omni Energy unfurled in a display of raw, unbridled power.

Cracks, vast and jagged, splintered across the realm's surface, fissures that spanned dimensions and realities, testament to the might being unleashed. The boundless sky, a tapestry of all possibilities, flickered and distorted, unable to contain the surge of energy that challenged the very notion of effecting something beyond the concept of infinity, size and measurement.

Hikari, witnessing the spectacle, felt an unfamiliar sensation creeping into his heart – fear. The confident smirk faded, replaced by a growing realization of the true extent of Noboru's strength. His first of the seven limiters, symbols of his restrained power, seemed insignificant in the face of Noboru's rage-fueled ascendance.

"This... this power, Achieved by a mortal" Hikari murmured, a mix of awe and disbelief in his voice. "It's impossible. It defies everything I know, everything I've been taught." As he said this Hikari felt the entire Boundless Battlespace shakes as more cracks leading to the multiple other smaller/lower realms some that looked like small shiny atoms but were actually so big it contained within it layers upon layers of infinite sets, each transcending the other in a hierarchy of endlessness that defied logical progression.There was an infinite number of these cracks. Some patches of these cracks in the Boundless Battlescape had more cracks than others, showing different sizes or sets of infinity, even though barely noticeable from what Hikari could see, thanks to his enhanced eyesight. Calling them atoms would a exaggeration the only reason Hikari could see these tiny minuscule unseeable cracks was because his eye sight with a single glance allowed him to see anything and everything even if below sub atomic in size. These cracks were a lower dimension or realm compared to the Battlescape which transcended the lower realm infinitly and even that infinitely to a point where no matter whatever operations is applied to like adding or combining sets—what mathematicians call unions, or even power sets—don't even begin to reach let alone scratch the surface of the Battlescape.

Noboru, at the epicenter of the storm, stood resolute, his figure a beacon of defiance against the celestial edicts that sought to bind him. The energy around him coalesced into a vortex, a whirlpool of Omni Energy that shattered the boundaries of comprehension.

"Do you feel it, Hikari! This is the essence of my power, forged in the fires of trials i have endured, tempered by the bonds of friendship, and unleashed as a testament of my resolve. It's over Hikari. I am Noboru Chikara, and no matter what you or your so father call me. I will not be bound by your father, you or any of you and his fates or decrees! I will be no one's puppet! No one can just label me a abomination and kill me off labeling me a threat to some insecure wannabe god!" Noboru roared, his voice a clarion call that resonated across the boundless expanse, challenging the cosmos itself.

The battlescape trembled under the might of Noboru's declaration. The primal energy, the essence of the realm, swirled in a chaotic dance, reshaping itself in response to the display of power that defied the very concept of limits. As it rebuilt it self

Hikari, standing amidst the storm of energy, felt the weight of his own insignificance. The seven limiters that bound him, once a source of shame, now seemed like the only lifeline in the face of Noboru's overwhelming force. A glimmer of respect, begrudging and hard-earned, flickered in his eyes.

"Very well, Noboru. I see now the depth of your strength. But remember, I still have my limiters. You are just facing the power just one of my seven limiters holds. This battle is far from over, In fact i would say its already decided like your fate. The one you say we don't control you are a fool those siblings of mine the seven heavenly kings could have easily ended your existence if it wasn't for... Never mind lets just end this." Hikari said, steeling himself for the clash that would decide not just their fates, but the fate of realms beyond reckoning.

Noboru smiled as he dashed at Hikari. Every sub-atomic particle he crossed was like clearing infinite sets of layers upon layers of infinite sets, each transcending the other in a hierarchy of endlessness that transcended the concepts of size, measurement and infinities.

Hikari, his confidence shaken but not shattered, met Noboru's charge head-on. He raised a hand, unleashing a torrent of pure white light – Celestial Radiance. The energy, an embodiment of his holy light omni energy, slammed into Noboru, but instead of vaporizing him, it seemed to flicker and distort around him like a moth dancing near a flame.

"Is that all you can muster, Celestial lapdog?" Noboru taunted, a smile twisting his lips. He raised his hand and with a flick of his wrist, conjured a swirling vortex of black flames – Darkness Flames. The flames, defying logic, burned even within the Boundless Battlescape realm, their heat a chilling void that threatened to consume all light.

Hikari gritted his teeth. The arrogance that once fueled him was replaced by a cold, calculating focus. He understood now that brute force wouldn't win this fight. He needed to exploit Noboru's weaknesses. "So this is your power," he called out, his voice echoing across the boundless expanse, "a parody of true creation, a mockery of light!"

Noboru laughed, a sound like thunder rolling across a desolate plain. "Mockery? This is the power of defying your celestial tyranny! A power that burns brighter than your feeble light!" He launched a volley of Blaze Balls, scorching spheres of black fire that streaked towards Hikari.

"Foolish mortal," Hikari countered, channeling his holy light energy into a series of intricate glyphs that materialized before him – Divine Ward. The glyphs pulsed with a blinding light, each one shattering the Blaze Balls on contact.

The battle raged on, a dance of light and darkness across the Boundless Battlescape. Hikari unleashed a barrage of Holy Spears, pure light constructs that pierced through the Boundless Battlescape, but Noboru twisted reality with a flick of his finger, warping the spears' trajectories and sending them harmlessly astray.

Noboru retaliated with a blinding flash of white-hot energy – God Flash. It mimicked Hikari's earlier attack, yet held a twisted darkness within its core. Hikari, caught off guard, was engulfed in the explosion.

"How does it feel, Celestial fool, to taste your own medicine?" Noboru roared, his voice tinged with glee.

But from the swirling dust of the explosion, a figure emerged, unharmed. Hikari stood tall, his Celestial armor gleaming even brighter. "You misunderstand, Noboru," he declared, his voice laced with newfound resolve. "Your darkness is but a shadow cast by the light. It has no power of its own."

He raised his hand again, and this time, a different energy crackled around him – a swirling vortex of pure potentiality. This was his trump card, a technique he had only recently mastered – True Singularity.

Noboru felt a tremor of unease crawl through him. He recognized that energy – the raw essence of creation itself. Panic welled within him, a stark contrast to his earlier arrogance.

"You fool you dare use such an unstable force!" Noboru said. "You'll destroy everything, including yourself!"

"A small price to pay for your eradication," Hikari replied, his voice devoid of emotion. He launched the singularity forward.

Noboru, fueled by confidence, unleashed one of his most potent attack – Purgatory Sword. A colossal, flaming blade materialized from the very fabric of the Boundless Battlescape, radiating an aura of pure destruction.

The singularity and the Purgatory Sword met in a clash that reverberated through the infinite dimensions. The Boundless Battlescape itself groaned under the strain, cracks spreading like spiderwebs across its surface. Hikari and Noboru, locked in a silent struggle of wills, poured everything they had into their attacks.

Noboru smiled as he looked he felt his purgatory sword made of flames that eat away at Kiakri's True singularity. Hikari's attack True singularity was a complicated attack to understand what it was a singularity what that mean was When Hikari uses his attack called "True Singularity," he basically squishes this crazy realm they're in into a tiny point, like squishing a piece of clay. Then, he uses that squished-up realm to attack Noboru.

It's a move that's so powerful, it can warp even the most mind-boggling places. But when he uses the attack in this battlescape a realm/place where the very concept of limits, not just for dimensions or infinity, but for existence itself, dissolved into a shimmering haze. The ground stretched not just infinitely, but beyond the grasp of infinity itself, a swirling vortex of colors that defied not just categorization, but comprehension. It pulsed with a primal energy beyond creation and destruction, existing in a state that transcended even the fundamental duality. The endless sky mirrored the ground below, not just a kaleidoscope of colors, but a tapestry woven from the very fabric of existence, holding not the secrets of a never-ending infinite amount of Infinite hierarchies of infinite sets that transcend other infinite sets of dimensions that are beyond standard infinties each one vast bigger a different representation of a infinite sets starting from countable infinity to the uncountable to the unattainable unreachable inaccessible cardinal levels of infintiy, but the essence of all possibilities, both real and unreal. There were no stars, no sun, no moon, no gods, no concepts, just an unfettered expanse of raw, unfiltered reality held in a balance that transcended logic itself. It was a realm not just beyond dimensions, but beyond the very concept of boundaries, a boundless battleground where even the whispers of fundamental laws faltered and died.

The battlescape is so vast. The smaller/lower realms within the boundless battleground and the cracks that led to them are like exploring the infinite depths of a fractal. These smaller/lower realms are described as appearing tiny from the perspective of the boundless realm, resembling small shiny atoms if one were to focus with special vision enhancements that allowed you you to see that that is smaller than subatomic level, but to anyone from or below even the lower realms, they contain within them layers upon layers of infinite complexity. Each layer is an infinite set that transcends each other in a hierarchy of endlessness, defying any attempt at logical progression.

Now, when Hikari invokes the TrueSingularity, he taps into the raw, unfiltered reality of this Boundless Battlescape realm. The attack is not just a mere display of power; it's a manipulation of the very fabric of existence itself. he condenses the vast expanse of the boundless battlescape realm into a singular point, like folding a piece of paper into a tiny origami shape. This condensed form of reality becomes a weapon, infused with the immense energy and potential of the entire realm.

When unleashed upon Noboru, this condensed singularity carries with it the full force of the Boundless Battlescape realm's unfathomable power. It's like focusing the energy of a raging storm into a single lightning bolt, striking with precision and overwhelming force.

However Noboru's Purgatory Sword, particularly its Crimson Flame, embodies a relentless hunger, a voracious desire to consume and burn away anything it touches. This isn't just ordinary fire; it's a manifestation of the purifying flames of the afterlife, capable of consuming even the most formidable of opponents no matter how vast or beyond the concepts of infinity, dimensions, size and measurement it will consume it to nothing.

As the Crimson Flame engulfs Hikari's condensed singularity, it encounters a challenge unlike any other. The singularity, a concentration of the Boundless Battlescape realm and its raw energy into a single point, may seem invincible and contain inconceivable power, but it is not immune to the consuming power of the Purgatory Sword.

The flames of the Purgatory Sword gnaw at the singularity, tearing away at its condensed form with an insatiable appetite. It's like a small fire devouring a vast forest, each flicker of flame chipping away at the singularity's overwhelming power.

Despite the singularity's immense force, it cannot withstand the relentless assault of the Purgatory's flames. With each moment, the singularity weakens, it is devoured under the relentless onslaught.

In the wake of the boundless battlescape's annihilation by Noboru's purgatory sword, the Dimensium relic, sensing its domain's destruction, awakened to an unprecedented level of power. Drawing deeply from the essences of Hikari and Noboru, it birthed the Boundless Battlescape Level 2, an existence so vastly superior to its predecessor that it rendered the original realm not just obsolete, but fictional in comparison.m

Boundless Battlescape Level 2 is a beyond the notions and concepts of infinity, size, limits place that dwarfs its former self, transcending it in every conceivable way. It's not merely another dimension but is like a hyper-dimensional expanse that considers the previous battlescape as its foundation, yet infinitely surpasses it. This new realm is layered, with each stratum expanding beyond the last in scale and complexity, dwarfing the previous level so completely that each lower layer appears as mere myth or allegory to the ones above.

At the heart of this multidimensional colossus is what once was the boundless battlescape, now serving as the core or 'base' layer for Level 2. Here like the original, the concept of limits, whether pertaining to dimensions, infinity, or existence itself, fades into a mere memory. The ground and sky, indistinguishable from each other, stretch beyond infinity, swathed in a swirling vortex of ineffable colors. This base layer pulses with a primal energy that is neither creation nor destruction but something beyond both, existing in a state that transcends duality.

The layers above this base are each infinitely more vast and complex, with the very notion of size or scope becoming increasingly abstract and undefinable. In Boundless Battlescape Level 2, every layer perceives the one beneath it as a lower realm of fiction, an abstract concept rather than a tangible reality. Each successive stratum embodies this principle to a degree that exponentially escalates with each ascension, rendering the lower levels as mere stepping stones to higher forms of existence.

This realm is unbounded by the conventional understandings of space, time, or logic. It is a multiverse within itself, where each layer contains infinite possibilities, scenarios, and realities, each more unfathomable than the last. The essence of this new battlescape isn't just a place for conflict but a testament to the boundless potential of existence itself, where the very fabric of reality is woven from infinite layers of possibilities, transcending the original battlescape's already incomprehensible vastness.

Boundless Battlescape Level 2 stands as a monument to the limitless potential of power and imagination, a realm where the concept of 'beyond' is continuously redefined, and the very essence of existence is elevated to realms of infinite possibility, forever outstripping the confines of the original battlefield.


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