The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Fuen's guess was correct. After he had people express goodwill to Qu Yan from Tagar Military Academy, the tournament organizers issued a notice of punishment for Brut Military Academy.

When this news came out, all the military academies except The No.1 Military Academy were shocked.

This was because the punishment notice not only accused Brut Military Academy of deliberately attacking The No.1 Military Academy, but also included allegations that Brut Military Academy's team leader bribed tournament staff to prevent The No.1 Military Academy from receiving the maps they should have gotten during the Rainforest Planet competition.

Everyone was stunned.

The Joint Military Academy Tournament was a renowned event across the entire continent. The broadcasting fees alone were enough to make the organizers extremely profitable, with the staff earning hefty monthly salaries.

As a result, when such an incident of staff being bribed and causing an unfair situation for a participating academy came to light, the public reaction was particularly strong.

The tournament organizers had no choice but to hold a live broadcast with all the participating academies, team leaders, and instructors present, announcing Brut Military Academy's crimes in front of everyone.

The usually smiley and circuitous tournament organizer was exceptionally stern this time.

He took the stage, first frankly admitting his own shortcomings that led to the injustice against The No.1 Military Academy, then read out Brut Military Academy's crimes, and finally thanked the audience for their supervision.

His words were extremely proper and smooth.

Listening from below, Chloe sighed admiringly:

"These elders really are different, speaking so eloquently."

Hearing this, Ren Yunying turned her head with satisfaction:

"So what did you learn from this?"

Chloe held back the hand about to throw a sunflower seed into her mouth, and said seriously: "I learned that having a mouth means you should speak properly."

Ren Yunying: "..."

Well, the gist was about right.

On stage, several students from Brut Military Academy were publicly punished, especially the team leader, whose face was red as blood from shame.

Chloe watched with glee.

It wasn't until the tournament organizer announced that Brut Military Academy would be permanently banned from the competition that she raised her eyebrows in slight surprise.

Such a severe punishment?

Sensing her astonishment, Qin Huaibei leaned over and said in a low voice:

"I heard the Blood Tribe Patriarch intervened in this matter?"

Hearing this, Chloe was taken aback: "My father?"

Xavier did that?

"Yes." Qin Huaibei nodded, his face showing a hint of excitement. "Apparently, that elder threatened the organizers, saying that if they didn't severely punish Brut Military Academy, it would be tantamount to opposing the entire Blood Tribe. He nearly scared the organizers to death."

Upon hearing this, Chloe glanced furtively at the organizer speaking on stage, finding it hard to imagine him being scared to death.

Qin Huaibei miraculously understood the meaning of her glance and said angrily:

"I was just speaking figuratively! I didn't mean he was literally scared to death!"

Chloe looked back with some disappointment:

"Ah, I see."

Qin Huaibei rolled his eyes: "You were just born to be smacked around. Keep this up, and you'll get beaten up sooner or later."

Chloe raised an eyebrow slightly: "There's still no one in this world that I'm afraid of, as you well know."

Hearing this, Qin Huaibei felt envious:

"Damn, how come your life is so blessed?"

Born into the Blood Tribe, the daughter of the Blood Tribe Patriarch, with such monstrous talents.

Qin Huaibei's eyes turned green with envy.

Katherine couldn't stand it any longer and covered his eyes with a handkerchief:

"Enough, you're starting to look like Daniel."

Daniel raised his head sharply: "Are you insulting me?"

Katherine kept a straight face: "No, no, you must have misheard."

The organizers' actions not only satisfied The No.1 Military Academy but also pleased the general public across the continent.

[I don't know how the Wolf Tribe could produce such a bunch of scumbags.]

[The main team from Brut Military Academy, especially that Kamen, seem like bad people. How could anyone be so cruel?]

[They deliberately sabotaged the ice checkpoint. If the rescue hadn't arrived in time, Chloe and the others might have died there.]

[The Wolf Tribe are all bad eggs!]

[Hey, you're slandering the Wolf Tribe by criticizing just Brut!]

[Exactly, don't lump us all together! Isn't Daniel from The No.1 Military Academy also a Wolf?]

[So annoying, are you being racists?]

[Alright, alright, don't argue. It's best not to bring up such issues around the young ones, or else you'll be in big trouble.]

Relations between the races on the continent were not very harmonious, but most people were highly tolerant of the young.

After this live broadcast ended, another small spacecraft came to pick up the people from Brut Military Academy and take them back to their tribal land.

Chloe, not one to pass up a show, had to stand by and watch Brut Military Academy depart.

Those students didn't even dare to raise their heads, slinking away in embarrassment.

Only Kamen remained, his face swollen like a wasp nest as he glared viciously at Chloe.

Before Chloe could react, he hurriedly fled.

Chloe snorted disdainfully.

What a coward who could only act tough from behind.

As Chloe was about to leave, she ran into Xavier.

He must have come looking for her, dressed in a proper suit and looking handsome and formal.

Chloe had intended to roll her eyes and leave, but her eye roll was only halfway through when she suddenly remembered that she still needed to maintain the relationship between Xavier and Anderson.

Her eyes immediately straightened, and she ran over excitedly, her voice saccharine:

"Oh, isn't this my dear father? Why have you come here?"

Xavier saw through her change of expression, but didn't say much about it. He simply handed her a dagger:

"This is for you."

The dagger was very beautiful, with a sharp blade and a hilt studded with various colors of gold and diamonds. It could easily be pawned for money on the spot.

Chloe couldn't help but exclaim: "Wow, how gorgeous!"

"Not bad," Xavier said, taking out a small pouch specifically for the dagger and tying it around Chloe's waist. "Keep the dagger in here normally, and take it out when you need to use it. Understand?"

Chloe flashed the dagger in a stylish move, then neatly inserted it into the dagger pouch:

"I'm not that stupid."

Seeing this, a hint of a smile appeared in Xavier's eyes:

"I'll be leaving soon. Stay here and behave yourself. Don't let anyone bully you."

Chloe scoffed: "You should worry about me bullying others instead."

Hearing this, Xavier laughed out loud: "No need. If you cause any trouble, the Blood Tribe will back you up no matter what."

"As for that Anderson..."

Xavier narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice:

"Remember, I don't want anything to happen between you two. Do you understand what I mean?"


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