The Girl Raised by the Death God Holds the Sword of Darkness in Her Arms

Volume 4, 5: The Battle of Vuiran

Volume 4, Chapter 5: The Battle of Vuiran

Translator: Skythewood

Editor: Hiiro

Lunar Calendar Year 1000, Month of the Burning Sky

Heavy Silver Officer Arthur led the Nozan Persilla army to muster at Fort Safa, which borders the south of the Farnesse Kingdom— and marched on Feldna hills.

Their forces numbered 40,000. Arthur captured small strongholds along the wall as he advanced north by northeast. And now, he was chairing a war conference at the crescent shaped 《Lake Sith》 during a long rest.

「Reporting, there’s an urgent matter.」

One soldier approached Arthur’s retainer, Silver Officer Raji Heil, and whispered into his ears. Raji nodded and went to Arthur with a complicated expression.

「What is it?」

「The scouts captured a few deserters from the Royal Army. One of them promised to give us valuable intel if we spare their lives… What do you think?」

「Valuable intel? What can a deserter… Never mind, bring him here.」


Raji ordered, and the bound deserter was brought before Arthur.

Looking at the calm deserter, Arthur asked.

「Deserting in the face of the enemy is nothing to be proud of, but you seemed rather tough.」

The man before him had a sensible light in his eyes and his body was really buffed. He didn’t seem to be an incompetent man, and had a smile to match that.

Raji admonished the captive for his attitude and whispered to Arthur that his rank was a Captain.

「I just don’t want to stay on a sinking ship.」

「Sinking ship, huh… That is a fair evaluation, but don’t you have any loyalty towards the Farnesse Kingdom at all?」

Given the Kingdom’s current situation, it was reasonable for them to flee— but that was only applicable to forced conscripts. He was a Captain, and didn’t look like he was forced into service. The Royal Army might be on the decline, but Arthur still found officers who deserted with his troops a disgrace.

「Loyalty… Loyalty applies if you have someone to serve. Unfortunately, I don’t feel any loyalty to the reigning King.」

Arthur could understand that. Alphonse Sem Garmund’s image of a foolish king had spread through the entire continent.

And naturally, the foolish wasn’t someone who could inspire loyalty from his subjects.

「Forget it. So, let me hear about your so-called valuable intel.」

「Before that, please swear that you will guarantee the lives of me and my men.」

「That depends on the intel.」

「I believe it will satisfy you.」

「You won’t be the one to judge that… never mind.」

Sparing a few maggots wouldn’t affect the big picture anyway.

After he swore on the name of Arthur Mau Finn, the deserter spoke—

「— It’s just as you expected, Commander.」

Raji looked at Arthur with surprise, and the other officers reacted the same way.

「That’s not surprising, they are in the middle of a war against the Empire, so they obviously won’t have enough manpower.」

「But to muster only 10,000 men… The Nation of Lion is really declining.」

Nozan Persilla had captured three small strongholds without a single casualty. The reason was the strongholds were deserted, just an empty husk.

Mustering soldiers to garrison a fort wasn’t always the right answer to defend against a large army. Putting up a staunch defence was only viable if reinforcements were coming. But it would be a different matter if they could erect sturdy defensive structures, mobilize well trained soldiers and a stable supply line.

However, the strongholds they captured were all structures from the warring era. It was far from being sturdy, and the economic embargo of Sutherland was still ongoing. For the Kingdom, a bountiful supply line was just a dream.

And when they searched the warehouse, there wasn’t even a single piece of bread left. No soldiers and no food. The deserter said the Royal Army had limited strategic options, and opted to muster their forces for an ambush.

「If so, where is the Royal Army planning to deploy? By the way, I think it should be around here.」

Arthur tapped on the map of the Kingdom’s south with his command baton.

— Garlock Valley.

It was a two to three days march from Arthur’s current position. Garlock Valley was a wing-shaped canyon created by the attrition of the Madoros River, a good place for a smaller force to hold off a larger one.

「It is as you say, the Royal Army plans to deploy in the Garlock Valley.」

The deserter confirmed immediately.

「Then the matter is simple, let’s go around the Garlock Valley.」

If they passed through the neighbouring Carbadia Hill or Orstoy Forest, they would reach the Vuiran Plains. Raji traced his fingers to the south of the map, which would bring them to the rear of the enemy.

But Arthur refuted his solid strategy.

「It waste too much time to go around, we will head into the Garlock Valley as planned.」

「Proceed as planned?」

A Tough Silver Officer asked with a surprised voice.

「Proceed as planned.」

「Won’t we play right into the enemy’s hand?」

Not just Raji, even the deserter was looking at Arthur in shock. The officers were getting rowdy.

「And of course, I don’t mean the entire army.」

「What do you mean, Commander?」

Arthur started explaining his plan;

- The troops would be divided into two. Arthur would lead the 20,000 main unit straight for the Garlock Valley and engage the enemy waiting there.

- The remaining 20,000 would proceed under the command of Gold Officer Barze, through both sides of the Garlock Valley. After their rendezvous at the Vuiran Plains, they would then attack the enemy’s rear.

「Leave it to me. I, Barze, will pierce the enemy’s rear splendidly.」

Barze who was known for his bravery knocked his thick breast armour. On the other hand, Raji massaged his brows and said:

「We are splitting Barze’s 20,000 army and advancing through both sides? Can’t we just flank through on one side?」

「The enemy might use the same strategy, although their numbers would just be a few thousand at best. We have 10,000 men on each side, so we won’t lose. By the time the enemy’s pincer attack fails, they will have lost soldiers and their morale will worsen.」

「I understand your intentions, Commander… But what if the enemy laid down traps?」

「We won’t need to think so much if we know that. The most important thing is to stop the enemy from seizing the initiative.」

The enemy commander didn’t stubbornly defend the strongholds, so he was somewhat competent. The more competent he was, the more methods he could find. In response to the enemy’s carefully laid traps and ambush, Arthur chose to preemptively show an 『opening』— an opening to entice them to abandon their original plan.

He would then work together with Barze to massacre these moths plunging into the fire.

「— I see, so we are misdirecting our opponent into our trap.」

「By controlling where we expose our opening, it will be easy to predict the enemy’s movement. We can then wipe them out piecemeal. Maybe we won’t even need Barze.」

「Depending on the Royal Army’s responses, this might be possible. Even if they are wary and not take the bait, they will still get pincer attacked by us. This is a two pronged strategy.」

「That’s right. It seems we can report our victory to the Queen in no time.」

Heavy Gold Officer Drake might not know yet, but Cassandra had already promised to promote Arthur to a First Grade Heavy Gold Officer. Which meant he would replace Drake at the peak of the Nozan Persilla military.

(The first tasks will be clearing out Drake and the other old relics, and then—)

As Arthur was snickering in his mind.

「— Excellency expected…」

「Hmm? You said something?」

The eyes of the deserter were suddenly filled with respect.

「Nothing… I’m just saying that compared to Your Excellency, the Royal Army is too pitiful. Deserting was the right choice after all.」

The deserter had a weird smile on his face, which irked Arthur for some reason.

South of the KingdomSaltonia regionCaesar’s Mansion

「Will this really be fine?」

Marquis Caesar von Saltonia who owned vast territories in the southwest paced inside his room as he asked the handsome young officer— Evansin.

One week ago, Evansin knocked on his door with a few of his subordinates. A fortnight ago, the Nozan Persilla Army began their attack.

「Please don’t worry. Her Excellency Olivia might be young, but her tactical acumen is outstanding and will not disappoint you, Marquis Saltonia.」

The confident Evansin lowered his head sincerely. Caesar sat down on the couch and glanced at the letter on the table.

On the envelope was the name Cornelius Wym Curling written with great penmanship.

「That’s what worries me. A sixteen year old Commander? I find that too amusing to feel at ease…」

The newly founded Eighth Army. Because the letter sent by Evansin was from his good friend Cornelius, who showed full confidence in Olivia, Caesar reluctantly acceded to her request to withdraw the soldiers in all those strongholds.

Originally, he would never abandon those strongholds so easily. Even more so for the territories his forebears tended to with great care.

「The enemy must be shocked to find all those strongholds abandoned— No, they might be laughing at our overwhelming cowardice.」

Caesar laughed in self mockery.

「Pardon my impudence, but we can recapture the strongholds after our victory, retreating without a fight is also a type of stratagem— Well, I’m just repeating what Her Excellency Olivia said.」

Evansin rubbed his nose bashfully.

「A teenage girl talking about strategy? Time has really changed…」

Probably because of the wars that had gone on and off for a few centuries, the most prominent part of this great war was the unusual high number of female soldiers.

In fact, many of Caesar’s bodyguards were women. But even Caesar who didn’t discriminate by gender and emphasize on abilities wouldn’t let a sixteen year old girl step on the battlefield, much less becoming a Commander.

But the die had been cast, and the rest would be left to fate. Caesar reached out to the table and took a swig of the crimson liquid inside a glass.

「Marquis Saltonia, allow me to say this again— Don’t worry, Her Excellency Olivia will definitely beat off the Nozan Persilla army splendidly.」

「Beat off splendidly… You sure are confident.」

「Yes. My time serving Her Excellency Olivia might be short, but she is without question a reliable Commander. And her track record in the past is proof of that.」

Caesar had survived all this while in the nobility society which was a melting pot of schemes and conspiracy. He considered himself to have a discerning eye, and thought of Evansin as a promising young man. But his blind faith in that girl intrigued Caesar.

(Olivia Valedstorm… Just what kind of girl is this Death God? I want to meet her.)

The battle between the Royal Army and the Nozan Persilla Army was at hand.

Fort Thames located in the southern edge of the Farnesse Kingdom was a forward base erected by Raphael Sem Garmund as part of his quest to conquer the Continent.

According to the reports by the guards garrisoned in Fort Thames, Cornelius received news of Nozan Persilla’s invasion and ordered the Eighth Army to repel them.

Two days later—

「Your Excellency, the Eighth Army is ready to set off.」

「Then let’s go.」

「Before that, please say a few words to motivate the men.」

On Claudia’s urging, Olivia got onto the podium and cleared her throat.

「Humans die easily in war, and you can’t eat tasty food if you die—」

「Everyone, salute the Commander-in-Chief Olivia!」


On Claudia’s orders, the 35,000 soldiers in neat formation saluted as one.

While Olivia’s head was filled with question marks, the Eighth Army left the Royal Capital Fizz to the wild cheers of the crowd. Two days later, Olivia was now walking along the Tal city with 10,000 men.

(This is the debut battle of the Eighth Army, but Her Excellency isn’t nervous at all.)

Claudia who was riding on her new white horse thought as she looked at Olivia who was talking to her horse Comet. Claudia’s white horse had the lineage of the world famous 『Adal Sila』, with a beautiful appearance and strong legs. It also had tough mental endurance and was obedient, a great steed that could bring out the best of its rider. This was a gift from Claudia’s grandfather, Ciel Fender, shortly after her promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.

Comet and the white horse which Olivia named 『Kagura』 greeted each other with a sway of their tails. The name Kagura was that of the princess featured in the story 《The Snake Princess in the Afternoon》. She was usually a gentle princess, but would become very scary when she got mad. Claudia asked Olivia why she gave that name to Claudia’s horse, but Olivia just brushed the matter aside with a smile. This was still a mystery to Claudia.

Five days after leaving the capital—

The messengers dispatched to various places had gathered before Claudia once again. They had passed through Tal city and were near the Garlock Valley.

「Reporting. The Nozan Persilla army is marching north by northwest. They should reach the Garlock Valley in two days.」

「Your Excellency.」

「Yes, Luke performed splendidly.」

Olivia stroked Comet’s back happily.

「So the plan is proceeding smoothly?」

「Yes. But the enemy commander isn’t too hung up on seizing the forts, and might choose to deploy in the Garlock Valley without any prompting from Luke. He isn’t bad for a commander, how about recruiting him?」

「You want to turn the enemy commander to our side?」

「Because it will be easier that way.」

Claudia showed a speechless face at Olivia’s nonsense. In which world would the strategy of getting the enemy commander to turncoat work?

「Your Excellency, I will be troubled if you joke any further— This will also affect the morale of the troops, so please be careful with your words.」

Claudia said quietly with a glance at the confused faces of the recruits.

「Ahaha, sorry sorry.」

「As expected of Captain Olivia, you don’t put up airs even after you got appointed as the commander of an army.」

「Her Excellency had never put on airs before— By the way, why are you here, Guile?」

Guile who should be with the vanguard was by Olivia’s side for some reason, and looking at her with eyes filled with respect.

「I’m here to see Captain Olivia’s esteemed face, of course. To recharge myself before the battle starts. Performing this ritual will have a huge effect on my motivation.」

「Ehh, is that so.」

Seeing how Olivia’s face was cramping, Claudia couldn’t help sighing. Because of the Commander, the Eighth Army had gathered a group of weirdos.

「Recharging or what not is not a reason to desert your post. You think military discipline is just fun and games?」

「That isn’t a good enough reason?」

「Of course not! And she is not a Captain anymore, it’s Her Excellency. Change the way you address her.」

Guile and Gauss were still calling Olivia Captain, and Ellis went one step further and called her Onee-sama. They needed to be corrected, but the subject herself was not concerned at all. Not just that, Olivia even declared 『Formal speech is forbidden』. but they still needed to maintain the rules— through Claudia’s steadfast petition,, Olivia reluctantly retracted her order in the end.

The recruits who didn’t understand Olivia would think of this as a joke to ease the mood, but Claudia knew better.

「— By the way, how goes Ashton’s preparations?」

「From the report just now, it’s going well.」

「Great. Who is his bodyguard again?」

「You already forgot? It’s Lady Riffle we borrowed from the Field Marshal.」

「Oh, then there’s no need to fear since Riffle is there.」

Not just Paul, Cornelius also understood the importance of Ashton, and assigned the 『First Sword』 of the Royal Ten Swords, Riffle Athens, to be Ashton’s bodyguard.

The Royal Ten Swords weren’t soldiers nor knights, but swordsmen. They sought the limits of swordsmanship, and aside from a minority like Claudia’s father, Solid Jung, they didn’t serve in the army. Their true value laid not in wielding swords in war, but to protect King Alphonse. For Alphonse, they were his final shields. It would make sense for them to protect Field Marshal Cornelius, but letting a Ten Swords protect a mere Major was unusual.

By the way, Riffle was known for her unique swordsmanship even amongst the Ten Swords. Olivia who saw her technique commented that it closely resembled the commander of the Crimson Knights, Rosenmarie. She was impeccable for a bodyguard.

Claudia didn’t doubt the best Ten Swords or Olivia’s guarantee, but this concerned Ashton’s life. Before they set off on this campaign, Claudia requested to spar Riffle even though she knew it was against the protocol. But she was rejected mercilessly.

Maybe she thought I wanted to steal her techniques, since she had been researching swordsmanship all her life— Claudia thought in the beginning, but Riffle then proceeded to challenge Olivia.

Claudia pondered for some time, but still couldn’t figure out why she got turned down. Riffle probably had her personal reasons.

(I can’t stay by Ashton’s side for this battle, I hope he survives.)

Ashton’s unreliable smile flashed across her mind, and Claudia raised her head to the sky. The clouds was like a representation of how fast this era was moving,

Olivia who was humming as she laid on Comet’s back looked incredibly reliable.

Vuiran PlainsDetachment Unit

Secretly deployed in the Vuiran Plains was a detachment unit of 25,000 soldiers. After giving out instructions to his men, Ashton was resting under a shade—

「Ashton… kun.」

「W-What is it?」

The person’s dark hair was tied up in a bun, her light purple eyes seemed a little vacant. Riffle had delicate facial features and elegant accessories on her armour.

(I think it’s called 『Eastern Oriental Style』, the battle garments of the Ulu tribe that died out a long time ago. So Riffle is a descendent of the Ulu tribe?)

Ashton looked puzzled as he observed Riffle. Someone called out to him from behind, but kept quiet after he answered.

This already happened several times.


「Erm… Ahem, is something wrong?」

Ashton thought she was up to her usual antics, but decided to ask anyway. Riffle blinked her eyelids that seemed really heavy, and drew the sword by her waist.

Ashton was completely baffled by her actions.

「Riffle’s techniques… Want to see?」


「Want to see?」

Riffle said as she approached a tree that was over a hundred years old. He was shocked that the conversation was actually continuing, but what really surprised Ashton was the contents of the conversation.

「You want to show me your sword techniques?」


She answered and looked up at the lush leaves above.

Ashton had given up on sword training. Part of the reason was everyone else telling him it was a waste of time. Since he couldn’t protect himself, having a strong bodyguard follow him closely put him at ease. However, he only knew that she was the top of the Royal Ten Swords, but he didn’t know how strong Riffle actually was.

This concerns my safety, please allow me to see it— Ashton thought that way, but a doubt appeared in his mind.

「I heard you turned down Lieutenant Colonel Claudia’s request to spar, Special Officer Riffle?」

「Claudia’s sword… is beneath Riffle. But if she grows… Hard to say. So she can’t see. No way.」

Riffle made boo sound as she gestured with her arms to form a big cross.

(So she doesn't want a potential competitor to learn her abilities? I can understand how Special Officer Riffle feels, but…)

The smile of a carefree girl flashed across Ashton’s mind.

「Ehh? But you are fine with sparring Olivia?」

「Yes. I let her, watch. For Meister Olivia—」

「Hold it.」

「What, is wrong?」

「Just now, you called her Meister Olivia?」

Why was she calling Olivia a Meister? Ashton wanted to retort, but Riffle answered plainly.

「Well, Meister Olivia, she… Super Meister Olivia is on a completely different realm. Completely different… from Riffle’s sword. So… I let her watch. More accurately speaking… I saw her. As expected of… the Death God.」

「Erm, why did she changed from a Meister to a Super Meister?」

「I don’t get… what you mean.」

Riffle tilted her head. This was like something that Clares, his senior from the Lion King Academy, would do to tease him. They were similar in nature.

「I’m not saying anything difficult… Well, I understand the reason why Special Officer Riffle demonstrated your sword techniques to Olivia.」

「I’m glad… you understand.」

Riffle smiled like a flower in full bloom.

Ashton had been with Olivia all this while, so he couldn’t really refute Riffle. He didn’t understand what she meant by a different realm, but that was just his lack of martial talent speaking.

Ashton laughed in self mockery.

「Would you mind showing me then?」

「Yes… It’s fine for Ashton-kun to see… Pfft!」

Riffle suddenly turned back with her shoulders shaking, drawing a circle in the air with her finger. Ashton felt he was being treated like a fool, and was a little peeved.

<TL: Cross is no, circle is yes. Japanese thing>

「Well… I will show you. Look at the falling… leaves.」

Riffle took a step forward with her right leg and lowered her hips, then kicked the tree. A power that didn’t match her petite body shook the tree and several leaves fell.

Ashton stared at the leaves as instructed by Riffle.

「Dance like… a Butterfly.」

Riffle slashed once at the leaves.

「It wasn’t… much.」

Riffle slowly sheathed her sword. Ashton looked to the ground, and all the leaves were all evenly bisected vertically. Even Ashton could tell that this was only possible with outstanding swordsmanship.

This was the moment the top of the Ten Swords proved herself.

「How’s, that? Feel… at ease?」

Riffle called out to the back of Ashton as he observed the leaves. Turning back, he saw Riffle standing in a weird pose.

「Well, I wasn’t worried in the first place… By the way, what’s that?」

「Riffle, is… cool.」

「Ehh? … Oh, yeah, I think you are very cool.」

Ashton averted his eyes.

「Everyone in the Ten Swords say… it’s weird. Ashton-kun, you have… good taste. I like… that. On a closer look… very cute.」

Riffle stood beside Ashton and rubbed his hand like some old granny.

Ashton gently pushed away Riffle’s hands.

「T-Thank you for your compliment.」

「You are… Welcome.」

With a nod of satisfaction, Riffle disappeared into the woods. Right after that Gauss appeared as if to take her place, casting his gaze to the trees.

「Was that the Kingdom’s Ten Sword?」

「That’s right.」

「Hmm… I can’t tell.」

Gauss stroked his chin and suddenly laughed.

「— What are you laughing at?」

「Nothing, I’m just wondering what Lieutenant Colonel Claudia would do if she saw this scene.」

「Lieutenant Colonel Claudia? —She thinks of me as some disgusting bug, so probably nothing.」

Ashton scratched his nose a little bashfully.

For some reasons, the number of invitations from female soldiers has increased recently. Ashton was a man, so he didn’t hate being popular with the ladies. However, he still turned them down, using the war as his excuse.

It would be bad if this got in the way of a mission— Claudia was a big help shooing them off.

「Oh, I don’t mean it that way…」

「Then what do you mean?」

Confused about what Gauss was getting at, Ashton asked. Gauss looked at his superior officer with eyes of pity.

「It might be rude for me to say this to a superior, but you are still too green. Being devoted to one person is praiseworthy, but instead of an elegant flower in full bloom, you should cherish the flowers by the roadside from time to time.」

「Flowers? …Sorry, I don’t get you.」

Gauss ruffled his hair troublingly.

「Never mind… Back to the reports. The deployment of the men has been completed.」

Gauss suddenly saluted.

「Oh, right. Good work on the report.」

Ashton returned the salute with a baffled face. Neither of them spoke after that.

As they watched over their men, Gauss suddenly said:

「Speaking of which, this is our first battle with the Confederation of Sutherland, but I don’t feel worried at all…」

「That doesn’t sound like you at all, Second Lieutenant Gauss.」

The more experienced a warrior was, the less careless they would get. Even if the opponent was weaker, being careless could bring about their own demise— That was what Gauss always told his men.

In response to Ashton’s gaze, Gauss answered without hesitation: 「I believe in Major Ashton.」 Ashton was confident in his plans, but he would still worry.

Ashton fell silent, and Gauss used his large hand to pat him on the back. The big impact that matched his appearance, made Ashton fall forward.

「Cough cough! —That hurts!」

「Hahaha. You don’t need to go as far as Captain Olivia, but you should eat more, Major Ashton— I can’t keep the men waiting, I will take my leave now.」

Gauss saluted again, and Ashton returned the salute in a panic. It was hard to tell who was the superior officer here. An outsider might think Gauss held the senior rank.

(Sigh, forget it. I have never been dignified anyway.)

「Oh right, the strange thing you mentioned just now—」

Ashton called out to him, but Gauss didn’t turn back.

(So what was Gauss trying to say?)

Time stopped Ashton from thinking about it any longer.

Shortly after, a messenger sent word that the battle had started.

Garlock ValleyNozan Persilla Army Basecamp

A few hours after the Eighth Army and the Nozan Persilla army engaged, reports streamed gradually to the basecamp, which made the atmosphere inside lively.

「This situation is a proper representation of the Royal Army’s current state.

「This is terrible. We might have the advantage of numbers, but they have the advantage of terrain, is their commander kidding around? It’s mind boggling that they defeated two of the Empire’s key Knight Corps.」

Raji said with a surprised face. As Raji said, there was no sign of any command and control from the Royal Army, they were just attacking incoherently.

They were worse than puppies, much less lions.

「Your doubts can be answered easily, Raji.」

「… Pray tell, Commander.」

「You don’t get it? We are fighting a different army right now.」

「A different army… You mean the one who defeated the two Knight Corps is the Ever-Victorious General?」

「That’s my take on it.」

Cornelius, who was known as the Ever-Victorious General, and his 『Gurkha annihilation battle』 during the war against the Lemuria Kingdom was still taught in textbooks in every Military Academy. He was still on active duty, so Arthur believed that Cornelius must be the one who repelled the Crimson and Sun Knights.

「So why isn’t he here?」

「After fighting the two Knight Corps, even the Ever-Victorious General can’t escape unscathed. No other reason why they would send out this fledging of an army.」

「… Shall we crush them in one shot? It might sound brutish, but I don’t think tactics matters anymore.」

「Raji, I know how you feel. Our foes are far more incompetent than I imagined.」

「In that case—」

「In that case, we have to lure them into a trap and completely annihilate them.」

They had pulled back for now, but the Imperial Forces would definitely return. It was hard to imagine the current Royal Army fighting two countries at the same time. Arthur judged that by crushing this army here, the Kingdom couldn’t dispatch another one, giving them time to firm up their control over these territories. By confiscating the fortune of the nobles and distributing it to the poor masses, they could smoothen their rule here. For the masses, food and money had a higher priority than the survival of the nation.

「Let’s get started then.」

「But given the situation, I’m not sure how we can even feign an opening…」

Raji was lost in thought when a new messenger barged in.

「Reporting! The Royal Army is retreating!」

When they heard this report, Arthur and Raji looked at each other blankly.

「… Commander.」

「They are really putting on a pathetic showing.」

Arthur laughed sarcastically. This wasn’t even a B-rate comedy, even Arthur didn’t expect to pull out just a few hours into the fight.

(It’s only natural that the Empire ravaged them. How the mighty Kingdom had fallen.)

Victory was a foregone conclusion. Even so, Arthur still felt tired for some reason.

「We will go on the pursuit here.」

Raji tried to order as calmly as possible.

「— Go, Her Majesty Cassandra awaits our complete victory. Tell the men to dye the land red with blood.」


「Also, the one who subjugates the enemy commander will get promoted to a Silver Officer. This applies to Common Officers too.」


Eighth Army Basecamp

「Your Excellency, our army is at a big disadvantage.」

Looking from high ground, the Eighth Army’s formation had been shredded, rendering the terrain advantage meaningless. If the situation didn’t improve, this could spell the end of the Eighth Army.

The Commander, Olivia, acknowledged with a casual grunt and was unfazed. But no one, including Claudia, held it against her.

After all, everything was playing out according to her script.

「Anyway, it’s almost done, right?」

Olivia took out a pocket watch.

「If it all goes smoothly…」

When Claudia was about to speak, an out of breath messenger appeared. He is from Ashton’s detachment unit.

「How goes the situation?」

「It’s going smoothly, Major Ashton wants to push the plan to the final phase.」

Claudia’s face softened. If she was alone, she would have jumped for joy. Even without the two of them, Ashton accomplished his task splendidly.

「Your Excellency! Ashton did it!」

「As expected of the Eighth Army’s strategist, our victory is assured now.」

The humming Olivia took out a biscuit from her waist pouch and shoved it in her mouth. A fragrance that didn’t match the battlefield spread in the air.

「I will order a retreat immediately.」

「Everyone’s acting is so good, the enemy must be thinking that our army is being routed.」

Claudia could only sigh at Olivia’s take on things. It was going according to her script, but this was not completely an act by the recruits. The plan had been shared with the whole army, but when they saw the enemy before them, they could only wave their weapons around desperately.

(But that should be part of Her Excellency’s calculations.)

She was just sixteen, but possessed outstanding swordsmanship and great acumen for tactics and strategies. Even her looks were getting more prominent.

Sometimes, Claudia would seriously wonder if Olivia was a mischievous work of the gods.

As Ellis said, she wasn’t a person that mere gods could create.

「We should be off too.」

The crimson cape she received from Ellis looked elegant in contrast to her dark armour. In the center of the cape was a black rose and skull, with white trimmings on the side, along with two crossed scythes. That was the Valedstorm coat of arms.

(Both Ashton and Ellis are such busybodies. This is going to entrench her image of a Death God even further.)

While Claudia was grumbling in her heart, Olivia showed an innocent smile and asked 「Does it suit me?」 Well, it did suit her, but—

「Before the question of suitability, I don’t like the Valedstorm coat of arms…」

This coat of arms was the culprit behind Olivia’s Death God nickname, so there was no way she would like it. If she had known, she would have done everything she could to stop Olivia from inheriting the Valedstorm house name. But no one could predict the future, and the past couldn’t be changed.

「Claudia really hates this coat of arms.」

Olivia looked at the coat of arms on her chest and smiled.

「A coat of arms that reminds me of death is too ominous.」

「But death isn’t the end. After the body dies, the soul will get purified by the zero horizon, and get connected to a new life. Which means, life and death are two faces of the same coin.」

Olivia lectured like a teacher with deep nostalgia in her eyes.

(Normally, death is described as a journey through hades. This is the first time I heard about the zero horizon mentioned by Her Excellency. Did she learn that from Z too…?)

Claudia heard Olivia say that Z who raised Olivia called itself a Death God. The swordsmanship Olivia learned painstakingly from Z was deadly, and it was a fact that it struck fear into the hearts of the Imperial Army. Considering how Z had nurtured Olivia to such a level, it was understandable for Z to gloat about being a Death God. But wasn’t there a better term— Claudia thought randomly as she ordered the retreat.

Olivia who was at the fore of the rearguard ordered a precise retreat and said to Claudia who was commanding besides her.

「Contact Guile, tell him to focus attack on the enemy’s protruding right flank.」

「At once.」

While Claudia went to find a messenger, Olivia reached into her pouch and took out Comet’s favourite Asu pumpkin.

Comet moved its mouth happily.

「Your Excellency, is this really a good time?」

「But it said it is hungry.」

Comet wagged its tail and neigh loudly.

「See, it is saying its hungry.」

「Sorry, but I can’t speak horse.」

Normal people can’t speak horse— she explained, but Olivia gave her a confused look. To be frank, the confused one should be Claudia.

「Since you have Kagura, I think Claudia should learn it too— right, Kagura?」

Kagura nodded profusely. Claudia imagined herself falling disgracefully from her horse. She sat up straight and looked right at Olivia.

「Your Excellency, please focus on the battle.」

「I’m very focused, you know?」

Olivia answered as she fed Kagura the pumpkin. Claudia looked troubled at Olivia’s overly relaxed attitude, but this was normal for the veteran subordinates like her. In fact, this was as soothing as being in one’s mother’s embrace.

Olivia’s Rearguard unitFirst Company

「Orders from Her Excellency Olivia, focus attack on the enemy’s protruding right flank.」

「Good work on the report.」

Guile was very motivated after receiving Olivia’s orders.

「Time to preach our valkyrie’ teaching, so listen up.」

「「Yes Sir!!」」

「Our Valkyrie ordered us to focus our attacks on the enemy’s protruding right flank— and so, it’s time for the 『Thousand Stars Bow』 to take the stage, shoot the arrows right up the enemy’s nose.」

「「「Yes Sir!」」」

The long bow unit trained by Guile moved deftly to their assigned positions. As they drew their bows with creaking sounds and aimed up diagonally, a soldier with a telescope started marking their distance with the enemy.

「Hundred thirty… Hundred… Eighty. Enemy in effective shooting range.」

「Three stage salvo— let it fly!!」

With the signal from the Captain, arrows rained from the sky and drowned out the enemy’s vanguard. Meanwhile, Guile himself and 300 men charged in. Disrupt, confuse, and send them to hell one by one—

「Don’t stop! They are just a few hundred men, there’s nothing to fear!」

The one shouting was the commander of the vanguard, Tough Gold Officer Goran, who was mounted on his horse. He blocked the arrows with his shield and yelled at his men who were in disarray.

「But they are completely different from the enemy we fought before!」

Goran’s retainers said with pale faces.

「So what, this is just their final struggle.」


「Don’t worry, just advance!」

When Goran was about to spur his mount forth, he locked eyes with a man in the dusty battlefield. That man drew his bow in an instant with a smile.


The arrow he shot flew right at Goran.

「Don’t look down on me!」

Goran cut the arrow down with his sword. The projectile was knocked down without harming Goran— However...

(W-What…!? There’s another one!!)

A second arrow closed in on Goran, following the exact same path as the previous arrow. Goran couldn’t cut it or even dodge, and it pierce right into Goran’s neck. Goran looked blankly at the arrow that hit him, vomited out copious amounts of blood and fell off his horse.

Guile raised his voice in the chaos:

「I have slain the enemy commander! Ride this momentum and rout the enemy!」

「「「Yes Sir!!」」」

The roar of his allies shook the ground.

While Guile was giving out orders, his hands didn’t idle. He swiftly readied his bow and killed the enemy with precision. He already mastered his capabilities as an archer that would be known by future generations.

In modern days, he was known by his famous line 《Arrows aren’t shot with tools or skills, but with your soul》. However, not many people knew that this line was inaccurate.

What he actually said was the strange line 《Arrows aren’t shot with tools or skills, but with your feelings for the Valkyrie》.

「Hey, snap out of it! Don’t space out!」

Guile turned back towards the shrill voice. He then saw a woman stepping on an enemy soldier grimacing in pain, as she stabbed at that soldier’s throat with a long sword.

The woman pulled out her sword and flicked the blood onto the ground.

「Ellis… the Second Company is attacking too, huh…」

Guile took away his hand from the knife on the right side of his waist.

Ellis stared at Guile who was retrieving arrows from the chaotic piles of corpses.

「Just look at you now. This might sound unnecessary but— don’t get careless.」

「Careless? — Don’t make me laugh. This is the debut battle for the Eighth Army, the start of the legend. I won’t sully Captain Olivia’s name even if it cost my life.」

After filling his quiver with bloody arrows, Guile carefully checked the condition of his bow string.

Ellis laughed out loud.

「So you really get it. We have stopped the enemy for now, but it will take time for the army to withdraw. In order to make Olivia Onee-sama’s plan more perfect— give it your all, Guile.」

「Yes, you too, Ellis.」

They looked at each other and smiled boldly.

Guile started shooting arrows with smooth motions, aiming for the approaching enemies. Ellis charged the enemy with curled lips and her body so low it was almost touching the ground.

A few hours of fighting later, Olivia’s Rearguard succeeded in disengaging and pulled back. The perfect command that made full use of Garlock Valley’s terrain baffled Arthur. But he was sure of victory and gave up on thinking further, firm in his belief that this was just their final resistance.

Naturally, Arthur had no way of knowing that his fate was sealed.


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