The God Of Power

Chapter 102 - 101:

Chapter 102: Chapter 101:

Noboru's eyes narrowed as he sensed the power of the being. It shouldn't have been this strong, but since he returned to this prison realm, these creatures and some beings rivaled his power. The Golden Being or Hikari, whichever one of them truly was, proved to be a pain in the ass. Noboru quickly looked at another poisonous spit coming towards him, using his gensogan's ability, All Illusion level 1, to turn the spit into an illusion.

"I will not stand for you attacking my city without a reason, basilisk," Noboru said in anger and indignation. He unsheathed his Blackstar Blade and rushed towards the Basilisk, seeing its eyes glow as it sent several Chikyu Chikara City-sized beams of lasers made of mud at Noboru. Noboru's eyes flashed as the lasers were turned into harmless illusions, passing through both Noboru and Chikyu Chikara City. He dodged its sharp tail, jumping on it and flying to its eyes.

"The only weakness I see is its eye," Noboru said as he raised his blade above his head. When he was above the Basilisk's eye, he channeled Omni Energy into the Blackstar and brought it down.

ROAR! The Basilisk roared out in pain, sending everyone flying back as purple poisonous goo dripped from its eyeball onto the ground, melting through a large portion of Chikyu Chikara City as Noboru landed on a piece of land.

"So I was right, beast, that is your weakness," Noboru taunted.

"ROAR!!!" The Basilisk roared in anger as its eye healed and then vanished underground. Noboru's eyes started glowing as he enhanced his Eyesight with Omni Energy. Since it was a power source that allowed its user to do anything, he made it so he could see through anything and saw the Basilisk rushing towards him underground.

"Not today," Noboru said as he leaped backward and punched the ground, creating a massive crater under him, destroying the ground that the Basilisk was heading for and letting it surface again. Noboru charged his hands with Omni Energy and created an Ice Arrow, firing it at the Basilisk.

"ROAR!!!" The Basilisk cried out in pain as an ice shard pierced its other eye, blinding it permanently. It then started to struggle, barging into buildings, going into a rage state where all it cared about was destroying everything in its path.

"Oh no you don't," Noboru said as he jumped onto the Basilisk's tail and ran up it until he got to its head.

"You're a strong creature, beast," Noboru said as he placed his sword on top of the Basilisk's head.

"But it's time to sleep for good," Noboru said as he gave his Blackstar Blade an Omni Energy-infused slash and decapitated the Basilisk in one move. Suddenly, Noboru's eyes glowed as he coughed and saw the Basilisk in front of him. Healed? He looked down as he coughed to see he was in his castle; he saw the green gas.

"Hallucination Poison," Noboru realized as he heard a roar.

"I must have been hallucinating the fight when it first fired the attack at the city when we were eating breakfast. The entire fight, my entire orders to evacuate; it was a hallucination. But how? My abilities, my Omni Energy should have negated it?" Noboru said to himself. "Unless... Hikari or the Golden Being gave it Omni Energy like Ayame did to the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom," Noboru said to himself.

"SO YOU FIGURED IT OUT, HUMAN!" The Basilisk said, surprising Noboru it could talk.


"Why? Why did you not kill me while I was hallucinating? I'm sure you know I killed the Leviathan of Aquora, one of your Quartet," Noboru said as The Basilisk laughed.

"Quartet? Don't make me laugh. I am not part of whatever classification you humans have classified me. I am not related in any way to those pests. But you ask why I didn't kill you," The Basilisk said. "It's simple; you have Omni Energy, and unlike me, yours is natural, not gifted to you by the power source," The Basilisk said.

"Then what do you want?" Noboru said as The Basilisk looked at Noboru.

"To make a deal. I will stay here with you. You teach me to use Omni Energy, and in return, I will protect your city. As you know, I haven't destroyed anything, and anything you saw was just an illusion," The Basilisk said.

"And if I decline?" Noboru said.

"Then I'll destroy your city," The Basilisk said with a toothy smile as Noboru sighed.

"Very well. Beast named..." Noboru said, asking for The Basilisk's name.

"Alazon," The Basilisk answered.

"Very well, Alazon. I will teach you," Noboru said as he was surprised when The Basilisk bowed to him.

"Very well, my master. Thank you for taking me on," Alazon said, surprising Noboru.

"Now, can you end this hallucination on my friends and people?" Noboru said as Alazon nodded, and the gas started to be sucked back into Alazon. Coughs were heard as everyone started to get up to see a Basilisk in front of them. They were scared, but then Noboru stepped in front of Alazon and said, "Everyone, people of Chikyu Chikara City, Alazon is our new protector and city guard, so spread the word that he is our new friend. And now, let us feast for another powerful ally for Chikyu Chikara City," Noboru said as everyone cheered.

In the background, Alazon looked at Noboru and gave a toothy grin. Noboru was eating his breakfast, looking at everyone who was celebrating their new Protector. He was sure that teaching Alazon was the right choice for his city for now, until he is strong enough to compete with these new buffed beings and help form an alliance between the kingdoms so that they fight the Void, and hopefully, Noboru can free Void Queen Yami if she truly is lonely and hated for no reason like Noboru was by the kingdoms.

"Noboru-kun, is something wrong?" Yumeko asked in a worried voice as she saw Noboru wasn't joining the feast and celebration. Noboru shook his head, "Everything is fine, Yumeko-chan," he reassured her.

"But anyway, let's continue with the plans. First, I need you all to prepare for renovations of the city. We will be upgrading it. I'm sure you have noticed that even though the city is quite advanced, it's not as advanced as other cities, and we will fix that," Noboru said. "Sky, you will be leading this project."

"Really?" Sky asked in disbelief. "Yes, I have decided to trust you to lead this project, Sky," Noboru said.

"But Noboru, I know nothing about tech..." Sky was cut off.

"Don't worry, Sky. I will teach you personally. I know about tech, and I have a plan on how to upgrade the city," Noboru said, reassuring Sky that he had a plan for this.

"As for Layla, Emiko, Yumeko, I need you three to prepare for a huge party once the renovations are done. We will invite The Duke Of The North. Not only will he see Alazon, but also an advanced nation like never before; that should be enough for us to gain a higher rank," Noboru said as the three girls nodded.

"Good. Now let's get to work," Noboru said.


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