The Geared Immortal

1439 War Of The Gods And Demons: Chapter 39

Chapter 1439

War of the Gods and Demons: Chapter 39

Inside the military building where a conference room is located, several key officers from the military are gathered.

They are all looking at the recording on a video with gloomy expressions on their faces.

Ever since Xin Ja exposed the portal and its effect on the people, they were all alarmed. They even quickly mobilized and acted so that they can stop the operation of Y Systems Incorporated. But such a decision was opposed by many higher-ups from the military.

And now, everyone is gathered in the conference room to find out the reason why some of the higher-ups are against the opening of the portal.

Xin Ja has provided a video copy of his experiments and has shown the effect of the environment on the Shens. The Rank-A Shens might be fine as their body might be able to cope with the sudden increase in power, but the others who will be suddenly bombarded with large amounts of Chaotic Ki would surely not survive.

After viewing the experiments, everyone was silent and no one is able to talk.

They have seen how those convicts died from being exposed to the environment after appearing on the other side, and the same thing happens when those from the other side are taken.

"I see why you guys are afraid… But… I am still not convinced…" a general said while showing a suspicious expression on his face.

"I want to know… who your source…is?" he asked with a slight smile.

Cohan Vale and General Grain did not say anything and just showed calm smiles on their faces. They have already anticipated such a reaction, so they are prepared for it.

"Sorry General, we cannot expose our source yet…" a soldier said with a bow.

"Haha… Then you have only this as proof? Do you know how much Y Systems Incorporated invested in our military funds alone? Now you are asking them to stop their experiments which have cost far too much? Are you guys insane?" the general suddenly slammed his fist on the table.

"That's right! How would we know that this thing is real and not a hoax?!" another officer shouted while standing up.

Seeing their reactions, the two shakes their heads and then heaved a deep sigh.

"I would like to suggest that we evacuated the citizens before the final test…" General Grain suggested.

"Are you insane? Do you want us to move that many? And what if this conspiracy theory of yours is not true? What then?" the first general who opposed suddenly reacted.

"Sigh… If we evacuate the citizen it would be for their safety. If nothing happens then they can go back to work… their lives would be back to normal the next day… It would be like taking a one-day holiday. But if the theory is correct, then you will lose millions!" General Grain raised his voice.

Everyone looks at each other and then showed understanding in their expressions. They knew that General Grain has the people in his mind in this decision, so everyone agrees.

"You guys are insane! I will not agree to this…" shouted the General as he stood up and walked out of the conference room.

As soon as he was out, he quickly picks out his communicator and dialed a number.

When the other end picks up, he looks around him and said.

"Master… Yol-gar… the humans seem to have detected something… but I think they are now suspecting the demons…" the man said with a sinister smile.

'Good…! If those bastards are hunted by humans, then we can just watch and let them die! Hahaha…' a deep voice from the other line chuckled.

"Yes… Yes… But what about the humans… How can we…"

'Do not move hastily… We still have time. Just continue your mission, and sooner or later we will have enough sacrifice to open that portal to the deity realm…'

"Yes, Master…" he said and then hid his communicator and walked away.

Meanwhile, outside the military building sitting calmly by the bench is a young man. He is showing a calm smile on his face while eating some nuts from a paper bag.

This young man is Xin Ja and he has his Absolute Sense spread inside the military building.

He showed a wide smile on his face after picking up the conversation between that General and the one he is looking for… Yol-gar.

According to what he was told by the deities… If he could kill Yol-gar then all of this problem would surely end.

But that is on the premise that he could surely kill him.

Spying on an enemy is easy for him as this is a part of his job before. Now that he has his Absolute Sense stretch up to a kilometer, his spying ability has also increased.

After hearing the conversation by that general guy, he takes out his communicator and then called Cohan Vale.

"Hello… Your suspicion is correct. He is the spy. But I think, our theory about the demons is wrong…" Xin Ja said.

After a few minutes of discussion, he hangs up and then walked out of the military building area. He then began walking to the engineering bays.

"I guess, I have to follow up on those guys just in case…"

Xin Ja arrives outside the busy factory where line after line of Goliath Suits is created.

Looking at the metal suits, he could not help but show a faint smile on his face.

If worse comes to worsts, then the people could enter this suit and from there resist the effect of chaotic Ki.

He did not expect that by helping them build the Goliath Suit, he would be able to give the people of this world a chance to fight… a chance to survive, and thwart the plans of the enemy.

However, Xin Ja has also discovered that Shadow Beings have also infiltrated the factories. The first models of the suits do not have any Ki protection and transformation.

He could not do anything about that anymore. But the newer models have already been checked, and he has also purged those Shadow Beings that have possessed some of the workers in the factory.

While walking around, he suddenly noticed a few figures walking toward him. He wanted to turn around and leave, but then someone called him.

"You there! The idler!" a domineering female voice echoed in the air and stopped Xin Ja in his tracks.

As he turns around he pointed at himself.


"Yes, who do you think am I calling? Do you see any idlers in this place?" she said with a sarcastic tone.

"Come with us to the research department and bring these things… I need to lecture those people in that place who became complacent… Just because they were the ones who made the Goliath Suit does not mean that they are entitled to just laze around…" she said with an annoyed tone.

Xin Ja wanted to react but a female researcher following behind signaled him not to react.

He helped carry a few large boxes and walked behind the group.

He did not know who the woman is, but he did not like the way she bosses everyone around her.

"I swear that those guys were lucky to have discovered the Goliath Suit, the engine, and the rest of that stuff… But if I am as idle as them, I too would be able to discover those things…" she mumbled while showing a scoffing expression.

Xin Ja could feel that she has a deep resentment against the team Gun Mace. From the way, she talks, it would look like Gun Mace, and his team members are just idlers.

"Do you think my design is great?" she suddenly said while grabbing a blueprint.

"This will make those guys respect me, right?" she added while looking at the people around her.

Xin Ja could see that these people seem to be fawning at her.

He could not help but shake his head as if seeing some fans that idolize her like their very own goddess.

Well, he could not deny the fact that she is attractive and sexy. Her body curves are the most prominent feature of her physique. When it comes to beauty, he could say that she is on par with Rou Chenchen.

Thinking of Rou Chenchen, Xin Ja could not help but heave a deep sigh as he also recalled Susan Tang.

Both of these women in his life have chosen not to be with him and only Qin Lou has stayed by his side until he ascended to the immortal land.

"I guess my luck with women is just this bad…" he thought as he heaved a deep sigh.

However, his casual sigh was actually heard by the woman who suddenly stopped. Then turns around while glaring in Xin Ja's direction.

"Did you just sigh to mock me?!" she suddenly said while glaring.

Xin Ja was dumbfounded as he did not expect the woman to mistake his sighing as a sign of mockery towards her.

"I, Bernadette Fence, will not be mocked…" she said while pointing at Xin Ja with her fierce gaze.

Along with her accusatory glare, the rest of the guys in the group also glared at Xin Ja who just stood there feeling a bit dumbfounded at the unreasonable woman.


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