The Geared Immortal

Chapter 127 - The Geared Immortal Vs Zombie Cultivator V

New Journey: Chapter 5


As the dim moonlight shone through the small village of Xiling, many figures can be seen surrounding the small village. Chaos held the small village in its clutches just like a looming monster inside the darkness where the despairing sound of every person can be heard.

The crying of women and children and the desperate act of men trying to protect their families can be seen everywhere.

Meanwhile, the undead beast who has breached the walls of the village are pouring non-stop inside.

A man is found running along the wet puddled mud ground where bodies of undead creatures and cultivators everywhere. It is unclear where the puddle is made out of water or the sticky goo coming from the body of the decaying and rotting beast.

Behind the man followed a group of two children and a woman. The four people holding hands as they traverse the maze-like structures of the houses and alley of the small village. Not too far behind them follows a peculiar undead creature, which is running at a medium pace.

"Come on, we have to run faster! We are almost at the exit." The man said as he encouraged his family to push through.

"Papa, I'm tired… My feet hurt." A little girl said as she tried to keep up with her father's pace.

"Come on child, you can do it. Daddy is here. Don't let go of your brother's hand." The man said as he frantically tried to find his way through the darkness.

"Papa… I'm scared." a boy said while holding his father's hand.

The boy is clearly trembling from fear, while he would shudder every now and then whenever he hears someone shouting in pain. The man can feel the anxiety on the boy's heart but he felt helpless. As a mortal, he and his family can only escape their house which is located near the main gate of the village.

When the undead beasts were able to destroy the wall and began pouring through, he was there assisting the cultivators with other mortals. Many of his neighbors immediately fell under the mouth of the hungry undead beast after the horde broke through the walls.

Upon seeing this he decided to run as fast as he could and take his family to run towards the rear gate of the village.

Through their frantic running, the man suddenly tripped as he accidentally stepped on something. Then under the dim light of the moon, he can see a vague figure of a man lying on the ground and beside him is a sword.

"Maybe we can use this." the man muttered as he immediately stands up and picks up the sword on the ground.

"Papa, are you okay?"

"Honey, are you alright!?"

The anxious voices of his family suddenly enter his ears and this calmed his heart. A firm decision suddenly enters his mind.

"No matter what we must escape this chaos and death filled place. And find a new place where we can live in peace." The man thought.

He picked himself up and stretches his hand towards his son who has a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Hey, what's…" the man wanted to ask his son about his expression, but then something dawned unto him.

The look on his son's face is that of horror and disbelief. And so he slowly turns his head around, but deep in his heart, he began to chant some words.

"Let there be no beast… Let there be no beast… Let there be no beast…"

He continually chanted in his mind as his head turns ahead of him. But his chanting stopped as before he can see anything, a horse and heavy breathing began assaulting his ears. His heart immediately sank to the deep abyss of helplessness.

Whether he likes it or not, right in front of him stood a two meters tall bird-like beast, with its feathers already fallen off. The skin and flesh of the creature have already turned green and falling apart as it is already decaying.

Many of its white bones are showing even half of its skull is exposed. What made the creature truly looks terrifying is its glowing amber eyes.

The man almost wet himself upon seeing this horrifying bird-like creature. His knees almost gave up as it seems that no matter how hard he tries his body won't move on its own.

"Pa… Pa… Papa…" his son said with a quivering voice as he held his father's hand tightly.

The small girl didn't have a chance to cry as her mother immediately grabs her and cover's her eyes. Although she is afraid still she held her fear inside her heart, as she is not just an ordinary mortal. In truth, she wields some strange powers that she herself didn't know where she got.

But upon seeing the beast all her courage seems to have left her and what she has is enough to hold her daughter.

The man unconsciously lifted the sword when he saw the undead creature turn its gaze towards his family. When the beast seems to eyes his family he felt that some unknown courage suddenly filled his body as they wish to protect his son and daughter filled his very being.


Then a loud cry from the creature, made his heart jump.

"Huhuhu!!! Mmmm…" muffled sound of a crying child can be heard from behind him.

Upon hearing this then man's heart immediately jumped a beat. As the beast's eyes suddenly went towards the place where his daughter and wife are currently standing rooted on the ground.

The undead beast suddenly moved while its eyes are glued to the mother and child location. This situation made the man's heart sank in despair. He didn't know why but it seems that the creature cannot see him.

With this, he takes his chance and timed as the beast moved closer to his side with its neck stretched forward.

Though the man is just a mortal he is still someone who had knowledge with fighting. He would always assist the village trainers in teaching the children the basic fighting techniques. This is why even though he is a weak mortal the village people let him and his family live near the gate of the village. Plus his clan is actually a cultivator clan from the Snowpeach town.

Seeing the opportunity, he quickly lifted the cultivator's sword and quickly slashed downwards. The sharpness of the weapon is truly amazing because even with the man's feeble strength, he suddenly realized that the sword was able to penetrate the thick skin of the long stretched neck of the bird-like creature.

Suddenly greenish blood spews out of it severed head dyeing the ground dark green when the undead creature fell.

Upon seeing the unmoving carcass, the man heaves a sigh of relief and almost fell to the ground as he found all of his strength leaving him. Luckily his son who is beside him supported his father. The four people look at each other and immediately hugged each other.

"I… I… I was so scared that I might have lost you guys… I… I won't let anything happen to you… I love you." the man said as he embraces his wife along with his children.

"Let's go… Let's go…" the man said as he regained his composure and remember their purpose.

The four of them continued running through the maze-like alley of the village. They can still hear the loud cries of people and every now and then the loud crunching sound of bones being broken and chewed upon.

Then as they ran through, the woman suddenly discovers that there are more bird-like creatures tailing them from behind. But now she can see them visibly which made her heart sank in despair.

"Up ahead! We are almost at the exit… Hurry!" the man shouted.

When they saw the light ahead of them, hope immediately filled each of their hearts. The children became excited and seem like the energy has come back on their bodies as their running speed suddenly increased.

The man also felt a sudden burst of energy inside his body as their pace quicken. Though they can hear the heavy thumping sounds of footsteps of the chasing beasts behind them, they didn't bother looking back.

They knew that once they arrive in that place. Many cultivators would be there and they would be safe.

Yet sometimes the truth is hard to accept.

When they reached the place where the light is shining brightly they realized that it's actually a dead end. Right in front of them is the wall, and surrounding them are burning houses.

The man touches the wall as if trying to figure out a way out. Or that maybe there is a secret passage that would open if he discovers something. Though he already knows the truth yet due to despair, he could accept the fact that he and his family are trapped.

"What! This… this… how come it is like this!" the man said with a despairing voice.

"Wait let's… let's turn around." The man said as he suddenly has an idea.

But when he was about to run and enter the dark alleyway, he noticed a couple of figures walking towards him.

The heavy breathing and the nauseating stench of rotting flesh greeted him.

Walking out of the darkness, four bird-like creatures just like the one he has killed slowly walks out of the darkness. It's like they are creatures from hell entering the mortal world, their low growling like breathing and the stench of decaying flesh are the declaration that death is coming.

As the four creatures slowly approach, the man held his ground while lifting the sword on his hand. Because of the fight, he had with the first creature he seems to have found his courage. The man stood in front of his family trying to shield them from the creatures.

"Papa… I'm scared!" the little girl muttered as she looks at the horrifying undead creatures in front of them.

The man knows that the situation in front of him is useless and that no matter how he sees it, the only way for his family to be able to live is to sacrifice himself.

The man looks at his wife and his two lovely children and then showed an amiable smile. As a father, the happiest day of his life is when he saw his two children being born in this world. Though they live in chaotic times still the two children grew up to be healthy and strong. And that made him an even prouder parent.

Seeming knowing what her husband is thinking the wife's eyes are already filled with tears as she tried to reign on her emotions. She knows that she must be strong so that she can protect her two children and not let the sacrifice of her husband be wasted.

"I love you…" the man whispered as he gave his wife a kiss.

This made the undead creatures that are closing towards them suddenly growled. Their eyes are now glued to the man who held the sword above his head. Then without fear, he shouted as he charges towards one of the undead beasts.

Seeing the suicidal act of her husband, the woman immediately grabs both of her children and with all her strength ran towards the side. Then she immediately ran towards the dark alleyway. But before she could enter the darkness, she immediately stopped.

She was rooted to the ground, petrified of the thing in front of her.

Since both the children are looking behind them as they watch their father valiantly fighting against the four creatures surrounding him.

They didn't notice that their mother is currently in front of a dog-like creature with six feet. The dog is currently watching the man fighting with four undead beasts. Then it slowly walks towards the on-going battle and carefully circles around.

Luckily it didn't saw the woman who quickly hid on some broken wooden boxes which seems to hold the spears used by the cultivators in attacking the horde.

When she saw the large dog, her heart ached and wanted to run to her husband and warn him. But her children take priority right this moment.

So she immediately ran out after the dog went further away.

Yet as soon as she moved out of the cover of the boxes the dog's gaze suddenly turned towards them.

As soon as it saw the figure of the woman and the two children she is holding, the dog snarled in anger and quickly gave chase.

The woman ran as fast as she could after leaving the area. She didn't want to turn back because she knows that it would only break her heart. So with heavy steps and heavy heart she pushes through.

"Ma… Ma… Mama… some… something is chasing after us." The little boy suddenly muttered as he is looking at a shadow rapidly closing in towards them.

"Mama… I'm scared… Wuwuwu…" the little girl sobs.

Upon hearing this the woman's heart sank, she didn't know what creature is chasing after them, but if it could run faster than her, then it means, it is another undead beast other than those giant birds.

She quickly turns her head to see what kind of creature it is. But when she saw the thing that's chasing after them, it was already too late as it suddenly leaps through the air. Its huge gaping mouth shows its sharp blood-stained canines that send chills down her spine.

When the jaws of the dog-like creature near her head, she has already given up. But then all of a sudden, she felt that she has hit something with her leg. As her speed is already fast while carrying her two children on both of her arms, she immediately found herself falling down.

The dog flew past her head and stumbled towards the ground as it rolled pitifully over and over until it hit a brick wall.

Upon falling the woman accidentally lets go of her right arm making the boy flew forward and came tumbling to the ground. Because of the fall or shock from this experience, the boy suddenly lost consciousness.

When the woman slowly lifted her head, she saw that the huge dog-like beast has already stood up and slowly walking towards her son who is currently not moving.

"Son… Son wake up! Son wake up!" she immediately shouted trying to wake her son up and at the same time get the creature's attention.

"Hey! Over here!" the woman shouted as she slowly stands up while holding the little girl on her other arms.

But the dog-like beast didn't flinch as it slowly walks towards the small boy on the ground. Its bloody red slimy saliva slowly drips down the ground forming a red trail.

The woman began to panic as she watched in horror the huge dog opens its enormous mouth.

"No… No… Wuwuwu my child…" The woman began to wail.

In her desperation, she suddenly lifted her right hand, and by reflex, though of something.


Suddenly a trail of flame spewed out from her palm and hit the huge dog. Upon contact, the creature suddenly lit up with fire all over its body.

When she saw this, she was dumbfounded. She didn't know how she did it, but all she did was try to think of a way to save her son and then it happened.

Upon seeing that the creature stopped, she heaves a sigh of relief. Then her gaze turns towards her son who is still lying on the ground unconscious.

Before she could do anything she suddenly noticed that the unmoving dog-like creature which is currently burning suddenly moved its mouth.

"What!? It's still alive! No… this is impossible! No!!!" the woman shouted but it was too late.

The dog-like creature has already put its mouth on one of the boy's leg and suddenly bit down hard. The crunching sound of bone breaking made the woman's heart go numb. She could not believe her eyes as she saw the horrifying scene in front of her. Helplessness filled her heart as she watched the scene in front of her in horror.

Suddenly she found the huge dog disappear from where it stood making her felt alarmed. She didn't know what happened but she can't afford to lose this time. She might have lost her son but she still has her daughter. She turns her gaze from side to side and suddenly saw the burning figure of the dog. But what baffled her is that the dog seems to be not moving anymore. Then she saw a large hole on the dog's head.

Before she could reach she saw a young man suddenly jumping down from somewhere and landing near her son.

"This little one is still alive… Tsk… I was too late, damn…" the young man said as his gaze was glued on the boy's leg.

He then took out something from his pouch and carefully laid her son on his back. Then the young man put something on her son's mouth.

"Can you still walk?" the young man suddenly turns his gaze towards her.

She immediately noticed the handsome appearance of the young man which made her stunned. In her heart, she became ecstatic as tears slowly fell down her eyes. The young man is a cultivator; at last, she and her children are saved.

Then her head turns towards the direction of her husband.

"My… my husband… is he…"

"I'm sorry… I tried to save him, but he said to save you first. His wounds are grievous, I was too late." The young man said as he looks at the woman on the ground.

"You… on the other hand, is a very unique existence in this place. Come, I'll take you and your children to safety." The young man said as he slowly lifted her son.

As they walk away from the scene, her eyes could not help but look back at the place where her husband sacrificed his life for his family.

"Thank you… and I love you…" She said while tears slowly fell down her eyes as she slowly turns around.

With sorrow and broken heart, she left that dangerous and awful place following the young cultivator towards an area in the village which the young man called, the hallowed ground.


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