The Gene Gamer

Chapter 10: Bullying Is Fine

Chapter 10: Bullying Is Fine

Right now a group of teenagers could be seen in a basic plank position with sweat rolling dwon their bodies. In front of them a short dwarf with head full of beard was looking at the teenagers calmly while sitting at a chair. A stock watch was hanging on the arm of the dwarf and on it a time of 6:17 was shown. At this moment a girl couldn't help her body and helplessly fell to the ground.

A body of a boy also followed suit right after, but the strange thing was that as if the girl would fall he had started falling in the next moment, this could really be considered a miraculous coincidence.

Rigth after the sound of the girl's body hitting the metal ground echoed another sound of falling followed after, this was the boy's body falling to the ground. But unfortunately the other teenager's face didn't show any perplexed emotion it was as if it knew the boy's body would fall to the ground right after the girl.

The gap not even reaching half a second. This boy was Cylius, it had been a month since the combat assessment test had concluded and the real training program began. In the combat assessment he was second with only the freak Farold as the first.

Maybe the increase in Farold's poweer was related to his inner aility but since it was only a sub effect it was ignored, just like his increased perception.

The training program was a pure combat prowess developing program. It trained their physical abilities and combat ability. For the physical ability enhancement part he hated it throughly this was his nemesis if he were to say.

From the start his body wasn't trained to begin with and from the non-activist life he led at the orphanage his body could almost be said to have deteriorated, although he got the nutritions everyday his muscles had shrunk and it was very difficult to make them work.

Fortunately due to him stimulating his muscles everyday with the training program and also with him making full use of it the shrunk, hibernated muscles had gone back to normal and lately showed signs of strengthening.

From the first day he was tortured into advancement. Initially he couldn't even last a minute in the plank position but with the harsh treatments a first-to-fall in the plank position received he endured and advanced six times his body from the orphanage, just unimaginable.

But it wasn't the case there were two clause for this achievement, first he loosened his shrunken muscles and second he was done with not getting food because of falling the first so he had the will to change his himself. Then this weak girl had sacrificed herself for him to succeed, the law of the jungle.Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

He was very much delighted about this result which resulted in him eating nutricious and tasty food once again. For the girl she would only get some compressed nutrition and it won't even fulfill the daily criteria set by the Federation.

Moreover the taste will be much worse than the orphanage's too, he knew its taste just unbearable. But looking at her beautiful face he knew the oucome of today's dinner, three days ago when he had finally succeeded in not falling the first, he saw boys in the group offering her their foods.

Some even went to get revenge from him for doing such despiseful actions. It was okay if he fell quite a bit oftime after the girl fell but he had done this action of falling right after the girl fell for the last three days.

But the outcomes of those who had seeked revenge from him was obvious, after knowing the rules that the talented had the much better treatent and that only twenty people was to survive the training program he fractured their arms and they were still healing and was currently not able to do the training with them.

But he was actually jealous of them just by hearing the condition they had he immediately used his own power to fracture his arm. But the sad part was that the ship immediately used a powerful healing medicine on him deeming him as an important subject and also with the dwarf making a "I know what you're going to do so I won't let it happen" face.

Honestly he was pissed off seeing that proud face but had no choice but to keep his emotions down and maintain a poker face. After seeing what happened to the people that wanted to seek vengeance they were scared shitless but the true problem was Farold.

When he first heard about the only twenty people surviving the program his only thought was "That's f*cked up" and the other people that heard this also had their complexion turn pale and started taking the trainings seriously except him. He was tired and if the rule stated surviving it might be like a survival contest and he was confident in himself.

His forte wasn't physical capabilities but reaction speed and perception. Since he already had the desired physical capability he need not train further than the mimimum.

With his hero complex he was obviously disgusted with his tactics and quarreled with him a lot times. Fortunately with Garen's help he always managed to overpower him and the dwarf didn't say anything. Seemed like the dwarf only made a favor to him and didn't take him as his disciple because he knew he wasn't qualified.

Garen was neutral and he was beginning to like him already if Garen wasn't ground he would've suffered injuries and he wouldn't like to experience pain everyday. Also because of it the beautiful girl was attracted to Farold but kept it a secret, no amateurs could hide their true feelings from him.

He was very interested in phychology and could be considered a master in it if he were to say, although he couldn't brainwash people just with words and actions alone he was proficient enough to read people's emotions.

The record of the group in plank position was 12:16 if Farold isn't counted in it. Farold's record was 22:45. Not so surprised about the record.

If he didn't have that much power when his genetic ability could thrash a metal dummy in seconds and the effects of the gene remodeling their owner couldn't make his owner powerful. Clearly he was improving by the hours but wasn't theirs too his perception increasing Garen becoming more proficient in controlling his fire and all the other people with inner superiour genes.

This was just the beginning and the people with inner genes was already improving so much what would happen if their genes strengthened further, thats why people with inner superiour genes were distinguished from the crowd.

This time Farold extended his record by one minute, seems like today was a special day for him or he was just another masochist that felt special today. After falling out he sat by the side while drinking some nutrients he looted from the people that he disabled.

For offending him he had gotten two bottles of nutrients from them everyday just like a tax collector. Then he shared one of them with Garen and they would just sit by the side. Although Garen was quiet fit his inner gene was a force type so it dind't make his physical strength powerful.

Maybe only to the extent that he could tolerate the flames most likely the gene strengthened his fire resistance. So for the three days he and Garen would wait for the others while drinking compressed nutrients that they use to have enough nutrition after training and also for enjoyment as it was quite sweet and enjoyable to drink.

Cylius and Garen had notorious reputation for themselves in the group and were real examples of bullies. They were feared while the strongest Farold had a nice and good reputation.


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