The Geared Immortal

Chapter 39 - New Pill Presentation

Chapter 39

Two days have passed since then and Qin Lou's small pond area now has another person, Susu Ling. The girl decided to be with the two people and would always follow them. For Qin Lou, it is a good thing, because she realized that Susu Ling truly admires her and would always ask many questions about a lot of things. But to Shin Jiao, it's a little bothersome. Unlike Qin Lou, Susu Ling treats Shin Jiao truly as a manservant. She would always demand a lot of absurd things for him to do but he would just let the young girl do as she wanted. It is a part of his cover as a mortal servant and he would silently act the part.

But what Susu Ling noticed is that Qin Lou would often ask Shin Jiao whenever she is in a pinch when doing something. Especially on things that even both of Qin Lou and her cannot figure out. She knows that Qin Jiao had knowledge in basic formation arrays and alchemy, but it seems that there is more to this than meets the eye. So she became curious about him, as a part of a big merchant family she has a sharp eye for talents. After interacting with the mortal for 2 days she now knows that he isn't as simple as he shows them to be.

Elders Ao and Duang along with Master Ju would often visit the three in the pond and discuss things with them. They have already arranged for Qin Lou, Susu Ling to enter the Floating Lotus Alchemist School as inner disciples. Qin Lou was granted the transfer by the Snow Wind School as she is unable to cultivate and improve from being a gold core anymore. Shin Jiao, on the other hand, was arranged as usual as her mortal servant. The rewards that they have won from the contest were given and Qin Lou gave the black rock to Shin Jiao who receive it with a happy heart. Unknown to Qin Lou, Shin Jiao has decided to cure her gold core problem, and he is going to use the black rock to make a power core and use it along with a serum to forcefully advance her to the peak of gold core realm and up to the false spirit forming realm. This way, her core would forcefully be repaired and prepare to be an infant soul or, he could try and hunt a level 5 beast but Shin Jiao is unsure if he would be lucky enough to encounter a level 5 beast and live to tell the tale once more. He would do decide on this when they arrive in the city of Er, at least the school may provide some protection for her.

On the third day, they were about to leave the illusionary mountain and go back to Er city. On that day Susu Ling didn't visit the pond as she needs to prepare a lot of things. This time Qin Lou showed Shin Jiao something she's been keeping.

"These are things that my master gave me when my gold core was damaged. He said that they could boost my power and at least protect me until he could find a way to fix my core." She said this and took out a bracelet and she also took off the pair of boots she is wearing shyly.

"I know that you can craft things and I hope that you can help me fix them. I don't want to lose these things that my master gave as they are valuable to me." She added.

Seeing that the items seemed to be of low quality and damaged Shin Jiao showed a frown on his face. Then after he received those things he looks at Qin Lou and thought for a while.

"I can do two things, restore them or upgrade. Which one would you choose?" Shin Jiao suddenly asked.

"I… I don't know… If you upgrade them what would happen?" Qin Lou asked with hesitation.

"Well, to tell you the truth… the items that your master made are good items but their quality is low. I can upgrade them to be of high quality if you wanted to. But if we go higher, then the item's physical appearance would change along with its properties." Shin Jiao explained.

"I don't want them to look different, just upgrade it to high quality then okay?"

"Um, okay… if I turn them into high-quality items, they would have their aura and properties a little stronger than the original item while their stats would be increased by 2 times... Alright? Now give me more or less 5 hours to finish upgrading them." Shin Jiao said as he grabs the things.

"You can use the hut in the middle." Qin Lou suddenly suggested.

"That would be better. Thanks…"

Five hours later Shin Jiao finished upgrading the items.

"I never thought that this is a hover boot, and an energy shield, your master is a good craftsman," Shin Jiao said as he handed the things back to her.

"Hover boots?... Energy shield?... Oh, you mean the flying shoes and protection bracelet." Qin Lou felt a little confused at Shin Jiao's words.

"Ah, so that's how your master called them. Well, anyway I have upgraded them. So now the boots would go twice as fast and the bracelet would be able to protect you from an infant soul realm cultivator's full powered attack twice."

Upon hearing this Qin Lou was dazed. She never would have thought that by upgrading the items to high-grade from low-grade would result in having an absurd effect. So what about if it's upgraded more to higher tiers would it have a more unimaginable effect?

"Hey, Qin, we need to prepare for the trip back to the city." Shin Jiao said as he casually called her name.

Upon hearing her name being called by him, she blushed inside her mask and feels happy, as Shin Jiao has never mentioned her name before. Although she became used to him calling her 'you' or 'hey', still upon hearing how he called her she felt something warm in her heart.

Qin Lou just nods to Shin Jiao and the two gathered the things they needed and prepare for departure the next day.

Meanwhile, in a secret room inside the chief alchemist tower of the famous Floating Lotus Alchemist School, two people busily concoct a pill. The focus that they gave to concocting this pill is truly huge, as they are looking forward to discovering more about the mystery of the ingredients and of course the final product.

While they are in the middle of refinement, Xing Meng noticed that the pill process is not like the one that Qin Lou has made. The one they are making is a pill, and the one she made was a liquid medicine. So he quickly raised his concern to his master.

"Master! This looks different from what I saw." Xing Meng suddenly said.

"What do you mean different… in what way?" Master Kong asked in annoyance as he was about to be done with his refinement.

"What I saw was a liquid medicine, not a solid pill." Xing Meng explained.

"What? That's impossible… this method is to refine a pill, not a liquid medicine. Are you sure about it?" Master Kong shouted this time he felt a little at lost.

Xing Meng slowly explained the truth to his Master Kong about what happened in the tournament and how Qin Lou was able to win the first place. He also told him that they made it so that the pill furnace would explode; still, she was able to make the pill in an unconventional way.

Upon hearing this, Master Kong had a frown in his face as he never would have thought that a mere trashy alchemist is able to make the pill. And with this information, he felt like losing his face if he a chief alchemist could not concoct the pill a mere lower level alchemist could.

"We must find a way to copy what she did… so tell me how she made the pill." Master Kong then listens to Xing Meng and recalls everything according to what he could remember.

While Xing Meng is telling the story, Master Kong's face slowly became ugly. Upon hearing that his disciple didn't bother watching her at first made him boil in anger. Who would not get angry when someone wasted their chance to watch the creation of something this unique.

But then his eyes lit up when he heard the soft gel method. This made him resent his disciple less, at least he gave him some idea. Now that he had listened to the story he got the gist of it. As a chief alchemist Master Kong has a sharp mind and quick thinking, he can almost see how Qin Lou, that newbie alchemist 'accidentally' made the pill.

"Haha... that is truly wonderful. Good, good!" With a loud laugh, he returns to the alchemy table and redid some things.

He was actually wondering how he could fuse the pill with those ingredients as they seem to be not compatible with each other. Now that they would be in liquid form he is confident to be able to make it work.

And so 2 days have passed since the two started to research and concoct the pill. The alchemist in the school began to talk about Master Kong's new heaven-defying pill research. Of course, this is due to Xing Meng spreading the word. Master Kong didn't bother as sooner or later everyone would see his grand accomplishment anyway.

That day finally happens inside the secret room, as master and disciple discovered the right mixture and ratio to make the rapid hemostatic pill.

"Haha... Now let see how that old man Duang acts so haughty in front of me. With this heaven-defying pill, I can claim greater honor than him! Xing Meng let's go and see the elders. This master will show them my new creation, hehe..." Master Kong laughed like a madman while lifting the pill in his hand the greenish almost transparent pill.

But Xing Meng is a little doubtful as he noticed that the liquid inside the pill would change its color from green to dark green. It's not that noticeable in one look but since he saw the original pill before he felt that there is something amiss with the one they made.

"Um, master... I... I think we should... we should check the pill first before presenting it to the elders." Xing Meng suggested.

"Nonsense! Do you doubt my ability? I have already checked it myself and find this very pill very potent. The mixture itself is baffling and truly a mystery, haha... But no worries, according to what I have discovered with my spiritual sense this pill would heal almost all physical wounds at a very rapid rate which is truly heaven-defying." Master Kong said as he patted his disciple's shoulder.

Seeing the confidence in his master's eyes Xing Meng didn't worry anymore, he is aware of how great an alchemist his master is and that is the reason why he was promoted as the chief alchemist of the alchemy school.

Now both master and disciple called forth for a tribunal in which they announce beforehand that they would be presenting a new pill formula that would be of great merit for the school. And so, not long after the tribunal hall, where most alchemists show their new discoveries, was filled with people.

Although two of the elders in school are in the inter-school tournament, there are still those remaining elders who still oversees the school, the chief alchemist and of course the school head.

When the people have already gathered, the chief alchemist master Kong entered the tribunal hall in grandeur. He felt really proud today as this would merit his achievement and solidify his standing in the alchemy society in the entire empire. As he stood proudly in front of all these people young, middle-aged and old he felt truly delighted and can't wait to see the dumbfounded expression of everyone. After some pleasantries, Master Kong waved his hand to his disciple Xing Meng and order him to bring the pill over, who also proudly marched forward bringing a wooden box in his hand.

"Elders, School head, and students... I will present unto you a masterpiece that I have secretly been working for a very long time now." Master Kong lied without batting an eye.

"This is a product of my research and now is able to develop into fruition, and I call this pill, the 'Swift Restorative Pill'. As the name suggested, this pill can cure any wound that a person receives in a matter of seconds. Even if that person receives a heavy wound as long as they have breath in them they can still survive in seconds." Master Kong continued with a proud aura.

When they hear his claim, everyone was in an uproar. If what he is saying is true then this is a truly heaven-defying pill that could ensure one's life in any circumstance. The elders on the jury stand all stood up and their gaze is directed to the almost transparent greenish pill inside the box.

"That pill... is it a sky-grade... No impossible, I think it's a liquid medicine inside something..."

"The container itself is a new substance this could be a new way to make pills."

"Although I think it has its limitations but it is truly a good find."

"That pill looks simple but the aura is a little... scary... it's a high-grade pill I think."

Each elder on the stand spoke out their opinions upon seeing the pill on the box which Xing Meng is holding, making the later a little bit prouder that he is able to show off in front of the elders. But this made master Kong a little agitated, he didn't want to see that proud face of his disciple. So he signaled Xing Meng to approach quickly and grab the wooden box containing the pill.

"Everyone here knows that I have suffered an internal injury from an accident a few months ago while I was doing some research on a pill. Until now this injury has not been fully healed by any conventional medicine that I have as it is being rejected by my body. Though I still can absorb them it still took me too long to heal." Master Kong explained gaining some nods in the audience as they too are aware of his injuries.

"I will show you today the actual power of this new pill I have made." Master Kong smirked as he took the pill and held it in his hand.

Then not only he did that, but he also stretches forth his other hand and nods at Xing Meng who took a dagger and calmly sliced a gash of a wound in his master's arm. They have already talked about this beforehand so as to fully show the effectiveness of the pill.

With a large wound on his other hand and the pill on another, the chief alchemist master Kong slowly put the pill in his mouth and gulped it down without hesitation. The smoothly enters his throat and before it could reach his stomach melted and began to be absorbed by his body. He is willing to bet his life on the line for something he made, which is what every alchemist in this school always do. Every one of the alchemists here before presenting a pill would always make sure that they are willing to be their own guinea pig.

After Master Kong ate the pill silence pervades the whole tribunal hall as they anticipate the result of the so-called heaven-defying pill. But on the upper seat, the school head eyes seems to be seriously looking at master Kong but suddenly the corner of her mouth curved upwards as a sly smile appears on her face.

Then not long after that gasping sound of amazement can be heard which broke the quiet and stillness in the tribunal hall.


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