The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 12: Engagement

Chapter 12: Engagement

"I never go back on my words but I never thought that you already defeated it. Make sure that you can protect me in times of danger. Don't forget to maintain your image since you are my fiancee.", Aerin says.

"I'll protect you even if you didn't remind me. I'm a gentleman so you don't need to worry about me maintaining my image.", I reply to Aerin.

'Gentleman my ass!', That's what his teammates thought when they heard Axel being a gentleman.

I bow down to my father in law and mother in law and say, "Will you let me be your daughter's future groom? I will protect her with my life even if I will go against the whole world."

"You are suitable to be my son in law. With you being my daughter's future husband, I don't have to worry about my daughter's safety.", The Elf King says.

"Don't be too harsh on Aerin. She can be childish at some times and even become arrogant but deep down she is a good girl.", The Elf Queen says.

"You don't have to worry about that.", I assure them.

I go to my teammates with Aerin and we head to the world tree where the Elf King and Queen ask us to go there and meet the ancestor of the elves.

One of the reasons why the Demon lord doesn't attack us instead of his subordinates because of a treaty where all of the ancestors of each race will join the war if the Demon Lord will make a move and it stated that only the heroes can fight the demon lord.

Even though I want to face at least one of the Demon lord's subordinates, I can't since his army won't take the initiative to attack us and are waiting for us to attack them instead.

After talking to my father in law and mother in law, I revealed my proficiency in using space magic which one of my skills is known as [Black Hole]. They were stunned after knowing about my affinity with space magic and they gave me a skill book that lets me open a hole that can let me travel into anywhere I know.

The skill is known as [Gate]. Even though it is inferior compared to [Teleportation], it is fully considered as one of the most useful space magic that will come in handy in traveling and not to mention we can save our transportation fees.

My teammates and I are now in the world tree where the royal family's library is located. The Elf King and Queen allowed us to enter the royal library which is filled with magical spells and skills for u to learn. Most of them are natural magic which I might need to learn for future use.

I have trouble searching for dragon magic-related spells but after an hour of searching, I found 2 dragon magic spells which are [Dragon Roar] and [Dragon Wings]. Both of the spells are legendary in rank but it wasn't used since only several beings other than the dragons can use dragon magic.

After searching the library for another hour, I found another active spell which is known as [Restriction]. It is also legendary in rank and is kinda useful as it can restrict the opponent and also yourself. The only catch is that you can only restrict an enemy weaker than yourself. Other than that, I consider it a powerful spell if put into good use.

I went outside of the library and activate [Dragon Wings] which then a rainbow colored mana goes to my back and forms two pairs of wings.

After analyzing the wings, I found out that it can make a pair of wings that is made up of the caster's element and since I have an affinity to all of the elemental magic, the color of my wings are in a rainbow-like color.

One of the best features of the [Dragon Wings] is that it can be also used for fighting since it can produce elemental projectiles towards the enemy.

After testing the wings and flying in the air for an hour, I activate [Dragon Roar] and a fire wave coming from my mouth targets the direction where my mouth is aiming at.

I took out and equip the dragon armor to witness its effect and it can double the damage and efficacy of any dragon magic skills I cast. It can also provide 10 million defense to each armor piece which gives me 60 million defense but it can't be multiplied by my hero buff since it is not my stats.

I go to my teammates and they also found some suitable skills for themselves and most of them are unique rank skills but a few of them is legendary rank skills.

After picking our skills, we go to the palace to bid farewell to the Elf King and Queen and our next goal is to at least reach level 500 or level 1000 and defeat at least 1 demon soldier or demon leader.

I'm as strong as a high demon right now and I might even defeat a demon noble if I use a limit break but I will only use it as a trump card and only if I encounter an inevitable fight in which the enemy is stronger than me.

I also need to stack up some mana using [Mana Stack] so that my [Black Hole] skill will have more destructive power as it is the same for my [Miniature Black Hole] skill which consumes all of my mana. I have a lot of wisdom stats so I can recover all of my mana in just a minute.

My teammates and I are now outside the palace and we are heading back to the Dragon Mountain to train again but this time we are with the human heroes to do the so-called "Teamwork". Even though I'm against the idea but since it was my father in law and mother in law's command then I still listened.

I use [Gate] to teleport us in Dragon Mountain.

As usual, my teammates are in the forest below the mountain while I head to the mountain. I found a lot of dragons heading towards me but as soon as I activate [Dragon Wings] they seem to ignore me as they treat me as one of their own.

I didn't bother on killing the Dragons that are below level 1000 and I try to find some dragons who are above level 1000 so I can level up faster and my stats will increase more if I eat their meat. I might become stronger than the demon lord if I keep this training session for a year but it depends if I keep finding stronger dragons until it can match the demon lord.

I found a lot of dragons that are above level 1000 deep in the mountains and it looks like they're in groups. It might hasten my of finding them and I might as well use [Black Hole] to kill all of the dragons.

After activating the black hole, it sucks all of the dragon's head leaving only their body behind but without any head left.

I eat all of the dragon's remains and the dragon meat taste like pork mixed with beef. Even though I'm eating it raw it still tastes good and after consuming all of the dragons' remains, I earned a lot of stats and I might even defeat a demon noble.

I kill some of the other dragons so that I can store their meat in my inventory for future use. Looks like dragon meat will be our dinner for today. I am like one of the best cooks in our school so I might whip up something good using dragon meat and I wish that this world will have something similar to soy sauce.

I meet up with my teammates and to my surprise, all of them have reached level 500 and above including Aerin.

Some of the human heroes have reached level 400 but none of them reached level 500.

I am now level 1783 and I must say that I'm quite impressed by my growth speed and it all thanks to the help of the leveling system. Without it, I might be at the same level as the other heroes.

I signal all of the heroes to head out and go back to our Inn since it is getting dark.

I use [Gate] to teleport us in Sweet Pork Inn and we head to the dining table to wait for our dinner to be served.

I go to the Inn's kitchen and I took out the Dragon meat and start cooking it so that we can have our dinner. Some of the cooks are surprised by my style of cooking but the outcome is still good and I cook us grilled dragon meat.

We all eat our fill and head to our rooms to sleep so we can relax and so that we will have the energy for tomorrow's leveling up session.


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