The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 555 - Spin-Off – A Journey to the South Ocean (13): Attraction From Something in the Dark

Chapter 555

555. Spin-Off – A Journey to the South Ocean (13): Attraction From Something in the Dark

Translator: DragonRider

They would feel slightly relieved if those things really proved to be hallucinations, for at least it would mean that those terrible, seemingly paranormal monsters didn’t exist.

Wait ... monsters?

Ling Zhang once again recalled the words of that pirate who had managed to flee this island. He had said that there were treasure, cannibals and people-eating monsters on this island. Could it be possible that by monsters he had been referring to the hallucinations they had had rather than those creepy snakes?

Ling Zhang told Ji Yin and Ling Zhaowu about this speculation of his.

Ji Yin and Ling Zhaowu felt that his conjecture was plausible, for those pirates’ words didn’t make sense. Surely there weren’t really any people-eating monsters in this world?

“We should go back. It’s already dark,” said Ling Zhaowu.

The three of them returned to the spot where they had parted from the others not long ago. Yuwen Tong and the others had found a fit place for them to camp out. It was an open field near the city gates.

What with the bones and dead bodies, those houses struck the soldiers as quite spooky, despite the fact that there was also gold inside them. Yuwen Tong was not inclined to have the soldiers sleep in those houses either, for he did not want his soldiers to end up like those dead men found in the houses. Therefore, he would rather have them encamp elsewhere, though the conditions were poorer.

When Ling Zhang and the other two returned, the soldiers came back as well.

None of them found any useful information. All they had discovered was deserted houses. No living people had been spotted.

“Were those pirates who ambushed us earlier this day the only ones alive in this city, by any chance? All the others are dead?” said Yuwen Jin speculatively, a frustrated look on his face.

The others frowned. Ling Zhang glanced at Ji Yanlai’s countenance and said to Yuwen Jin, “Stop taking wild guesses. There’s no way we’re the only ones alive here. This stone city is huge. They should be hiding somewhere. Even those pirates managed to escape. It doesn’t make sense if the couple of them were the only ones who made it out of this place. Maybe those from the Fangcun Kingdom are in this city as well.”

Yuwen Jin, catching on, hurriedly said, “It was just a casual remark. How is it possible there’re no other living people?”

Ji Yanlai, however, didn’t seem to be bothered by this. “I’ve been sensing my father being here again since our entry into this city, but although I know he’s in here, I have no idea where he’s hiding exactly. Just now I looked for him but didn’t find any clues. It seems we’ll have to resume the search tomorrow.”

Ling Zhang felt relieved, glad to know that Ji Yanlai’s father was still alive.

“Everybody stay alert tonight. Those laying low during the day might show up at night,” cautioned Yuwen Tong, having heard Yuwen Jin’s remarks.

Yuwen Jin gave a great shudder, the look on his face indicating that the prospect of that gave him the willies.

Ling Maomao standing beside him was taken aback by his sudden shudder. Ji Xiaocong burst into laughter, which was so silvery it seemed to dissolve the gloom in the others’ minds.

Because of this distraction created by the three of them, the grave atmosphere lightened appreciably, and everybody was much more relaxed.


The soldiers encamped in orderly fashion and settled themselves to rest. There were flaming torches positioned on the perimeter of the encampment, the light of which brightened the areas in the vicinity, so that the soldiers would notice if anything dangerous approached.

Their dinner was fairly fresh food they had got from the harbor, but it was only enough for one meal. From tomorrow, they would have to eat dry food. As dry food was long-lasting, it accounted for most of the food supplies they had prepared, but even so, their food could only last them four days at the most, which meant they had to leave in three or four days, otherwise they would starve to death on this island.

Though the supper contained meat, everybody found it rather unappetizing, what with the many bones and dead bodies they had seen during the day.

“Eat. We need to regain our strength,” said Yuwen Tong, his eyes sweeping across the others as he took the lead in eating.

Having seen this, the others steeled themselves and finished their supper, but none of them seemed to have enjoyed the food.


After supper, everybody except for the soldiers and guards on night duty chose to have some rest.

It had been a rough day, and the soldiers were all tired.

Yuwen Tong did not stop them from sleeping, and the encampment instantly fell silent.

Ling Zhang did not sleep, and neither did Yuwen Tong. Ji Yin and most of the others, though not talking, were awake as well. All of them were kung fu masters and, thanks to their internal energy, could stay awake for several consecutive days without feeling weary. A few moments’ meditation would be enough for them.

They were keeping silent in order not to disturb the soldiers’ rest. This place was very quiet, and their voices would sound louder than usual if they spoke.

On top of that, they all subconsciously felt that this might not be an uneventful night, so they decided to store up energy.

“You two, come over here and get some sleep.” Ling Zhang beckoned Ling Maomao and Ji Xiaocong over.

The two of them were the youngest of all these people, and Ling Zhang had been treating them as children unawares, but in fact Ling Maomao had reached adulthood already, and Ji Xiaocong would come of age soon. Both of them were no longer children, constituted young kung fu masters and didn’t really need constant care.

But neither Ling Maomao nor Ji Xiaocong defied him. They both obediently walked over and lay down on the straw sleeping mat.

The two of them were both sensible and aware that they were supposed to do as their elders said so that their elders could set their minds at ease. Besides, they both knew very well how much Ling Zhang cared about them.

Having lain down, Ji Xiaocong held Ling Maomao’s hand and twisted his head aside to smile at him.

Ling Maomao, after a brief pause, closed his hand over Ji Xiaocong’s.

Ling Zhang, whose attention seemed to be focused on something in the dark, did not notice these small movements of theirs, but Yuwen Tong did, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Yuwen Tong did not say anything or remind Ling Zhang, feeling that Ling Maomao and Ji Xiaocong had the freedom to do what they wanted, that if the two of them really decided to be together, it would be their own choice.

“What are you looking at?” Yuwen Tong whispered into Ling Zhang’s ear.

Ling Zhang related to Yuwen Tong what Ji Yin and Ling Zhaowu had said during the day.

Yuwen Tong gave a slight inclination of the head. He and Ling Zhang had guessed that as well. “Hallucinations were the most likely explanation. Now our problem is that we don’t know how those pirates fell prey to the enchantment. It would be best if we could figure out a way to avoid it.”

Apart from anything else, though his soldiers were more courageous and better at fighting than ordinary people, they were still common persons who, unlike him and some others, had no internal energy which provided some resistance to mind control and things like that.

“Many of the treasure chests in here have never been opened, presumably because of the hallucinations as well. Assuming that’s true, they must’ve fallen prey to the enchantment the moment they entered. Otherwise the chests wouldn’t have been utterly untouched, even if the pirates put the treasure back afterward,” said Ling Zhang in a hushed voice. “At least none of the gilded paving slabs were taken away, which is really weird.”

His conjecture was not ungrounded, but if that was the case, how had those pirates fallen victim? Why hadn’t the same thing happened to them – Ling Zhang and the others – when they had entered the city?

“In addition, that palace in the center strikes me as quite ominous,” continued Ling Zhang. Then he told Yuwen Tong what he had felt during the day. ” ... it’s like a monster that’s been staring at us all the time. Though it’s night-time now, I’m still having this feeling that someone’s watching me. It’s unnerving.”

After hearing this, Yuwen Tong frowned and switched his gaze to the palace vaguely silhouetted in the darkness. Then he drew Ling Zhang into his embrace, letting him lean propped against his chest. “It’s okay. I’ll keep us safe.”

Ling Zhang looked at him and opened his mouth, feeling an urge to say that he just felt somewhat uncomfortable, that he was not afraid, but after giving it some thought, he closed his mouth again and shifted his position slightly to make himself more comfortable in Yuwen Tong’s arms. “Yeah. That’s very reassuring.”

Yuwen Tong chuckled, lowered his head and surreptitiously gave him a kiss.

Ling Maomao and Ji Xiaocong lying on the side, both of whom were still wide awake, were rendered speechless.

They were not sure whether or not they should continue pretending to be asleep.

“Ji Yanlai’s father might be right in there,” said Ling Zhang in a very soft voice.

“You sensed something?” Yuwen Tong inquired of him.

“I don’t know. It’s hard to say. What I’m feeling is quite complicated,” replied Ling Zhang after a few moments’ silence. “It strikes me as perilous, but ... but for some inexplicable reason, I’ve been itching to go there to take a look.”

On hearing this, Yuwen Tong promptly tightened his hug, his face growing serious. “When did it start?”

Ling Zhang answered, “Right after I entered the city and clapped eyes on it, but at first I did not think much about it, and now the longer I look in that direction, the stronger that feeling gets. On top of that ... ”

He raised his head and breathed beside Yuwen Tong’s ear, “Ji Yanlai has been staring at the palace in the dark for quite some time. Did you not notice it?”

Yuwen Tong’s face fell and with that he put his hand on Ling Zhang’s cheek. “Then stop looking in that direction. We leave this city at first light.”

Clearly Yuwen Tong found Ling Zhang’s words disquieting and did not want Ling Zhang to go any closer to that palace.

Ling Zhang did not move but continued lying there with his side against Yuwen Tong’s chest. He really stopped looking in that direction, though still feeling a faint eagerness to do that.

“I don’t know how to describe that feeling. It feels dangerous but also harmless,” added Ling Zhang under his breath.

“Even so, I’m still not letting you go there,” said Yuwen Tong.

“We’ve gone this far. It’d be a pity if we give up like this. Besides, I’m sure my grandfather will go there, with or without us. And I can’t let him do that alone,” said Ling Zhang.

It was a few moments’ silence before Yuwen Tong said, “I’ll go and help them. You are to stay outside the city and wait for me.”

Ling Zhang leaning against him put his arms around Yuwen Tong and said, “No.”

Yuwen Tong looked down at him. “Be good.”

“You should be the one waiting outside the city,” muttered Ling Zhang, now putting his arms around Yuwen Tong’s waist. “I’m not weak. I almost defeated you the last time we had a kung fu competition.”

Yuwen Tong lowered his head and pecked Ling Zhang’s forehead before he said in a barely audible voice, “I’m not saying you’re not as good at kung fu as I am. What concerns me is that there might be something having undesirable effects on you in there. If anything happens to you, this journey of us will be a devastating memory I can’t bear to have. I don’t want to hate them.”

Ling Zhang paused momentarily. “I’ll be careful. Under no circumstances will I let you go in there in my stead.”

It was a long moment before Yuwen Tong said, “Then let’s go there together.”

Ling Zhang, after a long while, gave an “Um” of agreement, but his lowered eyelids concealed the emotions in his eyes. If things did go south, he would have Yuwen Tong leave this city, even if the cost would be his own life.

Lying on the mat beside the two of them, Ling Maomao had entered the dreamlike state between waking and sleeping and thus did not notice the momentary gleam in Ji Xiaocong’s eyes. They were very close to Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong, so Ji Xiaocong heard part of the conversation, though their voices were very low. He did not look in the direction of that palace in the dark. Apart from Ling Zhang, he had also been feeling an itch to get close to that place since nightfall.

But he had never shifted his gaze to that edifice. His eyes had been fixed on Ling Maomao all along.

Now, after he had heard Yuwen Tong’s and Ling Zhang’s words, the glitter in his eyes looking at Ling Maomao became even brighter. “Brother Maomao,” he called in a quiet voice.

Ling Maomao was almost asleep, but he still vaguely heard Ji Xiaocong’s voice. With difficulty, he momentarily lifted his eyelids and put a hand on Ji Xiaocong’s side to pat him in an obviously consoling manner. However, before Ji Xiaocong could say anything, he succumbed to drowsiness and drifted off.

Grinning soundlessly, Ji Xiaocong did not remove Ling Maomao’s hand but happily put his on it and closed his eyes, contentment written all over his face.


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