The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 37: Ground Zero (2)

Chapter 37: Ground Zero (2)

Kang-hoo sent a casual reply to An Young-ho.

Telling him to stay well and that he would contact him when the time comes, the message was predictable yet filled with a hint of expectation.

Itll be night by the time I arrive.

Kang-hoo gazed at the setting sun disappearing beyond the western sky.

While most hunters avoid traveling at night, Kang-hoo was different.

[Nocturnal Vision]

He possessed this ability.

He actually preferred the night.

Not only hunters but monsters too, depend on visual information.

Once he entered Ground Zero, he would need to be highly alert and cautious.

This place was wild.

Filled with variables and mutants.

A moment of carelessness or wrong confidence could lead directly to death.

Crack. Crack.

Kang-hoo loosened the muscles in his wrists and neck, warming up to be ready for combat at any moment.

Once he reached the site, he wouldnt have time to prepare his body.

He planned to actively elevate his physical senses as he headed north along the Gyeongui-Jungang line.

In Ground Zero, every sense was crucial.

Two hours later.

After disembarking at Imjingang Station and a long journey, Kang-hoo arrived at Ground Zero.

Precisely, it was a location 1 km from the boundary fence and the entrance checkpoint.

What a mess.

The atmosphere was as bad as expected.

The checkpoint was managed not by the Hunter Public Safety Bureau but by a guild delegated by the Bureau.

The New World Guild.

Despite its grand name, they were merely opening and closing the gates of the checkpoint.

Their non-involvement in everything happening in the nearby streets of entertainment and pleasure was proof.

Though the area was rife with red-light districts and entertainment pubs, prone to frequent disputes, there was no intervention.

Even if a murder occurred, they would just clean up the body and bloodstains and that was it.

The officers from the Hunter Public Safety Bureau, of course, never arrived, and the hunters of the New World Guild showed no interest.

Broken streetlights.

Abandoned cars scattered randomly.

And heaps of trash bags piled haphazardly.

This slum-like area appeared devoid of dreams, hope, or a future.

Even in the dilapidated, abandoned buildings, the homeless expelled from Seoul had staked their claims.

Arguing over ownership was pointless, and a knife fight had already broken out by the time Kang-hoo arrived.

An intruder had tried to displace an established resident, resulting in a fatal stabbing.

Confronted with the blatantly obvious red-light district and not wanting to deal with bothersome solicitation, Kang-hoo deliberately took a detour.

The main thoroughfares were close to the red-light district, so just one block over, the surroundings became significantly darker.


His gaze met that of five hunters smoking marijuana in a dimly lit alley.

They were clearly hunters, as no ordinary person would dare to wander here.

Hey, stop for a sec?

Kang-hoo heard a voice call out to him as he tried to quietly slip by without engaging.

But he didnt answer. To converse here was to invite trouble.

There was only one exception.

The only time hunters in the red-light district showed interest in someone was when they were soliciting sisters looking for customers or when they were about to commit some nefarious act, taking advantage of the lawlessness of the area.

I told you to stop, brat.

The hunter, angered by Kang-hoos disregard, raised his voice.

Kang-hoo wished they would simply go their separate ways, but that didnt seem to be in their plan.

For every word you utter from now on, one of you will die. Go your way. Im giving you a chance.

Kang-hoo issued a short, stern warning and was about to take another step when

What the hell do you think youre doing, acting all tough

The voice that shattered his last shred of patience echoed through the alley.

In that moment, Kang-hoo, using acceleration and leaping, had already positioned himself behind the source of the voice.

He had moved laterally at the last second.



Kang-hoo, now behind the hunter, quickly slit his throat with a dagger, slicing through the most vulnerable part of the armor.

He remembered to connect the Blood Flower technique to ensure a sure kill.

Immediately after, a series of explosions burst forth from the already deeply cut throat.

Shit, what the hell is this

The remaining four were in shock.

They were stunned by the combination that decapitated the head with a single slash.

Instead of thinking they could somehow survive, the realization that a mere touch meant death filled them with terror.


Without a moment to seek the brotherhood they had previously boasted about, the remaining four scattered in fear.

Kang-hoo watched their retreat with disdain and collected items from the dead hunter.

Though the items were not useful, gathering everything to sell could net around 100 million won.

He was just a mediocre hunter adorned with cheap, cost-effective gear, so there was little sentiment involved.

He simply thought of it as making enough money to buy about 20 strands of Solarkium.

At the entrance checkpoint.

Kang-hoo applied for entry and wrote a pseudonym in the register.

It was a meaningless procedure where any name would suffice.

There was only one thing they ensured: the level scan procedure.

Ah, a newbie.

The administrator, after scanning Kang-hoos level, sneered and looked at him dismissively.

Right from the start, calling him a newbie was a clear sign of disrespect.

Perhaps thats why.

Despite his expectations, the administrator began to act slyly.

Right now, theres a long waiting list for entry. You might have to wait about two days. Is that okay?

He started with a casual tone, without any formal introduction.

No anger rose within Kang-hoo.

He dismissed it like the buzzing of an insignificant insect; it wasnt even worth his attention.

Since he found it unworthy, the words seemed to pass by unheard.

No one else was waiting for entry, and the situation clearly allowed for it.

Such nonsense from the administrator usually signaled the expectation of a bribe.

Kang-hoo pulled a bundle of 50,000-won notes from his backpack and tossed them to him.

A hundred notes. Five million won.


Open the gate.

Kang-hoo made his brief request.

The quick-witted administrator immediately changed his demeanor, scratching the back of his head.

Oh, my. Mister, it turns out theres one hunter who hasnt entered today. You can go right in!

It was preferable that he was candid about money.

Had he been someone who caused trouble, he might have ended up like the one whose throat was slit earlier.

Kang-hoo wondered if he realized.

That his shrewd action just saved his life.

Naturally, he wouldnt know. And someday, he might face severe consequences at the hands of someone else.

Today was not that day, fortunately.

Upon entering, Kang-hoo chose a tall tree to climb up rather than wandering aimlessly.

It was pitch-dark, with no lights to illuminate his surroundings since the sun had set.

In Ground Zero, there were no streetlights or lighting facilities.

To be precise, they had existed but were never repaired or replaced after breaking or wearing out.

From a distance, he saw a hunter using a flashlight to find their way.

This was a sensible choice, but in Ground Zero, it was the most perilous one.

The light became a beacon for numerous monsters, beasts, and other hunters.


Kang-hoo had a reason for not moving immediately.

There was an entity inside Ground Zero that greatly concerned him.

The monster known as the Black Conductor.

Also referred to as the Reaper.

A conglomerate of specters, it was an entity akin to a soul that couldnt be killed or cut.

Because of this, it made no sound, even when it approached closely.

Its black form blended into the night, making it even more difficult to notice.

The frightening part was that if one became entirely entangled with the Black Conductor, they would lose their sight.

Then, they would suffer from mental delusions and be driven to suicide.

The control was so swift that the victim wouldnt realize they were dying.

Waking up to find oneself in the afterlife.


While scanning the area with his Nocturnal Vision ability, Kang-hoo noticed something odd.

A hunter, illuminating his path with a flashlight, suddenly changed direction at a right angle.

Then, he threw himself onto a sharp rock ahead, struck his forehead, and collapsed.

From the lack of movement, it was clear that he had died instantly.

Should I go?

Kang-hoo descended from the tree.

Black Conductors have distinct territories and dont invade each others realms.

After leading an intruder to death, they have a cooling-off period.

Its similar to how a murderer takes a break after killing.

The previous hunters sacrifice gave Kang-hoo the confidence to move.


Kang-hoo landed on the ground and unfolded a fluorescently marked internal map.

GZ-5. 11. 13. 19. 24. 45.

Key points were visible.

These six areas were certain to contain Mad Solarkium.

As an original author, Kang-hoo often included these numbers as lottery numbers.

He had designated these as the areas where Mad Solarkium appeared.

Since the numbers were assigned in order of proximity to the entrance, zone 5 was the closest.

Time to move swiftly.

He continued his journey.

It was night, and Ground Zero seemed to have entered an alert phase, making hunters less visible.

He also sensed an especially strong yin energy. It felt as if he could encounter ghosts just by turning his head.

The alert phase is a period when monsters become stronger compared to the stable phase, making it more dangerous.

However, it also meant more experience and rewardsa high-risk, high-return situation.

Kang-hoo actually preferred this period.

If handled well, he could gain twice the benefits than usual.



An unnatural-looking sunflower caught his eye, its petals unnaturally closed.

It should have been fully open, indicating it was not just a flower but a monsterized one.

A potential threat to hunters at any moment.

As Kang-hoo casually approached it, he suddenly leaped backward in line with the sunflower.

The closed sunflower petals opened wide, spewing a lime-green liquid.


It was highly acidic.

Everything it touched disintegrated instantly, be it rocks or bushes.

Truly wild,

Kang-hoo nodded in acknowledgment.

Then he quickly cut down the sunflower, which had exhausted its stored liquid.


A pitiful death.

The mutant sunflower provided Kang-hoo with abundant experience and a blue mana stone before it ended its life.

A mana stone worth ten million won!

For the effort of cutting down a single flower, it was an exceptionally profitable deal.


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