The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 4

Liu Ming'an boiled a large pot of hot water, then mixed it with cold water and poured it into a wooden basin before carrying it out.

"Third Great Aunt, thank you for your trouble," Liu Ming'an said as he placed the warm water on a stool beside the bed, then turned and left the room.

Third Great Aunt looked at Jiang Ning with a gentle smile and said, "My dear, let me help you clean up and change your clothes."

With that, she dipped a cloth in the warm water and carefully avoided the brand on Jiang Ning's face as she wiped her face and neck. She then cleaned the rest of her body, working around the whip marks. The old woman's movements were gentle and meticulous. After drying Jiang Ning's body, she took out the clothes she had brought and helped her change out of the tattered, dirty, blood-stained garments.

"These are some old clothes my eldest daughter left behind before she got married. There are two sets. I hope you don't mind, child," the old woman said kindly.

"Not at all," Jiang Ning replied, trying to soften her tone, though it still sounded cold. In her current situation, she was in no position to be picky.

After changing Jiang Ning's clothes, Third Great Aunt took the wooden basin outside to empty it, then returned from the kitchen with a fresh basin of water.

"Let's wash your hair and then we'll style it," she said.

Third Great Aunt carefully moved Jiang Ning onto her lap, positioning her head over the basin. She poured warm water over her hair to wet it, then applied soap nut to wash it thoroughly. After rinsing, she used a dry cloth to gently pat her hair dry, combed through the long strands, and finally braided it.

"There, now you're all clean and tidy," the old woman said with a smile as she stood up, rubbing her own shoulder.

"Thank you, Third Great Aunt," Jiang Ning said sincerely.

Third Great Aunt waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, it's nothing. Ming'an asked me to help, and this old woman was just sitting idle anyway. It's good to have something to do. No need for thanks."

Jiang Ning watched as the old woman carried the basin to the door. After the sound of water being poured out, she heard Third Great Aunt talking with Liu Ming'an.

"Ming'an, I've tidied up that girl. Oh my, those injuries... it hurts just to look at them..."

"Thank you for your help, Third Great Aunt. I'll ask Dr. Sun to come and check her wounds later."

"Well, I don't mean to pry, but do you really intend to heal her and make her your wife?"

Jiang Ning's eyes flickered at this question.

"That's not my intention. I just felt sorry for her and wanted to help."

"I thought as much. I've known you since you were a child, and I know you have a kind heart. But let me warn you, this girl doesn't seem ordinary. She might be some fallen noblewoman. You've already shown enough kindness by spending three taels of silver to buy and care for her. There's no need to empty your savings for a stranger. You still need to save money for your own marriage, and perhaps for the imperial examinations in the capital. These all require money!"

Liu Ming'an remained silent, and Jiang Ning heard Third Great Aunt continue, "How about this: once her wounds have healed, why don't you send her to the charity house in town? The whole village already knows you bought a woman, and if she stays too long, there will be gossip. How will matchmakers find you a wife then..."

As the footsteps faded away, Jiang Ning couldn't hear Liu Ming'an's response. But she knew Third Great Aunt's words made sense – she was indeed a burden now.

Jiang Ning closed her eyes, feeling weary. Was this karma for all the killing she had done in her previous life? Was she reborn as a helpless invalid as punishment?

Soon, Liu Ming'an returned. Seeing Jiang Ning in fresh clothes with her hair neatly styled, he smiled at her.

"What's a charity house?" Jiang Ning asked, looking directly into his eyes.

Liu Ming'an's eyes flickered with surprise, realizing she had overheard the conversation.

"A charity house is a large courtyard built by the county government in a corner of town," he explained earnestly. "It's meant to care for elderly people without children who can't look after themselves, seriously ill people without relatives, and abandoned infants. They have staff to cook, do laundry, and even arrange burials for those who pass away."

Jiang Ning understood – it was similar to a modern shelter for vulnerable groups. But even in her time, with advanced technology and information networks, there had been reports of abuse in such places, from staff beating residents to leaders embezzling charitable funds. She had even killed the director of a shelter who was secretly involved in organ trafficking. In this era of limited communication, who knew what dark secrets such a charity house might hide?

Jiang Ning didn't want to take the risk. She couldn't go to the charity house – she was too weak now, and anyone with working limbs could easily end her life. This Liu Ming'an was kind-hearted, and staying with him would ensure her survival. As long as she was alive, there was hope for change.

"Are you going to send me to the charity house?" Jiang Ning asked again. If Liu Ming'an said yes, she would have to think of a way to appear pitiful enough to stay.

Fortunately, Liu Ming'an shook his head and said, "Miss Jiang Ning, just focus on recovering. I'll go prepare some food now, and this afternoon I'll fetch a doctor to examine you."

Jiang Ning felt relieved. She found herself liking Liu Ming'an more and more, and even the bitter vegetable porridge he fed her didn't taste so bad anymore.

As Third Great Aunt left Liu Ming'an's house and walked towards her own home, she turned a corner and saw He Yiyi standing under a tree, fidgeting with the hem of her clothes.

"Oh, it's Yiyi. What brings you here? You weren't waiting for this old woman, were you?" Third Great Aunt asked with a smile.

Having lived in Lotus Flower Village her entire life, she knew a thing or two about the villagers. This He Yiyi had taken a liking to Liu Ming'an, and she was probably here to inquire about the situation.

"Third Great Aunt!" He Yiyi called out sweetly, her round face lighting up with a charming smile.

"Hey now, don't shout so loud! This old woman's ears work just fine!" Third Great Aunt teased, then asked, "I suppose you want to ask about Ming'an, don't you?"

"Oh, Third Great Aunt!" the young girl exclaimed, blushing slightly.

Third Great Aunt couldn't help but laugh at the girl's shyness. "Haha, I won't tease you anymore. Go ahead and ask what you want to know."

He Yiyi moved closer, linking her arm with the old woman's to support her as they walked towards home. In a low voice, she asked, "Third Great Aunt, is it true that Brother Ming'an bought a woman and brought her home?"

"Yes, it's true."

"And... is it true that the woman has lost the use of her limbs and her face is disfigured?"

"Yes, she can't move at all in bed. And her face, oh dear!" Third Great Aunt sighed heavily as she thought of Jiang Ning's face.

"But why did he buy her then?"

"Don't you know Ming'an yet? He's kind-hearted. Seeing that woman in such a pitiful state, his heart softened and he brought her home. He's even spending money to find a doctor for her. He says he'll let her leave once she's healed. Who knows what he's thinking."

He Yiyi laughed happily, "Brother Ming'an is just that kind of person—always doing good deeds with a warm heart." But then her brows furrowed, and she asked worriedly, "Third Great Aunt, they're a single man and woman living together day and night. Do you think they might develop feelings for each other over time?"

"I don't think so," Third Great Aunt recalled Jiang Ning's cold, emotionless eyes and said to He Yiyi, "That girl is as cold as ice, and her face is disfigured. You're the flower of our Lotus Flower Village. Ming'an isn't a fool; you can rest easy."

He Yiyi lowered her head shyly, secretly smiling. Then another thought occurred to her: "But my mother..."

Third Great Aunt didn't let her finish, "Ah, your mother looks down on Ming'an now because he's an orphan and comes from a poor family. But I can see that Ming'an is a child blessed with good fortune. He'll definitely pass the imperial examination to become a scholar, then an official. By then, you'll be a perfect match. How could your mother object?"

As they talked, the two arrived at Third Great Aunt's doorstep. Her words had put He Yiyi's mind at ease. She bid a cheerful farewell to Third Great Aunt and headed home.


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