The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 20: There is no regret in my dictionary.

Chapter 20

Song Ziyuan glanced at Ling Meng with faint disdain in his eyes. He could see through Ling Meng's thoughts clearly - she just wanted to become Zhou Mucheng's wife and the young mistress of the Zhou family. He really didn't understand Zhou Mucheng's taste.

Zhou Mucheng's face sank unpleasantly, his tone cold and indifferent, "Didn't you say you have something to do?"

Meeting Zhou Mucheng's cold and sharp gaze, Ling Meng knew she had displeased him. She forced out a smile while getting up, "I forgot about it until you mentioned it, I'll get going now. Goodbye, Mucheng brother, Ziyuan brother."

After leaving the private room, Ling Meng resentfully bit her lips. She didn't understand - she was so outstanding and behaved so gently and timidly in front of him, yet he was still so cold and indifferent to her, not even willing to give her a smile. Could it be that she was still inferior to that cheap woman Ling Yue in his heart?

Thinking of Ling Yue, a vicious look flashed across Ling Meng's eyes. Ling Yue would be ruined soon, and by that time, she would let everyone in the capital know what a cheap woman Ling Yue was.

Song Ziyuan withdrew his gaze, looking at Zhou Mucheng playfully, "Are you interested in her?"

"Impossible." Zhou Mucheng gently swirled the red wine in his glass. He had no plans to find a girlfriend yet, having just gotten out of the shackles of his broken engagement. How could he tie himself down so quickly?

"Ling Meng is not bad actually, great figure and good looks." Song Ziyuan raised his wine glass, smiling slyly.

"I'm not that superficial." Zhou Mucheng raised his wine glass and clinked it with Song Ziyuan's before downing a mouthful.

"Could it be you still have feelings for your ex-fiancee? Speaking of which, I met her today." Song Ziyuan put down his wine glass and lazily leaned back on the sofa, resting his head on his hands.

Zhou Mucheng looked at Song Ziyuan in surprise. "You met Ling Yue? Where did you meet her?" Although he didn't like Ling Yue, she was after all his ex-fiancee. Also, they would have gotten married already if not for that fire.

"At the antique street. Your ex-fiancee has good taste - she picked up quite a valuable ancient painting there today." Song Ziyuan smiled lazily.

"You must have the wrong person. She doesn't have that capability." Zhou Mucheng had known Ling Yue for so long and understood her well. He knew Ling Yue had changed a lot recently, but no matter how much she changed, it was impossible for her to have that level of capability.

Song Ziyuan smiled smugly. "Zhou Mucheng, if the Ling Yue I met is really your ex-fiancee, you won't mind if I pursue her right?"

"It's your freedom, it has nothing to do with me." Zhou Mucheng poured himself another glass of wine. He had never liked Ling Yue. Who she was with had nothing to do with him.

"I'll take your word for it, don't regret it in the future." A sly, foxy smile spread across Song Ziyuan's face.

"The word 'regret' doesn't exist in my dictionary." Zhou Mucheng looked completely confident. Although he had grown up with Ling Yue, he truly didn't like her timid and dull personality. So how could he possibly regret?

On the other side, Ling Yue followed Liu Yan to his company. She saw a spacious office, empty except for a girl with black-framed glasses focused on her computer screen, her hands dancing across the keyboard.

Hearing footsteps, the girl turned to look. Seeing Liu Yan, she respectfully greeted him, "Boss Liu!"

Liu Yan nodded slightly and walked over to the girl with Ling Yue. "She is Yang Jing, the only employee willing to stay when the others left." He had recruited over twenty employees previously, but they had all resigned as the company ran out of funds.

"This is Ling Yue, she is the new chairwoman of our company." Liu Yan introduced Ling Yue to Yang Jing.

Yang Jing looked at Ling Yue in surprise. "Chairwoman?"

"The chairwoman has invested in our company. Our crisis has been resolved. Please post a recruitment notice online. Also, reject all past employees who left us." Liu Yan was a decisive man. He knew those employees had left for better prospects, but he hoped his staff would be loyal to the company and willing to weather hard times together, like Yang Jing. He would reward her in the future by arranging an appropriate role once the company had stabilized.

"Understood, Boss Liu. I'll post it now." As Yang Jing spoke, she was already on a website posting a recruitment notice.

Liu Yan nodded in satisfaction and turned to Ling Yue. "Let me show you the office."

"Okay." Ling Yue followed behind Liu Yan.

Liu Yan pushed open the office door for Ling Yue. "Have a seat, I'll make you some tea."

Ling Yue nodded and sat down, looking around the office. It wasn't big, around ten square meters. But it was well-lit and spotless, furnished simply with a work desk, bookcases, two sofas for guests, and a coffee table.

Liu Yan placed the tea on the coffee table in front of Ling Yue. "I'll grab the business plan for you to take a look, let me know if you have any suggestions." As chairwoman, he naturally wanted her input on the company's plans.

Liu Yan went to the desk, unlocked a drawer and took out a file folder. He walked over and handed it to Ling Yue. "Here's the company plan."

Ling Yue reached out to take the folder and started going through it carefully before closing it and handing it back after a while.

"Done reading it already?" Liu Yan asked in surprise.

Ling Yue smiled lightly with a nod. "The plan looks great, but I have a suggestion. We are an online shopping platform, so we'll definitely need logistics and delivery. I propose we set up our own in-house logistics. That way we won't have to worry about delayed or damaged goods, and can track shipments in real-time. It provides assurance to customers buying from us. What do you think?"

As Liu Yan listened, his eyes shone brighter and he was filled with immense admiration for Ling Yue. "That's an excellent idea! I'll work on it once we stabilize. "

"No rush, take it step by step. I believe in you." Ling Yue patted Liu Yan on the shoulder encouragingly.

"I'll work hard!" Liu Yan nodded vigorously, feeling motivated and hopeful about the future.

Ling Yue sat in the office for a while before getting up to leave. Just then Xu Granny called. "Miss, when will you be back?"

"I'm on my way." The softness in Ling Yue's eyes and faint smile showed her fondness for Xu Granny.

"I bought a chicken today and will cook you soup."

"Great, thanks Granny." Ling Yue chatted for a bit before hanging up and turning to Liu Yan. "I should go back now. Call me if anything comes up."

"I'll see you out." Liu Yan stood up. Just then, the office door burst open as someone kicked it violently.


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