The God of Jesters

Chapter 30: 2.06.2 Unexpected Kairut.

Chapter 30: 2.06.2 Unexpected Kairut.

Put the rest out of misery.

Such simple words, but the moment the boy heard this, his hands shook a bit.

It was not like he hadn't been killed before, it was why he was trained to begin with. But these were the people he had gone through those nightmares with. It was the long-lost sense of connection that he felt at the moment.

A feeling of belonging that he had forgotten about.

But to the boy's anguished heart, he knows that what his handler said was correct.

These companions of his were lost.

Lost in a beautiful dream that would never come to reality. So his handler said.

It would be like showing his batch mates some mercy. At least they get to die a peaceful death. Unlike him, whose life will probably be worse than death.

"Sorry." The boy muttered in his low voice, while slowly slitting the throat of each individual, one by one. Letting the blood flow out of their body and giving them a peaceful death.

But it was not the end yet.

For there were multiple drainage pipes secretly collecting all this blood.

"A wonderful find, its success on both fronts." A young man in a hood said while eying a glass cylinder that was rapidly filling with blood.

"But what about that boy? He lived through it, his blood would be even more precious than this batch." The woman that previously gave the order to the boy asked.

Her voice was deep and respectful unlike before.

"He already has a job to do. It's not every day an enemy leaves his protection and comes to civilian areas." The man said with a small smile on his face.

Smile that almost felt childish in nature.


It was day two since getting the warrant and it was only now that Remira was getting ready to leave for investigating the academy.

As for the reason for her delay?

It was out of selfish reasons. Unlike what she told Maxim about how she was going to make some preparations. In truth, Remira was standing close to the library all this time, looking for any suspicious individuals.

Even the blue eyes that kept watch over the Library's perimeter were unaware of this small mission that Remira had partaken in. It was not something to boast about anyways. And no one was getting hurt, instead, she was just making sure that nothing dangerous was going on.

If I were to say, then Remira can be said to be a paranoid person. A big one at that, but it's people like this that make things pretty interesting.

"I can't delay it any longer." As for the reason why Remira lacked the desire to visit the academy any longer. It was simple as well.

The day she felt hostility from the old Headmaster of the academy, she was aware that the old man would probably mess with all the clues and even use memory wipes on the children.

Kairut was infamous for doing those kinds of things in his youth anyways. Now with all that authority and power of an archmage, it would be weird if he didn't try to hide any clues that would involve the academy's name in this case.

Living that long in the world of sorcerers just speaks about the wisdom and experience of an individual. Those that survive in this world for so long won't be incompetent enough to make such major mistakes.

So Remira was planning to go there just as a formality, her main focus still remained on the cursed child that met her that day.

Lucien's adobe or Lucien academy was placed in an unknown location. All people know that it was situated underground and comprised many caves, big and small. Making the atmosphere in the academy a bit dark and damp.

But it also meant that it was easier to defend against enemies. With the only entrance being multiple stone steles that have been spread around Durum City. Among which, most were hidden and only some remained in the public knowledge.

And today, Remira was in front of one of these stone steles.

"I would like to request a meeting with the headmaster," Remira said while forwarding the stamped warrant to the guards of the teleporting hub.

To her surprise, the guards were not that surprised. Neither did they try to give out excuses for her to leave. They just drifted apart, giving way to her toward the teleporting stele.

'Weird.' She wondered while going closer to it and then without any struggle, entering the stele as if melding into the stone and disappearing, leaving only ripples on the stone stele.

The moment she entered the teleportation gateway, she felt her body turn into a stream of light and jump from different jump pads or what one might call nodes. At the end of which, she gained her physical form and was gently pushed out of the other side of the stone stele.

The room was not lit up completely. But she can see various protective runes on the walls and guards that remained attentive to any attack standing close to the gate proudly.

And among one of those guards, there stood a man with a similar uniform, though he was obviously in a higher position than the rest.

"We have been waiting for you, Miss Remira." The man said, almost expecting her arrival.

"If you don't mind, I wonder why you are here?" Though he still acted ignorantly. Confusing Remira even further.

Such bizarre actions or acceptance and ignorance.

It's like they were aware that she would come, but they still acted like they didn't know.

And considering that Marshall Maisel has chosen to support the Radiance society, it would be weird for Kairut to not be aware that she would be here.

'What are you playing, old man.' She wondered in her head, before giving the warrant to the Chief Security of Lucien academy.

"I wish to talk to the headmaster concerning the late student of this academy, Farhad Maisel." The warrant was official and there was no way for the academy to deny her request.

Not when she was already on the premises.

Nor did the security chief intend to do it, he just accepted the order and under the might of the contract, he led Remira toward the chambers of the Headmaster and not the office.

Which was odd, concerning this was an official matter. But Remira didn't act worried or suspicious, she just riled up her blood and got ready for any attack that might be thrown her way.

For this was all too weird and unnatural. With the way things were going, it was as if someone was playing with her expectations at each corner.

Or so I thought of what she might be thinking from her expression and heartbeats.

The reason why I can't sense her thoughts anymore is similar to the past. The moment she riled up the blood of radiance, her thoughts were once again masked from my peering.

Which was a bit annoying.

But I guess this would make things a tad bit interesting. I wonder what she might be thinking now.

Though, it would seem I don't have to wait for long as I got my answer after Remira was led through the hallways towards the room with a particularly large door.

Which was a bit fancy. It would seem as if this was meant to be an entrance for a huge amount of people.

But as far as Remira knew, this was the break room of the Headmaster.

"Please, Headmaster is waiting for you." The chief of security said while showing the way to Remira in a polite manner. His message was clear.

He won't be joining her for this discussion.

No, it would be better to say that no one besides the mayor or Remira might be present in this room.

It was going to be a private meeting and nothing more.

So, without further delay, Remira opened the door. Ready for any attack that might be sent her way.

Since coming here, she has readied herself for any problem she might face. Learning the skill set of her enemies and the kind of defenses he can use against her.

So when Remira found an old man just sitting on a sofa with tea in his hand. She was left a bit speechless once again.

"Please join me," Kairut said these words in a calm voice. There were no signs of fear, anger, or frustration on the face of the old man, unlike what she saw before. Instead, it was a state of serenity and satisfaction.

"Good morning headmaster Kairut, I wonder if you were aware I would be coming here." Remira was not flabbergasted by the sudden change in mood between the two. Instead, she followed the suggestion of Kairut and sat in front of him.

An understanding look appeared on her face. With her thought process till now and her expectations. She was probably thinking that Kairut had already dealt with the evidence and there would be no meaning to her coming here.

It's what she had been expecting since the beginning. A belief that has been strengthened by the serene face of Kairut.

"Young girl, it's common courtesy to have some small talk before going on to the main topic."

"But as for your question, you are right. I was aware of your arrival, though you took your time. Probably in a bid to surprise me."

"I didn't mean for this to happen, just something came up." She exclaimed.

"Something more important than finding the bastard that killed my student?' Kairut asked as the illumination in the room started to weaken with his heightened emotion.

Emotions that were filled with wrath.

Which further confused Remira.


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