The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 85: Bejumie (2)

Chapter 85: Bejumie (2)

Is it really possible that such a brute doesnt have a Constellation Contract?

During the scouting battle with Bejumie, Kang-hoo marveled that Bejumie could generate such firepower without a Constellation.

There could be two main reasons why the Constellations hadnt contracted with Bejumie.

Firstly, it might be because Bejumie, being of a certain level of intelligence, had been neutered in that aspect.

On the other hand, it could also be because the Constellations wouldnt want to contract with a human weapon designed to be thrown into battle and die.

Bejumie was clearly designed for tanking, hence his item configuration was impressive.

So much so that even when Kang-hoo hit him with a full-force strike of his Flashing Blade, Bejumie remained unfazed.

He bled profusely, but that was it.

Even the dagger lodged in his thigh didnt seem to hinder Bejumies mobility. He appeared impervious to pain.

Anyway, being able to take down such a guy would greatly appeal to the Constellations.

Kang-hoo wasnt just thinking about physical rewards like Constellation Plundering or item theft.

Level 100 was just around the corner.

It was important to continually appeal to the Constellations that were showing interest in him.

Especially to the Great Calamity Darkness, who was watching, he needed to showcase even more.

In a way, Bejumie was an excellent punching bag. A good beating would make for a splendid picture.


Thats right. Does it tantalize you?

Bejumie charged at him.

There was a reason for this.

Kang-hoo had been continuously hitting and running under the guise of a scouting battle, inflicting wounds on Bejumie.

This was the exact scenario he wanted.

From an assassins perspective, approaching the target was the most challenging part.

But if the target willingly comes to you, theres no reason to refuse such a service.


Kang-hoo, who had been waiting to close the distance, cast a hallucination on Bejumie.

Human weapons like him had a major weakness: they were vulnerable to mental attacks.

Hallucinations, distorting the mind and making one see things, naturally fell into the category of mental attacks.


As expected, Bejumie, caught in the hallucination, swung at the air where the illusion of Kang-hoo was.

It was a pointless attack, two steps ahead of where Kang-hoo actually was.

Pointless for Bejumie, but significant for Kang-hoo.

Ive been concerned about it for a while, but now its clear.

Kang-hoo had felt a slight tremble in Bejumies final punch motion during their scouting battle.

It was as if there was a discomfort in his shoulder that made him slightly twitch at the end.

And now, at this moment.

As Bejumies fist cut through the air, Kang-hoo used his Precision Aim skill to zoom in his vision.

Then he saw it clearly: pus-like fluid oozing out from under Bejumies armpit.

It was a situation that became visible only after zooming in, obscured by the dark surroundings.

Physical issues were common for human weapons.

Often exposed to unsanitary conditions and sleeping anywhere, such issues frequently arose all over their bodies.

Moreover, since they couldnt express their pain and discomfort, the problems only worsened.

In the case of pets, if they are with a loving owner, they wont be neglected even if they are in pain.

But who would shower love on a being used as a killing machine for battle?

In the end, Bejumies armpit was like an invisible Achilles heel.

Kang-hoo didnt miss it.

[Flashing Blade]

The previous Flashing Blade strike to the thigh hadnt inflicted much damage, but Kang-hoo launched it once more.

This time, the target was Bejumies armpit.

Whoosh! Fwshhh!


Thats a first for you, isnt it?

The blade of the throwing dagger sank so deep that it became invisible.

It burrowed into the soft flesh, likely damaging the shoulder muscles.

Perhaps because the area had been festering and healing repeatedly, the bleeding was more severe than Kang-hoo had anticipated.

Not only that, Bejumie, in severe pain, instinctively stepped back.

It wasnt out of fear.

Bejumie chose to create distance from Kang-hoo to conceal his strategic disadvantage.

Only by gaining distance could he regroup and pull the reins for a powerful counterattack.

However, Kang-hoo, having read Bejumies intention, gave him no respite.


Even at a distance, the Abduction skill could forcibly pull the target in, making it the best option in this situation.

Considering Bejumies hefty bulk, one might hesitate to engage in close combat.

But this time was different.

He was thwarting Bejumies attempt to create distance, strategically seizing the initiative.


Bejumie, unable to resist the Kidnap, was pulled in a parabolic trajectory towards Kang-hoo.

Despite his heavy body, the speed of being pulled by the Kidnap skill was as if he were light.

Of course, Kang-hoo didnt foolishly attack Bejumie head-on as he was pulled in.

By the time Bejumie reached Kang-hoos original position, Kang-hoo had already moved laterally behind him.



The area Kang-hoo carelessly slashed was the soft, indented part at the back of the neck.

It was slightly below where we typically say our neck hurts.

A good spot where the same force would induce the deepest wound and bleeding.

Yet, Bejumie, befitting the title of a human weapon, even in the midst of this, rotated his body to aim at Kang-hoo.

His reactions were half a beat slow, and despite being overwhelmed by pain, he didnt neglect to respond.

Thats the terrifying aspect of a human weapon. Even while groaning in pain, they calmly plan their next move.

Here, a hunter who revels in their successful attack or becomes complacent, gets caught.

Many hunters had fallen to Bejumie in such a manner. This guy had learned from past experiences.

But what he missed was this:

Kang-hoo never let his guard down in any situation.

Instead, he used the opponents counter-strategy to plan a counterattack.

That was exactly the situation at hand.

The moment Bejumie, groaning, twisted his body more violently to aim at Kang-hoo behind him!

Right here.

Kang-hoo had already moved behind Bejumie again. He read the counterattack and moved laterally once more.

Thus, Bejumies powerful fist, filled with his intent, cut through the air in vain.

The blow of being outsmarted twice is much greater than once.

Because people usually throw their decisive move thinking they wont get caught a second time. Bejumie did just that.

Kang-hoo had already read his move and responded in advance.


Thwok! Thwok! Thwok! Thwok!


Bejumie paid a high price.

It wasnt just the issue of being stabbed again in the bleeding wound.

That was just a tiny part of the storm Bejumie had to endure.

The problem was the substantial cumulative damage of Kang-hoos attacks in the recent exchange.

The time was nearing for Bejumie to reckon with the price of the blood he had carelessly shed.

Of course, Bejumie, unaware of Kang-hoos skills, didnt know of the impending storm.

And then.

[Blood Flower]

Puff! Puff! Bang!

The worst hell arrived, impartially inflicting pain regardless of whose blood was spilled.

Bejumie finally realized.

The wounds he had brutishly endured were returning like a giant boomerang.

Explosions induced by blood erupted one after another from his neck, armpit, and thigh.

It was a satisfying scene for anyone to see, Kang-hoo landing a heavy counterpunch on Bejumie.

Even Kim Su-kyung, who was watching, admired Kang-hoos one-sided victory.

But just then.


In an instant, mud and murky water sprayed backward, and the staggering Bejumie charged at Kang-hoo.

He had been waiting for a chance to counterattack, embodying the persistence of a killing machine.


Kim Su-kyung sighed, observing that Kang-hoo was about to receive a counter punch.

Kang-hoo, seemingly celebrating his victory, turned his back to Bejumie and wiped the blood from his dagger.

And behind Kang-hoo, Bejumie appeared like a Yacha (night demon), drenched in blood.

Bejumies massive hands were poised to grab Kang-hoos head and twist it as one would wring out a cloth.

Kang-hoos demise seemed imminent.

No matter how skilled a hunter, one cannot survive with a twisted and broken neck. Never.

But just then.


Bejumies expression contorted, convinced he had seized Kang-hoos head for the final blow.

The reason was simple.

He hadnt grabbed Kang-hoos head. What Bejumies hands had encountered was an illusion resembling Kang-hoo.


Kim Su-kyung exclaimed.

While everyones attention was captivated by Bejumies movement in the heavy rain, they overlooked Kang-hoos.

Kang-hoo had already conjured a decoy using illusion magic.

He deceived everyone, feigning victory celebration with the illusion.

Even Kim Su-kyung, known for his keen observation, was duped.

It was inevitable, as Kang-hoo had deployed the illusion immediately after striking Bejumie.

From the beginning, Kang-hoo had anticipated that even after two successful counterattacks, Bejumie would retaliate.


Kim Su-kyung was astounded.

Witnessing such a high-level strategic battle firsthand brought a thrilling excitement.

Moreover, the victor of this mental duel was their ally, Kang-hoo, which delighted him even more.


Lost in confusion after another failed attack, Bejumies vision suddenly turned completely black.

The reason was.

Thwok! Thwook!

Kang-hoo, having climbed onto Bejumies back, stabbed his eyes with the daggers in his hands.


No matter how specialized in defense or how high-quality his equipment was, he couldnt protect his eyes.

Bejumie was helpless against Kang-hoos surprise attack from behind and tragically lost his vision.

Bejumies crude response actually worked perfectly for me.

Kang-hoo concluded the battle as he watched Bejumie punch aimlessly into the air.

It was a case where thinking too much turned out to be a poison.

If he had moved predictably, it would have complicated Kang-hoos calculations.

Now came the finishing phase.

Maintaining a certain distance, Kang-hoo sought the right timing for the final strike.

Blind, Bejumie kept swinging at nothing, revealing the limitations of human weapons. An inherent blind spot due to relying on human senses.

Whirl! Click!

Kang-hoo, regulating his breath while twirling the dagger between his fingers, soon crouched and gripped it in reverse.

To savor the joy of victory, he had to finish Bejumie. The battle was just beginning.

Here I go.

A short word from Kang-hoo.

In the dark, secluded space of the abandoned factory, with heavy rain falling.


Blood sprayed high into the air.


Bejumies massive body fell backward stiffly like a log.

Simultaneously, Kang-hoo calmly stabbed the fallen giants neck and chest area.

It was a sure guide to death.


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