The God Of Power

Chapter 25 - 25

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

A few days had passed, and Noboru Chikara and Celestia Lunablade stood side by side in the main hall of Celestial Vanguard Academy. Roshi, the principal, walked up, glaring at Noboru and looking at Celestia as if she were a piece of meat. Noboru stepped in front of her, almost as if he were shielding her from the man's gaze.

"All of you have done well to pass the exam. Is that what you expected me to say? Because you're wrong if you thought that. You all have done the bare minimum to enter my prestigious school. Now, for the next years to come, you will all learn what it takes to be Magic Knights, Fighters, or Ninjas, whichever warrior categorization your country uses," Roshi said. Noboru once again frowned since Roshi missed the categorization of the Dragon Kingdom, which was Heroes. Noboru sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with that petty weakling.

"You will now be assigned your dorms; your roommate will be the person you partnered up with," Roshi said as Noboru smiled, at least he was with Celestia. About an hour later, both Celestia and he got their keys and dorms and were now in them.

"So, Noboru-Sama, we got our dorms and are official students of this school, what now?" Celestia said as Noboru smirked.

"It's simple; we are going to show the human kingdoms why the Dragon Kingdom is the strongest. My former family will know what it's like to be weak once I take away the position of the strongest country and rule the world," Noboru said as Celestia smiled at the thought of those dirty, enslaving, raping humans being put in their place and below the Dragon Kingdom.

"Yes, I look forward to seeing you accomplish that goal, Noboru-Sama," Celestia said as she and Noboru went to their respective beds.

"Well then, Celestia, see you tomorrow; we should sleep because we have a long day tomorrow," Noboru said as he fell asleep.

"Good night, Noboru-Sama," Celestia said before falling asleep.

Meanwhile, at the Phoenix Kingdom,

Shin Chikara, Niju Chikara, and Yami Chikara sat in the Phoenix Kingdom War room as they discussed their plans to deal with Shin's grandson, Noboru, and the kingdom he made, the Phoenix Kingdom.

"So are we in agreement that we will start a war between the Demon Empire and Dragon Kingdom? They will be strong enough to eliminate Noboru and at least hold off Ayame Akatsuki while we retake the Dragon Kingdom and have those sexy elves as our slaves and get back our supply of Dimensium, which Noboru is using against us," said Yami Chikara.

"I have no objections, Yami. Noboru dared to blackmail us, the three founding kings, all because Shin's line neglected and forsake him. A weakling like him, who hides behind Ayame, deserved it," Niju yelled mad.

"Then we are in agreement. We will acquire the Relic Of Light and use it on the Empress Shinami of the Demon Empire, igniting a war between the Dragon Kingdom and Noboru Chikara, and we use it to ransack the land of its people, who will be enslaved, and its resources like Dimensium will be ours. We will once again rule over the Dragon Kingdom, once known as the forbidden regions," Yami yelled out.

"Yes, my kingdom will be the strongest kingdom once again," the two other kings yelled in agreement as the three kings started to glare at each other but gave a look that said, for this, we will help you, but after that, our truce is over.

Back with Noboru Chikara,

Noboru woke up and saw Celestia still sleeping. He smiled at his loyal knight and got up and did his morning routine, which included taking a bath, brushing his teeth, and putting on his uniform. He was currently making breakfast when he saw Celestia come in.

"What are you making, Noboru-Sama?" Celestia said as Noboru smiled.

"Steamed Rice and Miso Soup," Noboru replied as he saw her sniffing the scent of the food and her elven ears twitch, which he thought was adorable.

"You make the best food; you should cook for us all the time," she said as Noboru laughed.

"I'm the king; shouldn't you be the one who's making food?" Noboru said in a teasing tone.

"Well, you could always make me your queen," Celestia said with a flirtatious tone as Noboru laughed. He knew she was joking; she knew he had feelings for one person, and that was not her.

"I'm going to go take a bath, Noboru-Sama," she said as he nodded and continued making breakfast. He heard the bathwater and decided to set up the table for both of them. When she finished, he put the food on the table, and they began to eat.

"Thank you for the food," they said at the same time.

"So, Noboru-Sama, have any ideas what our classes are today?" she said as Noboru shrugged while walking to their first class. Luckily, since they were partners, they were in the same class. They entered Class 03, and Noboru's mood turned sour when he saw familiar faces.

His spoiled brother, Kouki, and sister, Meiyo, along with the Phoenix Kingdom clan heads. Akari Himura, who is from a clan with the power of Soul Bonding; Kaito Nakamura, who is from a clan that specializes in Hemomancy, controlling one's blood; Akame Takahashi, who is from a clan that specializes in Mental Manipulation; Duck Yoshida, who is from a clan that mainly uses Sonic Manipulation, which is using soundwaves; Rika Suzuki, who is the younger sister of the deceased Cronus Knight Morgan Suzuki and has the power of her clan, allowing her to manipulate shadows and darkness, and her clan gets their power from the shadow realm. Finally, the last member is the son of Takeshi, Hakashi Tanaka, He is son of the man who killed his grandfather, Hakashi Tanaka, whose main power is his clan's Vital Energy, allowing him to manipulate Vital Energy.

"Oh, look, the disgrace is here," Meiyo said.

"How dare the traitor who allied himself with the Demon Goddess show his face here," Hakashi said as Noboru ignored them.

"Remember the good old days when he was weak, and we beat him, and your parents, Kouki and Meiyo, rewarded us with money for putting your useless brother in his place," Duck said as Meiyo and Kouki laughed.

"Why are you even here? You're not worthy to be a Magic Knight. You're a traitor," Akari said.

"If you really think about it, you're only here because you took over the Forbidden Regions and hold Dimensium against the three Kingdoms. Without it, you have no worth. Just like when Shin-Sama beat you, loser," Kaito said.

"That's why you shouldn't be here; you're a nobody. The only reason you have the Dimensium is that you're allied with the

inhumans, and you're only a hero because the Dragon Kingdom was so pathetic you had to take it over and rule it yourself," Rika said.

"Hey, stop that; he is still the ruler of the Dragon Kingdom. You have no right to treat him like that," Celestia said.

"And who are you, a worthless elf?" Hakashi said.

"You belong in the bed moaning," Duck said.

"What did you say?" Celestia said as they were ready to fight.

"Oh, and a stupid elf defending him; you're even more worthless than I thought," Akame said.

"Stop it now," the teacher said as they all looked.

"Good morning; I am your teacher Emilia. I will be teaching you the history of the magic knights," the teacher said. The teacher had long white hair, white eyes, was a B cup, thin body, athletic build.

"Mr. Noboru Chikara and Celestia Lunablade, you will stay behind in after class for starting fights with the noble and royal heirs," she said with disgust to the pair.

The other students cheered while the pair stayed silent.

"Perhaps we should restrict the supply of Dimensium; that will put the Principal and Ms. Emilia in my debt. In their place. Maybe I should demand a Royal Chamber like my brother and sister, Kouki and Meiyo, have; after all, no matter how much they deny it, I am a Chikara by blood, and I deserve it!" Noboru thought with an evil smirk.

"Now that's settled. Can someone tell me what a Hyper Realm Is?" Emilia asked, seeing nobody put her hand up; she decided to pick on the only commoner in the class, Celestia.

"Celestia, what is a Hyper Realm?" Emilia asked.

"I will answer," Noboru said.

"How dare you interrupt..."

"Ms. Emilia, according to Academy rules, a student's partner can answer the question because our grades, both academic and practical, are added up for the team passing, and all questions asked since the beginning of the academic year count towards the final grade. So, unless you want me to stop Dimensium, you will not try to sabotage my team," Noboru said, his eyes glowing red, his Gensōgan showing.

"Very well, go ahead, Mr. Chikara," Ms. Emilia said, trying to hide her fear.

"A hyper realm is a realm that transcends an infinite number of Hierarchy of Dimensions," Noboru answered. "Correct," Ms. Emilia said.

"What do you think you were doing, you peasant?" Akari asked.

"Akari Himura, the only thing a peasant here is you," Noboru says as Celestia laughed.

"Why you?" Akari yelled.

"Enough, Akari. Now, can someone tell me what a Hierarchy of Dimensions is?" Emilia asked.

"The Hierarchy Of Dimensions is Infinite layers, each seeing the one below it as fictions. For example, our world is a small part of the 3rd dimension, which is part of the Hierarchy of Dimensions, the third layer of it. And the Hierarchy Of Dimensions is infinitely ascending and has no end," Hakashi said.

"Correct," Ms. Emilia.

"What is Dimensium, Noboru? Answer this," Emilia said with a gleam, thinking he wouldn't know this because from the information she had, he did not attend preschool.

"Dimensium was formed during the Clash, which brought the Blessed Age. It is an element that grants us the ability to travel and be reincarnated into higher and lower dimensions. But it doesn't stop there; it allowed us to create empty dimensions with infinite space, with their separate existence of time. It also allows us to access places above the Hierarchy of Dimension and that completely transcend the Hierarchy Of Dimensions like the Hyper Realm," Noboru said.

"Correct," Emilia said as everyone looked shocked.

"You actually knew that, you worthless brat," Hakashi said.

"I am not worthless," Noboru growled.

"Enough," the teacher yelled.

"Noboru and Celestia, both of you have detention tomorrow afternoon," Ms. Emilia said.

"WHAT? WHY? WE DID NOTHING WRONG," Celestia yelled.

"Shut your mouth, filthy elf. Noboru Chikara will be punished, and you, for being a lower lifeform," Ms. Emilia yelled.

"That is it, Ms. Emilia. I will not allow you to abuse your power as a teacher and insult us. I believe that me and the Principal need to have a talk about Dimensium. You know, the critical element the three kingdoms and this Academy use, which is only found in either the Demon Empire, a place where your armies are too scared to enter, or the Dragon Kingdom, the kingdom I currently rule. I wonder what will happen if I stop trading. After all, the condition was I would come to this Academy, and you will get the Dimensium..." Noboru was cut off.

"Yeah, and you're here. If you cut Dimensium, you're out," Emilia says.

"You mean me and Celestia are out. But then how will your poor students transcend Dimensions, Ms.? They won't have Dimensium to be able to, and they need it to be able to, or else they will just be useless 3rd Dimensionals. Unlike me, who is 13th Dimensional," Noboru said, as all the other students glared at him and Celestia, who smirked.

"Your a 13th Dimensional?" the Emilia yelled.

"Yes, I did it in the entrance exam. Both me and Celestia are. Remember, you put us in the Maze designed to kill us, but we survived going to higher dimensions and therefore became it," Noboru said.

"That means nothing; you're just one dimension higher than your brother, the Prince of the Phoenix Kingdom, Kouki, and sister, the Princess of the Phoenix Kingdom, Meiyo," Emilia said.

"You really think that they are only 12th Dimensional because of the beasts sealed in them. Without them, they are nothing. Celestia and I, on the other hand, earned our powers and are higher and know how to use it, unlike my brother and sister, who can't even control it," Noboru said.

"Enough; I will give you two a warning. Go to your seats," Emilia yelled.

"Fuck you; we are out of this class; it's finished anyway," Celestia yelled as she and Noboru left the class.

"Hey, where are you two going?" Kaito said as Noboru and Celestia glared at them.

"None of your business," Celestia said as the two walked past them.

"You can't treat us like this," Hakashi yelled as Noboru stopped and turned around and started laughing.

"What is so funny?" Hakashi yelled.

"Well, you're just 3rd Dimensional and have no way of getting into the higher dimensions, so what do you want to do about it?" Noboru says as the two glared.

"You may think you're all high and mighty now, but don't forget who you're talking to. You're just a loser with no friends who has no chance of being a

magic knight," Akame said.

"I don't have to have friends; all I need is me and Celestia and the loyalty of my kingdom and the other nations. Unlike you and my siblings, I am a king, not some prince whose father is a king. Also, I don't need to be a Magic Knight; after all, I rule the Forbidden Regions, the Dragon Kingdom. We don't use knighting System; our protectors are called Heroes," Noboru said as the students started glaring at him and Celestia, who smirked.

"Enough of this," Emilia yells, catching up.

"I will not have you talking bad about me or any other students," Emila Yelled.

"You have no right to talk to us like that; you're nothing but a weak human, you're only 6th dimensional, Noboru-Sama is a 13th dimensional, and the students are 3rd dimensional, and you're telling me Noboru-Sama is the one in the wrong," Celestia yells as Emilia is taken aback.

"How Dare you; he is just a cheater who shouldn't have survived the Maze and is just king of a fake country he annexed illegally," Emilia Yelled.

"How dare you call the Dragon Kingdom a fake country; it has existed for millions of years before you enslaved us for not being Human. Noboru-Sama saved us and reunited the inhuman races," Celestia yelled.

"And how dare you call me a cheater and say that I shouldn't have survived the Maze when I am the only person to have survived the maze and done what is required to become past it, while my brother and sister, the two most arrogant assholes I know, did not and had to get their power forced upon them," Noboru yelled as Emilia and the others were shocked.

"You have detention for the whole week, and if you refuse to show up and come to class, you will be suspended," Emilia says as Celestia and Noboru ignore her.

"Hey, don't ignore me," She yells, but the two walk away.

"Fine, if that is how you want to play it," She says. Noboru and Celestia don't respond.

"If that is the case, you two will be suspended," She yells as the pair walk off.

"You will lose Dimensium for breaking the agreement if that does happen," Noboru says.

"Fuck you, Noboru Chikara," She yells.


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