The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 27: In The Realm Of My Consciousness

Chapter 27: In The Realm Of My Consciousness

I felt that my whole body was heavier than usual and I can't get off the feeling that my body is continuously drifting in some sort of space.

"What should we do with Axel? He has been sleeping for 5 days now. Do you think that something wrong has happened to him? I think that the reason why he is like this because he must've made a deal with the devil to become stronger in a short amount of time. It would make sense if I put it that way."

"I do agree that his growth speed is too fast that even the hero from the legends are not fast as him in terms of growth speed not to mention that he has a lot of cheat abilities. We should at least let him rest as he is overworking himself to become stronger. After all, I wouldn't believe that something bad will happen to someone like darling."

"Then we should guard him in his stead so that he can rest peacefully. We don't want him to wake up just because he is attacked by some random mob. I will handle outside while you remain inside to wait for him to wake up. I will also cook lunch for today since our chef is lying on the bed. We need to have a full stomach or else we won't be able to perform some task that needs a lot of energy."

"Thank you so much Zale for helping me take care of darling. I wouldn't have been able to manage it all on my own without you. I won't forget this favor."

"Don't mention it! We are comrades after all so it makes sense that we help each other in times of need. Moreover, I also owe Axel a lot of things for taking care of me and providing me with lunch money. He is like a caring elder brother to me."

"Of course! After all, darling is the best! I..."

I could no longer hear any sound. Not even the sound of silence.

I felt like I'm in a state of hibernation or something similar like that.

If it wasn't for the system, I wouldn't have fallen into such a predicament.

Not that complaining will help me in my current situation.

It would be nice if the system could at least talk to me since I'm bored in this space with nothing but darkness.

*So the host wants to talk to the system? What does the host want to talk about?*

A white figure that had a figure of a mannequin suddenly appeared.

If it wasn't for the fact that the mannequin could talk, I would have thought that it was just a normal mannequin.

The system should have at least found a better vessel since this was just pure laziness.

I meant was who would pick a mannequin as a vessel?

The system should have provided the mannequin with some clothes or accessories.

"I want to talk about why I am here in the first place? And what's with the system upgrade? How did I trigger a system upgrade since I didn't even obtain the reward of the system task.", I ask the system.

*You are here because the system is destroying itself and building a new one and since the system is connected to your soul, then you are also receiving the backslash of the system's destruction. Think of it as if your soul was attacked and badly damaged so it is recuperating to restore your soul into its peak condition.*

*You have triggered a system upgrade since you have completed the necessary amount of achievements to initiate system upgrade and not to mention that all of your stats have reached a hundred million. It took you some time before you obtained a hundred million worth of stats and since it had been a long before you opened your status window, you didn't know if your current status.*

*If the system upgrade will be successful, then the host can access a lot of new features from the system including the cancellation of the currently accepted task and a discount in the system shop.*

"The new features are tempting. Not only my growth speed will be drastically enhanced, but I will also have access to new features that will help me in my training and survival.", I reply to the system.

"It will also increase my chances of defeating the demon lord. I still haven't encountered any high-ranking demons so I can't compare my strength to them but I still have a rough detail on how strong they are and if I will compare myself to some high-ranking demons, then I am at least as strong as an archdemon." I add.

An hour has passed and the system and I didn't continue our conversation since we have nothing to talk about.

I could ask the system why I am chosen as the host of the system but I decided not to since the system might just decline and not answer my question due to having a low-level system.

I stated at the system's which is the mannequin.

I kept on thinking about what I should ask next since it is a waste of the opportunity to have a face-to-face confrontation with the system but nothing comes to my mind.

It was as if someone stopped my thinking skills since I can't even ask any questions to the system.

It must be the system's doing since it must have used some sort of spell to prevent me from asking any questions.

I kept on thinking for an hour and after several attempts, I still failed.


*The host has evolved an existing skill. The [Genius] skill has evolved into [Prodigy] skill.*

"System, display the skill information about the [Prodigy] skill.", I commanded the system.

*Executing the system's command... Displaying skill information... Skill information has been displayed.*


Saint Rank Passive Skill


-The one who obtained a vast amount of information, intelligence, and wisdom that even the gods envy the one who obtains this skill.

Effect: Multiplies the Intelligence and Wisdom Stat by 5


"The [Genius] skill has become much more powerful now! It can even multiply my Intelligence and Wisdom Stat! It is just like using [Limit Break] but the effect of it is permanent which surpassed all my stat-boosting skills!", I exclaim after seeing the insane skill I got.

This is the first Saint rank skill I got.

It will aid me in using my mana much more efficiently and my skills will become much more potent.

Since it can multiply my Intelligence and Wisdom Stat by 5, then it will multiply the damage of my skills and my mana pool by 5.

It is like one of the best cheats I got.

Since the system said that I have a hundred million stats before I got this skill, then I should at least have five hundred million stats in my Intelligence and Wisdom, right?

I kept on observing my skills and I could feel that I have gotten stronger than before.

If I would fight the demon lord then I'm confident to say that I can at least last for a minute.

Even though I can't defeat the demon lord yet in terms of power, there shouldn't be any problem when I fight an archdemon.

I could even fight an archdemon in an equal match.

But that being said, I still haven't obtained the power to defeat an archdemon let alone the demon lord but I shouldn't have any trouble defeating other demons that are a rank lower than an archdemon.

"System, where am I and how did I even get here?", I ask the system.

*The host is at the host's consciousness and is here because the host's soul is currently recuperating and needs some time to heal before the host can continue his everyday life. The host wouldn't want to experience pain every time he moves, does he?*

"It would indeed be troublesome to keep on feeling the pain of being stabbed but can't even heal and remove the pain.", I reply to the system.

Since I am in my consciousness, then I should be able to perform my magic skills here.

I tried on visualizing a ball of fire and a ball of white fire appeared out of thin air on my hand.

I can feel that the [Fireball] skill uses less mana and is much more powerful than before.

Even the fire that I usually cast which is the dark flame has turned into a pure white flame that it even looks transparent.

I am not mistaken then the pure white flame should be the highest level of fire in this world and no one had reached that level yet.

Even the demons could only conjure a dark flame and it was even considered as the world's strongest fire.

Now that I have this level of fire, I shouldn't have any hard time dealing with any kind of fire as it said in the legend that I had read in a book before that the highest level of fire can devour any level of fire.

I stretched my body and did some exercises before casting [Soul Heal].

It should be possible to use a spell that can heal my soul so I gave it a try.

After casting the spell, a system notification appeared.


*The host's soul has been healed by 10%! The host's soul is damaged by about 40%.*

"So I should need to cast [Soul Heal] four times and I can be in my peak condition?"

"Let's get started in healing! [Soul Heal]!"


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