The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 95

Seeing that Jiang Ning and Liu Ming'an didn't respond, the woman assumed they weren't interested in the old, weak, sick, and disabled people in the residence. She smiled slightly, not minding their silence.

"Of course, if these people don't meet your requirements, feel free to specify what you're looking for. When my husband returns, I'll inform him, and he'll surely satisfy your needs," the woman promised confidently.

"Your husband is Blind Yang?" Jiang Ning asked bluntly.

The woman frowned, looking at Jiang Ning with suspicion. "Who else would it be? This is the Yang Residence. Are you really here to buy people or not?"

"We're not. We're just here to inquire about some matters," Jiang Ning replied.

"Hah! Wasting my time! Get out!"

The woman's expression changed, her eyes flashing with disdain as she turned to leave.

How could Jiang Ning let her go? She quickly blocked her path, holding out a piece of silver before her eyes. "We just want to ask you a few questions, Madam Yang. Why the anger?"

Merchants are driven by profit, and Madam Yang was no exception. Seeing the money, her demeanor instantly changed. She smiled, taking the silver from Jiang Ning's hand and weighing it. "Ask away. I'll tell you what I can."

"About three months ago, did you sell a woman to Lingshan Town?"

Jiang Ning calculated the time. She had arrived in this world on the fifth day of the ninth month. Accounting for the journey from Qushui City to Lingshan Town, it must have taken at least half a month. So, she must have been sold to Zhao Qiang by Blind Yang sometime in August. Today was already the end of October, so three months seemed about right.

Madam Yang pondered for a moment, fiddling with the silver. After a while, she shook her head. "I don't remember. I usually stay at home, taking care of the household. I'm not directly involved in selling people, mostly just helping my husband communicate with buyers."

"Have you seen all the people who were sold?" Jiang Ning asked.

Madam Yang answered, "Some I've seen, some I haven't."

"The woman I'm asking about had her hands and feet broken, countless whip marks on her body, and both cheeks burned with hot irons. Do you recall anyone like that?" Jiang Ning calmly described her own former condition, her gaze fixed on Madam Yang's eyes.

Madam Yang's eyes lit up. She clapped her hands, exclaiming, "Ah! I do remember her!"

Jiang Ning and Liu Ming'an exchanged glances. They were finally getting somewhere.

"I don't know where my husband got that woman from. She was barely alive. I even told him, how could we sell someone in that condition? She might die at any moment..."

"But my husband said the woman had to be sold alive. He had promised someone..."

"Her injuries were so severe, she was barely breathing. To keep her alive, we even made her ginseng soup to sustain her. We kept her here for over ten days, only selling her when her condition stabilized..."

Liu Ming'an listened to every word with a pained expression, his eyes filled with undisguised sympathy as he looked at Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning, on the other hand, remained remarkably calm. The torture had been inflicted on the original owner of this body. It seemed the original owner hadn't survived the journey, allowing Jiang Ning to take over this body.

"Your husband said he promised someone she must be sold alive?" Jiang Ning asked quietly.

"Yes, that's what he said," Madam Yang confirmed.

"Do you know who he promised?"

"No, he didn't say."

"Then do you know where he got the woman from?"

"I don't know that either. He never said. However, he did go to the capital around that time. Perhaps he brought her back from there, but I can't be sure." Madam Yang recalled Blind Yang's travels, speculating.

"The capital..." Jiang Ning murmured these words softly. Then she heard Madam Yang continue, "My husband is away on business now. He'll be back in about a month. If you want to know more, come back then. Remember to bring silver if you want answers."

At this point, they could only wait for Blind Yang's return.

Jiang Ning turned to Liu Ming'an and said, "Let's go."

As they walked towards the main gate of the Yang Residence, they saw exquisite rockeries and pavilions, precious flowers and trees. Then they saw people wearing foot shackles. They couldn't help but feel a sense of irony. Every brick and tile, every plant and tree here was bought with the proceeds of selling people. Everything was tainted with the stench of blood.

As they approached the main gate, the childish voice drifted on the wind again: "At the beginning of man's life, his nature is good. Their natures are similar, but their habits make them different..."

Liu Ming'an no longer found the child's voice endearing. To him, it sounded like some kind of death knell, chilling to the core.

The sound was only cut off when the old woman who had opened the door earlier closed it behind them.

Liu Ming'an looked up at the vermilion gate before him, his eyes filled with deep compassion.

"Ning, if I ever have the power, I will abolish Great Liang's laws that allow buying and selling people! People shouldn't be treated as commodities. People are people!"

Jiang Ning could hear the determination in Liu Ming'an's voice. She gave a slight smile.

Liu Ming'an really was like a college student in an ivory tower, having never seen the dark side of society. Full of passion but naive, he was an idealist.

Thus, Liu Ming'an couldn't see that even if laws against selling people were abolished, what difference would it make? Ordinary people without power or influence would always exist as commodities. It was like this in feudal times, and it remained so in modern society that prided itself on being civilized, inclusive, free, and equal.

They were nothing but the most insignificant specks of dust in the tide of history.

But while Jiang Ning was pessimistic herself, she would never belittle Liu Ming'an's dreams.

"I believe in you," Jiang Ning said.

Since they had to wait in Qushui City for Blind Yang's return anyway, Jiang Ning and Liu Ming'an decided to follow Cui Shan's suggestion and spend the New Year here.

So, they found an inn and arranged for a long-term stay, temporarily settling down in Qushui City.

This inn was called the Tidal View Inn, built not far from the seaside. From the window of Jiang Ning and Liu Ming'an's room, they could see the bay.

When choosing the room, Jiang Ning didn't care much herself, but seeing Liu Ming'an's eyes sparkling as he gazed at the sea, she didn't hesitate to book this "sea view room."

Let Liu Ming'an, who had never seen the sea before, have his fill of the view, Jiang Ning thought.

At mealtime, the dishes brought by the waiter were characteristic of the coastal region: seafood porridge, poached shrimp, and scallion-flavored abalone. There was also a small dish of complimentary cold appetizer: cold jellyfish strips.

Liu Ming'an had never eaten these before. After tasting them, he was amazed.

"Now I understand why so many people give up their stable lives to travel the world!"

After eating and drinking their fill, Liu Ming'an contentedly chatted with Jiang Ning.

"Oh? Why? Tell me," Jiang Ning asked, standing by the window watching the fishing boats.

"Because the world is vast and varied, each place unique and wonderful. Just reading books for a lifetime can't compare to experiencing it firsthand!" Liu Ming'an said sincerely.

Jiang Ning turned to look at him, praising, "Not bad insight!"

Liu Ming'an smiled, then thought of something else, his smile fading slightly. "The food is great in every way, but it's so expensive. This meal alone cost over a hundred wen. At this rate, I'm worried our silver won't last."

Jiang Ning raised an eyebrow, asking, "How much do we have left?"

Liu Ming'an calculated carefully, answering, "Currently, we have about... eighty taels of silver between us. Given the prices in Qushui City, by the time we leave after the New Year, we should have about fifty taels left. It seems like quite a lot actually. Maybe I'm worrying unnecessarily."

"Things will probably be more expensive in the capital. When it comes to money, the more the better, naturally."

Jiang Ning thought for a moment before speaking, then smiled involuntarily. It was hard to believe that one day she would be worrying about money. But then again, this was what ordinary people's lives were supposed to be like, constantly concerned about daily necessities. It was certainly better than her previous life, where she was constantly thinking about how to survive.

This was the life she had always dreamed of!

"How about I buy some painting paper and sell some paintings? It's perfect since we have nothing to do now. We can fatten up our savings a bit. What do you think?" Liu Ming'an suggested.

"Sounds good."

Liu Ming'an was a man of action. That very day, he took Jiang Ning out to buy materials for painting.

Over the next few days, Liu Ming'an focused on creating artwork, while Jiang Ning, bored with nothing to do, went out to explore. She wanted to understand local prices to help Liu Ming'an set his prices, and also to scout locations where they could set up a stall.


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