The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 158: Skill Abundance (2)

Chapter 158: Skill Abundance (2)

‘It would be best to maximize the effect of the ‘Firm Overlap’ by linking it with a protective barrier. That’s the only way.’

Kang-hoo linked the skills.

‘Firm Overlap’ was a skill that doubled the thickness of a shield or barrier-type skill.

Only one skill could be designated, and for Kang-hoo, the protective barrier met the conditions.

The skill he obtained earlier, ‘Petrification’, was indeed a defensive skill, but it wasn’t a shield or barrier-type skill.

And ‘Survival Instinct’ was a one-time passive skill that made the user absolutely invincible for about 5 seconds if their health dropped below 10.

The one weakness was that if the health exceeded 10 and then dropped to 0 in one go, invincibility wouldn’t trigger, and the user would die.

The health must hit the boundary between 0 and 10 at least once.

In reality, the mid-boss monster who had this skill died from Kang-hoo’s Decapitation without even having the chance to activate ‘Survival Instinct’.

Even though it was conditional, thanks to ‘Survival Instinct’, it was as if he had gained an extra life.

“Hyung, are you used to the acceleration buff now? Your face looks much more relaxed than before.”

“My face looks relaxed? Was I frowning?”

“You’re a perfectionist. Didn’t you know? I’ve always noticed it by watching your expressions.”

“I didn’t know that.”

It seemed Park Dong-jae had been observing Kang-hoo’s facial expressions closely throughout their team play.

As he said, Kang-hoo was indeed a perfectionist. This world required it to survive.

However, Kang-hoo didn’t realize that his expressions revealed when his skill linkage was not smooth or when there were deficiencies.

Upon further reflection.

He didn’t think he always showed his expressions during battles.

Perhaps he felt more comfortable now with Park Dong-jae, naturally expressing his inner feelings.

It was because he trusted him that much, and he liked the flow of the battle enough to break down unseen walls.

“Shall we take a break?”

“Yeah, let’s rest. It’s about time for a comma. The mid-boss monsters are generally tough.”

“Yeah. It feels like they have high durability stats. The damage doesn’t seem to hit properly.”

“Exactly. Here, sit over here. That rock looks a bit damp.”

Kang-hoo checked the spot for Park Dong-jae to sit first. He didn’t forget to brush off the dust.

“Wow… such good manners.”

“My manners improve because you’re worth it. Otherwise, I’d just tell you to sit anywhere.”

“Oh, thank you!”

Park Dong-jae sat down with a bright smile.

He immediately realized that what Kang-hoo said was a significant compliment.

That was Shin Kang-hoo’s way of speaking. He always conveyed his true meaning indirectly. Uninterestingly.

Even something that could be expressed as ‘You did so well,’ he would change to a slightly deflated version.

Knowing Kang-hoo well now, he even felt grateful for such expressions.

On the other hand, he was always curious about Kang-hoo’s inner thoughts, as he rarely smiled except at moments like this.

Why did this person always seem so serious, as if he were shouldering all the sadness and pain of the world alone?

What took away his smile, leaving only sarcasm and coldness?

Even after subtly asking Jeon Se-hyuk and Ban Se-yeong, who didn’t know Kang-hoo’s past, they could only tilt their heads in puzzlement.

At that time.

The Choi brothers, Choi Jin-ho and Choi Jin-su, who were tracking Kang-hoo’s traces, kept coming up empty-handed.

They tried to find him based on the information they had gathered, but they couldn’t find a trace of him.

The house he supposedly lived in the past had already been rebuilt and no longer existed.

There were no family members, no friends either. Even visiting his alma mater, there was no graduation photo of him.

It was as if he were a ‘ghost’ with no trace of his life left behind.

However, they did have some success.

One of the information networks they had spread widely finally yielded results.

It turned out that Kang-hoo was a client of the mercenary group ‘Cheong-an,’ based in Daejeon.

Was it a case of being hidden in plain sight?

Kang-hoo had connections with Cheong-an, who were growling at Eclipse over the hegemony of the Daejeon area.

According to the information, Kang-hoo had recently made a transaction with Lee Ye-rin of Cheong-an.

Choi Jin-su said to his brother.



“Instead of just digging around, how about we set up a base in Daejeon and wait?”

“Because he deals with Cheong-an?”

“Yeah. If he’s working as a client, he’ll have to come at some point.”

“He can explain and accept commissions over the phone.”

“But he’ll come at least once. He’s traveling all over the country anyway, chasing him seems meaningless.”


Thinking it over, Choi Jin-ho nodded at his brother’s reasonable suggestion.

“He will definitely come. If there’s a big deal, he’ll come in person. Let’s set up a base in Daejeon.”

“That’ll be more comfortable.”

“Yeah. Hyung, we have to catch that bastard! I really want to catch him. I want to be loved by the boss!”

“Okay. Got it.”

Seeing his younger brother’s enthusiasm, Choi Jin-ho clenched his fists.

In truth, Kang-hoo had done nothing wrong to them…

Yet, Kang-hoo had become the one who hindered their promotions and transfers, darkening their futures.

Perhaps because of that.

The enmity growing in their hearts turned into sharp daggers, tearing at the imaginary Kang-hoo in their minds.

Their anger had reached its peak.

The dungeon was indeed vast.

After a sufficient rest, Kang-hoo and Park Dong-jae hastened their progress and defeated two more mid-bosses.

Their level had now reached 165, and they had added two more valuable skills to their arsenal.

【Soul of Ice and Flame】

【Increases ice resistance by 5%.】

The first was ‘Soul of Ice and Flame.’ It was a resistance-type passive skill, similar to ‘Scar of Fire,’ but for ice.

A 1% resistance is valued at about 10 billion won. Thus, a 5% resistance would be worth 50 billion won.

At this stage, the resistance effect might not be noticeable.

However, as it accumulates to 20% or 30%, the resistance effect becomes evident.

Furthermore, if it reaches 100%, it provides complete immunity to a specific attribute.

For example, if fire resistance is 100%, you could lie in burning flames forever without getting burned.

【Soul Engraving】

【Allows engraving on up to five items.

These items can be retrieved within a 100m radius.】

The second skill was ‘Soul Engraving.’

This skill was an enhancement to the weapon retrieval enjoyed with the item gloves ‘Mollis Maniche.’

Despite its unique name, engraving was a simple task of adding up to five items to the list.

Reconfiguring it was also not difficult.

The only condition was that it could only be applied to items owned by the user.

It didn’t work for substituting people or pulling excessively heavy objects.

“It’s almost the end.”

“Seems like it. This route appears to be blocked except for beyond that rock wall.”

“Looks that way.”

Kang-hoo looked ahead.

There was a rock wall.

Beyond it, the path continued for a bit before turning into an endless sea.

Unless they planned to venture into the sea, this was clearly the end of the chosen route.

They had already acquired four skills in this dungeon. The term “skill abundance” was apt.

All the skills added were valuable without a single throwaway. It was a record-breaking achievement.

Park Dong-jae seemed satisfied with the loot and showed no signs of discontent.

Just then.

Park Dong-jae, who had taken a sip of water from his bag, started to speak.

“Hyung, do you know about the Mystery Dungeon?”

“Of course, I do.”

Mystery Dungeon.

It was a unique dungeon that appeared in the most unexpected locations and was bound to the hunter who discovered it.

This meant the hunter who found the dungeon was the ‘only’ key to entering it.

Moreover, once bound, the dungeon entrance turned invisible. However, it remained visible to the bound hunter.

Since the owner was the key, other hunters couldn’t enter even if they pinpointed the location.

There was one more characteristic.

Every time, everything inside the dungeon, including the layout and structure, changed. Everything from one to ten was different.

Hence, knowing the strategy was meaningless in this dungeon.

Many had entered thinking it would be easy, only to meet tragic ends.

Kang-hoo asked back.


“Apparently, the Myeongga Guild owns quite a few Mystery Dungeons. They made an offer.”

“To join them?”

“Yeah. It’s a dungeon with guaranteed rewards. Though it’s risky, the synergy we’ve built reduces that burden.”


“They suggested you join them as well.”

“Me? I don’t know any of them. I was surprised to be included in this as well.”

“It means I’ve been promoting you well, Hyung.”

“So, you were busy selling me without my knowledge.”

“A rough diamond becomes a gem only after it’s polished. Hyung, you need to become a gem quickly.”

Park Dong-jae’s words sparkled like a gem. He genuinely seemed to care about talent.

“I can adjust to the rhythm, but I wonder how they’ll perceive me.”

“I’m here for you, Hyung.”

“Honestly, I have no reason to refuse. On the contrary, I want to go. Just haven’t had the chance.”

Kang-hoo accepted Park Dong-jae’s proposal.

A Mystery Dungeon required the utmost adaptability.

No matter what situation arose, one must not panic and have various means to respond accordingly.

It was the exact opposite of a dungeon that hunters who liked fixed methods and directions would prefer.

He wanted to go if he could.

Since it was a dungeon where the hunter was the key, one couldn’t get a chance to enter without connections to the owner hunter.

There were no new Mystery Dungeons in the country for Kang-hoo to claim, making it otherwise unattainable.

“Alright. I’ll contact the Myeongga Guild as soon as we exit the dungeon. They’ll be pleased!”

“That would be good.”

Thus, another unexpected path opened up. It was another great gift from his bond with Park Dong-jae.

Just then.

Boom! Thud!

Suddenly, vibrations from beyond the previously unmoving rock wall reverberated through.

Although there were only vibrations and no sound, a slight shift to the side revealed the reason.

A soundproof barrier centered around the rock wall blocked all external noise.

It seemed like a structure created by some monster beyond the rock wall.

In other words, something was already happening on the other side.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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