The Girl Raised by the Death God Holds the Sword of Darkness in Her Arms

Volume 4, 3: Dragon versus Tiger! Part 2

Volume 4, Chapter 3: Dragon versus Tiger! Part 2

Translator: Skythewood

Editor: Hiiro

Stonia ArmyBasecamp

「Lieutenant Colonel Lorant was killed in action!」

「Colonel Leinbach was killed in action!」

「Major General Eberhart was killed in action!」

Pale faced messengers came one after another to inform the demise of senior Stonia officers. The basecamp was wavering from unease.

(I thought this might happen, and it really did…)

With his back to the noisy group, Felixus said to himself in his heart.

Looking through his telescope, he could see countless vines binding the Stonia soldiers. To the west was a hellish scene of fire raining down from the sky. That was obviously Sorcery, it was clear that the Holy Winged Legion had at least two Sorcerers.

(The Bondage type Sorcery is probably the work of Amelia Stolast. The other is Flame Sorcery, and it affects a vast area… clearly the doings of a good Sorcerer, the chess pieces the Holy Nation of Mekia have are better than expected. I feel sorry for the Stonia army, but this is valuable intel.)

He kept his telescope and heard rough footsteps behind him. Felixus turned and found an enraged Auguste behind.

「Lord Auguste, how can I be of service?」

「Be of service!? What the hell is that!?」


The moment Felixus said that, Auguste grabbed him by the collar and lifted him slightly off the ground. It would be difficult to lift a fully armoured man with both hands, which clearly showed how strong Auguste was.

At this moment, Felixus heard Theresa said in the angriest tone she had ever used.

「Lord Auguste! Unhand him at once! This is a disgraceful behaviour towards His Grace Felixus!」

「Shut up, little girl!」

「L-Little girl…?!」

Auguste’s shouting made Theresa flushed red. To stop her from doing anything rash, Felixus tried to sound as calm as possible.

「Lieutenant Theresa, don’t worry.」

「But Your Grace—」

「I’m fine.」

Felixus smiled. Theresa still wanted to say something more, but nodded quietly.

「Lord Auguste, he is an important figure of the Imperial Army.」

Cecilia who rushed over urged Auguste to stay calm. Auguste cooled his head and awkwardly released Felixus.

After coughing a few times, Auguste lowered his head slightly.

「Sorry, I lost my head there— allow me to ask again, what is going on there?」

「Are you referring to the Sorcery?」

「That’s obvious. The Holy Winged Legion having Sorcerers is a shock to me. I have my doubts… but did Sir Felixus knew about this?」

The rage in Auguste’s eyes turned into doubt. The feelings in her eyes were less intense, but Cecilia cast the same gaze towards Felixus.

「Are you referring to the fact that the Holy Winged Legion possess Sorcerers?」


Auguste’s voice became brash again, and Felixus answered nonchalantly.

「Yes, of course I knew.」

「What…? You knew but kept quiet about it?!」

「That’s correct.」

「But why! If we had that intel beforehand—」

「If you knew, you can’t even do battle, right?」

Felixus cut off Auguste.

「Sorcerers are beyond the realm of humans, at least that’s what the Imperial army thought of them. The same applies to the Stonia army, correct?」

「… Correct. Sorcerers are monsters in the guise of humans.」

「That’s the reason. Morale was already low, so I judged the intel of Sorcerers would be poison to the Stonia army. It seems that my assessment is correct.」

Not just the Empire, almost everyone thought of Sorcery as just fairy tales. There were many of them in the past, but the number of Sorcerers in present days were very limited, and was normally treated as nonsense.

As a soldier, he naturally knew about Sorcerers. However, very few people actually witnessed Sorcery. With how rare Sorcerers were, they were treated like mythological legends, a group that should be feared.

「… I see. It is as you say, Sir Felixus. But why is our morale low in the first place?」

Auguste’s fists quivered gently. He was stopping himself from grabbing Felixus by the collar again. And Cecilia was restraining him with her eyes.

Felixus intentionally spoke sarcastically at Auguste.

「Pardon me, but everything that happened is the responsibility of the Field Marshal of the Stonia army, Lord Auguste, no? No matter how it comes to this, the ones who decided to fight is your country.」


「Sir Felixus, do you know Sorcerers well?」

「Yes, it is as Lady Cecilia suggests, I have some knowledge about Sorcerers. By chance, I’m acquainted with a Sorcerer with a strange personality.」

「I see… regrettably, I’m completely clueless with regards to Sorcerers. If possible, can you share some information with us?」

Cecilia said with a deep bow, her blonde hair falling gently over her shoulders.

Auguste said annoyedly.

「Chief of Staff Cecilia, you don’t have to be so subservient.」

「My Lord, our strategy that should have won us complete victory was easily crushed by their Sorcery. With the entire army in danger of falling apart, we shouldn’t bother with such trivial details.」

Cecilia advised Auguste and requested Felixus for aid once more.

「Lady Cecilia, please raise your head, I will gladly help you. Since it has come to this, I won’t hide the information about Sorcerers any longer.」

Felixus started to explain—

「— I see, I understand now. To use the powers of the gods, they had to meet the required condition and pay an adequate price.」

To summarize Felixus’s words, there were three main points about Sorcerers.

First. Sorcerers use the Magic Circle on their left hand to cast Sorcery.

Second. Depending on the power of the Sorcery, time would be needed to prepare.

Third. The source of a Sorcery’s power wasn’t unlimited. Overuse would lead to death, it was a double edged sword.

Which still meant that Sorcerers were still a big threat, but not impossible to deal with— Cecilia concluded.

「That’s correct. They have surpassed the realm of humans, but they aren’t invincible. They will bleed when you cut them, and die if you hit a vital spot. Aside from their usage of Sorcery, they are no different from normal humans. There are ways to fight them.」

Felixus said and Cecilia smiled bitterly in her heart. What Felixus said made sense, but only because he was the strongest man in the Empire. Cecilia had no expectations of normal soldiers using such tactics against Sorcerers.

Before the Sorcerers called the apostles of God, he stood tall without any fear—

(He definitely… had experience fighting against a Sorcerer. And he still lives. He probably possess 『something』 that can rival a Sorcerer…)

With that conclusion in mind, Cecilia turned to Auguste who still looked annoyed.

「My Lord, we should retreat. We might be able to come up with countermeasures against Sorcerers after analyzing Sir Felixus’ information. But we don’t have the time right now.」

Felixus was impressed by Cecilia’s words. In contrast, Auguste stared angrily at Cecilia with quivering shoulders.

「So we just run away like that?」

He was forced into this war, but his pride as a warrior didn’t allow him to back down— Auguste’s enraged face made this point very clear.

Cecilia nodded, well aware of how Auguste was feeling.

「Unfortunately, our troop’s morale is waning. There’s no point even if outnumber them two to one.」

「… I don’t think the Empire will agree to us retreating.」

Auguste looked at Felixus angrily.

「We just need to get the acknowledgement of the Empire. We committed almost our entire forces into this battle. If we got wiped out, then there is no future for the Stonia Duchy, and we will disappear from the Dubedirica continent one day. I don’t think that is the wish of the Empire at this point in time.」

It was just a rumour, but she heard that the Farnesse Kingdom had turned the tide of the war around. If that was true, then the Stonia Duchy was still a valuable shield for the Empire.

Judging that to be the situation, Cecilia looked at Felixus who was listening with his arms crossed.

「Sir Felixus, will that be alright?」

Felixus scratched his cheeks and said quietly.

「I think you are mistaken.」


「I’m just a mere Military Consultant, I’m only in position to give advice, and have no rights to oppose any decisions by the Stonia Army.」

「Even though you guys are the ones who instigated this war.」

Auguste said condescending.

「I don’t deny that. Speaking of which, you should hurry if you want to retreat. If this dragged on any longer, you can’t retreat even if you want to.」

「My Lord, it is as Sir Felixus says. The Holy Winged Legion is gaining momentum as we speak, please give the orders to fall back.」

In the face of Cecilia’s desperate pleadings, Auguste finally relaxed his clenched fist and sighed deeply.

「— All units fall back.」

「Yes! Relay the orders at once!」

Holy Winged LegionBasecamp

「Reporting. Red smokes are rising from the Stonia basecamp, and the Stonia army is gradually retreating.」

Heavily armoured with a streamlined silhouette— on the six wheeled silver chariot, Lara observed the battle and stood up from her luxurious chair as she listened to the report.

「The Stonia army is retreating, huh…」

「It seems that Lady Amelia and Sir Johann’s Sorcery is effective.」

The woman beside the chariot lazily answered Lara’s mutterings. Beside her was a pure white horse standing quietly.

The woman who had light purple hair similar to the Holy Angel was Historia von Stampede. From her sleepy face, it might be hard to believe that she was a guardian of the La Shaim Castle, the protector of the last door, the 『Door of Twelve』.

She was Lara’s confident and irreplaceable friend.

「Historia, don’t be too relaxed. This is war.」

「Don’t force me, humans can’t defy their biological needs.」

Historia blinked her half opened eyes and yawned. Lara could only nurse her temple and sigh at her relaxed demeanour.

「Really now… You are the first chair of the Twelve Winged Guards, you have to be a model for the Holy Guards.」

「I never asked for this.」

Historia sighed with both hands on her hips.

Lara’s face started to twitch.

「Fufu… Historia, you have a problem with the Holy Angel’s judgement?」

「It’s here! Ahhh, it’s here! Lara really likes the Holy Angel.」

Lara’s ears were heating up as Historia snickered. The Holy Guards around them cast curious gazes at Lara, and she silenced them with a look.

「Everyone is here, watch your words in public.」

「Yes yes, I’m very sorry— So, what should we do? Personally, I’m fine with letting them go, it’s easier for me.」

Historia stretched her back as she watched the battle in the distance.

Lara grunted.

「Enough foolish talk, of course we will pursue them. They dare step onto the sacred land of Mekia, and I won’t forgive them even if they are the Empire’s puppets.」

「Sigh, I know Lara will say that.」

Historia looked at Lara and sighed.

「I told you to stop sighing.」

「Yes yes, got it.」

「Just one ‘yes’ will suffice, Dual Sword Historia.」

「… Just how long are you going to call me by that embarrassing name?」

As she locked eyes with Historia whose gaze suddenly turned sharp, it was Lara’s turn to smile.

The Stampede house was originally known for being learned and educated. However, with the advent of Historia who wielded blades like an extension of her limbs, many people mistook their house for having a history of warriors. In terms of sword skills alone, Lara was no match for her.

「But Angelica and the others really like their nicknames.」

「Hah? Don’t compare me to that woman who has flowers in her brain all year round!」

「Then do your job properly.」

「Tch… I understand.」

Historia stepped on a stirrup with her left feet and mounted the white horse, and raised her sword high into the air. Her lethargy was completely gone, and her noble figure attracted the gazes of the Holy Guards.

「Listen up! My dear Holy Guards! Thanks to everyone’s effort, we have achieved victory! However, it’s not over yet! The foolish Stonia army dare bare their fangs at us, the Holy Nation of Mekia, so we have to slam down the holy hammer down on them! Prove your loyalty to the Holy Angel!!」


「——Holy Legate Lara, your orders please.」

On Historia’s urging, Lara waved her left hand majestically.

「Begin the attack.」

On Lara’s orders, four black horses neigh as they pull the chariot. Thirteen thousand Holy Guards roared in unison and began their pursuit.

The battle between the Holy Winged Legion and the Stonia army came to a close in just half a day—

The retreating Stonia Army was attacked by the Holy Winged Legion in hot pursuit.

Under Auguste and Cecilia’s command, they managed to maintain order…

「It’s almost time to give them the final blow?」

Amelia cast the 『Berserk』 Sorcery on a few Stonia prisoners and released them. They went mad after returning to their base and attacked their allies while howling like feral beasts.

On the other hand—

「Holy Legate Lara is making her move. The battle is decided, but stay alert.」

With Angelica happily swinging her bloody Claymore in the lead, Johann’s unit was massacring the Stonia army. Johann would unleash a few spells occasionally, creating large numbers of charred corpses every time he did.

「——Chief of Staff Cecilia! We can’t shake off the enemy’s pursuit!」

As blood was spilled on the battlefield, a Stonia officer yelled loudly.

「Before giving up, do what you can to let more of our troops escape!」

Cecilia admonished him, but she was struck with anxiety inside too.

(This won’t do… S-Someone has to act as the rearguard…)

For an instant, the figures of her family flashed across Cecilia’s mind. To chase that image out of her mind, she made a strong request to Auguste to allow her to be the rearguard.

「How old are you?」


Seeing that Cecilia was confused, Auguste repeated himself.

「I’m asking how old are you?」

「Twenty four…」

Auguste touched his helmet with his blood stained hand.

「Twenty four… you are a long way from death.」

Cecilia immediately got what he was saying.

「Throughout the world’s history, there has been no precedence of a Field Marshal acting as a rear guard! I should be doing that here!」

「That won’t do. I don’t know how you evaluate yourself, Chief of Staff Cecilia, but you must not die in such a stupid war. This is for the future of the Stonia Duchy.」

「Isn’t it the same for you, My Lord!?」

They couldn’t lose Field Marshal Auguste here. Or else, the chaos would be unimaginable even if they managed to retreat. Adding the problems with the devotees of the Goddess Citresia to that, the Stonia Duchy would have a tough road ahead.

Cecilia glared at the troubled Auguste.

「Don’t make such a scary face, it will ruin your beautiful face.」

「Don’t change the topic with that kind of joke!」

The wrinkles in the corner of Auguste’s eyes deepened before the furious Cecilia. He quickly stiffened his face again.

「Listen up, I’m the Field Marshal commanding the Stonia army. Someone has to take responsibility for this defeat, we can’t push that to Archduke Silvester, can we?」

「T-That might be so…」

「As Sir Felixus says, Stonia Duchy is the one who made the final decision. The enemy has Sorcerers— that can’t be an excuse for losing the battle. You should know that too, Chief of Staff Cecilia. In that case, I should end things like a warrior in battle—」

Auguste smiled sinisterly. Cecilia lost her words as the man before her showed his fighting spirit for the first time.

「It’s true that Chief of Staff Cecilia is still young, it’s hard to accept letting her die before us. Hence, please allow us whose time is limited to accompany you, My Lord.」

Looking back, Cecilia saw the old officers and soldiers standing proudly in neat ranks. Cecelia felt the scene had a sort of aesthetic to it.

Auguste looked at the old veterans and sighed deeply.

「Don’t be a busybody, you old fools should scram and watch over your grandkids.」

In response to Auguste’s sarcastic words, they took a step forward instead. There were fearless smiles on their weathered faces.

「Bunch of retards. I say again, this is a road to hell, with zero chance of returning home.」

「How unsightly! My Lord, when did you start speaking in such a disheartening manner!? Have you forgotten that we have survived numerous battlefields together!? We have not lost yet!」

The old Lieutenant Colonel Bacchus smashed his giant spear that was three times as tall as he was into the ground. With that, the rest started saying tough words.

「As Lieutenant Colonel Bacchus said, the Holy Winged Legion is nothing! Show the mob from the Holy Nation of Mekia the spirit of our Stonia army!」

「The God of War Zorbes is with us!」

「You guys…」

Auguste looked at the old soldiers one by one, and smiled sinisterly.

「Since you have resolved yourselves, I won’t stop you. But don’t slow me down.」

Officers and foot soldiers raised their weapons in unison with a roar. Auguste watched this scene in awe, then turned to Cecilia.

「That’s how it is, I will lead the veteran warriors to engage the Holy Winged Legion. Chief of Staff Cecilia— I leave the rest to you.」

「… Understood, and go wild.」

Cecilia saluted. It would spoil the mood if she refuted further. Before being a soldier, she was a woman, and knew that she should send off men who had made their resolve with a smile.

Satisfied, Auguste looked to Felixus standing beside them.

「It is as you see. Sir Felixus, any objections?」

Felixus didn’t answer to his sarcastic words, and reached out his right hand silently. Auguste’s eye twitched, and then slowly reached his hand out to shake Felixus’ hand.

「… I know it’s unreasonable to ask this of you, but Sir Felixus, I hope you can help more soldiers to escape.」

As Auguste bowed low, the officers got rowdy. Theresa behind Felixus muttered softly 「that’s really unreasonable.」

Felixus gently put a hand on Auguste’s shoulder.

「Raise your head, Lord Auguste. I don’t know how much I can do, but allow me to do my part and help.」

「Your Grace! You are being too kind there?!」

A panicking Theresa forcefully squeezed in between them, and Felixus looked at her with a perplexed face.

「Since Field Marshal Auguste asked me for a favour, I can’t turn him down.」


「Lieutenant Theresa, say no more.」

Theresa moved the corners of her lips, but gave up with a deep sigh.

As Auguste was thanking Felixus, a female officer cried in panic.

「Lord Auguste, a new unit is approaching us!」

Cecilia immediately took out her telescope. A unit with glamorous banners appeared in her field of vision, with the transport leading them being the most prominent thing about them.

At a glance, it looked like a large carriage with its roof removed. However, it had several overlapping shields to serve as armour, and the flanks had large crossbow turrets affixed to it, making it an unusual sight.

(It looks a little weird, but pretty at the same time. It must be ferrying the enemy commander, so their main unit is coming…)

Cecilia bit her lips quietly.

「My Lord, that is probably the enemy’s main unit, they want to settle the battle right here.」

Auguste smiled boldly.

「Good, saves me the trouble of finding them. This is a good chance to take out the enemy commander.」

Auguste swiftly gave his orders and a unit built around the old soldiers was quickly formed. A short while later, an army of 5,000 charged the enemy main unit with a roar.

As Cecilia watched them go with complicated feelings, Felixus called out to her.

「I will lead my men to stop that flame Sorcerer. Lady Cecilia, please withdraw quickly while I have their attention.」

「Erm… will that really be fine?」

Cecilia asked timidly. He made a promise to Auguste, but Felixus had no obligation of honoring it. No one can blame him if he claims that he only said so to put Auguste at ease. If she was in the same position as Theresa, Cecilia would make similar comments about him being too nice.

But Felixus just nodded firmly.

「I know Your Grace will accept their request, and already made the preparation to move out.」

Theresa was still fuming, so the one who answered was a tall man, the captain of his bodyguards. Behind him were ranks of soldiers in beautiful azure armour.

The eyes of the highly motivated soldiers were filled with confidence.

「Sir Felixus and everyone in the Azure Knights, I, Cecilia Para Cadio, offer you my deepest thanks.」

The only thing Cecilia could do now was to bow deeply.

「Sir Johann Sir Johann! A blue armoured unit has appeared on our left flank!」

Angelica’s whose Claymore was stained with blood showed her white teeth.

「Blue armour, you say?」

Johann looked to the left and saw the unit with uniform blue armour, which was reaping the lives of the Holy Guards like a hot knife through butter. The glorious Holy Guards of the Holy Winged Legion were forged through harsh training. However, they were being played like a damn fiddle by a unit of 500 men.

「… That’s probably the Azure Knights.」

「Azure Knights— the one from the Empire?」

「That’s right. So they are taking part in this battle, things just got more problematic.」

Amongst them, the one at the fore who was probably the captain was exceptionally skilled. Angelica could tell too, and she spun her claymore above her head a couple of times before saying coldly in high spirits.

「That dark haired man in front seems pretty good. Can I take him on?」

Angelica said with a crazed smile. She seldom smiled like that on the battlefield— only when she saw a worthy opponent.

Johann pressed down on Angelica’s head as he observed that man fight. He then cast the Sorcery 『Rigid Wind』 on himself.

Angelica opened her eyes wide as a faint crimson light covered Johann’s body.

「Sir Johann?」

「I will be his opponent, Angelica, make sure you don’t get caught up in this.」

「Ehh~ it will be fine, leave this to me!」

Johann forcefully grabbed Angelica’s shoulder as she was about to rush in. Angelica looked back and saw Johann’s eyes were filled with displeasure.

「You won’t listen to what I say?」

「I told you is fine, my sword is going to get rusty.」

「I can’t lose you here. Alright, be a good girl.」

「Muu… got it.」

Angelica puffed her cheeks like a frog. Johann soothed her as he observed that man’s movements once more. The elegant dance that flowed smoothly— Johann knew someone who fought with such movements.

(Yes, I know that very well.)

That man noticed Johann’s gaze. He flicked away the blood on his sword and jaunted over casually.

The two of them faced off some distance apart.

「Are you the commander of this unit— Sorcerer?」

The first to speak was the man who even Johann had to admit was handsome.

「On a closer look, you really are disgustingly handsome, you must be very popular?」

「… If possible, please answer my question.」

Johann shrugged exaggeratingly at the man with furrowed brows. He had no plans for idle chat— with that in mind, Johann frowned too.

「If you want to ask questions, how about stating your name? We might be from different lands, but the etiquettes should be common, right? Or is such impudence common in the Arsbelt Empire?」

「So you know I’m from the Empire.」

His deep blue eyes opened slightly, and Johann smiled wryly.

「If you don’t want others to know, hide that armour of yours.」

He pointed at the other party’s armour, and that man smiled wryly too.

「Pardon me, I’m the Empire’s General Felixus von Sieger.」

Johann cursed in his heart. Speaking of Felixus von Sieger, that was the commander of the Azure Knights, reputed to be the strongest man in the Empire. During the battle of Fort Astra, he defeated Sorcerer Amelia easily.

He was probably supervising the Stonia army. To be honest, Johann didn’t expect such a heavyweight to participate in this war.

「I’m a Holy Winged Legion Senior Chiliarch, Johann Strider. As you suspected, I’m a Sorcerer.」

Johann extended his left hand and cast a fireball in place of a greeting. Felixus slashed vertically at the fireball calmly. With a violent gust of wind, the fireball vanished.

「Are you kidding…?!」

Angelica behind Johann said in surprise.

「Blowing away a fireball with the wind of a sword slash… It seems my instinct is spot on, you are a monster in the same vein as that girl.」

「That girl…? You know Olivia Valedstorm?」

Felixus looked shocked.

「That’s right, we even had a meal together.」

Johann smiled as he took a stance with his rapier that was engraved with the litanies of the Goddess Citresia. It was a treasure bestowed by Sofitia for this battle.

「… I see, there are things I need to ask you then.」

With that, Felixus raised his sword.

(Seize the initiative.)

The first to strike was Johann, charging Felixus who was in a standard high guard stance. His body strengthened with 『Rigid Wind』 covered the distance like the wind, and he thrust his arm out with a powerful strike. But Felixus wasn’t fazed at all. Not just that, Felixus even took a step forward.


It felt as if a giant wall was suddenly erected before Johann, so he hastily kicked off the ground to move sideways. The next moment, a slash that howled like the wind came down along with Felixus’ sword.

(He isn’t reinforcing his body with Sorcery, so how is he swinging his sword so fast? I thought this might happen, so I can’t win through normal means after all. This isn’t the time to conserve my mana.)

Felixus who returned to his standard stance was calm, and Johann reminded himself again that his opponent was a monster. The truth was, Johann could feel a ‘pressure’ from Felixus that was similar to Olivia. What would happen if the two of them clashed? He felt intrigued, but—

(I need to focus on my own battles for now.)

Johann raised his left hand and casts four blue fireballs. The fireballs slowly turned into the form of a bird, then surrounded Johann from four different directions.

「Birds engulfed in flames…?」

Felixus muttered in surprised as he looked at the birds hovering in the air.

「I’m not planning to attack you with them. They are just insurance.」

With a firm kick off the ground, Johann charged Felixus once again. a bigger fireball than before was forming in his left hand, which Johann threw into the ground before him. The ground burned intensely on impact. Certain that his opponent’s vision was obscured, Johann immediately leaped up high, spinning in the air and landing behind Felixus.

He was in his blind spot, gaining overwhelming advantage— However, his foe was no mere mortal. When Johann stabbed his rapier right at his back, Felixus vanished from Johann’s sights. At the same time, the bird behind Johann cawed sharply.

Johann turned and slashed immediately. Sparks flew as the two blades clashed.

「I was wondering if you will make the same moves as Olivia. I was right to take precautions.」

Surprise coloured Felixus’ eyes as the blades creaked between them.

His earlier attack was enough to kill a normal swordsman, so it was understandable that Amelia mistook Felixus for a Sorcerer. If he didn’t have the intel from Amelia, Johann would probably have gotten injured.

In fact, during his fight with Olivia, Johann was toyed by her almost instantaneous movements the entire time. If he didn’t cast the detection Sorcery 『flame』, he would be helpless against Felixus’ strike.

(That fight wasn’t a waste, I have to thank Olivia for that… But to Olivia, it probably just feels like she was playing with a cat.)

Olivia’s innocent smile flashed before Johann’s eyes.

After a few more exchanges, the two pulled apart to observe the situation. In contrast with Johann who raised his sword on guard, Felixus asked curiously.

「You said my movements just now was similar to Olivia’s?」

「… I did say that.」

「Did she used Fleet Footed Rush too?」

「Oh, so that movement is called Fleet Footed Rush. That’s some nice naming sense.」

Johann remarked and Felixus appeared a little impatient.

「I will appreciate it if you can answer my question.」

「Both of your movements look the same to me.」

「Is that so…」

After thinking for a moment, Felixus slowly sheathed his blade.

— Is he scared?

As if to mock Johann who momentarily thought that way, Felixus placed his right feet forward and lowered his stance. His azure eyes seemed deeper and his breathing slowed. Switching from movement to stillness made the air about him different.

— What is he trying to do?

Johann immediately used 『Rigid Wind』. As crimson light surrounded him again, Johann’s muscles and bones started groaning.

(Ughh… casting it again is too much of a burden for my body. But he is definitely up to something, I can’t let him get his way.)

In order to conceal his pain, Johann took deep breaths and focused his strength into his legs, pushing hard against the ground. Not just his body, Johann’s vision, hearing, sense of touch, taste and smell were all raised to the limits.

His eyes caught Felixus’ slight jaw movement, and his ears heard faint words.

——Fleet Footed Rush, Limit.

With a cracking sound, Felixus vanished with a crater in the ground.

(He disappeared?! How is that possible?!)

Johann could capture any movements with his eyes right now, unlike his duel with Olivia. But he still lost sight of Felixus.

As Johann was growing anxious, he felt a sharp pain when an impact hit his right flank. As Johann was sent flying horizontally, the scene of Felixus punching with his right fist with dust scattered in the air was reflected in his eyes.

A few seconds later, the bird that was above Johann’s cawed while he was sprawled on the ground.

(Fufu… Even the 『Flame』 couldn’t detect him, just how fast is he?)

Johann jumped up from the ground and carefully dusted himself off.

He flew quite far, but he didn’t take too much damage. 『Rigid Wind』 could lightened the damage, but Felixus was probably holding back. He was probably concerned with the intel about Olivia.

「Want another go?」

「Of course.」

「I see… Looks like my mission is complete. Now, it will be wonderful if you can give me intel about Olivia Valedstorm.」

Felixus glanced at the Azure Knights who were still fighting. From what he said, it seemed that his goal was to delay the Holy Winged Legion.

As the Azure Knights performed their tasks well, Johann’s Centre Army was completely tied down. The Imperials contributed splendidly to the Stonia Army’s retreat, living up to their reputation as elites.

「Even the Empire thinks Olivia is a threat?」

「… That’s right, I can’t deny that. If not for her, the war against the Farnesse Kingdom would have ended by now.」

Felixus smiled in resignation with his arms crossed.

Felixus wasn’t exaggerating, since Johann felt the same way too. If not for Olivia, the Holy Nation of Mekia might be at war with the Arsbelt Empire right now. That was how much Olivia affected the environment around her, and why her brilliance could even rival that of the sun.

「Normal people can’t stop that girl. You might have monstrous strength, but common methods won’t work on her.」

「Of course I know that, that’ why I want more intel on her.」

「That might be your rational, but why should I hand that intel over to an enemy? If you join my organization, I will give you whatever you intel you want.」

Johann said with a smile. Felixus sighed and drew his sword once more.

「… That’s impossible. I don’t like this method, but there’s no other choice…」

「You think you can force me to say it through coercion? Let me tell you first, I won’t utter a single word even if you torture and interrogate me.」

Johann had to risk his life to get this intel on Olivia. He didn’t know how well the Empire knew Olivia Valedstorm, but they shouldn’t know about her Magic. Even if Johann was offered a pile of gold, he wouldn’t leak out that secret.

「I know that very well. I just got to know you, but I have somewhat grasped your personality. But there are ways of extracting intel with no regards to your wishes.」

「Without regards to my wishes? How is that…?!」

Johann stared at Felixus. Only a Sorcerer could force someone to speak against their will. But Amelia’s testimony stated that Felixus wasn’t a Sorcerer.

Johann considered what he was implying.

「Sorcerers aren’t monopolized by the Holy Nation of Mekia, the Empire also has a Sorcerer. Well, the Sorcerer might be a little queer…」

Felixus trailed off with a bitter laugh. Johann finally remembered Amelia’s report about a Sorcerer in the Empire, and ground his teeth for overlooking that.

(In that case, that’s probably an independent-type Sorcerer…)

There were four main types of Sorcerers.

Johann and Amelia were combat types.

The support type that cast Sorcery on weapons and tools.

Lara was an all rounder that encompassed both of the above types.

And last of all, the independent that didn’t fall into these three categories.

Further subdivision would depend on the individual’s personalities, like Johann’s proficiency in Flame Sorcery and Amelia’s mastery of Bondage Sorcery.

Speaking of which, independent types were a rarity even amongst the rare Sorcerers, and were shrouded in mysteries. This might be a bluff by Felixus, but Johann didn’t think so.

「Things just got even more problematic.」

「In that case, why not reconsider?」

Felixus said as he closed in.

「Like I said, I will tell you anything if you join the Holy Nation. The Holy Angel will pull out all the stops to welcome a man like you. And of course, we will prepare the adequate status and position for you.」

As the sparks flew with a deafening clash, Johann tried his recruitment speech again.

The Holy Nation of Mekia might be small, but its citizens took pride in their prosperity. It wasn’t just their rich ore mines and excellent gem processing techniques. The biggest reason was Sofitia’s policy of accepting any talents without questioning their origins.

An example would be Angelica, the guardian of La Shaim Castle’s 『Gate of One』, who was from an orphanage. If it was the man known as the strongest in the Empire, Sofitia would definitely welcome him. However, Felixus’ eyes didn’t waver. Not just that, there was a hint of anger in them too.

「I already swore absolute fealty to the Emperor, and that wouldn’t change even if I died. Isn’t that the same for you?」

「Haha, you are right. I won’t betray the Holy Angel even in death. We are both warriors, so I never expected to resolve this with talk alone.」

「Then it’s time to decide this match.」

The two swordsmen with fearless smiles took stances against each other, then closed the distance with the speed of a flying bullet.

Johann immediately poured mana into his Magic Circle and waved his scorching hot hand without any hesitation. Flames erupted from the ground and surrounded Felixus.

「This… is no ordinary fire.」

Felixus observed the snake-like flames and muttered. His ever calm demeanour reminded Johann of Olivia.

「It is as you say. You can determine the results in hell.」

Johann closed his left hand and the fire encirclement grew smaller. In response, Felixus sheathed his sword and lowered his stance once again. This might look like Fleet Footed Rush, Limit, but his right arm was on his hilt this time.

(Olivia used Magic to defend the Flaming Wheel of the Flowery Wind. But he shouldn’t be able to use Magic or Sorcery. Even if he used Fleet Footed Rush, he would be reduced to dust the moment he touched the Flaming Wheel of the Flowery Wind— 『Checkmate』. But what is this feeling of unease I feel from the bottom of my heart?)

Johann was careless when he faced Olivia. To avoid the same mistake, he carefully observed Felixus— and he clearly heard Felixus’ voice said:

「Ashura Whirlwind!」

He drew his sword at lightning speed, creating a large tornado. The flames around Felixus and the rising tornado vanished into the air.

(What the heck…)

Johann watched that scene dumbfoundedly, while Felixus said to him with a refreshed expression.

「Is that Sorcery just now your ultimate move?」

It was a taunt, but—

(He is right, the Flaming Wheel of the Flowery Wind is my best move. He defended it so easily… What a monster.)

『Rigid Wind』 could strengthen his body to the limit. But if this went on, he couldn’t defeat Felixus.

(What should I do? Use 『Rigid Wind』 again? —No, I will definitely die.)

Johann thought to himself to calm down. If he used Rigid Wind again, his body would fall apart. Sorcery might be the work of God, but the users were just frail humans. No matter how much they trained their bodies, there were limits.

Johann thought as he braced his rapier in a horizontal stance—

「Don’t bully my Johann!」

Angelica’s angry figure entered Johann’s field of vision and faced off against Felixus.

「Stop, Angelica! You are no match for him!」


Angelica looked back at Johann with a pained voice, but her eyes suddenly brightened.

「— You seemed to be in a bind, Senior Chiliarch.」

A haughty voice came from behind. At the same time, numerous vines flew out from before Felixus. Felixus wasn’t fazed as he quickly severed the vines and took a step back.

Johann looked back and saw Amelia holding a sword in one hand and flicking her light blue hair back with the other. Behind her was Jan Alexia, one of the Twelve Winged Guards just like Angelica, and the vanguard unit hoisting their banners.

「Amelia-chan, Amelia-chan!」

Angelica dashed towards Amelia like a hare and hugged her happily. Amelia pushed her away a little bashfully.

「Don’t call me that on the battlefield— Speaking of which, we meet again. It’s an honour to find you in a place like this.」

Amelia who was standing beside Johann smiled cruelly at Felixus. In response, Felixus’ face became stoic.

「Amelia Stolast… I want to settle the score with you for Fort Astra, but it will be tough fighting two Sorcerers at the same time.」

Felixus who had cut off the vines around him alternated his gaze between Johann and Amelia with a sigh.

「You can pull out then.」

「That’s surprising, you are letting me go?」

「Yes, we have no plans to kill you here in the first place. I will pick the right time and place to end you. So enjoy the limited number of days you have left.」

Amelia’s smile turned even crueler as she spread her arms. Johann thought that her pride that had never wavered was only reliable during instances like this.

「… Very well then. It’s a pity I didn’t get more intel of Olivia Valedstorm, but I already got plenty of intel.」

Felixus turned and left casually. Johann thought about attacking his back that was filled with openings, but decided against it. Deceit was part of the battlefield, but this went against Johann’s sense of aesthetic.

(Well, not like my sneak attack will work anyway…)

Shortly after, the Azure Knights retreated in an orderly fashion—

「Phew… That was a big help, Miss Amelia. I got pushed to the brink this time and my mana is almost out.」

Johann sat down on his butt and panted hard. Because of the burden he had to endure during the battle, he had a hard time standing up straight.

Amelia looked down at Johann arrogantly with both hands on her hips.

「Well, you owe me one then.」

「Amelia-chan, you are so cool!」

「You are doing it again…」

Amelia looked troublingly at Angelica who was hugging her arm, while Angelica was bouncing around with a smile.

(A smile suited Angelica more after all.)

Johann felt at ease and smiled too.

「Alright then, let’s leave the rest to Holy Legate Lara.」

「That’s right. If she wins, we won’t need to do anything more.」

The two of them looked in the direction of the main unit’s assault as they spoke.

Johann and Felixus’ battle ended with the intervention by Amelia.

On the other hand, an intense battle had broken out between the rearguard unit led by Auguste and Lara main army.

This was a great battle that would be immortalized by bards in the future.

「Hahaha! Brats of the Holy Winged Legion! Don’t think you can beat me off with just that!」

Bacchus wielded his giant spear 『Devil Path』 to stop the advance of the Holy Winged Legion. Those who stood against him died either to a stab or a blunt blow.

His energy that made his wrinkles and white hair looked like mere decorations were evidence of long decades of training.

「You damn old coot! Let’s get him!」

A Decanus ordered, and five Holy Guards thrust with their spears as one. Bacchus deftly spun to dodge, but lost his balance because of a corpse by his feet.

At that instant, a Holy Guard stabbed him in the back from his blindspot.


「This is it!」

As Bacchus stopped, the Holy Guards stabbed desperately with their lances. Blood kept spewing from Bacchus’s body.

「We killed him!」

While the Holy Guards was smiling—

「H-He’s still alive!」

Bacchus didn’t fall, and laughed at the Holy Guards, though his bloody teeth. The Holy Guards forgot to continue their attack and looked dumbly at Bacchus.

On the battlefield, one mental lapse would lead to death. Seizing the openings they showed, Bacchus reaped their lives with his spear.

「This old man is immortal!」

Faced with this unbelievable scene, the frightened Holy Guards slowly backed away. Bacchus laughed like a maniac, spun his spear above his head and slammed it onto the ground.

「Shyahahaha! See that? We are protected by the God of War Zorbes, He is giving us strength right now too. Our Lord Zorbes says that fools who worship that trash Citresia are worthless.」

「Y-You bastard! Calling the Goddess of creation, Citresia, a trash god!? Tell that to your maker then! Men, shoot this scum!」

An agitated pious Centurion said with spit flying from his enraged face and ordered the Holy Guards. As the arrows of the Holy Winged Legion blotted out the sun and rained down on him, Bacchus’s life ended with him wearing a scary smile—

When the messenger reported to Auguste, he was frowning about his clink in his sword after killing twenty Holy Guards.

「Lord Auguste. Lieutenant Colonel Bacchus was killed in action, his unit has been wiped out.」

The messenger reported calmly. There were several arrows sticking into his back, and blood was dying his body red as he spoke. Anyone could tell that was a mortal wound.

「How did he died?」

「He didn’t retreat a single step and fought splendidly to the end.」

Auguste nodded at the proud messenger.

「Is that so… Thank you for delivering the report. Leave things to us and have a good rest.」

「Thank you for your concern, I will take up on your offer…」

The messenger quietly collapsed onto the ground, his body completely still.

Another brave warrior died on the battlefield.

「Tonight, we dine in hell.」

Auguste tossed aside the broken sword in his hand and picked up the sword of the man he just killed. That man must have a high status since his sword was of great quality.

「Not yet…」

Auguste muttered and smiled like a maniac, just like Bacchus did.


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