The Geared Immortal

Chapter 1 - Jack Of All Trades

***Author's note: Before reading, I would like to point out that this is my first time ever to write a novel in my life. If you find some chapters annoying please forgive me as I am still learning how to write. However, I like to give my heartfelt thanks to those who are reading this story. Love you guys! Thanks for your support!...

Chapter 1

The cold night breeze embraces the people of City H. The snow slowly covers the ground painting the whole city in white. In this modern city where people and cars are bustling about, a young man, tall in structure coupled with a handsome face stood unmoving as if in a trance. His face has a look of shock and disbelief while holding his phone in his hand while listening to the person on the other side of the line. His gaze suddenly became unfocused while facing the wide window sill overlooking the tall buildings of the city outside.

The office where he is in right now is surrounded by modern types of machinery and laboratory equipment. Looking at the window his gaze slowly turns cold and with melancholy slowly displaying in his expression.

Then tears gradually slid down his cheeks as though were beads sliding down a smooth surface. He tried his best to keep himself from crying but the sudden shock and pain in his heart made his effort seem futile.

"Hello! Are you still there? Shin, are... are you… are you okay? I mean… I'm… I'm really sorry… I..." a sweet voice coming from the other end of the line said after a long time of silence with a hint of sadness in her tone.

Though he heard her voice the young man wasn't moving even after a couple of minutes have passed.

Tuut... tuut...

The sound of the call being dropped sounded on the other line.

He then looked dazedly trying to understand what had just happened as he still couldn't accept the fact and what she just said. Within his head, he is trying to recall their conversation and her words echoing in his mind over and over.

"Hello, honey! You've called? What's up?"

"I'm okay… I… I just have something to tell you."

"Umm… What is it?"

"Shin, I… I didn't really mean this to happen but, I… I… I think I need to be honest with you."

Upon hearing this part, his heart began to throb heavily as he seems to feel that something is wrong.

"Shin… I… I'm sorry… I'm really really sorry… I know that you love me, but… The truth is… I… I fell in love with someone else. He gave a lot of attention which you could not and what I needed... and he... he is the one that can give me the future that I desired. I'm... I'm so sorry…"

After hearing those lines, his mind went blank. His world began to crumble into pieces as memories with her started to break down into tiny pieces within his mind. Those happy memories that they shared, the laughter, the love, their first meeting, and the first night they were together. All crumbled into pieces.

He could not think of anything that he could have done which might have made her sad. Because in his mind he is always a man of his words and only keeps one woman in his heart. But, the thing that hurts him the most is that he already has plans to propose to her after the project that he is engaged with is over. He wanted to give her a big surprise especially the house that he secretly bought with a beautiful view of the city.

The young man mindlessly sat back on his black leather-covered office chair and began to daze with his mind muddled with different emotions.

This young man is Shin Jiao and he is only in his 20's. He is an orphan who grew up with his old grandfather which is his only known family. While young, he was considered a genius with regards to machines and computer coding. He made a name for himself in this field when he got into college and became famous in the entire school.

Shin Jiao is also a person who is considered to be a jack-of-all-trades, but he can not only learn anything he wanted to. He can also master anything he put his mind into. Like for example, he knows and is fluent in more than five different languages, a mix-martial arts expert, and good with lots of other things. Because of these abilities, he actually had a dark secret. When he was still in high school, he was scouted by a special department in the government responsible for protecting the country in the shadows.

Thus he experienced living two different lives, while still young. At first, he found it really interesting and like the idea of being a silent and hidden hero. Throughout his days in the service, he eliminated hundreds of men which at that time, he considered evil. But later on, he began to have bad dreams of the faces of the people he killed. That was then that he found out that his conscience is already started to take a toll on his mental health.

And thus he started to take lesser and lesser missions when he was in college and put more effort into his studies.

But one day, his world was changed.

At that time, he reluctantly accepted a new mission. In the briefing, it was just the old run in a mill mission.

And so while in the field, after the successful retrieval of his mission's primary goal, he stealthily escaped from the danger zone. He moved like a shadow and made his way out. But then he didn't expect that today would be different. Due to an unknown reason, he decided to take a different path. If he so chooses he could have just eliminated the two guards, but he instead detoured.

That was when he was spotted by a young child, a bystander, an innocent soul. With the enemies already on his tail yet unable to find him. He was burdened with a dilemma. If the child made a sound then the whole mission will be compromised along with his life and the life of others with him. He needed to make a choice and fast.

With so many variables on the line, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and break his own principle on not killing the innocent.

And so with a heavy heart, he shot the child.

The innocent look and despair in the eyes of the child hunted him since then. Different faces and reactions would always wake him in his slumber.

Because of this, he decided to quit. He wanted to bury his life in the shadows and try living a normal one. And because of his contribution to the government, they let him go from being a secret agent and were transferred to the country's R&D department. He then works as the youngest engineer in that department. And slowly move up the ladder of success because of his ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Currently, he is working on an extraterrestrial fusion power cell that would possibly solve the energy crisis of the world. They already made a lot of successful breakthroughs because of his discoveries and experiments.

All of this happened because of a small meteorite.

One day the satellites pick up a falling object in the vicinity of City H, and after the retrieval team took it, the researchers carefully chipped the rocks surrounding it and found a black stone. Through their research, they accidentally found out that the ball-sized black stone can actually emit a large amount of energy with the right combination of the runes engraved on some parts of its surface.

This accident caused them a few scientists and many injured.

And so, with the collaboration of all the greatest minds on the planet, they began the task in deciphering the runes. And throughout this process, one young man cracked the secret. Shin Jiao was actually able to discover the rune and its meaning. He was shocked to know that the runes are actually a complete set, which one can use not only to power up the black stone but to make it do many more things. But this discovery he kept for himself. This is because, on the wrong hands, it would cause great danger for the planet.

And so with that, he rewrites the formation of the runes on the black stone, so that it can only be used as a power source and nothing else.

He then began to research the black stone properties and how to duplicate them as a power source. His research became fruitful due to his sole complete knowledge of rune technology. After making a blueprint he decided to send it to the country and secretly also distributes it to others. Although he knows that he would face trouble with this, still he is prepared to face it.

This technology in his hand is of great help to alleviate and advance the knowledge of the whole planet itself not just his own country.

Throughout his success, Shin Jiao didn't expect to receive such a blow. And that blow is through his heart, no matter how good he was in many things, but his own weakness would always be his emotional strength.

Though the break-up made him realize something's that he lacks, he could not accept one thing that she said. There was another guy that was involved in this. Upon figuring this out a glint of killing intent appeared on his eyes while sitting on his chair and thinking.

His years of experience in bloodshed are now trying to break out from within himself. Like a beast roaring deep in his heart. But his will is stronger and was able to control it. With this control in his heart, his grip on the chair slowly loosens up.

"Sigh… I guess… this is inevitable. As what she just said… it… it was all my fault. But… Is this the retribution that I deserve from all those years of killing? If so, then… Do I have no choice but to accept it? Right?" Shin Jiao muttered to himself as tears once again slid down his cheek.

This time, it was unconstrained as his heart became heavy. He just wanted to let it all out. All his pent up frustrations, anger, hatred, fear, everything. Everything flows down his eyes, while he covers his mouth preventing himself from producing the mournful sound of his heart.

It took him a while before he calms down.

"I... I hope that she would be happy with her new life." He just muttered helplessly as he slowly stood up from his chair.

His mind is still muddled and he realized that he is unable to work anymore. So he just decided to go home. At least there he can let everything out and maybe accept things as they are.

After packing his laptop inside his bag and some other things he needed, he went out of his office.

That night his solitary figure slowly traverses the cold and snowy weather. Deep in his mind, he wanted the cold snow to freeze his aching heart and stop it from feeling the pain.

Unknown to him, following behind from a short distance is a car on the other side of the road. Sitting on the driver's seat is a beautiful woman. Her gaze is glued to his figure and her tear-filled beautiful blue eyes stare at him without blinking.

Seeing him like this makes her heart wrenched in pain. Her cheeks are already soaked with tears as her eyes couldn't stop themselves from crying.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry Shin! I know that this will hurt you, but I have no other choice... I... I am not the woman you think I am… I'm not a good woman. I know that it is wrong for me to feel this way... to love you, but all those years we are together made it hard for me to leave you. You are the most important person in my life but it is not right for me to be with you. I don't want you to get hurt more than this. Your life would be in so much danger if we are together. I would prefer for you to remember me as the woman who broke your heart and then get over me someday… I… I love you, Shin." She muttered to herself as if trying to explain things in front of the man she loves.

But then, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when her phone suddenly rang.

"Ahem… He... Hello!" She said after picking up the call, trying to clear her voice and control her emotion.

On the other line spoke an encrypted voice that belongs to a man with an unknown age. She herself is not sure who she is talking to. As all she knows is that he is the one in command of their operation since she started to approach Shin Jiao in his college days.

But unknown to her, she is just the fail-safe, after Shin Jiao quit his job as a spy. And both of them are just playing in the hands of the agency they belong to.

"Yes, I know. I'm leaving immediately… I've done what's required. I've checked everything on the files and saw that he has successfully finished the project… Tell the boss that they can relax now. According to his calculations, the orb can actually provide enough power to support a big city for at least 100 years. And he was also able to make a complete blueprint of the black orb which can be duplicated with enough scientist and engineers, but... there is a minor problem... He... he actually distributed those blueprints through other channels and I wasn't able to prevent that, I'm sorry..." the young woman reported.

After a few seconds, the person on the other line suddenly asked a question which made the young woman felt a little panic.

"A threat? No... No sir, I don't think he is a threat to the security. And... And we can still use him in other projects, but we have to convince him otherwise." she quickly replied.

After some instructions from the person on the other line, the girl dropped the call and decided to take a last look at the lonely figure of Shin Jiao. Her heart is still in turmoil as she knows that the love she had for him will never end in this lifetime.

Although in her line of work it was not supposed to happen, yet she has spent a long time with him and because of that, she had unknowingly truly fallen in love with him.

It was not that hard for a woman like her to fall in love with Shin Jiao as he for one a very handsome young man. Besides being intelligent and a very caring person, he is loyal. Though he is a little dense at times and unfocused, yet her days with him are filled with laughter and happiness.

While taking a last glance at Shin Jiao she noticed from the side mirror of her car, a black suspicious-looking van which is speeding her way. Suddenly a bad feeling crept in her heart. So she decided to maneuver her car to block the path of the black van.

The black van angrily blew its horns along with some curse from the driver and just quickly dodges with some screeching sound of the tires. Then it reeves up and went to the other side passing by her car. Seeing that her conjecture was wrong she heaves a sigh of relief.

Thinking that it was all a false alarm, she turned her gaze back to the lonely figure of Shin Jiao, trying to burn his image for the last time.

When she decided to leave, the same vehicle suddenly appears once again. But, this time it's on the opposite side of the road. Without warning, it stopped and five burly men wearing black T-shirts and caps alighted from the vehicle. Their eyes are focused straight at Shin Jiao's direction.

"This is bad... Wa… wait a minute… I... I know these guys. Didn't I tell them that he is not a threat... They… They didn't trust me?" she suddenly muttered with a hint of panic in her voice.

She then quickly parked her car and ran as fast as she could towards Shin Jiao's direction.

While all of this is happening, Shin Jiao is unaware of his current predicament. He just walks aimlessly still trying to keep his mind from going insane. Then he lifted his eyes and saw a convenience store, immediately decided to buy something... something that would drown his sorrows and pain.

When he entered the store, the people following him, slowed their pace and waited for him to come out.

After a while, he finished buying things he needed and went out of the store. As soon as he stepped out, he suddenly noticed that something is wrong. With his experience and sharp senses he immediately spotted 5 suspicious-looking men coming towards him. From the way they walk he can deduce that they are from the military. But he didn't make a move and just acted as if he didn't notice anything and casually turns to walk in the other direction.

But when he turns around, he was immediately rooted to the ground. What he saw was the very woman who caused his world to shatter. Although he felt a little happy seeing her beautiful face yet when he remembers what she said to him, anger and resentment suddenly overcame his feelings. He wanted to say something to her but stopped. He actually noticed that her face is pale and her eyes are puffed with tears still visible in her smooth jade-like cheeks.

No words escaped both of their mouths as they stood there gazing at each other as if trying to engrave their own features in each other's minds. No words can express the tumultuous feelings they are feeling right now.

Shin Jiao even forgot the danger that he is in as he just stood there, thinking that even for the last time at least he can see her beautiful face. He didn't care about the world around him as he looks at her. Then as if reaching a mutual understanding, both of them suddenly smiled. He can now accept the fact that it might actually be over for them, but at least he saw her smile. In his heart, he felt that as long as she is happy, he is willing to give up.

But then all of a sudden everything turns black and Shin Jiao found himself in a place devoid of light. He suddenly found himself floating inside the void. It's like he is in a place without gravity. His heart began to feel scared, as a normal man, he still has the fear of the unknown.

But then a ridiculous idea suddenly pops out of his mind, which is illogical and makes no sense for him.

"Ha, ha, ha. That's impossible… I mean I'm not dead right? I still have my clothes, bags, and the groceries I bought. I think this might be me hallucinating because of the stress I accumulated with work and... Upon seeing her…" he thought, trying to justify his situation.

Remembering what had happened just now; he can't help but be curious especially when he saw her smile. The smile she gave is not someone who's going to leave but someone who is in love. But she clearly told him that she is going away, why would she suddenly appear in front of him at that time? He would have asked that before he found himself in this place.


Shin Jiao's sudden disappearance startled the group of men who came near. The young woman is also stupefied and was unable to move.

"Where did he go?... Hey, agent Li. Where is he?..." a white man with blonde hair which looks like the leader of the group shouted in anger while removing his cap.

"Why would you ask me? I'm the same as you are, I was just looking at him and... and he just disappeared..." she replied with a worried expression.

She didn't know what had happened and she wanted to cry because she didn't want him to get hurt. But she is clueless and can't help herself but keep the pain inside.

Everyone that saw this situation was stupefied and was unable to piece the puzzle of what had happened as they began to frantically search the area for Shin Jiao.

Unknown to them, Shin Jiao was taken by an unknown power to an unknown land to face unknown challenges.


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