The God Of Power

Chapter 16 - 16

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Noboru woke up in a house that reminded him of his room in his grandpa Haruki's mansion. He heard a knock.

"Hero-sama, breakfast is ready," a voice said. Noboru smiled as he was reminded of Rose his old maid. Noboru also liked the fact that he was treated like a hero here, but he hadn't forgotten what he had learned yesterday. Humans enslaving and forcing other races to mine dimensium and make relics, and for some other races, it was even worse. The elder refused to tell Noboru what heinous acts the people of the main kingdoms had committed, saying it was too disgusting for a kid to know.

Noboru sighed and got up, he did his morning routine, and eventually found himself in the dining room of the elder's house. He looked out of the mansion that he helped take back yesterday to see Drakaroth, who was being fed some monster the demi-humans had hunted.

"Ah, Hero-Sama. Our great hero. First, I shall introduce myself; I am Fenrir, an elder Demi Wolf. We like how humans gained Omni Energy, gained energy from the clash, were born or transformed from normal animals, gained intelligence and human-like appearance with human-like appearances. However, I, unlike most, am one who fell out of a higher dimension during the great clash," said Fenrir as Noboru nodded.

'Why didn't Grandpa tell me this?' Noboru thought. Noticing Noboru's thought and knowing exactly what he thought, Fenrir decided to address him.

"Noboru, you might be wondering why the kingdoms never taught you this. It's simple; they wish to hide their disgraceful acts. The three founding Kings of Phoenix, Tortoise, and Qilin aren't as peaceful as you think. Their father was a fair but just king who cared not only for humans but all races, but they killed him. The great king, as we call him, the king who ruled before, sought to unite all races when the clash first happened; we were born. However, humans thought they were superior and were offended by us having human-like appearances and hunted us down. The king tried to stop it, but the three founding kings and their followers who believed in human superiority killed him. Then they had a power struggle born of their ego over whose method of utilizing this omni energy is superior. Which, as you know, led to the formation of the three kingdoms," Fenrir explained as Noboru quickly processed the information.

"I see, but why couldn't you fight back?" Noboru asked, confused.

"It's not as simple as you think. You see, only humans of this world had omni energy. The rest of us were born with KI energy, and some of us who were lucky had magical affinities. But as you know, Omni Energy is diverse, and you can practically do anything with it. At first, we were better than the humans, but then they started to grasp their power and pushed us back. Those of us who fell from higher dimensions into this world were the only ones who could fight back, but then the three founding kings used dimensium for the first time, realizing its potential. They transcended beyond the level of people like me who fell from higher dimensions, killing most until we became subservient to them," Fenrir explained, anger laced his tone with hatred towards the three founding kings.

Noboru sat disgusted. "Grandpa never told me this," he said as the elder looked at Noboru.

"It isn't uncommon that your family would hide such acts. It's a family's job to look like superheroes in front of their young ones, to paint a perfect picture in their head of them being perfect when, in reality, as you can see, they will do anything for their selfish desires. Your grandfather seems like an honorable man. Unlike your mother and father, who continued your family's sins, he stopped during his time of ruling. But don't forget it was the three kings and the royal families who started enslaving those who aren't human. But enough talk about this for now. It is best not to think too much about this now. Eat, after all, you said you were going to go to Alfheim to help the elves out there. I advise against that. That is one of the three kingdoms' favorite places to go, and one that is heavily guarded for reasons you are too young to know," Fenrir said as Noboru nodded.

"Alfhiem, I heard Grandpa talk about that. He said that the elves there are treated like trash, and the land has been mined out and ruined. The elves are forced to work under the three kingdoms. I used to hear some men say the elven women were their favorites for some reason," Noboru said, confused, showing he was still a child. Fenrir frowned at how the human nobles spoke so openly about such things in front of a child, but that was to be expected. Noboru was too innocent to understand.

"Yes, the elves are treated poorly. The three kingdoms treat the elven women there worse than male elf slaves; they force them to do all sorts of things. The elves were once a proud race who lived in harmony with nature. Their home, Alfheim, was a land full of forests and plant life. However, because of the three kingdoms' actions, it has become hell for elven women, and the males are forced to mine and dig for dimensium, which is why it's one of the three kingdoms' most guarded locations. It is a place where humans can do anything and get away with it because they believe, like us demi-humans, that elves are lower lifeforms to humans," Fenrir said as Noboru nodded.

Noboru was shocked at what he learned. 'It seems like I am going to have to save another place from human cruelty. However, first, I need to train harder. I can't save anyone if I am weak," Noboru said as he finished eating.

Fenrir nodded. "I understand your desire for strength, but please take it easy. You can't achieve power overnight; it takes time to gain power. The three kingdoms have been abusing their power for centuries now, so rushing in without strength will only lead to your death," Fenrir said as Noboru nodded.

"Don't worry, Elder Fenrir; I won't be stupid. I will train myself and gain more knowledge first before I go off trying to save people. I don't want to die," Noboru said as Fenrir nodded.

"That is good, Noboru-san. We will do as you say; after all, you are our hero," Fenrir said as Noboru smiled.

"Thank you, Elder Fenrir," Noboru said as he left the house. Noboru began training again, this time with even more vigor than ever.

Fenrir watched as Noboru trained; his heart was in pain. He hated humans; they enslaved his people and looked down on them like they were animals. But despite him hating humans, he had to admit this one was different from the others. He was kind and wanted to help those who needed it.

"Young Noboru has a good heart. He might just be the one to finally save us from this hell we were born in," Fenrir said as he sighed.

Phoenix Kingdom

"What do you mean the city of those filthy Yokai has been lost to us? We have Morgan Suzuki, a member of the Cronus Knights running the show in there. The Cronus Knights are some of the best the Phoenix kingdom has to offer," King Hiroshi Chikara said as his wife, Amaya Chikara, said nothing. She knew her husband was an angry man; he was always like this whenever something didn't go his way.

"I am sorry, your majesty. Someone strong helped them defeat us," an informant said.

"Are you sure it wasn't the other kingdom?" Hiroshi said as the informant nodded.

"No, your majesty, I am sure of it. I haven't heard of any attacks, and your sensei Kaito Danzo never saw it coming. Remember, he can see flashes of the futures; it's how we guarded our territory, which means either the other founding kings and brothers of Shin-sama did it, or it was—"

"Noboru Chikara, our disgrace of a son," Amaya said as Hiroshi frowned.

"Yes, but he can't have done it alone without the transcendent state, and we didn't sense it. Who helped him?" Hiroshi asked.

"I am not sure, your majesty. I just know it wasn't the other two founding kings nor Shin-sama. But what if Noboru used the Transcendent State in the shadow realm? Morgan Suzuki could have taken the fight there, and since it's in a different place, it might not have been sensible, or it could be a small burst, so we never had enough time to sense it," the informant said as Hiroshi sighed.

"It is possible. Noboru might have used the Transcendent state to get a burst of power to win. Send our Cronus..."

"Hold off on that, Hiroshi," a voice said as Hiroshi, Amaya, and the informant saw who it was; they kneeled.

"Shin-sama," Hiroshi said as the founding king of the Phoenix kingdom, Shin, walked in.

"If it was Noboru, we would just lose our best forces for some trash city full of worthless trash, disgusting creatures. Have the Cronus guard Alfheim first; we can't let the kid learn why it's the three kingdoms' most prized area," Shin said, pausing to lick his lips along with Hiroshi and the informant, earning a look of disgust from Amaya, but she stayed quiet, knowing she would die if she talked out of place. "And second, the boy will ruin everything if he finds out, especially if he gets that bitch Ayame involved," Shin said with hatred and fear at the mention of the last part.

"Yes, your majesty," Hiroshi and the informant said as they both left.

'That brat, if he comes near Alfheim, he will learn the truth about us. I need to keep him away from the area; he would ruin everything I worked so hard to build for the last years,' Shin thought as he smirked.

'I must say, you have gotten smarter than the last time we interacted, Noboru. You aren't the naive, stupid, weak kid. You're smarter now; I can tell from how you avoided us. But not smart enough to outsmart me. I have a trick up my sleeve,' Shin thought as he laughed evilly.

Back with Noboru

Noboru focused as his omni energy turned from silver to red. This isn't like his transcendent state, red and black omni energy that he can rarely access. Only when he is in intense emotion, stress, or danger does he go into that state. But right now, he was in a state that allowed him to fight beings who are higher dimensional. If he had to say, at least people who were 5 dimensional higher than him he could easily kill. Since his base omni energy allowed him to kill people who are 3rd dimensional, in his red omni energy state, he could kill 8th-dimensional beings. This would be good against the lower members of Cronus. Of course, in his Transcendent State, only Shin and the three kings can oppose him, but other than that, the Cronus would easily lose if they fought him in his Transcendent State. However, it has its own flaws. Noboru has to use intense emotion or be in danger to enter that state, and even if he enters it, he can only stay in it for a limited time before his body collapses from the strain.

Noboru smirked as he felt stronger. He was glad that he found his red state. In his red state, Noboru could do anything with his omni energy, and with his red state, Noboru would be able to fight on par with beings 5 dimensional higher than him, which was good.

"I wonder what I should call this red state? How about Crimson state?" Noboru said as he nodded. "Yeah, I like that. Crimson state," Noboru said as he smiled.

"Hero-sama," a voice said as Noboru saw Kitsumi, a fox demi-human girl. Kitsumi had fox ears and tails; she was pretty cute and she wore a robe and dress that hid her figure.

"Yes, Kitsumi?" Noboru asked as Kitsumi smiled.

"Hero-sama, thank you for freeing us," Kitsumi said as Noboru nodded.

"You're welcome. I couldn't let those humans oppress you guys further," Noboru said as he was tackled by Kitsumi.

"Thank you, Hero-sama. I love you. I want to bear your children," Kitsumi said as Noboru was confused.

"Kitsumi, I am too young for that. I am only a kid," Noboru said as Kitsumi nodded embarrassed, forgetting.

"Oh, sorry. It's mating season, and most of us forget about age and go for the strongest in the area. I might not be the only demi-human," Kitsumi said as Noboru nodded.

'I wonder how far the other demi-humans will go. I heard kitsune are very sexual creatures. Will the other demi-humans try something if they see me?' Noboru thought as he was tackled by another female demi-human, who was a cat demi-human.

"Noboru-san, please give me your seed. I want to give birth to your child," the Cat demi-human said as Noboru blushed bright red.

"I am too young. Plus, I am only a kid. You can't ask me to do this," Noboru said as the cat demi-human frowned and nodded.

"I understand, Hero-Sama," the cat demi-human said as Noboru nodded. Noboru quickly teleported away to Elder Fenrir's house.

"Girls are scary," he said.


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