The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 11

The sun was rising higher and higher, and the entire village began to show signs of life.0

Jiang Ning was grinding her inkstone, her ears perked to the sounds echoing from afar: the hearty calls of the men undertaking their duties, the playful laughter of women grouped together, the scolding from adults to children, and the sounds of various domestic animals…0

All this bustle painted a vivid scene outside her window, sparking in Jiang Ning endless strands of imagination.0

In the house, Jiang Ning turned her attention to Liu Ming'an, who was sitting by her side and totally absorbed in his Confucian classic readings, unaffected by the world beyond the window. The sunlight, pouring in obliquely through the window, cast a radiant halo around him.0

Jiang Ning watched him meticulously studying the scrolls at times, and at others, notes being jotted down. One moment, he was furrowing his eyebrows in deep concentration, and the next, his facial expressions would relax into a smile. She couldn't help but admire his unwavering focus and determination.0

Time flowed on gently. Jiang Ning spent her morning in the quiet companionship of Liu Ming’an until noon, when wisps of smoke began ascending from several houses in the village.0

It was about this time that Liu Ming'an laid down his brush and decided to take a break, rubbing his temples. Seeing her chance, Jiang Ning asked, “Are you hungry? Shall I prepare a meal?”0

Liu Ming'an turned to look at Jiang Ning. Bathed in the dazzling sunshine, Jiang Ning's face glowed ethereally. In her eyes gleamed fractals of light that shimmered like stardust. The sight was nothing short of otherworldly.3

@nirvana23: Plot twist: Jiang Ning is actually a time-traveling alien with bioluminescent skin. That would explain the 'otherworldly' description!

“Alright,” Liu Ming'an found himself answering after a moment's pause.0

Watching Jiang Ning's retreating figure, Liu Ming'an felt like he could see through her to another person from his memory. Familiar terms of endearments from the past seemed to echo in his ears.0

“Ming'an, what would you like to eat? I will cook it for you.”0

“Oh, you’ve been reading all day, take a break now, don't overexert yourself; it worries me.”0

“Ming’an, come, eat more; you need to strengthen your body.”0


Feeling a sting of nostalgia, he blinked his eyes to clear the blurriness. By now, Jiang Ning had already moved into the kitchen, the clattering sounds of her busying inside echoed back.0

In the kitchen, when she saw the eggs that He Yiyi had brought, she had already planned the menu for the day.0

She went to the yard to pluck eggplants and chili peppers and fetched a handful of scallions. She planned to steam the leftover rice along with the eggplant for lunch, to cook stir-fried chili eggplant again.0

She cut the cleaned scallions into fine pieces and brought a large bowl. She broke four eggs into it and whipped them up into a smooth mixture with the finely chopped scallions.0

It was striking how many of the ingredients came as a surprise to Jiang Ning in this era free of artificial additives, fertilizers, and chemical feeds. For instance, she noticed the strikingly vibrant orange hue in the yolk of these organic eggs, unlike the pale yellow yolks of commercially bred chickens she was used to.3

@Naime: I bet Jiang Ning's thinking, 'Great, now I can't even enjoy my factory-farmed eggs anymore without feeling cheated.'

After the rice and eggplant were ready, she wiped the pan clean and poured oil into it. Once the oil was hot, she added the egg mixture.0


The liquid egg met the sizzling hot oil, solidifying and expanding instantly. The high temperature brought out the tantalizing aroma of scallion-egg omelet which filled the room, wetting the appetite of anyone present.0

At first, Liu Ming'an who was engrossed in his book, didn't feel the hunger. But when the tempting aroma wafted through, he realized his stomach was grumbling loudly.0

Tidying up the pen and paper on the table, Liu Ming'an got up and walked towards the kitchen. As he lifted the curtain, he happened to see Jiang Ning transfering food from the pan to the bowl with a spatula. 0

Jiang Ning stood by the stove, her sleeves rolled up. The hot steam from the pot hovered around her. Even though her face was emotionless and her manner was cold, to Liu Ming'an, this scene felt inexplicably comforting.0

"Dinner is ready." Jiang Ning was aware of Liu Ming'an's presence. She nudged her chin toward the side, indicating that the meal was there.0

Liu Ming'an cleared his throat and re-entered the room, took the meal outside, and then picked up a pair of chopsticks.0

By the time Jiang Ning came out with two plates of food, Liu Ming'an had already served the rice.0

The eggplant was soft and flavorful, with the scent of eggs and scallions permeating the air. After clearing both plates, Liu Ming'an tidied up the table and thoroughly washed the dishes.0

With nothing else to do, Jiang Ning picked up a book titled "The Book of Rites" from Liu Ming'an's pile and started flipping through the pages. After turning a few pages, she heard Liu Ming'an's voice from outside the door, "Jiang Ning, we ran out of water. I'm going to fetch some."0

Jiang Ning paused, alone in the room. Having lived a solitary life, she had no experience with interpersonal relationships, except what she'd seen on television. 3

@The_Followera: I can just imagine Jiang Ning frantically searching her mental database of TV shows for the appropriate response. Error 404: Normal human interaction not found!

Should she reply with, "Come back soon"? Or maybe, "Be careful on the way"?0

Before she could decide, Liu Ming'an said his farewells and left.0

The Lotus Flower Village had a well located on the east side. All the villagers fetched their water there. Liu Ming'an carried two full buckets of water on a yoke, making his way back home. No one was around except for a drunk He Wen near his doorway upon returning. 0

"Ah, if it isn't, Liu, Liu Ming'an?" 0

Jiang Ning heard the voice and walked over to the window, to witness a drunken man obstructing Liu Ming'an's path. The man looked to be in his twenties, staggering and unsteady, scruffy and disheveled, with bloodshot eyes ringed with dark circles.0

Must be a gambler.0

That was Jiang Ning's first impression.0

Seeing He Wen in front of him, Liu Ming'an silently cursed his bad luck.0

He Wen was notoriously rude in the village; a complete rake who was into drinking, gambling, and the works. He'd nearly squandered everything in his household and would spend most of his time at local taverns or gambling houses. He'd only return home when he went broke, demanding money, and if his demands were unmet, he'd brazenly borrow, or worse, steal. Everyone avoided him for fear of being hassled when he returned.0

"Brother He Wen, you joke too much. I am but a poor scholar, far from the genius you make me out to be." said Liu Ming'an as he sidestepped around him and entered the courtyard, still holding the water buckets.0

But a drunken man isn't easily dismissed. He Wen sneered and pushed open the garden gate, following Liu Ming'an into the yard. With a slurred speech, he blurted out, "A modest genius indeed. Everyone knows you spent three pieces of silver to bring a woman home."0

Ignoring him, Liu Ming'an made his way toward the water jar, set down his yoke, and bent down to pour the water into it.0

Not receiving a response, He Wen's fury erupted. He abruptly seized the water bucket, preventing Liu Ming'an from lifting it.0

"Liu, Liu Ming'an, since you've got the money to buy women, how about lending some to your brother? Once your brother wins some money, I'll pay you back with interest, how's that?" 0

He Wen, reeking of alcohol, grinned at Liu Ming'an. 0

Taking two steps back, a clear disgust wrinkling his brow, Liu Ming'an coldly replied, "I don't have any money, you've got the wrong person. Please leave." 0

Inside the room, Jiang Ning's eyes scanned He Wen, with an underlying coldness. Since meeting Liu Ming'an, his manner and speech had always been gracious... even in the most awkward of situations, he had never lost his temper. This was the first time Jiang Ning had heard him speak with such frustration. 0

"Heh... When it comes to buying women, you're all moneybags. But when I need a loan, suddenly no money in pocket, huh?" 0

He Wen, eyes bulged out and face fierce, continued, "Good on you, Liu Ming'an. All these years, doing a great impression of an honorable gentleman. But the reality? Pfah! I heard from Instructor Zhao that the woman you bought was a damaged one. Desperate for a female, you've spent three liang on such unattractive merchandise. Hahaha..." 0

"That freak, only someone like you would have a fancy for her. Hahaha... but it's all the same in the dark, especially for someone who hasn't had a taste of a woman yet." 0

"Word is, when you were buying her, she was near death. You haven't had your fun and killed her already, have you?" 0

Offended by He Wen's filthy language, Liu Ming'an had no wish to waste more words. Striding forwards, he grabbed He Wen's robes, intending to escort him out of the courtyard.0


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