The God Of Power

Chapter 35 - 35

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Seven years later, Aeritha, the Skyward Citadel.

Sky was practicing with his sword. He was 18, and in a few days, it would be his graduation from Skyward Zephyr Academy, an elite academy. He was chosen by the great saint, the Heart of the Wind, Yumeko Soraana. She was one of the daughters of one of the 4 Element gods, the Wind God Kaze Hayashi. The 4 Element gods weren't actually gods; they were the strongest on each island and considered royalty. For Aeritha, it was Kaze. Sky wanted to be the next Wind God and move his family into the Royal castle. You see, because of the Void Beast, everyone believed the strong survive, and the weak die and are used.

Sky himself experienced a lot of hardships being born in a kingdom where power was respected and having a powerless family. Sky's family was known as Powerless, born as less than trash. They were discriminated against, used by those with powers, and discarded like trash if they ever talked back or failed a task. Sky was not like that, though. Luckily, he was born with a power called Aura, a power that allows one to fully synchronize, manipulate, and become one with a single element. Sky was special; not only could he do all that, but he also had absolute control over Wind, like in the legends.

"With this power, I will help you, Mum. I will become the Wind God and stop the oppression people with power do to the powerless."

Sky was not the only one who wanted to become the next Wind god. There were a lot of young talents with potential, and many from Noble and Royal families. Those were the people he had to compete with.

"Sky," Sky heard as he turned around to see Yumeko running to him.

"Yumeko, what's up?" Sky said.

"It's bad; the Void beast, especially the Void Scorpion, is attacking the church," Yumeko said.

"The Void Scorpion," Sky said shocked. "It's been a while since it's appeared," Sky said concerned.

"Yes, I think it's because of the graduation ceremony that's happening in a few days," Yumeko agreed.

"Wait a minute, the Church, that's where Mum is," Sky said as he dashed off to the area. "Sky, wait!" Yumeko shouted.

Sky ran towards the Church; on his way, he saw Yuya, a man who lived across his house, yelling at a Pegasus merchant. He was trying buy the Pegasus for 68 copper, only for the merchant to laugh and say it's worth more than the powerless man's life. As he turned the corner to get to the church, Sky saw something disgusting: a man in black armor pinning a woman from behind as he unbuckled his pants. This was Baron Jaegar, and the woman in question was a blonde beauty called Amy, who was screaming no. Any other day, Sky would have stopped this, as this happened usually, but Sky was focused on saving his mum. He also saw two guys dragging Amy's mother, an old lady, on a rusty anvil and slicing her hands off. He heard them say this was for stopping Baron Jaeger. He then took another turn to see a horrifying sight: the giant building-sized Void Scorpion and several man Void crabs.

"Mum," Sky shouted as he dashed to her; she was huddled up with several other powerless people. Sky realized the powered were using powerless people like his mother as sacrifices because the Void Scorpion can only stay for so long in the world before it's sucked back into the void along with its minions because the Void hasn't fully opened and consumed the world.

Sky ran to her, but since he was powered and had Aura, he became the target of the Void Beasts and the Void Scorpion since boid beasts loved eating people with Aura, since once they ate enough, they evolved. The Void Beasts launched themselves at Sky as they rushed to try and eat. Sky moved his hand to the right, manipulating the wind to send the void crabs flying.

"Mum, get out of here, and the rest of you too, please," Sky said as he rushed at the Void Scorpion, who sent its tail at Sky. He deflected it with his sword, charged up his aura, molding wind into his sword, making it shine a light blue and slashing at the scorpion's tail. The tail flew off and disintegrated into the air.

The Void Scorpion was infuriated and sent its six remaining legs at Sky, who was about to defend them when he felt something cold wrap around his foot and throw him to the ground.

"You are mine!" said the scorpion as it raised its pincers ready to end the boy.

"NO," shouted Sky's mother as she jumped in the way, taking all six of the legs.

"Mum, no," Sky screamed as the scorpion began sucking out the life of his mother.

"Don't worry, Sky. It's fine. You'll be the next Wind God and stop this tyranny and discrimination. I always believed in you and always will," his mother said.

"NO," Sky yelled as his silver aura turned sky blue and formed around him as he rushed at the Void Scorpion, and with a single slash, the body of the scorpion split in two. He then slashed the rest of the remains of the void in anger. "Die scum," Sky yelled in rage at losing his mother, but then something happened; the void sent energy down as the scorpion and the crabs all started to come together, creating a giant centipede.

"I am Scorpio. You, Sky, will die," said the void.

"What? You can talk?" Sky said shocked.

"Of course. You don't think I'm just some mindless beast, do you?" said the centipede as it rushed at Sky. Sky tried to block, but his sword broke. The centipede whacked Sky with its tail, sending him flying into the church. Sky got up bleeding. He rushed and jumped, forming a wind blade and tried stabbing Scorpio but felt nothing.

"You are weak like your mother," said Scorpio as it grabbed Sky and stabbed him with its tail. Sky started to scream in agony as his skin started to crack and turn grey. "Watch as your town is turned to nothing," Scorpio said menacingly as the black dome appeared around the town, preventing anyone from escaping, as several Void beasts. "Kill everyone, leave none of these pathetic creatures alive," it yelled as the beasts started to ravage the town.

"Noo," Sky yelled as he tried to attack, but he was being held down by Scorpio's tail that currently had him pinned down. Sky started to lose blood.

"Please, someone, anyone help us," Sky said as Scorpio got mad and pulled out his tail only to wait for Sky's aura to heal him, only to pin him with the tail by stabbing it through him again and again.

"Help. Nobody is going to help you," Scorpio yelled as he stabbed him again and again, each time waiting for Sky's aura to heal him.

"Please help us," Sky cried out in pain, being pinned to the ground by Scorpio's tail.

"Cry for help; is that all you can

do?" Scorpio yelled as he pulled his tail out once again; this time, he aimed for his head. "Well then, I will just put you out of your misery. It's time to feast on your aura," Scorpio yelled; he brought his tail down. Suddenly, cracks were heard and seen on the void dome as it shattered. The next moment Scorpio was sent flying.

Sky, who was bleeding, barely looked up to see a man with black hair, a beard wearing gold and black armor with a sword and shield, and red eyes with two gold rings in them.

"It's good to see that you, at least, are helping the powerless, unlike the other powered who were focusing on trying to break the dome. Don't worry, heal up; I will take care of this," Noboru said as he walked to Scorpio, who had gotten enraged. Its leg was broken from the impact of the hit, and it couldn't heal.

"You dare attack me, the great Scorpio, chosen by Void Queen Yami to be powered by the void," Scorpio yelled as he punched Noboru, who stood there.

"Hey, move, you will die," Sky yelled as the punch connected, and dust covered the area, but when it cleared, Sky was shocked; the punch did nothing. Noboru's golden rings in his red eyes shined as Sky witnessed something unbelievable; Scorpio's attacks went through Noboru like Scorpio was an intangible illusion.

"What is this? How are you doing this?" Scorpio yelled as black energy formed in his mouth, taking the form of a ball. "Void Bomb," Scorpio yelled as the ball turned into a beam that rushed at Noboru, whose eyes, first golden ring the smaller one, glowed, and the attack went through Noboru as if it was an illusion.

"Pathetic," Noboru said as the next second Scorpio's head was cut clean off and turned into void energy, which was absorbed back into the void. Noboru then looked at the beast whose eyes turned red. The crabs charged at Noboru, wanting to eat him alive. Noboru just looked at them, focusing his killing intent as the crabs, for the first time in their life, gave out a scream of fear before they just fell to the ground dead and did not even turn into energy. It was as if they were erased themselves from fear.

Sky looked shocked; all of the Void Beasts and the Centipede Scorpio, which used to be the scorpion, were dead. Scorpio, in one attack, and billions of void beasts just killed themselves in what Sky deduced as some sort of fear-inducing attacking. He saw Yumeko run up and help and place her hand on him, completely healing the areas his aura had not healed yet.

"Thanks, Yumeko. This man has defeated the void beasts and even a Void Monster that evolved into a sentient Void Monster," Sky said as he stood up.

"You can call me Noboru," said the man.

"Noboru, what type of power is that?" Sky asked.

"Let's just say the eyes turning attacks into illusions is something my family can do, and taking down the void Beasts was me using my killing intent, which meant my presence was so strong and terrifying to the little crabs they erased themselves from existence," Noboru said.

"Incredible. Please teach me," Sky said.

"Sorry, boy. I'm just passing by; I have to go now," Noboru said as he was about to jump when he felt a tug.

"Please, I need to avenge my mother," Sky said.

"You are still a child," Noboru said.

"I am an adult soon to graduate," Sky said.

"Kid, look, you get stronger when you have nobody there for you. That's how I got strong; my parents abandoned me. My grandpa only lived to show me basics and a few advanced level techniques; after that, he was killed. This power I gained it by myself. Having someone hold your hand makes you weak, dependent on others," Noboru said truthfully because even Ayame never held his hand and trained him; she made him survive in the forest. Plus, he couldn't teach Sky anyways, unlike Sky or anyone in this world. Noboru does not use Aura; he used Omni Energy, which is exclusive to people in his world. Of course, now that he had been reincarnated here for the combat trial, he can use aura, and he does not to raise suspicion, but what he used was omni energy, not aura.

"But," Sky was about to say.

"No. You must get strong by yourself. If you are still a kid, then I am not your teacher. Now then, I have to leave," Noboru said as he waved his hand, and the area and everything around it fixed itself.

"Hey, kid, get strong so you can avenge your mother yourself. You are strong; I can sense it," Noboru said.

"Thank you. But where will you be?" Sky asked.

"Who knows?" Noboru replied as he left.

"I will avenge you, Mum," Sky said. "Yumeko, please, let's go back," Sky said.

Noboru smiled after they left. "Kid was the main hero of this world. He was meant to be the one that can use all elements, but because of my reincarnation here, my omni energy made it so that I am the main character of the story and will have the perks. He can still get strong though; he has a high affinity to wind aura even more so than the so-called wind god," Noboru said as he walked, saw a gold flash, and smiled; that was his next location.


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