The God Of Power

Chapter 108 - 107

Chapter 108: Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Arena Stage

Earth God King George stood tall and proud, his aura calm yet commanding as he held Fateshifter. Its blade gleamed, catching everyone's attention—the sword that rivaled the relics themselves. Noboru faced him, as calm and composed as ever, his mind calculating, processing everything. He had heard much about the legendary sword of the Earth God, especially from the audience gossiping about its ability to manipulate fate, also known as destiny itself. He clenched his fists, feeling the power of his Earth Aura surging through his veins.

I could easily nullify his advantage with Omni Energy, but not yet. I want to test my strength, my skills. Let's see how far I can go with just Earth Aura against a man who wields a sword that can manipulate fate—something I can do, but not right now, Noboru thought, a determined smile tugging at his lips.

George raised Fateshifter above his head, its blade humming with ominous energy. "Witness the power of destiny, Viscount Chikara!" His voice boomed across the arena as he swung the sword, channeling Earth Aura into it. "Earth Shatter!" he shouted.

A crack echoed through the infinite arena as the ground beneath Noboru's feet split apart, jagged fissures racing towards him. With a swift motion, Noboru leapt into the air, avoiding the devastating attack as the ground exploded in a cloud of dust and debris. However, it seemed as if Noboru had jumped right into the attack—as though his fate was already decided. Or was it?

Interesting. He can change the probability of attacks landing. I need to be unpredictable, Noboru thought, landing on a nearby boulder and raising his hand. He channeled his Earth Aura, shouting, "Mountain Breaker!"

The boulder beneath his feet shattered, launching a barrage of massive rocks toward George. They hurtled through the air, each one aimed precisely at the Earth God. But just as they were about to hit, George's eyes gleamed, and Fateshifter glowed even brighter.

"It's useless," Earth God George said, his voice filled with authority.

The rocks suddenly veered off course, spiraling harmlessly into the distance. Noboru's eyes narrowed, though he quickly willed himself to appear surprised. Regaining his composure, he summoned a pillar of earth to launch himself forward, his fist drawn back.

"Earth Dragon Strike!" Noboru said calmly, his fist surrounded by a spiraling vortex of earth as he closed the distance between them.

George swung Fateshifter with calm, controlled precision, and the blade seemed to warp the very air around it. "Sorry, but that won't work!" he said condescendingly, as if he were invincible. The earth around him shifted, forming a barrier that absorbed Noboru's attack, the force of it rippling through the arena.

Noboru calmly watched as he was pushed back, the impact of his own attack reverberating through his arm. He landed several feet away, his feet skidding on the rocky ground. So he's using that sword to try and turn my own attack against me. Interesting.

George smirked, his eyes gleaming with confidence. "Impressive, Viscount, but this is the power of fate itself. Stone Grave!"

With a swift motion, he stabbed Fateshifter into the ground. Massive pillars of stone erupted around Noboru, forming a cage that began to close in on him. Noboru's heart pounded as he saw the walls closing in. He planted his feet firmly and thrust his arms outward.

"Titan's Ascent!"

The ground beneath him erupted, lifting him high above the closing stone pillars. He hovered atop a massive column of earth, looking down at George. The Earth God's expression remained calm, his grip on Fateshifter unyielding.

"Impressive. But how long can you evade your destiny, Noboru?" George taunted, raising Fateshifter once more.

Noboru's eyes narrowed. He's too calm. He thinks he's got the upper hand. I need to break his rhythm, force him to react!

He leapt off the column, spinning in mid-air as he gathered his aura, slamming his fists together. "Rock Avalanche!" he shouted, sending a torrent of sharp stones cascading down toward George.

Fateshifter glowed once more as George raised it high. "Like I said, Viscount—it's useless!"

The rocks twisted in mid-air, spiraling harmlessly around George. But Noboru was already moving, diving through the cascade of deflected stones, his hands glowing with Earth Aura as he aimed a punch directly at George's chest.

"Earth Dragon Fist!" Noboru bellowed, his fist connecting with George's chest.

For a moment, it seemed like the attack had landed. The air cracked with the impact, and dust flew up around them. But then, George's form blurred, and Noboru's fist passed through empty air. He stumbled forward, his eyes wide with shock.

George's voice came from behind him, calm and mocking. "Destiny can be malleable, Viscount."

Noboru turned just in time to see George's fist glowing with Earth Aura as it slammed into his side. Pain exploded through his body as he was sent flying, crashing into a rocky outcrop. He coughed, blood dripping from his mouth as he struggled to his feet.

He's controlling the very outcome of our battle. No matter what I do, he's always one step ahead. So this... this is the true power of Fateshifter?

George walked toward him, his steps measured and confident. "You fought well, Viscount. But fate is not something you can overcome with mere strength."

Noboru clenched his fists, the ground beneath him trembling as he struggled to stand. His energy was waning, his Earth Aura barely holding together. But deep inside, something stirred—a power he had kept in reserve, waiting for the right moment.

"You're right, George. Fate is powerful. But I have something stronger," Noboru said, though his voice did not come from his mouth. George's eyes darted frantically, his head snapping up, down, left, and right. Finally, the Noboru he had been fighting pointed at a tree. Gasps erupted from the audience as George clenched his fist, realizing what had happened.

"You see, Earth God George, I am beyond the ability to be manipulated by destiny and fate. Those concepts don't apply to me. What you've been fighting, my dear Earth God, was a solid illusion—all this time," Noboru said, his crimson eyes now displaying three rings, one of the powers he had awakened in his recent months of training.

"Impossible! Fate is absolute, and I control—" George let out a pain-filled gasp as Noboru appeared in front of him, his fist connecting with George's gut before the Earth God collapsed to the floor.

The audience was left speechless. After a few moments, Duke of the North Alister finally broke the stunned silence. "Winner: Viscount Noboru Chikara," he declared, snapping everyone back to reality. The crowd erupted into cheers.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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