The Geared Immortal

Chapter 90 - The Dark Forest

Chapter 90

The Dark Forest is the home of many demon beasts which is more powerful and stronger than normal beasts, and it is close to the Daemon forest western entrance in the kingdom of Wu. The reason why it is called the Dark Forest is that the forest itself is covered in mist. At night would be the most dangerous time inside the Dark Forest, as the mist would suddenly thicken and visibility is limited. This makes it easier for the demon beasts inside the forest to hunt their prey.

It is unknown how long the mist has existed in the forest, but those that are exposed to the dark mist for a long time would suddenly lose their minds and turn into demons. But the Dark Forest actually didn't exist before.

Legend has it that it all started from a single cultivator. In the land of Xi, there was once a cultivator dealing with demonic cultivation method which has greatly affected his mind. Many have died under his hand as he tried to sacrifice them and gather their blood essences.

The empire was outraged by this as he has already destroyed many villages and killed thousands of people at that time. As the sects, schools, and the empire itself sent a manhunt for that cultivator, he fled towards the kingdom of Wu. The king at that time in the Kingdom of Wu fought against the evil cultivator and gave him a heavy wound. Then he fled towards the boundary near the town of Light but was chased further towards the North-Eastern part near the wall of mountains where the boundary of the cultivation land and the beast clans are located.

After that, no one has ever heard of the evil cultivator from then on. Not long later after so many years have passed, the mists suddenly appear at that part of the Kingdom of Wu nearing the mountainous boundary. Because at that time the mist was too dark which covered a large area of the landmass of greeneries, it was from then on called the Dark Forest. And legend has it that anyone who would stay in the woods for more than five days would become one of the denizens inside the forest.

They said that it is the curse of the evil cultivator which is still gathering blood essences of every living creature. But with danger comes opportunity, although the Dark Forest spells doom many still venture there. Inside the Dark Forest, many rare herbs began to appear coupled with many demon beasts with rare abilities and tougher skin which makes a good armor and weapon for cultivators. It is also a fact that the demon beast core contains more energy than that of a normal beast.

With these many resources available inside the Dark Forest, though the death rate is higher, many would still venture there. As cultivators, they believe that fortune favors the bold. Although many have lost their lives still many came back with a lot of treasures and became stronger.

Although those demon beasts are very powerful, the good thing is that they didn't want to leave the Dark Forest. It was as if, the wood is their sacred place and they are there to guard it and kill anyone who intrudes their holy ground.

Then after many years later after the Dark Forest existed, 3 sects established themselves near the Dark Forest. Their purpose is to guard the Dark Forest and eliminate any threats that may come from within. From the 3 sects come the many clans which pop out and is now located all over the outskirts of the woods. These clans slowly grew in power because of the Dark Forest along with the Sects, and one of those sects is the prestigious Heavenly Crow Sect.

Now at this time, deep in the Dark Forest, three people are standing while looking cautiously at a bush not too far from them. In their surroundings lays 5 dead demon beasts, most of the demon beasts have clean single wound near their chest area. These three people are Shin Jiao and his group.

"Crap! Here they come!" Rat Ling suddenly shouted as he readied himself while sharply looking at the moving bushes.

And true to his word, multiple numbers of lynxes jumps out from the bushes and began pouncing towards their group. Because of now having the feel of life and death battle, Rat Ling and Zen Nian's self-confidence has greatly improved. They now faced the demon beast with determination to win.

Meanwhile, a distance away from Shin Jiao's group a number of 20 people watch the rushing lynxes, all of them had a vicious smile on their faces. It is unknown how they were able to know where Shin Jiao's group is, but from their position, it is clear that they have set up this trap even before the clan trials began.

From behind the lynxes, dark green smokes are billowing, and it seems that the lynxes are affected by the green smoke. It could be seen that the eyes of the lynxes are turning crimson red and their state is like that of a berserk beast.

"Senior, with this we are sure to win the bet." A young cultivator wearing a servant's robe said excitedly as he watches the lynxes running towards a certain direction.

"Of course, one of the elders told me about this location." The young man wearing a blue cultivator's robe replied with a proud smile.

"Are we really getting rid of Zen Nian? Would that make the clan head angry?" one of them asked in a small voice.

"What do you know? This is a command from the first elder of the clan. We would make it look like an accident. Actually the rune on young master Nian's clothing is incomplete. With this, we can't be found out." The one who looks like their leader said.

Understanding the situation the rest of the 20 young people just silently nod their heads. This is not their first time to take someone else's life since young their hands are already dyed in blood.

When Shin Jiao and his two companions saw the number of the lynxes, they never hesitated and began to face these demon beasts head-on. Brandishing their swords, they fought fiercely while trying to preserve their lives.

The demon lynxes are also ferociously clawing their might towards the three humans. The effect of the green smoke has already driven them into a berserk state, making them charge without care for themselves and just wildly clawed at their target.

The arduous battle is already taking its toll at Shin Jiao and his group. As they swing their swords and activates shadow steps every now and then, they couldn't count how many numbers of lynxes have they already dispose of, but still, it seems that more is coming. The ferocity of the battle made Shin Jiao and his group lost a lot of their energy as they started to breathe heavily.

After some time, Shin Jiao noticed the decrease in the number of the demon beasts attacking them and with this, he started to regain his breathing. Then with a final strike, he was able to kill another lynx by thrusting his sword through its neck. Then with a wave, he was able to get rid of the blood on his sword.

Right now there are only two lynxes left, but the two lynxes in front of them are bigger than the other ones they have encountered so far. The two are twice the size and they exude a domineering aura which shows that they are the leaders of the pack. When Rat Ling and Zen Nian saw the aura undulation of the two beasts, their heart skipped a beat.

"These are… level 3 beasts! How… how can we defeat them?" Rat Ling muttered as fear slowly crept down his spine.

"Hey, pull yourself together!" Shin Jiao suddenly said as he can see that Rat Ling is starting to panic.

If Rat Ling loses his composure then their group will crumble. Shin Jiao is the weakest among the three and he is unable to face any of the two beasts by himself, so only Rat Ling and Zen Nian have the chance against them. As a Spirit Refining realm cultivator, they can already put Qi on their blades which may puncture the Qi field barrier of the beasts.

The two lynxes slowly circled around the three and it seems that they have not yet turned into a berserker state. As if having a silent communication between the two beasts, they slowly encircle the three humans in front of them. One at the front and the other behind, their eyes are focused on Rat Ling and Zen Nian while they treated Shin Jiao as someone who cannot threaten them.

Then suddenly the two beasts sent slashes of wind blades from their claws which sending sharp wind towards the three humans. Upon seeing these moves from the beasts, Shin Jiao grabs the opportunity to immediately jump away from the fray. While Zen Nian and Rat Ling, calmly evaded the incoming wind blades. Their evasion is truly precise making Shin Jiao feel proud of himself as their teacher.

They dodge the wind blade by a hair's breadth while not leaving their sights at the two demon beasts which are located at one in the front and the other at the back. Zen Nian and Rat Ling seem to be also working in tandem as they effortlessly dodge the attack from the lynxes.

Upon seeing this, the two demon beasts became angry and lost their composure. As a beast, they would always succumb to their nature, so they stop sending wind blade and began to dash closer towards their prey.

"Here we go!" Zen Nian shouted as he also dashed towards the beast in front of him.

Zen Nian and Rat Ling faced the beast one on one. As they clashed, sparks of spiritual energy can be seen as sword and claws collides.

Not long later, with the ability and skill that Zen Nian and Rat Ling possess, the two huge lynxes already received many wounds and became a little weak, even their Qi field is fluctuating already. But as a demon beast, they are truly ferocious as they still continue to fight.

The demon beast facing Zen Nian suddenly delivers a strong slash using its claws downward towards Zen Nian's head. Upon seeing this Zen Nian immediately did a Shadow Step sideways evading the powerful claws of the demon beast coated in dark aura. But then in the middle of the attack, the demon beast changed its claws direction and slashed sideways towards Zen Nian's waist.

If the claw of the beast would hit Zen Nian's waist it would surely give him a grave wound and may incapacitate his fighting prowess. This would surely weaken their force as Zen Nian is the strongest fighter in the group. So he gave up on attacking and quickly defended using his sword. Zen Nian braced himself for impact as he knows it is too late to dodge this attack.

But then he saw that the demon beast actually stopped moving as if it was frozen in place. Then, on the side of the demon beast, a figure appears and has his sword already planted on one of the beast's hind legs joint. It was Shin Jiao who delivers a sneak attack from who knows where. Then he immediately retreated back behind Zen Nian.


Upon receiving a disabling wound, the beast's roared in anger, it didn't expect that the weakest human is the most despicable one in the group. But before it could react, Zen Nian grabs this opportunity moved to dish out multiple strikes towards the disabled beast. Since the wound it receives is on its hind joints, each movement clearly shows its pain.

Shin Jiao, on the other hand, went back to observe the fight and waits for the opportunity to deliver another sneak attack. Weak as he is, this is the only way he can help and protect his two companions.

As the fighting continues, on Rat Ling side, he seems to be winning against the huge lynx. Rat Ling's eyes are red as if he too is in berserk state, but his movement proves otherwise. Instead of finesse and accuracy, Rat Ling prefer brutal attacks making the body of the lynx riddled with wounds. While fighting the demon beast his own body wasn't spared from being wounded. His servant's upper robe is now in tatters and on his body are many visible but shallow claw marks.

"This… this idiot it truly incomprehensible." Shin Jiao thought as he shook his head at Rat Ling's way of fighting.

Whenever he sees the demon beast attacks with it claws he would react by facing it head-on. Though Rat Ling would try to evade, yet he would not evade it completely. It was as if he knows how deep the wound he would receive and how deep the wound he would give back.

And with this exchange, Shin Jiao can now see the weakening state of his opponent. But then all of a sudden the lynx's eyes turned crimson red, as it suddenly growled in rage. Then it abruptly opened its mouth while waving its claws covered in black Qi, it is now going to desperately attack Rat Ling.

Seeing this Rat Ling confidently rushed forward.

"Fool!" Shin Jiao muttered as he could not help shaking his head.

"He truly is inexperienced yet in battles." Shin Jiao thought as he too made his move.

As Rat Ling and the huge lynx in berserk state clashed, Rat Ling complexion immediately changed, he now discovered his mistake.

The berserk state of the huge lynx gave it more strength and its speed also increased, with these changes coupled with Rat Ling looking down on his opponent made things dangerous for him. A sudden claw strike from the demon beasts actually sent Rat Ling tumbling rolling down the ground. From the power and the Qi on that claw, Rat Ling's body was wounded and some traces of black Qi slowly rises from his wounds.

Shin Jiao suddenly appears behind the demon beast and with precision strikes a vital point from its back. Because of its weakened state, the demon beast is unable to use its Qi to block Shin Jiao's simple thrust. The sword was able to pierce through its back and severe its lower spinal column.

With the wound in its lower spine, the demon beast became limp and is unable to walk anymore. Seeing this, Rat Ling immediately jumped up and rushed towards the beast on the ground. With a sword on hand, Rat Ling sent a slice towards the beast's neck which immediately decapitates it as it is already weak and immobile.

Seeing the dead beast on the ground and its bloody head, Rat Ling felt the rush in his body slowly calming down. Then he roams his sight in his surroundings and was astonished at the number of dead demon beasts in the area. He then saw the figure of Shin Jiao and Zen Nian also looking at the place. The three of them just nods their head and as if with a tacit understanding bent down and began to collect the demon beast cores.

Meanwhile, not too far from them, a group of 20 people began to approach the area. On their faces are a smile of satisfaction and excitement.

"I can't hear the sound of battles anymore; I think the demon beasts have already killed the young master. Hehehe."

"We have to hurry then; we can't let those beasts leave no traces of him."

"Haha, you worry too much, no matter what those beasts won't eat his clothing or weapons. We can just take those as evidence that the young master is already dead."

The group leisurely talked as if they are sure that, Zen Nian is already finished. They are confident about this because Zen Nian is really a weakling in the clan and that his cultivation speed is really too slow.

When the group reached the area, all of them was dumbfounded and suddenly stopped in their tracks.


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