The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 77

Jiang Ning awoke from her slumber just as the sun was setting. When she opened the door, she found Liu Ming'an standing outside with a stack of books in his arms, looking as if he had been waiting for a while.0

"What's this about?" Jiang Ning asked, puzzled.0

Liu Ming'an smiled and said, "Those strange tales you were reading earlier got burned, so I was worried you might get bored. I just went to the Ink Fragrance Pavilion and bought you over a dozen new books."0

Jiang Ning glanced at the books in his hands. The cover of the topmost one read "The Ghost-Catching Chronicles of Grand Preceptor Yuan."0

"Thank you," Jiang Ning said, reaching out to take the books and placing them inside her room. When she came back out, she found Liu Ming'an still standing at the door, this time holding a box.0

"What's that?" Jiang Ning asked.0

Liu Ming'an opened the box in front of her. Inside lay a hairpin, its milky white color and smooth lines giving it a soft, lustrous appearance. The top was shaped like a camellia flower.0

"It's for you. I thought it would suit you," Liu Ming'an said with a smile.0

Jiang Ning picked up the hairpin and turned it over in her hand. It was made of porcelain and had some weight to it.0

"Why are you suddenly giving me a hairpin?" Jiang Ning asked, perplexed.0

"Uh, well, I saw it this afternoon when I was out with Brother Zhou and the others. I just thought you'd look beautiful wearing it," Liu Ming'an said, somewhat awkwardly.0

The idea of gifting a hairpin had come from Zhou Yi, who had advised: "If you want her to understand your feelings, you need to show that you care about her. Aside from the usual checking on her well-being, you should occasionally make grand gestures. Give her things like cosmetics, jewelry, pastries, or clothes. Few girls would refuse such gifts."0

So, Liu Ming'an had gone out with his two older brothers to carefully select this hairpin from a jewelry shop as a way to "make a grand gesture." On their way back, they had passed by the Ink Fragrance Pavilion and bought some books as well.0

"Jiang Ning, let me help you put it on," Liu Ming'an said.0

Fearing she might refuse, he quickly ushered her into the room, sat her down on a stool, and deftly untied her hair ribbon.0

Most of the time, Jiang Ning was quite indulgent with Liu Ming'an. It was just a hairpin after all – she couldn't say she liked it, but she couldn't say she disliked it either. So she let Liu Ming'an have his way.0

However, this time Liu Ming'an seemed to be styling her hair in a more complex manner. What usually took five minutes was now taking him nearly twenty.0

"There, it's done. Let me hold up the mirror so you can see," Jiang Ning heard Liu Ming'an say excitedly.0

He lifted the mirror higher and tilted it downward so Jiang Ning could see her entire hairstyle.0

The lower half of her hair was still loose, while the upper half was styled into a high bun with two small loops, looking both elegant and intricate. The hairpin was inserted at an angle, like a fleck of snow amidst dark clouds, adding a touch of allure.0

"Do you like it? It's called the Flowing Clouds style. I learned it especially from the landlady," Liu Ming'an said, reaching out to adjust the two loops, making them fuller. He added with a hint of regret, "I'm still a bit rusty. It's not as pretty as when the landlady does it."0

"It looks very nice," Jiang Ning said graciously.0

"I'm glad you like it," Liu Ming'an replied, his voice brimming with barely concealed joy.0

Seeing his expression, Jiang Ning suddenly had an epiphany, understanding the intention behind the books and the hairpin.0

Liu Ming'an was trying to win her favor.0

Having realized this, Jiang Ning looked at the hairpin on her head with mixed feelings. The pristine white camellia in full bloom was like Liu Ming'an's emotions – passionate and pure.0

Zhou Yi had arranged for Fusheng Restaurant to send over some dishes, and a few were still untouched. Liu Ming'an said he would go reheat them for dinner and told Jiang Ning to wait.0

Jiang Ning agreed with a simple "Alright." After Liu Ming'an left her room, she slowly raised her hand to touch the hairpin in her hair. The cool sensation against her fingertips brought to mind Liu Ming'an's face, full of gentle smiles just moments ago.0

After a long while, a barely audible sigh echoed in the room: "I think I've gone mad too..."0

Jiang Ning ate dinner with a heavy heart. After washing up and returning to her room, she lit an oil lamp, removed the hairpin, and sat on the edge of the bed, lost in thought.0

The white porcelain took on a warm, yellowish glow in the lamplight, making the camellia flower look as if it were blooming in the early morning light.0

"Knock... knock... knock..."0

The sudden sound of knocking pulled Jiang Ning from her tangled thoughts. She looked towards the door.0

There was no question as to who was knocking, but Jiang Ning remained seated, reluctant to move. Her mind was in such turmoil that she didn't really want to face Liu Ming'an.0

"Knock... knock... knock..."0

The knocking continued. The person outside was patient, knocking steadily without rush. Then that familiar, gentle voice came through: "Jiang Ning, are you asleep?"0

With the lights still on in the room, it was clear she wasn't sleeping. Jiang Ning sighed silently, placed the hairpin on the table, and got up to open the door.0

"What is it?" Jiang Ning asked, looking at Liu Ming'an.0

Liu Ming'an looked somewhat uneasy, his gaze shifting as he spoke, "Um, I accidentally spilled water on my bed earlier. It's soaked through a large area..."0

Jiang Ning raised an eyebrow slightly, seeming to guess what he was about to say next.0

"...Would it be alright if I slept in your room tonight?"0

What a clumsy excuse! What transparent intentions! Jiang Ning thought to herself.0

Having finished speaking, Liu Ming'an anxiously looked at Jiang Ning's expression. He found her leaning against the doorframe, a slight smile on her lips, saying nothing and just staring at him intently.0

"Remember, Liu, you must find a way to sleep in the same bed as Miss Jiang Ning again. You two have slept together before, and if you're separated now, won't the distance between you grow?" Zhou Yi's words echoed in his mind once more, giving Liu Ming'an a bit more courage.0

He spoke again, "Jiang Ning, I promise I won't crowd you."0

"Hah!" Jiang Ning couldn't help but laugh. Did Liu Ming'an have no self-awareness about his sleeping habits?0

This light chuckle made Liu Ming'an's heart skip a beat. Just as he was about to say something else, Jiang Ning turned and walked back into the room.0

"Come in," she said calmly.0

Liu Ming'an's heart soared. He hurriedly followed Jiang Ning into the room and climbed into bed, once again sharing a bed with her.0

The bed here was a bit larger than the one in Lotus Flower Village. True to his word, Liu Ming'an didn't crowd Jiang Ning after getting into bed. But Jiang Ning knew that while he behaved one way when awake, it was a different story once he fell asleep.0

Come to think of it, Liu Ming'an hadn't slept for two days. The night before last, their house had burned down, and he and Jiang Ning had sat in front of it all night. Last night, after Jiang Ning had told him about her killing someone, his mind had been in such turmoil that he had stood in the courtyard all night.0

Now he could finally get a good night's sleep, but Liu Ming'an's heart wouldn't settle down.0

"Jiang Ning, are you asleep?"0

A soft question broke the silence of the deep night.0

There was no response.0

Liu Ming'an gently turned over, gazing at Jiang Ning's silhouette with a heart full of joy.0

Of course, Jiang Ning was awake. Having slept all afternoon, she wasn't tired at all and was quite alert. She knew Liu Ming'an had been staring at her intently.0

A moment later, the person beside her stirred, inching closer to her, and then took one of her arms into his embrace.0

Jiang Ning thought Liu Ming'an just wanted to hold her hand while sleeping as he had done before, but things seemed a bit different this time.0

Under the covers, Liu Ming'an felt for Jiang Ning's hand. Then, very carefully, he extended his fingers, slipping them between hers, interlocking their fingers. Finally, content, he drifted off to sleep.0

Jiang Ning opened her eyes in the darkness, turning her head to look at the sleeping Liu Ming'an. She wiggled her fingers slightly, feeling how tightly they were held. She felt her palm growing warm, the heat spreading throughout her body. It seemed her heart was warming up too.0


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