The Geared Immortal

1410 [Bonus Chapter] War Of The Gods And Demons: Chapter 10

Chapter 1410

p War of the Gods and Demons: Chapter 10

Xin Ja was taken to another building with much unique stuff that he had seen in the records of Shin Jiao. But the only difference is that the things in front of him look a bit bulky. Even he could create a sleeker version of the stuff in the room.

As soon as he enters the room, many people are already looking at him while he is being dragged by Amy.

He could tell that most of the men in the room have that hostile look in their eyes as if they wanted to pounce and eat him alive.

He could feel that these men have the feeling of jealousy in their hearts while looking at him.

Soon, he found himself in front of an examination room where there is a weird and bulky machine hanging on top of him.

"I will do some X-ray first, okay… stay still for a moment please…" she said while showing a faint smile on her face.

Xin Ja did not know whether he should laugh or cry in this scene. But he did not resist as he too became curious about how that thing called… X-ray works.

It did not take long before he could see the result which is a bit mind-boggling for him.

With such a size, it could only do this thing?

He thought as he looks at the X-ray chart.

But in his mind, he is already coming up with a bunch of ideas on how he could use such a design to output what he could see using his Absolute Sense.

While in deep thought, he was dragged to another place where they took some blood samples on him, and then he was left inside the room with a shy-looking nurse looking at him.

"Umm… Can I check your upper body?" she asked shyly.

Xin Ja frowned for a bit and then decided to follow her instructions.

It did not take long before a blushing nurse walks out of the room while her eyes could not look straight into the eyes of her colleague.

"She is lucky…" a nurse said with a smile as she and the others walk to the door and tries to peek inside.

After the test, Xin Ja was brought to the research room where there are many people are busy doing a lot of things.

He saw a group of middle-aged people crowding in front of a projector while looking at some parts of his writings and drawings.

He could see the baffled looks in their eyes which made him show a slight smile on his face.

"Alright, now… I want to know how these things work…" Amy who is now in front of Xin Ja pointed at a piece of paper and handed it to Xin Ja.

Seeing the paper, Xin Ja showed a slight smile on his face and then decided to put the writing into action instead.

He grabbed a scalpel on the side and then began etching something on the table. Soon, a flicker appears after he was done.

"This is called… a basic dimension phase…" he explained.

He suddenly put his hand on the palm-size array and to Amy's surprise… a hole appears on his hand.

But when he lifted his hand, nothing seems to have happened.

"As you can see… although you are seeing this part of the table, in truth, it is already in a different place… A different dimension…"

When she heard this, a lot of questions began to bombard her mind.

"Where is this dimension that you are talking about?" she suddenly asked.

Xin Ja just showed a faint smile. The reason for this is because if they do on to investigate dimensions… then they would only come to a point where they would be stuck in a loophole.

"That is not the most important thing here… The most important thing is that… this array is not that amazing as you think it is…" Xin Ja carefully inserted the tip of the scalpel into the wooden table and with a slight movement, the table cracked.

When that crack happened, the array once again flickered.

He then put his hand on the array and nothing happened.

"A slight break on the array means it is already broken…"

Unlike regular arrays, dimensional arrays are very sensitive and fragile.

He then goes to demonstrate the rest of the arrays on the notes and explained them to her.

Amy was very engrossed in listening and taking down notes that she did not even realize that a lot of people is already gathering around them.

Xin Ja has seen this, but he did not care. The more people who knew the basics, the more his task would become easier.

A week has passed since then, and Xin Ja has stayed with the research group and has assisted a lot of the researchers in understanding the concept of the arrays.

Then he met some soldiers with quick minds and was able to learn about the arrays, hence they were put into a single group.

After a week of teaching and training them the basics, Xin Ja has finally left the research center and is now strolling around the underground training hall.

He suddenly decided to watch some of the weapons demonstrations.

It seems that some of them have surrendered the MCAWS he has handed them and decided to do research on it.

But of course, without the basic knowledge of runes, then they would just be stumped in their weapon research and development using such a technology.

Suddenly, his eyes caught a certain booth where a young man is trying to demonstrate something that looks like a mechanical arm.

But a group of men seems to have arrived at his booth and are testing his product.

It seems that these people from the research group are here to show their research for the soldiers to be of use. From what he has learned in this place, those soldiers who find the research product useful would place orders for the researchers and they would gain something from the deal.

So in that way, the researchers and weapon developers in this place could also gain their own income besides being paid by the military.

Of course, in such a deal, the military has its cuts in it.

Suddenly, Xin Ja showed a serious expression as the group of soldiers began laughing while ridiculing the young researcher.

"You mean this could help me in battle? How? This is just a lump of metal. It could only serve as a protection, but the weight of this thing out-served its usefulness in combat…" the soldier scoffed.

"No, it's not just that… I can make this thing gives you a boost of strength…" the young researcher suddenly said while showing the guy a button.

The guy pushes the button and his strength surely increases, but that is only for a few seconds.

He puts the arm gauntlet back down while his group left the booth and chuckles while shaking their heads.

"What a waste of resources…" the soldier said while shaking his head.

The young researcher suddenly had a downcast expression on his face as he slumps on his chair while feeling a bit depressed. He did not know what to do anymore. His idea was revolutionary and good, but he also knows that the practicality of it is just in his mind.

He did not even realize that a young man is already standing in front of him, as he just lowered his head while thinking deeply.

When he was recruited and assigned to one of the secret outposts of the military he was excited.

The village may look like a small unknown village, but it is actually a secret military outpost. The reason why there are many soldiers in this village is because of the current event where the demonized beasts began to rampage.

If not for that, this place would just be a usual hunting village.

But when he starts working on his idea of having metal armor in the body like those knights of old, he was excited. He started dreaming of his success. But after one year of researching and designing, he has faced one failure are another.

In the end, he still did not make it. His current advancement is the 30 seconds boost in strength for the wearer of the armor.

But that too is a failure as it added more weight to the glove.

"This is hopeless…" he suddenly muttered.

Suddenly, in the periphery of his vision, he noticed a handsome young man standing while scrutinizing the arm glove on the rack.

He heaved a sigh but did not say anything and just grumble about his own unluckiness.

"Hmm… The design is good and sturdy… But this is purely mechanical and is using some very intricate and sensitive mechanisms… In a battle, this would useless…" Xin Ja suddenly commented while looking at the arm glove.

He looks at the young man who seems to be looking at him with a confused expression.

"I wanted to talk to you about this arm glove… Do you have time?" he said with a smile.

The young man just looks at Xin Ja in confusion, but still nodded his head as he lead Xin Ja inside a small tent.


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