The God Of Power

Chapter 14 - 14.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14.

A year had passed since Noboru's grandpa, Haruki, had died. Noboru had grown stronger. He could now survive alone in the forest of the forbidden regions. His new Black Stark Blade, Shield and armor could handle his Omni Energy when he had sudden bursts of his transcendent state when near death or in an extreme emotional state. Noboru stared at the beast in front of him.

This was an earth dragon. Noboru sighed, letting his normal silver omni-energy surround him. He still had not found a way to access the transcendent state at will. He had barely gone into that state since the time against the wolves, and he had not met Ayame since their last meeting when he had a breakdown.

Noboru unleashed a beam of highly concentrated water, like a laser, at the earth dragon, ripping a hole in its wings, making it roar out in pain. As the dragon frantically looked around until it spotted him "How dare you attack me human!" it roared out as it rushed at him with its claws in front, trying to claw him.

"So you're the human hunting down my kind. I, Terraquake, shall avenge my fellow dragons. You shall be nothing but a stain on my magnificent claws," the dragon roared as its claws raked Noboru's armor. Noboru's armor wasn't even scratched. It was like Ayame said; this armor grew with its user.

"I'm sorry, but I need the dragon cores I get from killing you. They are worth a lot, and I need money to enter Celestial Vanguard Academy since my grandpa's dead and I am the enemy of the Pheonix Kingdom." Noboru said.

Terraquake growled before it fired giant chunks of earth from its mouth, which made Noboru activate his Gensōgan, turning the giant chunks of earth into an illusion. "The Gensōgan, you are from the Chikara clan, aren't you? Your eyes possess the ability to turn all attacks coming towards you into nothing but an illusion," Terraquake roared.

Noboru rushed towards the dragon with his katana in his hand as he stabbed his katana through its body. The dragon fell to the ground and roared out in pain as it used its tail to send Noboru flying. Noboru landed and then looked at the dragon. He channeled omni-energy around him, boosting his physical capabilities like strength, speed, and defense. He then channeled some omni-energy into his Black Star Blade. Terraquake, seeing this, channeled magic as earth pillars rose and got turned into beams of light. "Terra Pillar Burst!" the earth dragon roared.

Noboru rushed at the beam, his Black Star Shield in front of him, which was attached to his left arm. His shield deflected the attack. "This is the end!" Noboru said as his omni-energy covered his katana, turning it into pure lightning.

"Thunder blade slash!" Noboru shouted as the katana went through Terraquake's left leg. As lightning currents travled through the dragon and the sword engulfed in lightning chopped of Terraquakes left leg making him drop to one knee.

"You will regret this. You will die one day, human, and I be in hell ready to greet and make you suffer!" Terraquake roared out on in pain bit Noboru was not done he pulled his blade out and jumped up.

"Thunder Blade slash!" Noboru yelled as he jabbed his katana through the dragons heart as lightning engulfed Terraquake, shocking him relentlessly. Noboru felt the dragon dying his life force was being lowered at a significant pace. Blood gushed out of the dragon

"Please spare my hatchling. It isn't born yet. Take it as your pet. Just don't kill it," Terraquake begged. Noboru thought of the offer; having a dragon to get around places would be convenient, and taming a newborn dragon that would imprint him would make things be so much more easy. Noboru nodded his head and agreed.

An hour later, he saw the egg Terraquake was guarding. It was the size of a rain barrel. Noboru lifted it up, and it wasn't that heavy. He took the egg to his small house in the forest. "Well, getting a dragon as a pet is a first," Noboru muttered.

Phoenix Kingdom.

Shin Chikara, the founder of the Phoenix Kingdom, was mad. His brothers had denied a meeting for a year straight now. He needed the world be united if they were going to fight Ayame and Noboru. He had sent the Cronus to hunt down his 6-year-old great-great-grandson Nobrou Chikara down and kill him. His great-grandson Hiroshi and his wife Amaya, Noboru's parents, were growing restless, along with the rest of the clan.

They wanted to know who Ayame was and how she was so powerful. A lot of secrets of the foundations of the new world order his brother and he had created were going to come out, but his arrogant brothers wouldn't heed his summons. They were the founders of the other two nations of this world.

"Delia," Shin said as he sighed towards his personal maid. "Yes, Shin-sama," Delia replied. "Summon the council. Tell Hiroshi and Amaya I am going to tell them about Ayame," Shin ordered. "Right away," Delia replied before leaving.

A few hours later, Shin walked into the council room to see his great-grandson Hiroshi and his wife Amaya, who were the current king and queen of this country, sitting along with the leader of the 6 noble clans of the Phoenix Kingdom.

He saw the clan heads; the first was Kira Tanaka, leader of the Tanaka clan, who has taken leadership after her husband Takeshi was killed by his great great grandson Noboru Chikara. The Tanaka clan specializes in Vital Energy Manipulation.

The second was Himura clan, led by Ren Himura; this clan specializes in soul bonding. The next clan was the Nakamura clan, led by Daichi Nakamura; this clan specialized in Hemomancy manipulation, controlling one's blood.

The 4th clan present was the Takahashi clan, led by Yuki Takahashi, a clan that specialized in mental manipulation. The 5th clan present was the Yoshida clan, a clan that specialized in sonic manipulation, led by Kazuki Yoshida.

The final clan present was the Suzuki clan, a clan that specialized in Umbrakinetic, the ability to control darkness, led by Kage Suzuki. "What do you have to say about what has happened in the last year? Who is this Ayame, and why do you, one of the three founding kings, fear her? What secret have you been keeping? Why were we kept in the dark?" Hiroshi Chikara, his grandson and acting king, asked. Shin looked at them and sighed.

"My brothers and I have made a mistake long ago. We are not the strongest; in fact, we are not anywhere near the strongest. I am the founder of this country; I was the one to name it the Phoenix Kingdom. As you all know, my brother Yami Chikara was the founder of Qilin Kingdom, and Niju Chikara found the Tortoise Kingdom. We were the heirs of a powerful king who ruled the world; his name is not relevant.

You all know the reason the world was split up into kingdoms was because my brothers and I developed different ways to use omni-energy. I came up with magic, which uses magic circles to channel omni-energy. Yami invented Ki, which uses omni-energy to boost physical capabilities and grant supernatural abilities to humans, and Niju Chikara founded the Tortoise Kingdom, which used hand signs to manipulate Omni energy, which we call chakra. My brother and mine followers each thought the method they followed was superior and broke off into kingdoms.

Eventually, dimensium was discovered, a special element that allowed us to transcend our dimensionality, so a new arms race began to prove who was better. We raced to see whose method was superior, my magic, Yami's ki, or Niju's chakra. We always never surpassed each other. So eventually, as the stories of the kingdoms say, we transcended hierarchies of dimensions and entered into the Hyper Realm, a realm that transcends an infinite amount of hierarchies of dimensions, in which each dimension views the one below it as fiction. In the story, it said our race ended there; however, we lied.

There are realms above the Hyper Realm like the Outer Realm, a realm that transcends all concepts, including space, time, and dimensionality. This realm also transcends the Hyper Realm.

However, there's more beyond that, like the Absolute Outer Realms, which infinitely transcend hierarchies, consisting of layers of Outer Realms, with each one transcending the one below it, viewing it as mere fiction. And above all that is Hell, a place that regards all this as fiction and boasts of infinite layers.

And then there is the 7 gates of Hell. The First Gate is a realm that has infinite layers above Hell each layer transcends the previous one.

Each Gate is a realm with infinite layers above the last each layer transcends the previous one.

Finally, there's rumors that there is a Demon Goddess's Realm, which sees all that as fiction and transcends it. That is where this unknown women comes from.

We reached an Absolute Outer Realm, but then we were attacked by Ayame Akatsuki, who is the demon goddess queen. She destroyed us till this day we can't get over how she overpowered us so quickly. She then warned us to never return to the outer realm and that our kind does not belong here; that is why I was surprised and terrified when she appeared to save Noboru from me." Shin said.

All the clan leaders looked shocked to find that the Chikara family was not the strongest in all of existence. Kira Tanaka slammed her table and got up as she screamed, "Why have you been hiding the fact your family is not the best?"

"I have hidden it because I have seen the way people view the Chikara Clan as the absolute strongest. That can take on all threats if they find out that we aren't, the world will delve into chaos and wars. We must unite the world together," Shin replied.

Hiroshi looked at him. "What do you know of this Ayame Akastuki and the demon goddess realm?"

"I don't know anything about the demon goddess realm other than what I have said. As for Ayame, I only know her name and that she is a being that terrifies all. She is most likely the strongest being just below the boundless gods. We are nothing but ants before her," Shin said in a serious tone.

"Is there anything else you're hiding?" Amaya asked. Shin shook his head. "That is all I know. For now, we need to focus on strengthening the Phoenix Kingdom Magic Knights. I propose the Cronus train this generation of the royal and noble clan heirs."

All the clan heads looked at each other before nodding their heads. They were shocked and baffled by learning the secrets the founding kings kept from them.

Back at the Forest in the Forbidden Region

Noboru heard cracks; he turned to look at Terraquake's egg to see it was hatching. He saw a small black baby dragon with small golden-yellow outlines between his scales. He felt something weird in his chest as the small dragon looked at him. He saw his own red and golden Gensōgan eyes on the dragon. "I will call you Drakaroth." The young dragon gave a happy roar.


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