The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 517 - Extraction of the Gu Worm

Chapter 517 - Extraction of the Gu Worm

517. Extraction of the Gu Worm

Translator: DragonRider

After ushering Mr. Mu into the tent, Yuwen Tong requested Mr. Mu to eliminate the Gu worm from Ling Zhang's body, a serious look on his face.

Mr. Mu made no unnecessary remarks and told Ling Zhang to lie down on the bed.

Then he opened his medicine chest and produced a long thin knife, the sharp tip of which made Ling Zhang's scalp prickle. Yuwen Tong's whole body tensed up.

Then Mr. Mu fished out a porcelain phial, opened it and with that a weird fragrance filled the tent. It was not a refreshing mild kind of fragrance, but an indescribable, tempting one tinged with the smell of decay. Ling Zhang began to feel dizzy after inhaling a certain amount of it.

"I've been raising a special Gu worm in this phial. In a few moments, when the Child Worm in you smells this scent, it'll start to crawl out of your body. This scent is a kind of intense stimulus for the Child Worm, so it will be somewhat agitated and exerting more strength than usual on its way out, which means you'll suffer some pain. You need to tough it out."

"It's okay. I can handle it," said Ling Zhang.

Mr. Mu nodded and went to disinfect the knife. When the knife was ready, he turned around and, finding that Ling Zhang was still fully dressed, gawked at Yuwen Tong. "You want me to undress your sweetheart?" he asked.

Yuwen Tong's face darkened and he immediately walked up to the bed to unclothe Ling Zhang, blocking Mr. Mu's view.

Mr. Mu felt that such action of Yuwen Tong's was totally pointless, because in a few moments he would have to not only look at Ling Zhang's body but also cut him ...

After undressing Ling Zhang, Yuwen Tong fairly reluctantly moved aside, his face turning serious again as he saw Mr. Mu approach Ling Zhang with his knife which briefly reflected the light from the candle placed at the bedside.

Mr. Mu softly cut open Ling Zhang's skin. The odd, distinct sensation of having his skin slit open lifted the hair on Ling Zhang's scalp, and he almost reflexively threw a palm strike at Mr. Mu which would surely send him and his knife flying. The pain was exceptionally distinct as well. He could even feel his blood flow from the cut, slowly winding its way down his chest. His face instantly tensed.

By the candlelight, the red blood stood out in sharp relief with Ling Zhang's white-skinned chest, which was quite a visual stimulus. Yuwen Tong balled his hands into fists tightly, all his muscles tense. He was even holding his breath unawares, staring fixedly at the cut, exercising all his self-restraint to keep from pulling Mr. Mu away from the bed.

Mr. Mu acted very quick. After making a cut, he immediately put that porcelain phial on Ling Zhang's chest and poured out a small amount of liquid at a spot slightly above the cut where blood couldn't flow to. The fragrance, mixed with the smell of blood, became even more pungent and Ling Zhang nearly fainted because of it. He endured the pain, rolling his eyes upwards uncontrollably.

Right at this moment, his chest suddenly started to ache badly and he felt something wriggling beneath his skin. Ling Zhang's eyes instantly widened and he could hardly breathe. This time his scalp not only prickled but also felt as though it were convulsing. It was so creepy and so blood-curdling. He would rather have a fight with someone and end up being covered in his own blood than endure this kind of spooky sensation. It was pushing his mental endurance to its limit!

That thing was still squirming, and like Mr. Mu had said, it seemed to be very restless and was rampaging around in the cut. Ling Zhang clenched his fists with all his might, subduing his urge to rip off that lump of meat from his chest and throw it away.

The pain caused by the wriggling Gu worm paled by comparison with the weird sensation which was making his scalp prickle so badly as though his head would explode.

At this moment it struck Ling Zhang that time was going significantly slower than normal, cold sweat flowing to his sideburns from his forehead without him noticing. Right at the time when he felt on the verge of his breaking point, that thing finally emerged from Ling Zhang's wound. It had just crawled out when Mr. Mu quickly impaled it on a silver needle and tossed it into the porcelain phial he was holding with his other hand. The next moment, a screech like the sound of something metal jarring on a hard smooth surface issued from the phial and then silence reigned in the tent.

"Done. The Gu worm has now been lured out and killed. Now I'm going to stop the bleeding and bandage that cut."

Ling Zhang instantly relaxed completely at these words of Mr. Mu's, limply lying in bed. He raised his hand with the intention to wipe the cold sweat from his brow but Yuwen Tong held it when it was halfway to its destination, and then used a soft towel to wipe his forehead and cheeks. "You're okay now," Yuwen Tong consoled him in a tense voice beside his ear.

Ling Zhang gave a shudder. "That thing was so gross," he said through gritted teeth.

Yuwen Tong softly wiped up Ling Zhang's cold sweat and then said, "I'll have the one who raised and used the worms know how it feels to have his body gnawed by 10,000 worms, and I'll make him suffer 10,000 times the pain we've suffered."

Ling Zhang feebly put his hand down. "Make sure you do that. That's the only way I could have closure."

He was not the only one these worms had inflicted pain on. Yuwen Tong had suffered even more from them. Under no circumstances would he let that evildoer die without being tortured first!

Mr. Mu administered some styptic drug to Ling Zhang's cut, dressed it and then said, "Although a geriatric like me does need to exercise more, making a journey that long with all haste was indeed an ordeal, so I'll join you in the hunt for that evildoer and get even with him."

"We'll have him caught and marched to your tent. You don't have to go to that trouble," said Ling Zhang.

Mr. Mu said, "That guy's Gu-craft is much better than that of the one we met five years ago. He knows how to raise Affection Gu, and for this reason alone, I'd like to pit my skills against him."

What with Mr. Mu's insistence on going with them, Ling Zhang felt it inappropriate to turn him down, having no choice but to start thinking how to ensure Mr. Mu's safety during the operation.


The worm eliminated from his body, Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong could finally set their minds at ease.

Mr. Mu's vulnerary was very efficacious. The next day the cut in Ling Zhang's chest was considerably better and he was able to get out of bed to walk, though in no fit state to do anything strenuous.

Before Ling Zhang got out of bed, Yuwen Jin came to visit him. After being given the permission to enter, he quickly walked in and asked anxiously, "How's Brother Zhang? Why did Mr. Mu come here? Did something happen?"

Displeased at his loud voice, Yuwen Tong shot him an unhappy glance with his piercing eyes. "Calm down."

Having been given a dirty look, Yuwen Jin didn't dare speak aloud again, but he was still anxious to see Ling Zhang.

"You may come in." Ling Zhang in the compartment heard their conversation and asked Yuwen Jin to come in.

Yuwen Jin cast Yuwen Tong a tentative look. Yuwen Tong did not say anything, so Yuwen Jin hastened to enter the inner compartment and was taken aback at the sight of Ling Zhang lying in bed. "What happened to you, Brother Zhang?!"

Ling Zhang said calmly to him, "Take it easy. I'm okay now. Sit down."

After hearing that, Yuwen Jin had no choice but to sit himself in a chair, looking nervously at Ling Zhang.

Ling Zhang continued, "It's no big deal. A couple of days ago I was not careful enough and fell prey to the Wan Kingdom's dirty trick, and a little Gu worm got into my body."

Ling Zhang just told him that he had carelessly fallen victim to the enemy's underhand method, skipping the part where two Gu worms had entered Yuwen Tong's body and he had helped get rid of them.

"Mr. Mu has extracted the worm. All I need to do is lie in bed and rest for a couple of days."

Yuwen Jin was very angry. "So they resorted to such disreputable method yet again. Those scum are so despicable! They know they're on the losing side, so they tried to turn the tables by playing dirty. Those shameless bastards!"

Ling Zhang sneered. "Those people of the Wan Kingdom have always been like that. We can't count on them to be reasonable, but you guys need to be extra careful from now on, in case they use dirty tricks again."

Yuwen Jin snorted coldly, "Don't worry, Brother Zhang. I promise I'll capture Chen Jing and Shan Congli the Wan monarch and bring them to you to let you get your revenge. I look forward to seeing the looks on their faces when we take their capital city!"

Yuwen Tong, coming inside, heard these words, the corners of his mouth twitching. This guy really knew how to talk big, but the problem was that it was his job to catch Chen Jing and Shan Congli to let Ling Zhang vent his anger on them. What did this pal have to do with it?

"What you need to do is follow commands from your superiors, make sure your men toe the line and perform your sworn duty during battles. Don't be distracted by anything else."

After hearing these words, Yuwen Jin looked at his second cousin, a faintly injured expression on his face. "I've been an excellent command-follower. I followed every command you gave me. I just want to help Brother Zhang get his vengeance on those people."

Speechless, Yuwen Tong looked at him. Suddenly, he said, "In the past few years you got out of several blind dates your family arranged for you on the pretext of serving me. When this war is over and we return to the capital city, I'll betroth someone to you."

Yuwen Jin let out a moan and hastened to object, "Cousin! Sire! Why do you suddenly want me to get married? I've been having a hard job dealing with my nagging parents. If you betroth someone to me, I–I might as well die!"

Yuwen Tong tossed him a forbidding glance. "Are you implying I'm trying to make life difficult for you?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I mean. It–It's just I don't understand why you suddenly want me to get a marriage partner. I mean, you've never interfered in any of my private affairs," explained Yuwen Jin hastily, cold sweat breaking out over his back with alarm.

Yuwen Tong snorted. 'Why? Because I want to knock some sense into your thick skull,' he thought.

"You're way past marriageable age. It's about time you got married."

Yuwen Jin opened his mouth and eyed his second cousin with a hurt expression on his face, but he did not dare contradict the emperor with the words he was shouting inwardly – 'You were much older than I am now when you married Brother Zhang! Why couldn't I marry at a later age as well?! This is so unfair!'

Though Yuwen Jin did not say it out, Yuwen Tong could divine what he was thinking at this moment.

"Say no more. If you don't want me to betroth someone to you, get your ass out of here right now and do what you are supposed to be doing. Remember, do not breathe a word to anybody about Brother Zhang getting hurt by a Gu worm."

Yuwen Jin was unable to spare a thought for his promise to capture Chen Jing and Shan Congli to help Ling Zhang get his revenge. On hearing the condition on which Yuwen Tong would not assign him a wife, he immediately fled the tent so quick as though his clothes were on fire.

Ling Zhang, who had been speechlessly listening to the argument between the two second cousins, said to Yuwen Tong, "Why did you threaten him with that?"

Yuwen Tong said disapprovingly, "There's no other way to knock some sense into his thick skull."

Ling Zhang, "...??"

Why did Yuwen Tong think he needed to knock some sense into Yuwen Jin? Ling Zhang was not following what Yuwen Tong was saying.

"All right. Let's forget about him. How do you feel? Is the cut still aching?" Yuwen Tong slumped into the chair which Yuwen Jin had sat on a moment ago. Sitting in the spot that belonged to him, he felt quite comfortable.

Ling Zhang shook his head. "Not really, but it's itchy. Mr. Mu's drug is very efficacious. I think I'll be able to get out of bed tomorrow, and when I do, I'd like to go to the mountain pass to take a look."


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