The Geared Immortal

1454 War Of The Gods And Demons: Chapter 54

Chapter 1454

War of the Gods and Demons: Chapter 54

As Xin Ja floated high up in the air wanting to go to the city, he suddenly received a strange message.

For some reason, it seems that this message did not come from the communication device from this side of the planet.

As he looks at his inventory, he takes out the red Mule.

Then he noticed a few new items inside.

For some reason, he could now actually receive an item from the other side.

With slightly trembling hands, he takes out one letter after another and began reading them.

Those were letters and video images from his father and his family. He felt a complicated feeling upon reading them and Xin Ja could feel a line of tears flowing down his cheeks.

He did not know why but he could feel the longing and the need to further push himself in defending this world though he knew the truth about this world.

As he looks at the video of his father, his new mother, and the two young girls in the background, he smiled at the same time tears up.

"I missed you guys…" he muttered.

He carefully touches the screen as his fist balled for a bit.

"Just wait for me for a bit, okay…? I'm coming home." He muttered as his heart suddenly became resolute.

What pushes him right now is not the grand plan of saving the whole world, but the little feelings he has and want to do for such a small selfish reason as to see his family once again.

Suddenly the sky turned dark and an ominous feeling suddenly came to him.

Xin Ja knew that trouble has come.

From the skies, he could see a large flying creature that still looks like an ant but it has six wings and a huge abdomen.

At the tip of the abdomen, he could see several long tentacle-like things dangling.

Suddenly, it moved and attacked Xin Ja.

He did not want to bother with this thing and felt a bit annoyed as it disturbed his moment to reminisce about his family. With a lift of his hand, a handgun appears, and with a squeeze of the trigger, the abdomen of that giant flying ant bursts like bubbles.

Innards and green liquid splashed all over the ground creating a huge mess.

This attracted a lot of the ant-like creatures as they began to swarm at his location.

Xin Ja did not hesitate to also run toward them.

One versus an army of thousands is the scene that occurred next.

Inside the Y Systems Incorporated secret building, Yol-gar suddenly received a piece of information that attracted him.

"This guy seems very strong… stronger than a Rank-A…" he muttered.

"Sir, he was the target of the ambush of the four generals…" a soldier reported to him.

When Yol-gar heard this his eyes went wide then he looks at the information in his head.

"Go full attack! I will handle this!" he growled.

If that man is here, then that means that his four generals have perished. But how come he did not know? If they truly have died, then their dark essence would have come to him and he could recreate their bodies for them.

But how did they not come back?

He suddenly had a bad premonition about that young guy. He has to take action or else his plan would surely fail.

"I hope that Miss White would fulfill her part of the plan…" he muttered as he don in his heavy golden armor.

He waves his hand and the space in front of him opened.

He then appears atop the city wall while looking at the battle outside.

This battle has already channeled most of his minions to this site and the rest are already gained an equal footing in the city.

As he looks down, he could now see a mountain of giant ant corpses being piled up while in the middle of the battle is a strong warrior hunting them in droves.

"Enough!" he shouted which sent powerful ripples in the air.

The war suddenly came to a pause.

Xin Ja who is already panting stopped in his track and looks at the building where the voice comes from.

Then he saw a figure in golden armor with a dark aura, jumping from the top of that building and landing on the wall shattering it in pieces.

"This is the end of the line for you… You have hindered my plans over and over again… it is time for me to end you…" Yol-gar said as he takes a step forward.

"Haha… You might have taken the appearance of a human, but you still have that stink of a Shadow Being. I could still remember that stinky aura of yours from way before…" Xin Ja said with a smirk.

He carefully wipes the green blood from his face.

Yol-gar frowned then looks at Xin Ja with a knitted brow.

"Enough talk… Let's fight…" Xin Ja lowered his stance and suddenly charges right at his enemy.

Yol-gar sneered and also lunges an attack at Xin Ja.

Behind him, six tentacle-like dark arms appeared and held six blades.

Besides the heavy ax in his two hands, he is also holding six more golden swords.

"Now die ignorant fool!" he growled.

Swoosh!!! Swoosh!!!

Xin Ja's body deftly dodges the strikes that fell on him like rain.

He knew that this is a technique that created an illusion showing a shower of swords attacking him.

In this world, Xin Ja could not help but see it as a primitive way of attacking.

Since he recovered his domain and spirit sense, he could detect the real blades by combining those two with his Absolute Sense.

His body easily avoided the true blades and just let the illusion go through him.

Suddenly, his expression changes as he could sense something is wrong with the illusions.


He lifted his sword and blocked an illusionary sword but was pushed back because of its power.

Xin Ja could not help but frown as he takes a step back.

Right now, there are hundreds of swords floating behind Yol-gar and he could sense that they are now turning into solid matter.

"Energy blades…" he muttered.

He suddenly coated his sword with his Ki and then did some hand signals.

"Sword array…" he muttered.

Then his dark blade suddenly floated in front of him and created several copies… turning one into two, two into four, four into eight, until he now has hundreds of floating blades in front of him.

"Ha! Let's see whole technique is better!" Yol-gar shouted as he once again charged toward Xin Ja.

Xin Ja did not hesitate to also attack.

Cling! Clang!

The sound of swords clashing in the air echoed in the air as hundreds of them collided.

The walls and the structures around the two, even the corpses were decimated and turned into dust by only getting hit by the powerful energy coming from the swords.

The collision of technique from the two causes the area around them to be turned into a huge crater.

Huge dust clouds suddenly surrounded the area, but sparks and the sound of battle clashes could still be seen and heard in that location.

One could tell that the fight between the two has actually intensified at this level.

If they actually fight in the middle of the city, then who knows if the city could withstand this type of powerful battle.

While this fight is happening, several Rank-A is watching from the middle of the city.

"That is Adam Summers, right? I did not expect him to be this powerful…" an old general commented.

"I think he is as strong as a Rank-A…" another one said.

"No… that type of strength is not of Rank-A. He seems to be unrestrained by the environment. He could actually use his full power this long… this is… impossible, right?" Cohan Vale muttered in disbelief.

"Hmm… I think he is way past the Shen realm…" a middle-aged woman who is a Rank-A but is wounded commented from the side.

"Should we help him?" asked another general.

"We… We can't… We already have a plan. We should stick to it no matter what happened." Cohan Vale reluctantly said.

Everyone just nodded their heads as they all watches the battle between the two powerful beings using their binoculars.

At this time, in the main building of Y Systems Incorporated, a figure was suddenly sent flying from inside.

That figure hits another building and turned that building into rubble.

Then another figure jumps out of the hole with tattered clothing.

This figure is the last remaining and strongest general of Yol-gar Burr.

The one he just kicked and is now under the rubble of a building is Agatha.

After an intense battle, he finally was able to defeat her and sent her flying.

He wanted to dig that woman out and kill her with his bare hands, but he has no time for it. He has to assist his Lord in fighting against a strong foe.

Though they outnumbered the humans and even out-strengthened them, the appearance of that bastard causes such a great defeat in their army.

Plus, he heard that in the northern gate, there are two creatures that are causing huge havoc in their army killing hundreds of them.

"We'll handle the human first…" he said as his figure leaps high up in the sky.


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