The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 56: Test Of The Constellations (3)

Chapter 56: Test Of The Constellations (3)

The Constellation Trials varied widely in form.

Some were chase types, where participants had to avoid combat at all costs and simply flee to the destination.

Others forced them into confined spaces with their opponents, where battle was inevitable.

In essence, the nature of the trial depended on the whims of the Constellations.

Thats why, when proposing a trial to a Constellation with whom you wished to break a contract, youd choose something challenging.

To put it bluntly, it was like giving them a hard time, as if to say, Just try and survive.

Of course, the Dimension Plunderer, who took a growing interest in Kang-hoo, held no ill will.

It had always observed Kang-hoos genius-level combat sense and skills.

Hence, the Dimension Plunderer was curious to witness Kang-hoos fleeing abilities, which it had never seen before.

It cant be this easy.

Kang-hoo gave a wry smirk at the sight of the uphill path that served as the escape route.

There was a saying among Hunters:

A dungeon that seemed easy was never easy. In fact, it was a perfect death trap.

Kang-hoo was convinced that the Constellations trial was more than a physical test like climbing a hill.

There had to be a catch.

It wasnt just about evading the pursuing Plazgelum.

[The Constellations are placing spontaneous bets.]

[The stakes are heavily skewed toward the likelihood of Contractee Shin Kang-hoo's death.]

[The Dimension Plunderer, confident in Contractee Shin Kang-hoo's success, boldly wagers a portion of its stellar energy on his survival.]

[Constellations hostile to the Dimension Plunderer scoff at her naive gamble.]

Constellations or humans.

They all relished a gamble.

Kang-hoo glanced at his status window and noticed that the odds of his death were nearly a decimal shy of 1.

He concentrated as intensely as he could.

The target was 4km away.

The distance was diminishing quickly.

Blending leaps with bursts of speed, he rapidly narrowed the gap.

The Plazgelum behind him quickened its pace as well.

The creature, its feet never touching the ground, glided like a specter.

It suddenly increased its speed, as if it had been holding back all this time.

At that moment,

As expected.

The first variable revealed itself to Kang-hoo, who had kept his eyes on the ground from the beginning.


Black thorns sprouted menacingly from the seemingly flat earth, reaching for the sky.

They resembled sinister wands crafted from black magic.

Should anyone become impaled, they would undoubtedly dangle, pierced and lifeless.


Kang-hoo used a leap in the opposite direction and narrowly avoided the spike attack.

This move, however, brought him closer to the pursuing Plazgelum.

Yet, facing an increased possibility of death was a lesser evil compared to certain demise.

[Some Constellations mock your choice. They suggest that running forward would have been the better option.]

What cant be said with a loose tongue?

Kang-hoo smirked.

He then activated Shadow Step, making sure the shadows extended far ahead.


The Plazgelum closed in suddenly.


Without a seconds hesitation, it lashed its whip towards Kang-hoo.

This whip could not be blocked. It shattered souls. It was the whip of death.


Kang-hoo flattened himself and just managed to evade the attack.

The Plazgelums whip, designed to minimize variables, skimmed the area where Kang-hoos waist had just been.

A less precise dodge would have resulted in a hit, a perilous situation indeed.


[Great Decapitation]



Then, crouching low, Kang-hoo dove forward from his prone position, slashing at the Plazgelums ankle.

His strategy paid off.

The Plazgelum, overconfident in its seeming immortality, had not expected Kang-hoos counter.


In that instant, Kang-hoo switched places with his shadow.

The distance between him and the Plazgelum dramatically increased.

He had successfully traded places with the shadow at the farthest range Shadow Step allowed.

[Many Constellations cheer! They applaud your counterattack, tactics, and subsequent planning.]

The Dimension Plunderer emphasized that such cleverness in her contractor was just the tip of the iceberg.

As Kang-hoos tension began to ease slightly in response to the Dimension Plunderers overly protective reaction,


A completely black demon, unseen until that moment, appeared in front of him.

Wielding a scythe over three meters long, it swiftly aimed for Kang-hoos waist.

[Swift Evasion]

He dodged differently this time.

The demons attack was vertical, not horizontal, enabling him to evade by changing position.


A hot breath involuntarily escaped him.

Even Kang-hoo had to move instinctively and sensually, faced with such creatively challenging attacks.

The Constellation Trial was designed by the Constellation holding the contract, meaning it was the Dimension Plunderers creation.

Wouldve been infamous if a game developer.

Kang-hoo smiled and started running again.

Although he cleverly evaded the crisis, the Constellation Trial was still in progress.

3km, 2km, 1km, 500m

Thanks to relentless running, the Plazgelum could only close the gap to about nine meters at best.

Despite several sudden incidents, he smartly used Swift Evasion, Leap, and protective barriers to dodge them.

[The Dimension Plunderer applauds, admiring the clean state of her contractor, without a single drop of blood shed.]

[Even the previously hostile Constellations start looking at you differently, impressed by your smart responses.]

Everything was going well.

The initial five-kilometer distance seemed daunting, but closing the last 500 meters was easy.

Despite the relentless chase by the Plazgelum, Kang-hoo reached the destination and could press the Arrival button.

Is it over?

It cant be this anticlimactic

Kang-hoo hoped it was the end, yet he expected otherwise. His expectations were quickly shattered.

[The current space of 25m by 25m transformed into a restricted battlefield.]

[The invincible defensive barrier that made up the Plazgelum's entire body began to disappear.]

[Eradicate the Plazgelum.]

Such a mischievous goddess, indeed.

Kang-hoo chuckled.

There was no such thing as a free lunch, after all.

The chase had been just the first trial, with a do-or-die second trial awaiting.

If I must, then I must.

Without hesitation, Kang-hoo charged toward the Plazgelum.

Now that its invincibility was gone, it was the creatures turn to fear death.

Not long into the battle, Kang-hoo discovered the Plazgelums most critical weakness.

It was the inherent delay in a whip attack, as it bent before straightening to strike the target.

The kinetic energy had to start from the shoulder, travel through the elbow and hand, and it took time to reach the tip of the whip.

Although the Plazgelums skillful movements seemed to minimize this delay, a gap in time definitely existed.

So Kang-hoo waited for the right moment while exchanging blows, aware that once a strategy is exposed, it becomes hard to use again.

Like a game of cat and mouse, the Plazgelum, oblivious, pressed its attack on Kang-hoo aggressively.

In a fight between a dagger and a whip, focusing on evasion was easier than defense.

Moreover, unlike other weapons capable of rapid successive strikes, the whip had its limitations.

For Kang-hoo, controlling the tempo of the battle was easier. Of course, he didnt reveal this advantage to the Plazgelum.

The level of the Plazgelum, indicated in the status window, was 165, three times higher than Kang-hoos.

Yet he was managing well.

Maybe it was because of his experience fighting against much stronger opponents, like Cha So-hee?

The Plazgelum felt like a perfect downgrade. The limitations of the whip as a weapon became clear.



Failing to fend off Kang-hoos deep incursion, the Plazgelums left chest was pierced.

The dagger, linked smoothly with a Great Beheading, claimed the Plazgelums life in one swift strike.

[The 'Warm Wave', a group of benevolent Constellations, couldn't stop praising your flawless trial.]

[All Constellations of the 'Warm Wave' showed deep interest in you.]

[They expended their accumulated stellar energy to grant you a significant buff.]

[Experience Increase +15%]


It was a substantial sponsorship.

The Warm Wave, a group of Constellations, had generously supported him.

The implications were significant.

Groups formed by Constellations with strong personal traits indicated like-mindedness.

This meant potential for more appeals and possibly group contracts in the future.

For instance, contracting with all the Constellations of the Warm Wave.

It wasnt impossible, as the protagonist, Jang Si-hwan, had significantly increased his contracted Constellations in a similar manner.

[Two Constellations who bet a considerable amount of stellar energy on Contractee Shin Kang-hoo's death died of shock.]

[The 'Grand Constellation Council', managing all Constellations, swiftly stripped the fallen Constellations of their ranks.]

Setting aside the deceased Constellations, the emergence of the Grand Constellation Council was unexpected.

This was an unconscious creation not found in the original story.

Naturally, there had always been the notion of a managing entity overseeing many Constellations.

It just hadnt been incorporated into the story, but its existence had always been considered.

The Grand Constellation Council. Intriguing.

In a way.

Didnt it feel like the scale of the future challenges just got much bigger?

There might even be realms beyond Constellations.

The world of the supreme Constellations, always a part of the envisioned universe.

[Interest in Contractee Shin Kang-hoo among the Constellations rapidly intensified.]

[The solidarity among Constellations proud to sponsor and contract with Shin Kang-hoo strengthened.]

[The Dimension Plunderer's status skyrocketed. Interest in her increased.]

A virtuous cycle,

Kang-hoo smiled.

The attention of the Constellations was always beneficial.

And the rising status and interest in his main Constellation? That was an undeniable advantage.

It seemed that his debut in front of the Constellations had been a resounding success.

Meanwhile, Kang-hoo noticed missed support messages, all boosting experience.

An additional 15% experience increase buff. Every little bit added up.

Just then,

[Seizing this momentum, how about another trial? I want to offer you the opportunity to enjoy my fifth special privilege.]

The Dimension Plunderer made an unexpectedly bold proposal.

Not one, but two Constellation Trials.

The privileges of the third and fourth, and then the fifth Constellations differed.

Gaining the fifth privilege could be a significant boost in power.

I cant resist that. Deal.

Kang-hoos response was crisp.


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