The Geared Immortal

Chapter 93 - Make Shift Crafting Tools

Chapter 93

The Giant Demon Rock Snake is an uncommon demon beast in the Dark Forest. As it usually lives in solitude, no one is really familiar with its characteristics. What many cultivators only know is that it is one of the toughest demon beasts one can encounter in the forest.

Right now Shin Jiao has discovered a weakness of the rock snake, it is actually partially blind. But its senses are extremely accurate especially the movement one does on the ground, so nothing can escape its ground detection. Not only vibrations but its eyes can also discern unusual movements on its surroundings. So if someone wanted to escape a rock snake one should not move. Though that wouldn't work especially of the rock snake already knew that it has an enemy within its surroundings.

Right now Shin Jiao is preparing something that could be the key to defeating the snake. Since they didn't have anything that can hurt its thick skin, and only powerful force can affect it, he decided to make a trap.

While Shin Jiao is preparing this trap, Rat Ling is already rushing towards the rock snake. He could not forgive the demon beast from hurting his young master. So in a fit of rage, Rat Ling seem to suddenly become berserk.

"I'll kill you, beast!" Rat Ling shouted as his eyes turn red in his rage.

The sound and movements of Rat Ling caught the attention of the rock snake as its head turns towards his approaching figure. Seeing the rapid approach of its enemy, the rock snake suddenly breath in a mouthful of air and in his mouth began forming a new object. Instead of the usual rock shell, it gathered multiple arm length spikes which almost filled its huge mouth, then it fired those hundreds of sharp spikes towards Rat Ling.

When Rat Ling saw this, he didn't evade but instead charged towards the demon beast faster. Then, using his sword, he rapidly waves them in front of him cutting those darting spikes into thousands of pieces. But, due to the number of the spikes, though he had successfully deflected a lot of them, he was still hit with the debris many of its debris and some actually hit him.

Lack of actual combat experience and practice would be the reason why he missed two spikes which immediately stopped him from his charge and made him take a few steps backward. One on his right arm and one on his left thigh, two sharp spikes had pierced his body.

Because of this, Rat Ling's movements were restricted and he was awoken from his berserk state. The sound of heavy breathing can be heard as he tried to catch his breath. He now felt a pang of pain all over his body, as looking from his state where he is now riddled with many wounds, Rat Ling really made a wrong decision to charge head-on and is now feeling a little regretful.

"Ha… Ha… I… I should not have lost myself back there… Damn, how… how can I help young master now?" Rat Ling thought while still breathing heavily and gritting his teeth because of the pain in his body.

Now that both he and the young master were unable to fight, their only hope was now on Shin Jiao whom they should have been assisting by taking the attention of the rock snake away. Rat Ling's gaze slowly turns towards the figure a little distance from where he stood.

Currently, Shin Jiao has already finished his preparation, although he was pressed with time, he still was able to roughly make the things he needed. Now in front of him lays multiple crystals parts inlaid in an array formation, he actually didn't know if it would really work as he just used a lot of raw materials and a low-grade spirit stone he casually picks on the ground.

Since he is unable to use spiritual Qi, he made use of his knowledge on runes to carve some activation command on the low-grade spirit stone.

"Now let's see if this would work because if not, then we're all dead." Shin Jiao muttered under his breath.

He was able to carve the runes on the crystals and the ores because his strength and physique are like that of a middle stage body refining realm cultivator. Plus he didn't need those crystals to be refined; although they are in their raw form they can still exhibit their power using the runes.

The body of the rock snake is tough but it is still a demon beast, so, once the defenses of its scales are destroyed it would be easy to injure its body. And the fact that the qi field surrounding the body of a level 3 beast is also not that strong.

Seeing that his preparation was all done, Shin Jiao showed a serious face. In a do or die situation he can only do this much, with his weakened state his mind is his only weapon. Gripping the now glowing spirit stone in his hand, took a deep breath while gritting his teeth.

"Hopefully I can run as faster. Before the rock snake can make its move." Shin Jiao thought as he immediately put the low-grade spirit stone inside a crude sphere-like object in front of him.

After doing so Shin Jiao didn't immediately run away as he knows that it would attract the attention of the snake towards him and if that happens then his plan would fail. He then waited for a couple of seconds, before the crude sphere-like object suddenly trembled. The vibration the object emitted, made the rock snake turns its head towards Shin Jiao's location. Its huge eyes then look down and saw multiple crude spheres rapidly converging towards the object that's vibrating.

Hiss! Growl!

Seeing this, like an animal that saw its prey, the rock snake suddenly pounces towards the object as the crude sphere quickly formed into a human-sized golem. Shin Jiao immediately grabs this opportunity to run as he knows that would happen if those crude spheres would be compressed together. So, he used Shadow steps without using any spiritual Qi, he was still fast, but not fast enough.

The crude sphere-like object is actually a small motor that would move because of two stones acting as its wheels. Its movement is sluggish as its purpose is to attract the rock snake. When it was activated by Shin Jiao by putting the activated low-grade spiritual stone, it magnetized the rest of the component which is made of different types of explosive ores.

Shin Jiao was able to synthesize this due to the abundant supply in his surroundings. Although these crystals and ore are harmless when on their own, that even when subjected to fire or explosion it would not cause any chain reactions. However, when combined, they became a catalyst to each other which can cause great devastation.

When the rock snake neared the object, it immediately opens its mouth wide to bite its enemy. As its jaw closes devouring the trap that Shin Jiao has set, the cavern suddenly shook.


The huge explosion immediately shattered the head of the rock snake into smithereens, while the strong shock wave and debris were scattered everywhere.

Although Shin Jiao did run as fast as he could but in the end, he was still hit by the strong blast force along with some of the debris from the broken crystals, rocks, and ores.

His helpless body was sent flying forwards for a couple of meters. He then hit the ground with a loud thud and rolled pathetically.

After some times, he didn't know how long he's been lying on the ground but he suddenly felt something tugging his arm. This made Shin Jiao unconsciously groan as he slowly felt pain all over his body. When he forcefully opens his eyes to see what has happened, and there he saw the figure of Rat Ling and Zen Nian. The two seem to also have received a lot of wounds on their body, just like him.

"Shin Jiao! You crazy fool! You're alive! That was really dangerous… and… how… how did you do that?" Zen Nian said with worry and amazement showing in his eyes.

"It's… It's called science young master." Shin Jiao unconsciously replied.

"Actually it's science and magic." Shin Jiao thought.

"Sci… what? What do you mean?" Rat Ling asked in confusion.

"Sigh… never mind. Let's just recuperate in here and heal our wounds." Shin Jiao suggested as he felt helpless at the multiple wounds in his body.

He knows that with his weak physique, he is at the disadvantage as the two are cultivators. All they needed to do is to absorb spiritual Qi and their body will regenerate quickly. But for him, he needed some to eat some medicinal herbs and to also put them on his wounds. Unluckily from his state, he is already having a hard time moving his own body, so without a choice, Shin Jiao decided to just lie down and rest for a while to recover a part of his stamina.

After a few hours of rest, Shin Jiao was suddenly stirred as he suddenly felt that something is wrong with his body. He can sense that a strong heat is being emitted from his skin making it itch so much that he wanted to scratch his whole body badly. But he could not move even move his arms as right now they feel really heavy, so he just gritted his teeth and endure.

"What is happening?" Shin Jiao thought with curiosity and worry.

Then he can clearly feel that the wounds on his body seem to be moving on its own as his nerves began pulsating. Shin Jiao forcefully opened his heavy eyelids and a blurry scene enters his eyes. Then when his vision slowly became clear, he suddenly felt worried at what he saw.

Right now there are purple smokes rising from his whole body. Since he cannot move an inch he just weakly lies there and observes everything with worry.

"Is my body burning? How can this be?" Shin Jiao thought as he tries to analyze his situation.

"Judging from the heat, the pain, and the itchiness... I can actually bear with them... Maybe, my body is healing itself. This is the only possible reason for this." Shin Jiao then thought of a possibility.

"This is like the auto regeneration that I possess before but instead of using the energy inside the sphere of my dantian, my skin is using the natural or spiritual energy available in my surroundings to heal. Is this what they call a great blessing in disguise, Hahaha… with this, my physique will then improve by leaps and bounds." Shin Jiao though as a smile suddenly appear on his face.

Then he just endures the bearable torment as the wounds on his skin slowly heal themselves. Not long later, Shin Jiao can finally feel a warm sensation in his body along with his strength which is actually gradually increasing.

"Hmmm… it seems that my physique has once again improved." Shin Jiao thought as he can now feel his muscles throbbing full of vitality.

"Is this the aftereffect of the balm? Though many thought it was a failed product, however, if they discover the truth then many would stop using it as a torture tool for the servants and would use it to cultivate their bodies. Plus, the price of the balm may also increase… well, it is better if I just keep it hidden for the meantime." Shin Jiao muttered.

He then roams his gaze on his surroundings before he slowly lifted his body, which is now an easy feat. He then notices Rat Ling and Zen Nian, who are still cultivating not too far from him.

"It seems that my perception has also improved along with my physique. If I'm not wrong I have reached the late stage of the body strengthening realm now. If only my meridian…" Shin Jiao though feeling a little helpless once again at his situation.

Actually Shin Jiao has another choice, and that is to discard his ruined meridian channels and start to learn how to use mana by opening a dantian in his head. But he didn't know if he can do that as the complete instruction is in the jade slip which he kept inside Gubu's ring, or inside a chip of every advance goggles he made. But the problem is he neither can get his hands on those.

So, he can just helplessly wait for a couple of days to meet up with the Lee sisters for the pill so that he can fix his damaged meridian channels.

Not long later, Zen Nian and Rat Ling also woke up and had already felt that their body was fully healed.

"The spiritual Qi is really abundant in this place that it only took us 1 day to heal our wounds... Hey, what if we just stay here for another day and just absorb the rich Qi in this place." Rat Ling said and suggested.

"Yeah, we can do that. Plus we already have this core." Rat Ling added as he lifted his hand forward and open his palm to reveal a demon beast core.

"That is a half-step level 4 demon beast core. This is enough for me to pass this trial." Zen Nian said with a smile.

In this clan trial, only the young master is needed to pass.

"Okay, I agree, let's just stay here for another day… The truth is… I feel like I can already breakthrough to the primary stage of spirit refining realm." Zen Nian added.

With this suggestion was agreed by them, Shin Jiao didn't oppose as he too has a plan of his own. Since there are many materials that he could use in this place, he plans to prepare himself to face the outside world.

So, while Zen Nian and Rat Ling are cultivating, Shin Jiao ate a small amount of food he had on one of his pouches. Before they left Zen Nian gave Shin Jiao a fasting pill, which is enough to last him for 5 days. Plus, if he takes in food every now and then, the pill would last longer. With this Shin Jiao would just nibble some food every now and then so that his hunger would be alleviated.

He is not sure when they would be able to come out of this place, plus he wouldn't dare to eat demon beast meat. It is said that the demon beast's meat would cause those who eat it to become demons.

After eating he started to busy himself to make something. Using some of the ores and crystals in this tavern, Shin Jiao first created a tool that would combine spiritual Qi and natural energy. It would be like the tools that his workshop in the underground base uses, from that crude design he then uses it to make a better crafting tool.

Which looks like a leather glove, but the tip of the glove is made of metal. Then the center is where Shin Jiao can put a spiritual stone or a demon core, they would serve as the power supply of the crafting tool.

Shin Jiao first made some stone molds and began shaping a very familiar pattern. He began by making a hollow tube of around 6 inches in length, then put a spiral rifling inside the tube. He then connects the tube in a frame which now looks like a revolver. Shin Jiao decided to craft a revolver- like gun as it is easier to assemble and mold.

Though it didn't have a cylinder and a trigger as it uses energy from the source connected to its magazine, which is inserted under the empty grip just like that of a handgun.

When Shin Jiao was able to finish making his futuristic revolver-like gun, he also crafted his good old boots. Although the ability of the boots is inferior from his old ones as it just gives him a boost in speed of up to 2 times, but it is already enough to save his life.

While crafting his gears, Shin Jiao realized that since he can already craft things he might try to do something with his ring.

As Shin Jiao suddenly had this idea, he quickly looks at his ring and decided to use the crafting tool he made to try and see if he can fix it.


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